Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Ride in the Country --Part II

Last week, I posted a set of pictures taken from our ride in the country near our home on Sunday afternoon, June 27. If you missed that set of pictures, click
HERE . Today, I share with you six more pictures from that fun afternoon. Above are a couple of horses. We didn't see any cows on this particular trip, but there were horses around. The sky was so pretty on this day--even though it was HOT.

This is Hebbertsburg Cemetery. I always enjoy visiting old cemeteries --and this one was no exception. This cemetery was found on the top of a hill out in the country.

Someone had a very nice garden planted out there in the country...

There were so many wildflowers growing along the roads out in the country... This is Queen Anne's Lace... Pretty, isn't it?

We stopped to take some pictures --and guess who came to meet us???? THREE sweet little dogs welcomed George to their road!!

If you didn't like the log house I showed in last week's post, maybe you will like this one!!!! I do --but I still think I like the other one better!!!! BUT--if someone offered this one to me, I'd surely take it!!!!! You????

Okay--those are the things we saw in the country on that particular ride (sky, mountains, creek, fields, horses, dirt road, cemetery, barn, garden, wildflowers, dogs, and pretty log homes). What else do you hope to see when you take a ride in the country????



Anonymous said...

Pretty pictures and the weather looked perfect for a ride in the country. I love the log home! We enjoy a ride through the country and always enjoy stopping to buy garden fresh veggies!

Jane said...

Good morning Betsy!

I love old cemetaries as well. Were you able to walk around and view some of the stones? Stay cool!


diane b said...

Nothing like a ride in the country and yours looked lovely. Glad the dogs were friendly. I love reading old headstones and wonder about the families. George is in his shorts and I have sheepskin slippers and a track suit on.

pam said...

I feel like I've gone on a lovely country walk this morning!

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for saving me a tank of gas. I just love rides in the country. It is best when you are the passenger and can gawk.
There are so many stories on old headstones. I love the really old cemetaries.

Darla said...

nice drive....i did comment yesterday, sorry it didn't show up..

Beth said...

Hi, Betsy. Thanks for taking us along on your pretty drive through the Tennessee countryside. I, too, love to get lost in the country. We did that recently for the first time in a long while and it was so much fun. It's amazing how many wondrous things you see.

NCmountainwoman said...

Love the country drive, especially the cemetery.

Karin said...

I took a drive out into the country and enjoyed getting away from the city din! I do that every once in a while by myself - as that's nothing dear hubby is interested in, lol! It's just so refreshing to get away. Lots of love!!

Rose said...

I think we could ride together! We probably would not get very far though with all of us wanting to stop every little bit!

I love that first shot...just something about it. And yes, I would take either cabin!

amelia said...

Very lovely log home and I love old cemeteries too!! We have two just up the road from us and I should take pictures to post but I think we both know I won't!!!

I hope the knee is bearable..

Judy said...

I think you pretty much covered it all :)
Thanks for the ride Betsy.

Tabor said...

I felt like I was really there . You had a lovely day, obviously.

Susie said...

Girl I'd take that log cabin. Looks real comfy.

Love country road rides. It's always nice to see something besides 4 lanes of pavement.

Susan Tidwell said...

Great countryside pictures! Thanks for taking us along.

Anonymous said...

I think I like the log cabin in this post the best. I pass by a log cabin from time to time. The log cabin has an expansive view of a lake. That cabin and its view always grabs my heart whenever I pass by it.

Valerie said...

Hi Betsy! Caught p on your country drive posts - How that brings back memories to me. When I was young - every Sunday after lunch - mom and dad would pile us in the car (5 kids) and off we would go. Sometimes it was downtown (Buffalo) where my dad would take us thru the streets and we learned our way around that area. Other times it was out to the more rural areas (where I live now) as we lived in the suburban area at the time.

How funny that my parents area of suburbia - has now become much more 'citified' and the rural area is more the suburban area of today (where I live now)

Loved!!!!! the barn shot and the little road that looked like a path - either of the two log houses would set me up just fine! I find I am becoming a bit of a recluse these days - I love my solitary quiet time!

Mary said...

Drives like this are such fun. I love that old cemetery. Wandering around the oldest graves is always interesting. George found some nice furry friends :-) Those log houses are pretty neat! They might be nice to live in....you buy one and invite me down to find out how you like it! LOL

Sunny said...

