Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Would you do THIS?

On June 16, George took me on my first outing since I had my knee surgery on June 3. We went to see the waterfalls around the Tellico River area near Tellico Plains, TN. If you want to see my first post from that trip, click

Above is a beautiful picture of the Tellico River. It was a hot June day--and we enjoyed sitting by the water that day... There's no better place to be in the summer.

While in that area, we watched some kayakers going over Baby Falls... Below are some pictures George took using the 'sports' feature on the camera --which takes one picture right after the other.... Here they are---plus a couple more pictures from that day.

Would you do this????? Actually, to be honest, the Kayakers were being more careful than the crazy teenagers who were diving and jumping into the river from the high rocks above... THAT was scary... If parents only knew what their teens are doing when they are at places like this which are SO dangerous...

Here's another great picture of some of the smaller waterfalls we saw that day while driving on the dirt road beside the Tellico River. This is such a gorgeous area of Tennessee.

Here's a picture of me --taken that day in front of Bald River Falls. You can see my big left knee --since at that time it had only been 2 weeks since my surgery. NOW--that knee looks more normal.

Have a great Monday... Thanks for all of your thoughts from my last blog requesting bloggers not to use the embedded comment form. If you missed that, check back at my previous post. People have been suggesting that we have some Blogger Tips --so I will try to give one each day for awhile. I'd also LOVE to hear your thoughts and tips --on making blogging much easier for everyone. Thanks!!!!

BLOG TIP 2: Take out the word verification UNLESS you absolutely need it. IF you are approving all comments anyhow, why do you need to do both? I know that it has to do with SPAM--but since you are verifying comments, you can always delete/reject the spam comments and the ones you don't want published before allowing them to be published. (Please note that these are just my suggestions --and you can do whatever is easy for you. I will still continue to go to your blog regardless.)



Jane said...

Gorgeous pictures as always. Nope, kayaking is not for me - don't like being so confined. Good thoughts about the comment verification. Jayne has an interesting post this morning about receiving so much spam. I occasionally get a naty anonymous comment, but not much else that is unpleasant. Stay cool!


Tabor said...

My husband has gotten the magazine Canoe and Kayak for years and he says it is now all about the extreme end of the sport. No more quiet water exploration stories!

Catherine said...

I would NOT NOT NOT do either ~ Kayaking or jumping! I am MUCH too chicken! haha!

George sure took some great action shots!

Have a Happy Monday Betsy!
xo Catherine

diane b said...

What a fabulous place for a summers day cool off but I wouldn't do that! More like dip my toes in. You are looking great.

Michele said...

Yikes... nope, I wouldn't do it if you gave me a million dollars... oh wait! ummm.... I'll have to rethink that offer... haha....

I'm glad your knee is getting a bit better each day. I have a bad knee as well and they have contemplated surgery but will not do it at the time until my epilepsy is under control.

You look beautiful as ever, you have such a wonderful smile!

Hugs and kisses♥

pam said...

I've gone kayaking, but never over a drop like that!

penny said...

I feel cooler already, Betsy. Its a beautiful waterfall and a great place to be adventurous as long as its done safely.
I don't think I'll try going over waterfalls any time soon but I certainly enjoy the action photos of others doing it.
aww, to be young again...
naa, I still wouldn't go over the falls :)

Arkansas Patti said...

I am a kayaker but receational, not white water. I would love to have seen that however.
So glad you are scooting around better. Keep up the good work.
I will try your method but if I get lots of spam I will quit. We have poopy email service here and sometimes the only way I can access my comments is to print them through blogger dashboard which only shows a smidgin and trashcan rarely works.
We will see what happens.

Arkansas Patti said...

Ha, just looked and I am all ready doing that. Guess it works fine.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That kayaker is nuts! Nuff said. And the teenagers, don't even get me started! They all think they are immortal and that nothing will happen to them, only other people. Ouch, I see your knee! But you look like you've lost weight, also. With getting less exercise, who'd have thought. I think you were just totally worn down from pain and lach of sleep. I'm so sorry for you about the whole thing, but it looks like the worst is over. Hope you have a lovely Monday!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

If it was George taking the photo, then it must be you doing the kayaking. LOL.

