Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Gorgeous SNOW on Mt. Magazine (2-24-16) ---AND a Birthday!!!!

Mt Magazine Snow --2/24/16
On our recent trip to Arkansas,  one of the highlights was seeing some beautiful snow on the top of Mt. Magazine State Park.   On our annual trip,  we always stay at our favorite cabin at Mt. Nebo State Park.  BUT--we love to visit Mt. Magazine each year, one of the days we are there,  to do some hiking (when possible) and to eat dinner at their wonderful lodge restaurant.  This is a 'tradition' for us.  Mt. Magazine is higher in elevation than Mt. Nebo --so it's usually colder there,  and through the years,  we have encountered different weather up on that mountain.  This year was a FIRST though for us---SNOW and quite a bit of it (only at those higher elevations)...

As most of you know,  I truly LOVE snow and never see enough of it where we live in Tennessee.  George, on the other hand,  grew up in Indiana --so he's had his fill of snow, and would rather not see it... BUT--even George liked this snow (since he didn't have a driveway to clear)....

This was truly a pretty snow --a 'wet' one clinging to everything.  The roads weren't bad --and our Prius did great on the overlook roads... It was VERY cold up there (the wind would cut one in half) --so we didn't stay out of the car for long!!!!! ha...

BUT--even though we didn't hike,  we did enjoy the snow and taking LOTS of pictures.  AND--we did enjoy dinner there... GREAT day for us!!!!!

Get some coffee or hot tea or cocoa,  sit back,  and enjoy seeing 'our' snow in the comforts of your home!!!!!! AND--even if you don't like snow,  just know in your hearts how much "I" LOVED it.

ONE MORE THING:  Wednesday,  March 9th,  is George's Birthday...   I have some GREAT PLANS for him --which I'll have to share at another time!!!!  BUT---you can either wish him a Happy Birthday here (since he does read my comments) --or you can go to one of his blog posts: Click HERE and wish him a Happy Birthday...  Thank him for making ME so happy!!!! He is SUCH a wonderful wonderful man!!!!

Have a great week my friends!!!!


Here's George taking some snow pictures... Be sure to wish him a Happy 74th on Wednesday....

There was snow clinging to EVERYTHING... SO beautiful --and so white and peaceful!

Our Road ---which really wasn't as bad as it may appear!!

Me at one of the overlooks;  That wind was SOSOSOSOSO COLLLLLLDDDDDDD!!!

Many of you know how much I love seeing snow clinging to the shrubs/bushes.

At one of the overlooks ---looking at the mountains/rock formations around us

Another picture taken from the car --at all of the snow clinging to the big trees

The Crazy Woman who LOVES snow!!!

From the lodge George was taking some sunbeam pictures down in the valley below....  We had just finished an amazing dinner!

A picture I took from the lodge --looking at how interesting the snow looked clinging onto EVERYTHING in its sight

One of the cabins on the top of Mt. Magazine;  There are several cabins up here for rent --but they are all HUGE cabins --and we love our 'tiny' one (for 2-4 people) at Mt. Nebo.  BUT--the views up here are wonderful.

A view from BELOW (as we were leaving the mountain) that day;  Click on this picture --and you can see the lodge on the far left on the mountain.  Some of the cabins are to the right of that lodge toward the middle of the picture...

Here's one last picture of US in the snow.  A security maintenance man stopped when he saw us --and offered to take our picture.  He said that he had been awake all night--and was headed home for some sleep!  Wasn't that nice of him to stop?
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our pictures from Mt. Magazine..... My next blog post will be showing you some beautiful sky and sunset pictures from that trip!!!!!  Love to all!

P.S.  Is anyone having trouble with Blogger?  I had the worst time in a LONG LONG time trying to get this blog ready to publish....  Even had trouble with the curser disappearing.   CRAZY.


Liene said...

Happy birthday to your wonderful photographer and companion!!! Beautiful pictures, and what a beautiful snow! I miss the white stuff so... (And no problems with blogger here, I hope you figure things out!)

Gail said...

Great pictures. This is my favorite kind of snow but also is the kind that breaks limbs and kills the power lines. I'm glad you had a wonderful time.

Happy Birthday, George. You make your wife bubble over with happiness. Thank you.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I love seeing the snow from the comfort of my warm house. Pretty views and images. I love the last shot of you and George!

Happy Birthday to George, I hope he has a great day!

Ann said...

Beautiful pictures of the snow. I like it much better when I can look at it in pictures instead of in real life.
Wishing George a very happy Birthday.

LV said...

As always, the best show around through your lens. You enjoy the snow and being out in it and I will stay by the fire. Best wishes George for another Happy Birthday. Seems they come around more often for me.
Betsy, be sure to visit Blue Monday today.

George said...

You got some great pictures of the snow on top of Mount Magazine. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much (I did, too).

Betsy said...

It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time Betsy. I'm glad you were able to get out and about in the snow and the driving wasn't too bad. We haven't had much snow here at all this winter which makes me very happy. Happy birthday to George! I love seeing how happy the two of you are together. George, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a very happy and blessed year to come.
Blessings, Betsy

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy,these pictures show the absolute beauty of snow.I love them all.You know I love snow,even though I live much further north and usually see lots of snow.The one with the red cabin surrounded by snow covered trees is probably my favourite,if I had to pick only one.I have found blogger to be temperamental at times.

David said...

Betsy, I'm with George! You can have the snow...being from Chicago, I've seen enough snow for a life time! I do admit that it is pretty if you don't have to go out in it. Your photos were great...beautiful scenery! No blogger problems here... Happy Birthday George! I'm sure that Betsy has something special planned... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! But, wait, didn't you have snow growing up too? We sure did in the Shenandoah Valley. My first day to learn to drive was just after a seventeen inch snow. My instructor said it was best to learn to drive in it from the beginning. I have to add that here, now in Indiana, they do a fantastic job of clearing the roads.
They always seems to be well prepared with the proper equipment and lots of salt. When you are wanting more snow, just pull out these gorgeous photos!!


linda m said...

