Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Celebration of LOVE

Us on Valentine's Day 2014
George and I love to celebrate ---as most of you know!!!!  This year on Valentine's Day was no exception.  Our plans changed ---so we were at home this past week!  (More on that in Wednesday's blog post.)  BUT--that didn't keep us from having a great time together.

The picture above was taken of us at home before we opened gifts and then went out to dinner...  I have mentioned my new glasses --but here are some photos with me wearing them.  I have never worn glasses (except to read)...  I thought this was going to be a huge transition time for me---but I have adjusted to the Progressive Lens (Bifocals without lines) rather easily.   George says he likes me in glasses --but he 'would' say that you know!!!!! ha...  Anyhow ---I can SEE now much better so that is what is important.

We first opened cards to each other ---and as many of you know,  I LOVE getting cards (although most people don't send them much these days).

Here is George opening his card. I think he liked it!!!!!

George actually gave me TWO gifts this year...  I have been begging him for a big picture of one of his special water shots (with his special filter)... This beautiful  Framed Poster (of George's photo) was taken above Bald River Falls near Tellico Plains, Tennessee.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I gave George (actually US) two new Valentine's Coffee/ Tea mugs...  I love the heart- shaped handles.  If you can't read it,  it says that 'we go together like the moon and stars'.  Don't you think that that fits the two of us quite well????? ha

Here is a picture I took of George as he opened his little gift.   (We have already tried the mugs ---and the hot tea tasted really good in them!!!!)

Okay---so here is the other gift George gave me.   NOTE that it is the same photo (he took)...  He couldn't decide which to get,  the canvas (above) or the framed poster... SO--since Zazzle ran a special,  he got them both... I love them both--but the canvas is definitely my favorite.  It's now on the wall in our Computer Room (Office) with the others he has gotten.  SO SO SO gorgeous....

SO---what did I decide to do with the Framed Poster?  It's hanging on the wall in our bedroom --and I can see it when I step out of bed each morning.... Love it there!!!!

I think George was pleased with the Canvas---and since he took that photo,  I wanted a picture of him with it!!!!!   LOVE it and LOVE him!!!!

Finally,  here is another photo of the two of us on our sofa ---before we left for a fantastic dinner at the Olive Garden.... Wow---what a celebration and what a fabulous day!!!  Thank You, Sweetheart,  for another beautiful day with you in paradise!!!!! I am so blessed.

Hope you had a good week ---and hope you found LOVE and BLESSINGS on Valentine's Day --and EVERY DAY.

This coming Wednesday---I'll share about our disappointment ---but also about some JOYS in our lives this past week!!!!  So tune back in then!



Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

It was such a pleasure to read about your wonderful Valentine's Day. You two are truly an inspiration! And you look great in those progressive lens glasses! (I've worn progressives for some years now and really like them.) So glad you're seeing better. Your gifts to each other are so lovely, so meaningful. I just loved reading this post!

Linda P said...

It did my heart good to read your post and see you two lovely people exchanging
such meaningful gifts on Valentine's Day. Your new spectacles suit you, Betsy. I've been wearing this type of prescription glasses for many years and manage well with them. I often take them off for photos! Ha, ha! The Olive Garden sounds like a nice place to go out to dine.

Ann said...

Well the two of you had a great Valentines Day. I have to say both of you just radiate with happiness :)
Love the mugs you got George, those are perfect for you and so cute

Arkansas Patti said...

You two are just the cutest couple ever. I loved the canvas the best but both are great. Those cups are precious.
I really like you in glasses and so glad you adjusted so well. Sometimes that first time with a bifocal can trip us up.

diane b said...

You sure had a nice day with nice gifts and cards. You are both so romantic. You look good in the new glasses too.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad you all had a great valentines. Were you snowed in like us?

eileeninmd said...

What a sweet Valentine's celebration. It is so nice to see you two so in love! Wonderful photos, have a happy day!

linda m said...

I am so happy your Valentine's Day turned out so special for you two. I love the gifts you gave each other. you look very nice in your new glasses. You and George make such a cute couple and are so blessed to have found each other and the love that you two share for each other.

Shug said...

Such a sweet evening that the two of you shared. Those are some cute, cute mugs and they even have your names on them!! George is an awesome photographer and it is so wonderful how he is able to turn his pictures into a beautiful gift for you. This is so special.... Are you still going to make that trip that the two of you had planned? I love Olive Garden...!! Great Valentines for the two of you... love it!