Your knee getting better?

Sue Ellen said...

So very serene....but not in a Kayak (sp)! I have white water rafted once! It was all the thrill I needed!!! Glad you knee is almost back to normal!

Beth said...

Wonderful pictures, Betsy. No, I would never be a shooting-the-rapids-going-over-waterfalls kind of kayaker. I prefer a leisurely, peaceful float down a lazy river. Or sitting by the river on the rocks watching others do exciting things. That's plenty enough excitement for me. :-)

You look great in that photo---I'm glad the swelling in your knee has gone down.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YIKES and NO! i would not do it, but I would do what George did and put the Rebel on sport and click away. photos are great. i like the name Baby Falls.
glad your leg is better. I have only gotten 3 spam in the year i have been blogging.

Susie said...

The kayakers look like they are having a blast but no, I wouldn't do that.

That looks like a fun place to go. I'm about ready for some vacation.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful scenes.I definitely would be the person standing on solid ground taking the pictures.A risk taker I am not.I love the new header picture,it looks like one can see forever in this scene.I hope you will have a fantastic day.We are headed out for breakfast with friends,sounds like a good start to the day.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take off the word verification once again. I'd rather not have to do word verification on other peoples' blogs, so I will try to do without on my blog. I probably can handle a few spam comments a day. After all the spam comments are very easy to distinguish from the good comments.

Nice pictures of the waterfalls. I would enjoy watching the kayaking, but I would not do it. You mentioned teenagers jumping into the water. In my current blog post about South Point, HI people jump from those cliffs into the ocean. We didn't see this during our visit; however, I saw lots of pictures of this activity on the Internet ... google "South Point, HI".

Loran said...

No way would I do that in a kayak! It's a beautiful place, though.

Big Dude said...

I love that area and have visited it often. You took some great shots and it makes me feel cooler just looking at them. I'll pass on the kayaking over the falls.

amelia said...

Lovely pics and no, I wouldn't do that. We do however canoe a bit in the summer, we live on a lake and it would be silly not to. I'm not as adventurous as I used to be though and will only go out now if the lake is calm!! I'm a big chicken!!
Glad the knee is coming along..

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful, scenic area for sure. I'll leave the adventures to someone else; I just like looking and taking photos from a distance!!! Glad your knee is improving. You look wonderful.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I would never have the courage to go over a waterfall in a little boat but I do know they are usually very well trained and have lots of safety equipment.

Glad to hear you knee is doing so well.

Karin said...

In one word - NO!!! Great action shots of this able kayaker! You look great Betsy and trust that every day you'll improve your knee.

We're enjoying our visit in the Rockies!!

Snap said...

beautiful waterfalls and i definitely would not be doing what the kayakers are doing. have the kitten in my arms typing with one hand!!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I still have not kayaked...but I won't do it down a rushing river that is for sure.
As far as the jumping off the rocks, that is crazy. We have a high school friend that has been paralyzed for the last 20 years from doing just that.

great tips Betsy. I can't think of anything else!!!

Small City Scenes said...

What a beautiful area and the waterfalls are EXTRA nice.
Glad you are up and about and feeling good.
I don't mind canoeing on a placid lake but kayaking over the falls-NO THANK YOU!!!


Janice K said...

NO -- I don't think so....But it was interesting to see him going over the falls still in the action of rowing or manuvering his boat, not even looking off balance.

Besides the beautiful waterfalls, I like your new header...such lovely clouds in that blue, blue sky.

nanny said...

I love these pictures...You two go to the most beautiful places!
No mam, you wouldn't catch me doing that/ha
So glad you are out and about again!!!

Susan Tidwell said...

Beautiful river and NO I would not do that! I don't think we have been to this one, will have to check it out!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Thye are beautiful falls, Betsy. I would kayak but I wouldn't go over falls in one ...especially without a helmet! On conk on the head by a rock and it might be "lights out!"

