Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fabulous Valentine's Trip

George took me on a GREAT Valentine's Getaway!!!! We knew that we wanted to spend Valentine's Day together out in nature--searching for some new waterfalls. We had seen 295 different waterfalls ---and were hoping to see some new ones this weekend. WELL----we hit the jackpot!!! We saw SIX new waterfalls---making our total 301 now. Isn't that amazing??? We are so happy!!!

The six waterfalls were all around Manchester and Tullahoma, TN, which is south of Nashville. Blog friend WOODY told us about Rutledge Falls (pictured above). But before going to that area, George did some research looking for other waterfalls in the area that we could visit. Rutledge Falls is on private property (lucky people who own that land and the home nearby)--but the owner built a path down to the falls. This is a beautiful waterfall --and we want to go back during the rainy season to see this waterfall when the water is coming over the falls ALL the way across.

For me, I doubled my pleasure!!!! While admiring Rutledge Falls, I looked up and guess what I saw??????? My FIRST Cedar Waxwing!!!!!! I was almost more excited to see those birds (there were LOTS of them flying around) as I was to see a new waterfall. Guess I am turning into a 'real' BIRDER!!!!! ha.. A couple of pictures of the waxwings are below --in addition to one more of our six new waterfalls.

This is the first Cedar Waxwing I have seen in person!!!!! Isn't it gorgeous?

I have seen pictures and pictures of this beautiful little bird--but had never seen one up close and personal. I was very excited.

The second waterfall we saw is named Machine Falls. This one (along with 2 other waterfalls which we did not see this trip) is in the Short Springs State Natural Area. This is a fabulous hiking area --and someone has done a marvelous job putting in trails and loops in this mountainous, wooded area. We took the loop trail to Machine Falls --but want to go back and do more hiking in that area to see the other waterfalls also. We HIGHLY recommend this area to anyone who loves hiking!!!!!

GEORGE will talk about another waterfall we visited in his blog today--and then both of us will talk more about the others this coming week. It was a great couple of days for us!!! I hope you are having a great Valentine's weekend also!!!


Kim said...

Such gorgeous waterfalls. I cannot get over the amount of them you have seen!

Hurray for your first cedar!!!! The pictures came out amazing. Were you using George's camera? Very well done.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Betsy and so happy that you had a great time. Where we used to live, a large group of cedar waxwings descended one day to eat all the berries off the bushes and it was a beautiful sight. Glad you had a safe trip and congrats on 301!

Michele said...

Well, I am happy that you were able to add more to your growing list of waterfalls... this is fantastic news indeed!
Beautiful photos, and to capture a picture of the Cedar waxwing on your trip is really a bonus! How exciting! A trip you shall not forget anytime soon!
I'm glad you two had a wonderful time!

Jayne said...

What a great day it sounds like you all had Betsy! :c)

Peggy said...

What a perfect way to spend Valentine's Day! You always have such awesome photos to share that makes me want to go on a nature hike

Lawsy Mercy said...

Glad you all had a great day :)

SmilingSally said...

I'm so glad for you that your trip was great.

Cedar ... said...

Machine Falls is great,... apparently TN is waterfall country,.. lots of sedimentary rock there too I see. I'm so glad you two had a great trip.

Karin said...

Wow! Enjoying your trip vicariously! Sounds like TN is teeming with waterfalls! Awesome that your trip was great and for a blessed bonus you got to see the Cedar Waxwing! What a delight!

NCmountainwoman said...

Great waterfall and great waxwing photographs. Sounds like you had a wonderful getaway.

Connie said...

301 Waterfalls! Wow--that is amazing! Sounds like you had a lovely time. :)

Cicero Sings said...

A memorial valentines day ... zipping over your 300 goal and a waxwing to boot! Those waxwings are beauties all right.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your water falls all look lovely.Some day perhaps I will get to sit beside one of them and soak in all the beauty.And a new life bird as well,now that's special.

Janie said...

I'm glad to hear you had such a fun outing. You've surpassed 300! Bravo! Your photos are beautiful. And seeing a new bird is extra special too.

artis1111 said...