Beautiful pictures. Glad you got your snow fix. Happy Birthday George!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It is a beautiful snow! I can't wait to hear what you do for George's birthday.

Arkansas Patti said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE. Might be hard to top that delicious winter scene you enjoyed in Arkansas (minus the snow shovel) but I know you will both find a way to celebrate the day and make it special. Make it a great day and year.

Shug said...

Hey there friend......I sure have enjoyed all of your snow pictures.....so glad you all got to enjoy a lot of the white stuff this Winter season.. glad that you've shared them too.... I wished George a happy EARLY birthday. Can't wait to see how you all celebrate!! fun times

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday to George. : )
Beautiful photos,

Connie said...

I feel the same way George does when it comes to snow, but I'm glad you got to enjoy it, Betsy, because I know how much you love it. Your photos are beautiful. You got some really nice shots of all that white.

Happy birthday to George!

Neal said...

Gorgeous Betsy. I love snow like that. Wish we could have been with you.

Happy Birthday George.....watch out for Betsy....no telling what she'll do (to you).

Linda P said...

You both look has if you're having fun in the snow. Wonderful pictures. Wishing your husband a very happy birthday on Wednesday.

Chatty Crone said...

Those were some gorgeous photos and such a pretty snow. I wish we had one this year. Happy birthday GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful pics Betsy and a Belated Happy Birthday to your better half. LOL Looks like ya'll had a very enjoyable time. Hugs, Love and Blessings. xo

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful snowfall! I love when snow is sticky and provides such great pictures.

Devilish Angel said...


Annesphamily said...

Hi Betsy, wonderful photo shares. I was in my grocery store this morning and they were giving away free calendars. I found a beautiful Colorado calendar with lots of great outdoor shots. I thought of you and George and the beautiful calendar you gave us last year and the love you two have of all these beautiful outdoor photos. Had to share that with you. The snow looks cold but we have had wonderful warmer weather and today they said rain. I looked out our window and it was snowing. I had to go out to the shed and it was more like icy sleet falling from the sky. It was so cold and I still can not seem to get warmed up. Brrrr.......Good to see you here and thank you for sharing. xo Anne

Linda said...

Marvelous photos! Nice of that man to take your picture. Hope George's birthday is all he could wish.

Is it blogger acting up? I thought it was my computer! And don't get me started on Facebook!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Give George an extra hug from me for his 74th birthday on Wednesday. these snow shots are fantastic Betsy.

Ms. A said...

Happy Birthday, George! Lovely images, Betsy!

Jeevan said...

Wow! Very beautiful capture on the nature’s decoration with snow... the trees and shrubs resemble wonderful abstracts with snow clinging to its branches. Very interesting to note the differences in weather between the mountain top (cladding with snow) and valleys with sun light... make feel/look impressive. Love the way your cheers the so so cold and snow!

Btw. My advance greeting to George and wishing you both led with happiness

Big Dude said...

Great shots of a beautiful snow which I know you loved. Hope you have a very nice BD tomorrow George - I know Betsy will treat you right.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That WAS a beautiful snow, and it looks like your Prius was the first vehicle on the road that day. You must be accumulating some pretty high miles on that faithful vehicle by now. :)

Wishing George a very happy 74th birthday!

Marcia said...

Happy Birthday to George!

Another lovely trip!

Stop by my blog and read my big news! That's the only hint I'm giving!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I'm like George, I've seen enough snow through the years to last me so I was very happy we had such a mild winter. I did enjoy your pretty photos, tho. It looks like a fantastic place to visit. If we can ever get further south than Branson, we'll have to check it out sometime! Happy Birthday to George tomorrow! My birthday is coming up next week and we'll be in Branson. Yay!
Have a great week!

Beth said...

Gorgeous!!! I too love snow! But you had a beautiful sky whereas on the day I took pictures, it was overcast and everything is in shadow.
You all are so blessed with these trips!'
A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to George! Wow, he is in great shape and appearance for 74!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks for sharing the snaps. I love that one with the red cabin, snowy scene with blue sky and puffy clouds. Gorgeous! Have a tremendous afternoon and evening and enjoy your yards!

Dee said...

Beautiful pictures!!!! Happy 74 Birthday, George!!!! Loved the Hardy Falls picture!!

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Brilliant photos !
Happy birthday to George.

Pat Tillett said...

Happy Birthday George!
Betsy, I love snow also, but only from a distance. It never snows here, but I can see it in the local mountains. Now that I think about it, a few days of snow (or one day) would cause utter chaos here. Bring it on!
Lots of fantastic photos in this post!

Rose said...

Oh, my, Betsy...these are so beautiful! LOVE that first shot...

Deb J. in Utah said...

Oh dear, I missed George's birthday! I'm sure it was happy! I love the pictures of the snow. You too have so much fun! I love it! Have a great weekend.

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous! I know you were so excited to see that much snow!

Kay said...

Oh my gosh! These are the most beautiful snow photos! I love it. You've really captured the beauty and fun of winter snow. And Happy Birthday to George! You are the happiest couple in blogland.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! I saw some on facebook, but you made many more here. Many people do not like snow, but I love it! It makes everything look so beautiful and gives a nice sense of silence to the surroundings. I'm glad George had a very happy and memorable birthday!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I've stopped trying to analyse the reason that snow is so incredibly beautiful to touch, be in, photograph and watch... it just is. Gorgeous photos Betsy! Really lovely.