No cows or sheep? Haha!
The scenery is lovely :)
☼ Sunny

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning, Betsy. Fine day for a drive:) I love old cemeteries too. That one is so interesting. Looks like many of the stones were hand cut by someone other than stone masons. I've never seen anything like them here.

Harriet said...

Great pictures! I love the Queen Anne's Lace they always remind me of summers as a kid.

Reanaclaire said...

what lovely pictures, Betsy.. wish i could visit there too!

Loran said...

Old cemeteries are cool. We have a Dry Fork Cemetery that is very rustic and I like it a lot. Great drive with all the perfect components.

Tipper said...

Wonderful pics!! Makes me wish I could walk through the cemetary-and pet the dogs too : )

DayPhoto said...

I love old cemeteries! I even like new cemeteries. Back where you live I'll bet there are lots of cemeteries as your part of the world has been settled longer than ours.

Delightful post!


Small City Scenes said...

What a lovely day for a ride in the country.
When my late husband was so ill every day I would put him in the car and we would drive down to the valley and see what the farmers were up to. He just loved his drives and so did I. I don't go that way so often any more and kinda miss it.
You chose some lovey shots to show us--thank you. MB

Catherine said...

Sadly a ride in the country in Saskatchewan doesn't hold many sitings of trees unless you are way up North.

But there is always lots of beautiful wildlife to be seen! Hawks, deer, antelope, moose, fox, coyote and of course...gophers! :) Ha!

I am hoping to get out for a ride in the country one of these evenings soon ~ always so many things to take pictures of!

Hope you are feeling good Betsy!
xo Catherine

Joy said...

Glad those dogs were friendly.
Queen Anne's lace is beautiful. I've been seeing it on the roadsides during my roadtrip.

I'll take that log cabin too. :)
♥ Joy

Anonymous said...

I do like the views and the log cabin. I am especially fond of log cabins.

Thanks for your visit to my blog post about the sunflower being wrecked by the squirrelrs.

I am not going to be able to save the sunflower as we did all we could for it last night and this morning it looks even worse.

Anonymous said...

I love this post and did go back and look at all your pictures. I will take either of those houses. I like them both. I enjoy talking to people if I see any on a ride in the country. I guess I have a thing about creeks, too. We used to stay in the creek when I lived in the country. We would swim, lie in the sun, picnic, and socialize right there in the creek. As you can imagine, there is not much to do in a place called Gravel Switch. lol. So, the creek was a meeting place. Thanks for bringing back some great memories.

Peggy said...

I enjoyed the ride in the country! Leave it to George to make friends while taking pictures. Surprised the dogs didn't won't to hop in the car to cool off. LOL Have a blessed day and stay cool through this heat wave.

nanny said...

Love everything you saw....I'm gonna take a drive soon...you motivated me to go country!

Kirigalpoththa said...

What a ride!! Beautiful!

Cheryl said...

I enjoyed the ride. I thought the first photo almost looked like a painting, it was so beautiful. I love the fact that the three dogs were happy to meet George! Hope all is going well with that knee.

Dorothy said...

I enjoyed sharing your ride in the country. I like to see old barns and old homesteads that are no longer used. I especially like to see these old home places with the flowers, set out by hands that are now dead and cold, still blooming, year after year! Anything old, like farm equipment that is antique.

Jen said...

Pretty much my daily view. I do like old barns and I'm always on the look out for barn quilts.
Hope you and your knee are happy today. :)

imac said...

Nature has many things on offer to see when you ride-walk, count me in your next ride please.

Pat Tillett said...

very nice photos and narratives Betsy! I'd like either one of the log houses!

I LOVE old cemeteries...history and memories

Elettra said...

I love the countryside and places so

Ginny Hartzler said...

Lovely pictures, I feel like I went with you! That house sure is cool! Not what you think about at all when you visulize a log cabin.

Leenie said...

Your photos show the steamy summer humidity very well. Hazy wet warm air just doesn't happen much here, even in the summer we are high and dry.

I'll bet the old cemetery would have some great stories to tell. Great trip photos!

Anonymous said...

GORRRGEOUS PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!! i just HAAAD to stop by & say hi to a Fellow Tennessean! ;)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Love the log house, any log house as a matter of fact :)
Isn't the Quenn Anne's Lace so delicate and pretty, one of my favorite wildflowers ( even though it's a carrot).
George was very brave allowing the dogs in the country to run up to him, despite the fact I work with dogs everyday, I know how territorial the one's in people's homes can be, he must carry treats ;)
A lovely tour around your part of Crossville, it brings back many memories!
Hope your staying inside on these unbearably hot days...