Shug said...

Such a sweet evening that the two of you shared. Those are some cute, cute mugs and they even have your names on them!! George is an awesome photographer and it is so wonderful how he is able to turn his pictures into a beautiful gift for you. This is so special.... Are you still going to make that trip that the two of you had planned? I love Olive Garden...!! Great Valentines for the two of you... love it!

Unknown said...

You two really know how to celebrate, love it :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It was fun to share your Valentine's Day celebration through this post. I'm smiling. Love the waterfall prints. And, honestly, I wouldn't have even noticed your glasses if you hadn't pointed them out. (That's meant as a compliment. I'm really not crazy about glasses that scream "Look at me!") They're perfect for you.

Big Dude said...

As always, you guys had a very special day.

Pat - Arkansas said...

What wonderful sweethearts you are, and what sweet hearts you have. May God's blessings continue to be upon you.

Pat - Arkansas said...

What wonderful sweethearts you are, and what sweet hearts you have. May God's blessings continue to be upon you.

Liene said...

Those are the cutest mugs - I like that they are personalized. My husband and I also exchange cards, the flowers and chocolates have never seemed very important. Happy Valentines Day!

Catherine said...

I like your new glasses. They suit you! Looks like you and your sweetie had a terrific day.
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like you had the perfect day

camp and cottage living said...

It look s like it was a wonderful day with your sweetheart!
I like you in your glasses too, Betsy.
And the photo is beautiful!

Roadrunner Chronicles said...

Wow - very nice! And I like the pictures! And mugs

I Am Woody said...

What a special celebration! Russell and I love to check out "dive" restaurants. We heard of one in Murfreesboro that supposedly served a great burger. So that was our celebration. And yes, they did serve a really good burger :)

Janice K said...

I am so happy for you both!! The pictures turned out great, and I agree with George, "You look nice in glasses."

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy Yes it did my heart good to read this post and George and your love is inspiring. Great gifts you gave to one another.

Jeevan said...

A beautiful post of sharing and gifts of love :) Wish you both were left together forever... that’s cute mugs and great phrase to go together. Seeing your canvas, I too wish framing my photos on nature

Sylvia K said...

Always brings smile and giggles and pleasure to see and actually be able to feel the love you have for one another! Thank you for sharing the fun and the beauty -- and the love! Have a great new week!!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
You two look like you have had a very special day! you are a wonderful couple who are clearly in love - you do look lovely in your glasses and the mugs are the cutest! x x x

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your photos of a special day.

Anonymous said...

Such sweet shots!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love seeing the two of you together and obviously so happy. That thrills my heart.Keep on loving and laughing together.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So happy for you both. I like your new glasses and you look great! The new mugs are cute and that photograph of the water falls is special! Have a great Tuesday tomorrow!

Nellie said...

It looks like a perfect Valentine's Day, Betsy! The two of you are just adorable together! xo Nellie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Awwww.. you are two sweet lovebirds! Your gifts to each other are so wonderful--love George's photo and the cute mugs you gave to him, Betsy.

My husband and I always buy and write out cards to each other--I've saved them all over the years and even moved the box of them with us last year--I could not give them up!

We celebrated Valentine's Day with a nice dinner out with friends at the Manor House here in our community.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Awwww.. you are two sweet lovebirds! Your gifts to each other are so wonderful--love George's photo and the cute mugs you gave to him, Betsy.

My husband and I always buy and write out cards to each other--I've saved them all over the years and even moved the box of them with us last year--I could not give them up!

We celebrated Valentine's Day with a nice dinner out with friends at the Manor House here in our community.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Awwww.. you are two sweet lovebirds! Your gifts to each other are so wonderful--love George's photo and the cute mugs you gave to him, Betsy.

My husband and I always buy and write out cards to each other--I've saved them all over the years and even moved the box of them with us last year--I could not give them up!

We celebrated Valentine's Day with a nice dinner out with friends at the Manor House here in our community.

chicchina said...

Love is wonderful and I read it in awe of your ageless eyes and into your own words. Beautiful!!

Sally Wessely said...

You two are the ultimate sweethearts. I love how you celebrate your love in so many ways.

Miss Debbie said...

Sounds like you two had a sweet time together. I thought for a moment that our Hubbys had bought the same card. They are different, but mine has a big red rose on the front, too!

A Colorful World said...