I also agree that word verification doesn't need to be used if a blogger is using comment moderation. The blogger can just delete the spam before allowing it to be published.

Diane said...

OK, you asked! NO I would not do that. I value my life too much. And somebody else always has to pay the bill for these extreme sports - I think they ought to get a job!!! (Sorry - just one of my sore spots)

Thanks for the tips, Betsy. I can always use them. Hope you have a great day and that your knee is getting better all the time. George sure has a great feature on that camera, those are great shots!

Kirigalpoththa said...

I will kayak but will never jump off from a waterfall :)
Gorgeous pictures as always!

How is your knee now?

Chris said...

Would I go over a waterfall in a kyack? NOT A CHANCE.Lovely spot though Betsy and I like to see other people being adventurous. I bet you are glad to be back in action again.

Barbara said...

Oh I do love the photos, but a hardy NO in doing it, too scary for me for sure, even when I was young I would of not did it.
Love that part of the Country and such wonderful waterfalls there is.
Lots of hugs and blessings, Barbara

Kay said...

This place is beautiful! And that kayaker is CRAZY!

Julie said...

I would just die if I thought my kids could be jumping into a rocky area like that! OMG! How dangerous! Good grief...what do teenagers think about??? These kayakers must be having a load of fun, but NO I don't think I would want to do that AT ALL!!! Would you????? Yeek!

Thanks for asking people to turn off word verification...it is only a bother and not worth the time we all waste doing it!

I Am Woody said...

Ha! While I was reading, I was thinking that I would jump off of it!!

Love Of Quilts said...

No way would I do this or would I jump even when I was young I didn't jump into water....of couse I couldn't swim.
I do wish everone would get rid of the word verification its so time consuming.Have a great week. Trish

Shelley said...

That looks like scary kayaking to me Betsy! Give me a calm lake or river any day. Those were nice shots - beautiful water!!

Cheryl said...

Mark has done some of "this" type of kayaking but he is experienced. Me, I refuse to! We now kayak together in nice, quiet water! So glad the knee is on the mend. Tell George the photos were fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I think George did a great job with his camera on these shots. I use the sports feature on some bird shots as well and like it very much.

Share one of your favorite recipes...

I need help.

I am trying to get some favorite family recipes from some of my favorite bloggers. I even started a new blog to hold them and I have already received some submissions and more have been promised.

I would like for you to type out your favorite family recipe. Nothing fancy, just whatever type is on your machine. Include your photo of yourself or of the dish you send or both. I can usually use your blogging profile photo if that is OK with you. Include the recipe.

I will post your recipe with your pictures and I am working on whether or not to include links. Links are no problem but so many people switch blogging services and that would make your link non-working, so I will probably not link your blog.

Send the recipe, with your photo and a photo of your recipe in a dish or whatever, to:

Fat Lady Recipes

Thank you for your recipe.

Abe Lincoln

Darla said...

Beautiful falls...glad your knee is better.

Together We Save said...

Wonderful pictures... you always share the best!! I don't think I would ever be the one going over the falls, way to scary!

Sey said...

I would like to try Kayaking but not on that river....My heart would leave me before I would go down on the falls. LOL!!!! I am hoping the kayakers are still alive. Just seeing them on the pictures makes my heart beats faster.

I would love to take pictures on solid ground than be on his position (so scary)

P.S, You look beautiful on the picture!

Sunny said...

You mean that's not you in the kayak? haha!
Great action shots, Betsy, and beautiful scenery.
☼ Sunny

Glenda said...

Incredible action shots . . . and no, I wouldn't even think of doing that!! The falls are just beautiful! I'd love to be sitting near one today listening to the the rushing waters!

Pedaling said...

I probably would Not do that, but it's fun to see those who know what they are doing, go for it.
I think of all the crazy things I did as a kid, like jumping off high rocks; it's a wonder we survived!
I love your photo and blog tips.