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

We stay "aware" of the bear population. When we were looking at property for sale the realtor would tell us if it was an area where we would have to use the iron cages with locks for trash cans...due to the bears.

Where we are now...there was no information but it's such wilderness that we figured they would pass through whether we knew it or not.

We are super cautious especially since this one showed up..Miss Morgan is NOT allowed to run around the porch anymore...boohoo!! She thinks she's 8 foot tall and bullet proof..LOL

I love, love your photo of the cemetery. I'd love a copy of that in a large size for a Halloween Collage! On our list for an outing it to stop at one cemetery we've passed that dates back to 1742. I want to take in some vellum and graphite and do some rubbings. These old markers have such neat engravings on them.

Have a great day,
Stephanie ♥

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What fantastic photos of the beautiful countryside. You sure had a wonderful Sunday afternoon ride and I enjoyed the trip very much with you all. The photos just make me feel peaceful and happy. I loved the logcabin and Queen Ann's lace.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a ride that was. and i like that log cabin, either one is fine with me. and of course I liked the horses and dogs. i am late blogging, i spent the morning taking photos of a 2 days old horse, she is a sweet little filly and will appear soon

Busy Bee Suz said...

How sweet of those dogs to welcome you and George. :)
Love the queen anne's lace...and the cows?? Awesome.
My fave though: The cemetery. Something peaceful about that cemetery...or perhaps I am just tired right now.

Barbara said...

Oh my friend I love these photos, and i do love that log house, I am with you sweetie if you were to give it to me, I would love it.
Hugs my sweet friend, Barbara

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I love those country rides.One never knows what will appear just down the road.Thanks for sharing your ride,it was most enjoyable.
How is that knee doing?I pray daily that you will be fully restored to health.

Sey said...

Hi Betsy,

Wow, it's been awhile and I miss reading your posts. I was absent in the blogosphere for a while to Ponder.

I like the second house but if someone would offer me the first house, I will take it too.

We have wonderful places here, the only difference is that when we visit places found on the top of the hill and on mountains, we usually take the ride on a cart pulled by carabaos.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

One of my very favorite things to do is just ride around in the country...I have officially become my very own Mom...I used to take her riding just as often as I could possibly could...good memories Betsy...Have a great Thursday and stay cool!!!

Marge said...

I love to go for long rides in the country! You never know what kind of surprises you'll find. Wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was a beautiful ride in the country, Betsy. I think I also like the first log home better.

♥ Pat

Marge said...

I love strawberry butter! This looks wonderful and I know you are going to have lots of fun planning the wedding!

Marge said...

oops...sorry Betsy - the last comment was for another blog - unless of course someone in your family does have wedding plans??? :)

LV said...

Enjoyed see some more lovely sights from your road trip. It looks like a great place to walk a dog. The pansies in my post today are not from my yard. I do not have a good luck with them.

Connie said...

What a lovely day for a ride! Very pretty pictures, Betsy. :)

Love Of Quilts said...

A good ride in the country helps the spirit.....I think one would do me good about now.Enjoyed your pictures. Trish

Diane said...

We're so open to what we might find when we take a drive, aren't we. And each thing we find is a special treasure. Nice pictures, Betsy, cute one of George and the dogs. The old cemetery is very beautiful, isn't it. Diane

Carletta said...

I love that first shot Betsy! The sky is indeed lovely and the rural scene a soothing treat for the senses!
Hubby and I went out today for a few grocery staples and I marveled at the amount of Queen Anne's Lace by the side of the road.
Thanks for taking us along on your lovely ride. :)

Glenda said...

Driving down country roads is one of my favorite things to do! You never know what you'll see around the next bend in the road. Love your "finds" on this trip! Hope your knee is still improving!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am loving this ride...Your posts are so much fun and so interesting...

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful countryside, a great place for a drive. I like old cemeteries too, there is so much history on the stones. I would take this log house, it looks like it has a great view.

Janie said...

Looks like a wonderful outing. I love old cemeteries, too.
On a drive, I always hope to see some wildlife -- and have my camera handy so I can photograph it in time!

dot said...

I don't think I could find anything better on a country drive than you and George found. I like to look at homes but log homes are not my favorite.