Oh Betsy, what fabulous gifts to each other! Very sweet...like the two of you! I like those nice glasses too by the way! We are at 80s and 90s now with spring flowers blossoming everywhere...will post some pics soon! I may only have a small garden this year (smaller! it's already small) because the time expended, plus the cost of soil and water, etc. isn't balancing out. Oh well.

Susie Swanson said...

Awe, I so enjoyed this post. You two are so sweet and I can see the love in your eyes. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs, xo

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Always awesome to celebrate love!!!

David said...

Betsy, We just exchange cards at Valentine's Day. We gave up on gifts some time ago but we both focus on the card selection and what they say! We were going to go out for Valentine's Dinner this year but the snow storm stopped us in our tracks...

Laurie is the 'card lady' on both sides of our family. Hallmark and the Postal Service love her! She sends birthday cards, cards for major and minor holidays, graduation cards, cards for showers, weddings, promotions, deaths, illness, new homes, etc. There is no stopping her!

Ain't love grand! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lynda said...

You picked a great style of frames. They really do make you look more beautiful. I have been in bifocals since my mid-forties! My sight is not as bad as my husband's was before Lasek Surgery but bad enough to need glasses.
This post was wonderful - just like your day! With all of George's pictures, you could just about have a public viewing!!! Olive Garden was a delicious choice.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Sweet post, Betsy! I love your new glasses, you look great with them on. I love your new waterfall canvas, too. George did a super job.

I love the Olive Garden, but BG really wanted a steak so we went for steaks for our Valentine dinner. We had a wonderful evening. He was in one of his "cut up" moods, so I laughed and laughed at his antics all evening. I love it when he does his impersonations. lol!

Take care and have a great week!

carolina nana said...

You look great in your new glasses. I have worn progressive lens for years and love them. Once you get used to them they are great.
Looks like you two had a wonderful Valentines even with the snow-out !

SquirrelQueen said...

The two of you always seem to make holidays even more special just by being together. I love the photos that George gave you Betsy. The mugs are so cute.

Anonymous said...

It was a great pleasure to see you both enjoying the valentine day. Love has no age. It can be at all peoples. Both of you look so young with a beautiful smile on your face.
Both have received beautiful gifts.

~mel said...

Very sweet post! LOVE seeing people in LOVE :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

The mugs are the cutest thing ever. You do go together like the moon and stars….or even like peas and carrots. Although, I don't like peas, so lets stay with the moon and stars! HA.
Well, now you've done it….you have caught up with me and my progressive lenses. :) I do like them too, although going up/down stairs is still a bit dangerous for me!
Happy late VD.

Connie said...

You two make me smile, Betsy. Such great pictures of you. I love your new glasses too! Those mugs are really cute, and the canvas George gave you is beautiful!

Small City Scenes said...

Valentine's Day is the perfect holiday for you two lovers. Us too, haha!!! I am glad you had a wonderful day planning and sharing.

My computer was out for a whole day and night---back now YAY


Jazzmin said...

I so enjoyed your sweet post and photos! Wow, that picture that was your gift is absolutely incredible- amazing photography. What a great display of God's handywork :) And the mugs are so cute. That's something I would pick out if I were married... I love the thought of being able to use them for years and years, just being together on the front porch sipping tea out of heart/love mugs.

Glad you and your husband had a wonderful day together! Look forward to reading your next post.

Blessings and hugs,

LV said...

A truly remarkable way to honor each on this special day. I wish the world had more people like you two. You both are very blessed in so many ways. I am proud to call you a blogging friend.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, it is so wonderful that after many hard years you found your soulmate in George. How sweet life is. Peace.

Rose said...

I think I would choose the canvas, too. And I love those cups...they are so cute.

Carletta said...

Being a Valentine baby myself I love all things Valentine and I really love those cups!
My hubby just got me canvases of our kids and grandkids. The canvas George gave you would be my favorite too. I know you didn't get to make your trip but it looks like you had a great day.

Chatty Crone said...

Awe happy belated Valentines day.

You guys are just the cutest twosome.

I loved those two mugs - they would be perfect for my heart contest.

And no doubt George's photos were the best.


Pat Tillett said...

You two are so cute! I'm glad you had such a great day.

Twilight Man said...

I love your gifts especially the 2 mugs!! They are so cute!

You look so much younger and alive with glasses!! Perhaps you should change about few pairs like shocking pink frames or evergreens! George will be delighted!