Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July!!!!! As you enjoy this holiday today, I encourage you to fly the flag proudly and read the poem below carefully, thinking exactly what our flag really does stand for! Most of the time in this country, we take our liberty for granted. And --we seldom take time to stop and truly thank God for those Americans (past and present) who have worked hard and are still working hard for the freedoms that we enjoy.

Today, as we eat our traditional 4th of July meal (hot dogs, slaw, potato salad, and watermelon), I WILL take time to sit and look at our flag (which is pictured above--but obviously during the winter)---and I WILL pray for our soldiers and for our country in general. We all really do have so much to be thankful for. God Bless America--and God Bless YOU. Happy 4th!!!

by Lawrence M. Jones

I am a composite being of all the people of America.

I am the union if you are united.

I am one and indivisible if you are undivided.
I am as strong as the weakest link.

I am an emblem of your country.

I am a symbol of the shadow of the real.
I am a sign pointing to past achievments.
I am a promise of greater things for the future.
I am what you make me.

I am purity if you are pure.

I am bravery if you are brave.
I am loyalty if you are loyal.
I am honor if you are honorable.
I am goodness if you are good.
I am hope if you are hopeful.

I am truth if you are true.
I am the Constitution.
I am law and order.
I am tolerance or intolerance as you force me to be.

I am liberty as you understand liberty.

I am as a pillar of fire by night,
but you must provide the fuel.
I march at the head of the column,
but you must carry me on.
I stand for greater and more glorious achievement than can be found in recorded history, but you must be my inspiration.


In honor of AMERICA, I thought I'd show you a couple of Patriotic birds. The male House Finch and the male Cardinal enjoyed a meal together at my plate feeder. How appropriate on the birthday of America!!!!!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend. God Bless America!

Hugs to ALL,

P.S. Our Brown Thrasher babies have NOT fledged yet... I'm going to watch them carefully this weekend!!!! Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, We will be flying our flag proudly today also. I am so happy the thrashers have not fledged, maybe you will get some photos!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Our flag is flying. Of course we will have watermelon along with my husband bbq. Have a great one...m.

Kim said...

Powerful poem!! Happy 4th Betsy!! I can't wait to read more on the Brown Thrashers!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Such an awesome poem, thank you for sharing it.
Enjoy your July 4th....

SmilingSally said...

I join you in the celebration today and honor our flag.

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Happy 4th Betsy!!

Snap said...

Great poem and loved the birds! Happy 4th!

NCmountainwoman said...

Good luck! And have a happy Independence Day!

Neal said...

Very nice Betsy! Happy 4th of July.

Jayne said...

And a happy July 4th to you too Betsy!

amelia said...

A very Happy 4th to you and I hope it's a wonderful day!!
It's my eldest granddaughters 23rd birthday and her middle name is Liberty!!! She's Canadian!

Beth said...

A Happy Independence Day to you, too, Betsy! And here's hoping you'll get to see the little thrashers' independence day, as well! :-)

Betty said...

Wonderful poem. Happy 4th to you have a safe one. I love all of your little birds

Deborah Godin said...

Enjoy your weekend!!

Kelly said...

...beautiful. Happy Fourth to you too! We're flying our flag...(and lots of little ones in the flower post too). Like your patriotic birds, especially Red! ;-)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Happy 4th to you.As Americans,both USA and Canada we have so much to be thankful for.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a neat post for the 4Th. We have a lot of things going today, parade, Kent Fest, friends party and fireworks. I dropped you a note on our trip to Nashville.

Janie said...

These are two beautiful male birds, sharing politely.
That's an inspiration in itself!
Glad the thrashers haven't fledged. Maybe you'll get photos!

marmee said...

have the happiest of july 4th today and celebrate our blessed nation.

SquirrelQueen said...

The flag is a waving!
Have a safe and wonderful 4TH of July weekend.

Love the photo of the Finch and Cardinal, beautiful.


Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful poem. The first line roped me in with its truth. Hope someday, everyone can feel the power of freedom.

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope you are enjoying the 4th of July weekend. Love the birds getting along at the feeder!

Nance said...

Very appropriate poem, Betsy!
And I hope you don't mind, I linked your blog to mine so I can come back here anytime.
Happy fourth!

Elaine said...

Great post on the Fourth, Betsy. What a powerful poem....I've never seen it before. I particularly like the name of your blog. My middle son and his family just moved to Nashville a few weeks ago so now I am curious about everything and everyone in Tennessee! LOL I've been through your lovely state a few times, and I'm originally from the South myself, so I knew they'd love it there. Hope you had a super day today! :)

KayEllen said...

Happy 4th to you too!

Sweet pictures of the finch's...ahhhh


Unknown said...

Happy 4th July! I really enjoyed the poem and your flag is flying proudly too!

Shelley said...

Great post for the 4th Betsy! i have my flag flying too! Loved your patriotic birds!

Joy said...

What a great picture of the two males out to eat together. I guess they left the wives back at the nest.