Love the photo of the falls. Kathy

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your pictures Betsy. I get a bit nervous when you get so excited to see the new birds, I am afraid you are going to fall or walk into a tree one day seeing the cute birds. :0 (I can just picture those things in my head)
I read Georges post first (short, clear, to the point) Then yours...more detail, excitement more details. You are so great, both of you, but he sure is the Man isn't he? So funny.
Glad that you both had a great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

When I need a shot of romanticism I read yours and George's blog...sigh

Rose said...

You did hit the jackpot, didn't you! I would have been just as excited as you to see that cedar waxwing...I have yet to see one in real life.

Both the waterfalls are beautiful!

Natalie said...

Sounds like youguys had a blast! WE visited some of the local distilleries here in KY and had a wonderful time as well. I have pictures to post, just have not had the time today to get it done. Busy making our lunch stuff for next week.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Beautiful capture of the falls and the Cedar Waxwing.

Tina said...

Wow over 300 waterfalls...what a huge number to have visited and photographed! Congrats! So glad you had a good weekend and what a wonderful treat to have seen those cedar wax wings..I LOVE seeing those birds..they are so colorful..and you probably kept your shoes dry the whole time!! ha ha

Anonymous said...

George sure knows how to show his lady a good time. Six waterfalls and the joy of your first cedar waxwing (I know he didn't plan THAT, but let's let him take credit for it, anyway).

What a great Valentine's Day.

Sunny said...

Beautiful photos! I did'nt have any idea there were so many waterfalls in TN!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I'm just thinking...when you run out of falls...you will have to resort to caving ;) I know you'd do it because you are fearless!
I use to do it. And there are falls within caves of course...

Shelley said...

I knew you wouldn't disappoint! Beautiful photos of the waterfalls and of your new friend - the waxwing! I'm so happy you got to see and photograph this gorgeous bird! Glad to hear you & George had a wonderful time! Now I'm headed over to George's to hear "his side" of the story! LOL!!

Dorothy said...

Hi Betsy,
Six waterfalls and Cedar Waxwings, too!! How lucky can you get??
The first time I saw a flock of these beautiful birds, I thought I would faint from excitement!
Congrats on seeing 301 falls!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Well, you certainly hit the jackpot this Valentine's Day !
Congratulations on the 301 waterfalls, that's a lot of traveling, and a lot of beauty.
It's wonderful that the two of you have such a common interest, surely makes life great and interesting !!

I Am Woody said...

Oh, I am SOOO glad that you made it to my neck of the woods!! We went to Machine Falls on Saturday afternoon - I wish I would have known so we could have met!!

About Rutledge - How you saw it is it's normal flow - little trickles on the left with the majority of the water on the right. I have seen water gushing across its full length only once. I'll post a picture for you. In the summer, the right side is a favorite for idiots (including my brother) to jump off of!!

I Am Woody said...

There are also several other water falls at Old Stone Fort in Manchester.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you & George had a lovely time. The waterfalls must have been out of this world. # 301, that is terrific. I didn't realize Tn had so many waterfalls.
Thanks so much for the pix of those waterfalls as now I can see them too. Through your camera lens that is possible for me as I shall never be able to hike to them.
I've never seen that bird. Wish I could.

Leedra said...

Got temp/unreliable access. We are doing great, glad to be back to shore. Been visiting great birding locations since we got off the ship. Love your waxwing....are you sure you didn't go steal mine waxwing in Rockwood while I have been gone?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to all for your wonderful comments. I tried to email many of you with my comments back to you--if you asked a question. BUT--I don't have all of your emails... Sigh!!!!!

I've also worked off and on all day today--trying to catch up with your blogs. (Big JOB)....

Hugs to all,

Anonymous said...

It is truely amazing to me the anount of waterfalls you two have seen. Have you ever thought of writing a book on them? It would make a great coffee table book, with all those beautiful waterfall pictures.

Cassie said...

Loved the photos. Sounds like a marvelous trip.

Mary said...

Waterfalls and waxwings...what more can you ask for? Looks like you had a great time.

Connie said...

Congratulations on over 300 waterfalls. What an accomplishment. What a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

T said...

I just jumped over here from Woody's site (your UT hoodie caught my attention) and this particular blog caught my eye!

Like Woody, I too grew up here and LOVE it! I don't live here any longer, but I'm back every summer for several weeks at a time.

To my dismay - I've never been to Machine Falls! That will be remedied this summer!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful waterfalls, and a gorgeous little bird! What a nice Valentine's celebration.