Rose said...

You couldn't pay me enough to go over those falls in that kayak...

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful river, I love how it flows past the green trees in your first shot.

Would I do that? If it was a little lower and I was in a raft I might. I and some friends use to do white water rafting on the Nanthala, that was fun.

Glad to hear the knee is doing better. Crossing my fingers that more folks will get rid of comment verification and go to pop up comments, it would make life so much easier.

LV said...

No way would I do that. I do not even like getting in a regular boat. It is a lovely place and one I am sure would be nice to visit. Glad you are improving. I appreciate any suggestions you give on blogging. As you know, I do not understand all this. In fact, I did what I thought you told me to do on the comment drop down thing. I hit the drop down box like you said, at first I got a small box. But now I have a whole page like this of yours. Is it okay? Thanks.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Even when I was young enough to have attempted this, my instinct would have told me NO !
I've done daring stunts on horseback, but wouldn't want to try something like this.
Truly awesome pictures George took, you can feel the waterfall spray almost.
Glad to hear your knee is doing better !

Joe Todd said...

Glad your knee is better and I really enjoyed the sequence of photos. I've been a little behind on commenting Linda and I have been processing peaches the last couple days. Hope you are having a great week

Anonymous said...

I kayak, but I'd never take my playboat kayak over that falls! I am the sedate lake kind of boater. The area in your pictures looks refreshing, pleasing, and beautiful!

The Retired One said...

I am behind in reading blogs...have had a ton of company and we are really pushing to finish renovating our guest house (I hope to blog some photos when we are all done)...so forgive me if I haven't read your blog in a while....I have prepublished some of my blogposts and answered comments but I am wayyyyy behind in reading others' blogs.
Loved the action shots of the kayaker!!!

Harriet said...

Love the pictures! Looks like you had a great first trip after surgery.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Noooooo....I wouldn't do that, either! Kayak is really lovely when it's not "extreme"...we kayak on vacation with our ten year old granddaughter and she loves it. As for jumping...nahhhhh! Don't think so! :)

Velvet Over Steel said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures, Betsy! & Actually, I would love trying that! :-) It does seem a lot safer than what the teenagers you described were doing. I'm sure I wouldn't want to know some of the things my older boys did when they were younger. I'm sure they took risk!
Hope you are doing really, really well!!!

Mary said...

I think that I will pass on going over the falls....even a small one! Must be fun if you are young :-) Glad your knee is doing better. I hate word verification, but some people seem to need it.

Lola said...

Beautiful pics. All of them.
So glad you are doing better.
Still waiting to have mine done.

Connie said...

No, I wouldn't do that. I'm not brave enough for that. Pretty pictures! I'd rather enjoy the water from the banks. HA! :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

What neat pics, Betsy, but I have to say that I wouldn't go over those falls for anything. You are so right that diving into water like that is dangerous. Mr. Magpie jumped off a thirty foot trestle into about 3 and a half feet of water when we were in high school and broke his back and ankles. It's a miracle he didn't kill himself. But a sand bar had shifted in the river, and he didn't know because it was muddy. Other people were jumping off in other spots, and it was fine. But he paid dearly for an afternoon of "fun."

Glad your knee is healing nicely.


Sheila :-)

Jesson Balaoing said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I would never do that, sometimes I wonder how far you go taking your life in your own hands.

Dorothy said...

No! I wouldn't do that! Too scary for me! Also the jumping in from a high perch! Many have been paralyzed by doing that. Great shot of this dangerous sport!

DayPhoto said...

No...NO WAY!


Carletta said...

Oh my gosh NO, I wouldn't do that!
It might have been fun to watch. :)
You look good in the pic Betsy!
It won't be long and you'll be right back hiking at George's side.

Debbie Taillieu said...

I love Waterfalls!!!! I love everything about them. l love hiking to the top of waterfalls when given the chance and watch them rush over the edge and plunge to the waters below. But there is no way, no how, I'm I ever going to take a ride over the top of one!!! Great pictures!