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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Brother and Sister

Although I felt many times like an 'only' child, I did have two older brothers. Brother Ray was born in 1922; Brother Jimmy was born in 1930; and I was born in 1942. Even though my brothers were alot older---and were grown and gone before I was old enough to realize the age differences, I still looked up to both of them--and missed them when they were gone.

Unfortunately, we lost Jimmy in 1985--when he lost his battle with cancer. Daddy had died in 1969 and Mom died in 1991. Ray and I are the only two members of our immediate family who are still alive. And Ray is not in very good health himself.

I always enjoy my visits to Jacksonville to see my brother. We will visit him this year in August. He lost his wife (my sister-in-law, Evelyn) in September of 2007 --and misses her terribly. They had moved to Westminster Retirement Community several years ago--and had worked their way from owning an apartment there to assisted living and eventually to the skilled nursing facility (which is where Ray still is).

Ray has three grown children (which I will feature in another blog) ---who visit him fairly regularly although all of them live a long ways from Jacksonville. The picture above is Ray and me---taken about 1945. There is one more picture below.

This picture was taken in September of 2007. Ray looks more and more like our Dad --as he gets older. Bless his heart! Please pray for him!

Hope you are continuing to have a fabulous holiday weekend.

P.S. The Brown Thrashers fledged sometime YESTERDAY---and even though I had checked on them several times, I missed it!!! Oh Well. (I really don't think they would have fledged if I had have been out there watching. Brown Thrashers are very private birds!!!)

They are now high in one of the many trees in the empty lot next door. I cannot see them---but I've seen the parents going back and forth into the lot several times.. I will keep an eye out for them. Maybe Mom/Dad will bring them to the suet feeder when they are a little older!!!!


Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures of you and Ray. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Too bad about the thrashers slipping by you!

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Ray is in my prayers today.

Neal said...

It's so hard to see you family dwindle away. I've only lost one of my siblings but all of us are getting up in age so I know it's going to happen and I dread facing those days.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: It is great to have family to turn to when remebering the past. I'm so glad that my brother and sister are close in age and can spend time with each other.

Rose said...

Betsy, I will say a prayer for Ray...I enjoy the glimpses of your family. I will look forward to meeting Ray's children.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy,I wish for you and George a wonderful Sunday,may you have a day filled with joy.

Susie said...

Hey Betsy sorry you missed the Brown thrashers.

Hope you had a great 4th!

Arkansas Patti said...

Having older brothers must have been like having two more dads. I had a half brother 10 years older who was like a dad only very lenient. He is also gone now like your Jimmy.
It hurts to lose them but am so glad he was there in my life and now in my memories.
Ray is in my prayers.

NCmountainwoman said...

Prayers from here for Ray. And for you, blogger buddy.

Diane AZ said...

What a sweet sister you are. Prayers for Ray. Great pictures; have a nice weekend. :)

Kelly said...

...l love the photo of you as a little girl with Ray. I will definitely put him in my prayers. Good luck with the thrashers. I hope they do end up at your suet feeder. What a sight that would be!

Karin said...

What a lovely nostalgic photo of you with your brother Ray. It's great that you will be able to visit him in August and that he is getting the care that he needs! May the Lord grant Him many more good years. I've always wanted an older brother. Mine is younger and hung around more with my little sis. Now, the two of us as sisters are closer, and brother loves his privacy - for the most part, LOL.

It's lovely to get to know your family this way. Love the name - Evelyn - that's our middle daughter's name.

I'm so sorry that the birds fledged unnoticed - sneaky little guys!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,
I can say why you felt like an only child with the age difference between you and your brothers. I know that Ray will be so happy to see you next month. I can imagine how lost and lonely he is without his wife. I can't even go there. :0( Oh, how dreadful to even think of it!

Have a great week and as always thanks so much for your sweet comments at my blog. You're are true *blogger* friend. :0)

Hugs, Stephanie

SmilingSally said...

I'm glad to know the birdies have "flown the coop" even though you missed the view. They owe their young lives to you.

Cedar ... said...

An older brother is a good thing!

Rambling Woods said...

My little brother is 12 years younger than me so I can understand from the other side...Now that I have a better understanding of nursing homes...I will certainly keep your brother in my thoughts. Hugs..Michelle

Shelley said...

Nice to meet your brother Betsy! God bless him - I will keep him in my prayers!!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

My husband has ten bothers and sisters. We seem to have all gone our seperate ways, since his mum passed in 2002...sad.
I'm gald you are still in touch with your brother, it is hard to see family members slip away.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and hope your brother is blessed with better health.
Bye Bye brown thrashers :)

Lola said...

Betsy, I'm so glad you have these pics to look at. It's a treasure to have them.
I will pray for your brother.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am sure your Brother cherishes your visits with him. You are a nice sister!! I imagine it is hard watching your family age when you are the youngest.
Congrats on the new baby birds.

Joy said...

What sweet pictures from the 40's to the present.
What a blessing to have your big brother to visit with.
I'll pray for him too.


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I have prayed for all of you and will continue to do so. Have a blessed week...m.

Unknown said...

This morning when I woke up (1:20 am Florida time, I lucked out with a fairly peppy internet connection) ... but it still took a while. That's really nice you keep in touch with family like you do. I know how it is, the older we get, the more our universes diverge. Trying to keep it all together is a worthy struggle. And isn't it the case that everyone has a Florida connection?

Tammie Lee said...

Hello Betsy,
Lovely to see the image of you as a wee girl with her older brother. Your mother passed in 91, as did my father at the young age of 53. I felt so deprived of so many years with him.
I hold your brother in my heart of hearts.

Connie said...

My brothers and sisters are all within ten years of age. I'm the oldest at 55. We still have both our parents, but my dad is not in good health. We avoid discussions about what's happening right before our eyes. That's all I can say for now, but I will definitely include Ray in my prayers.

EG CameraGirl said...

I can't imagine having brothers so much older than myself. I bet they spoiled you...although you don't seem to be the least bit spoiled. ;-)

Mary said...

So nice to think about family and past times of happiness. Most of my family is gone now and I treasure the times I have with those who are left.

Lagean Ellis said...

Love the photos.

My thoughts and prayers will be with Ray.

Janie said...

I'm glad you have both photos and the accompanying memories of time with your brother.
Sorry you missed the fledging - but you're probably right, they wouldn't fledge if you were watching anyway! The main thing is, they made it to the trees and are being cared for by mom and dad.

Connie said...

I'm glad you got to visit your brother. I'll say a prayer for him and you.