Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Colors on the Cherohala Skyway - Part III

If you missed seeing Part I and Part II of our pictures taken on Sunday, Oct. 25, when we came home from Maggie Valley across the Cherohala Skyway, please go to the right sidebar on this blog and go to the label marked Cherohala Skyway. Click on that and you can see all 21 pictures that I have posted showing the gorgeous Fall colors. As I have said several times, we were truly in the right place at the right time (with near perfect conditions)---to see the best Fall colors either of us have probably ever seen or captured.

Today is my last seven pictures taken by George and me that day. Five from this set were taken by me--with my 'point and shoot' camera. SO--that proves that you don't always have to have a million dollar camera in order to get great pictures!!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed posting them for you to see.

Here at home, the rains and winds came over the weekend and about 80% of our leaves are now on the ground... I guess that means that Fall is almost over and now I can look forward to Winter ---and hopefully a little (not too much) SNOW.



Shelley said...

Those trees are just bursting w/ beautiful color! I enjoyed seeing these! I hope the rain is behind us now....
Next up is snow.....

:-) Shelley

Kelly said...

...wow!! Has this been one of your most colorful falls ever? These colors are spectacular. The photos are so beautiful, but in person, they must have been bursting!

Nina said...

Just proves that the Great Master Painter is always ready to show off new and glorious colors each and every where we look. Amazing photo's and even more amazing colors!!! You were truly Blessed to be there at that moment. You captured Natures Masterpiece in all its Glory. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

Tabor said...

Very nice. Everything was at its peak to share with you.

Darla said...

Gorgeous Betsy!! My camera is a long way from being a million dollar camera too..

Lisa said...

This is like the glorious nature in all its splendour performs for you. Can't help but to be in awe of the Creator.

Thank you Betsy, the colors are still to me almost unbelievable.

diane b said...

Gorgeous photos and I agree you can't tell which camera. The colours are so bright and vibrant the pictures look like paintings. You were so lucky to experience this in your lifetime. Hope your winter is not too severe.

Neal said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous. I can never get enough of the beautiful fall pictures.

Joe Todd said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. My wife and I just got back from Florida to Ohio so am way behind on doing a new blog post and visiting blogs and have a few leaves to rake. Your photos are beautiful Thanks so much.

amelia said...

Truly, truly amazing!!

Is it like this every year? It would almost be worth making a trip just to see the colours!

Peggy said...

Those fall colors made me think of the part of the song: The hills are alive with the sound of music. The trees seem to be singing their beauty.

Beth said...

I think you have the prettiest fall pictures I've seen, Betsy. (By the way, my camera's a point-and-shoot, too...and I love it) I'm actually kind of sad that these are your last pictures from Cherohala---I'm going to miss them. They are truly beautiful. Thanks to you and George for sharing them with us.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Your mountains are alive with color, we have moved past this phase and most of the leaves are down.

Susie said...

I could look at these pics all day Betsy! Wish I could see them in person. How nice that would be.

Like your new header picture! That's very festive looking.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Such gorgeous color Betsy. You are so lucky to have caught all of this.
Would someone please call Florida and let it know that it is now November!!! We have highs in the high 80's this week and lows in the low 70's. This means my a/c will be running...still!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Such gorgeous color Betsy. You are so lucky to have caught all of this.
Would someone please call Florida and let it know that it is now November!!! We have highs in the high 80's this week and lows in the low 70's. This means my a/c will be running...still!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

These photos are just breathtaking! The colors are right out of God's Crayola box and you were there at the exact moment to capture it.

Connie said...

Really amazing fall colors, Betsy---just spectacular! :)

I Am Woody said...

I have never been lucky enough to see fall colors that brilliant. One day, one day!!

I Am Woody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harriet said...

Love your pictures. You are so lucky to get to see these beautiful trees and we are lucky you shared them with us.
I would love to go on a drive to see some beautiful leaves but there doesn't seem to be enough time.

NCmountainwoman said...

They are indeed beautiful photographs. Our color is mostly gone with so many leaves taken away by winds and rain. There's still some lingering red among the evergreens.

Cherry said...

you never fail to impress me with your fall photos Betsy! all are bursting with amazing colours!

Dorothy said...

Truly beautiful, Betsy!!! I'm so thankful we got to see the Smokies while the leaves were at their peak. Great job with the pictures!

SmilingSally said...

Just gorgeous, Betsy; how I wish you'd link in to Blue Monday.

Loran said...

Fantastic colors!

Diane AZ said...

Wow, looks like those trees are celebrating Autumn! These are beautiful images especially with the blue sky in the background.

Kay said...

Just totally awesome photos! Wish we had colors like that here in SoCal.

Roses and Lilacs said...

The glorious autumn color is always so brief. Then we have to get used to the naked trees looking sad and cold until spring. The weatherman is predicting snow for Tues nite here. Not much and it won't last.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

How spectacular !
I didn't make it to the mountains, but thanks for you, sharing your pictures Besty, I feel as if I have.
The weatherman usually tell us when the leaves are in their peak, but I haven't heard any of those predictions this Fall. On the other hand, the leaves look like they were bursting with color, and now probably winding down, with all the rain we have had.
How gorgeous Betsy !!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy, you deserve a huge hug,as my way of saying thank-you for sharing this beauty.With each picture,I am in awe at the color.

Snap said...

Betsy, these shots are just amazingly beautiful!

Deborah Godin said...

It's great that you caught al those glorious shots before the big wind!

Sunny said...

I don't think I've seen such glorious Autumn colors even when our season has been its best. Your pictures are breathtaking.
Never underestimate a point and shoot camera.
Sunny :)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful photos. You take such wonderful photos. I too have a simple point and shoot and love it. Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

WoW WoW Weeeee! What gorgeous gorgeous colors - Amazing Autumn images you've taken

Shabby Cottage Shoppe said...

OMG! These are the most beautiful fall pictures ever! Thank you so much for sharing.

Diane said...

Very beautiful pictures, Betsy. The colors are amazing against the blue sky.

All I have is a little Canon 550 Power shot I take everything with. The only thing I would like would be a stronger telephoto lens, but I'm just really happy with the one I have.

Betty said...

All I can say is wooooooow beautiful. I do wish I had a better camera,but I am thankful for the one I have.My son and daughter-in-law bought it for me when my youngest son got married so I could take pictures of the wedding.

Cookie said...

Spectacular photos!
Most of our leaves are on the ground too. But no "$now" yet. That's a 4 letter word!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sorry to hear most of your leaves are now on the ground. Hmmm. I guess it happens in Tennessee too, too. ;-)

blushing rose said...

Exquisite pics! I'll be ashamed to show mine now, chuckle! Our leaves are nearly gone from all the winds we have had.

TTFN ~ Marydon
PS ~ Pop over for our giveaway.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I am with you I also want some snow but no ice...hugs..m..

Elenka said...

I hate to admit this, but those colors are far better than anything I saw anywhere in New England this fall!!! And we're supposed to have the best! sheesh
Very nice photos...

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

The fall colors are magnificent..It's been fun for me to document the changes right here on the ridge I'm on.....I can now from my side porch see our winter time view of Bluff Mountain and the lower ones in front of it..the sun shining across the layers is magical. I love all of your pictures! Just beautiful...You two really get around!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by today and reading my words of wisdom that I posted..

When I chose the one about forgiveness I knew it would be quite thought provoking and so I chose it!! hehe

The statement to me reflects the big picture in a *perfect world*....*perfect harmony* so to speak.

Yes, feelings get hurt (deliberately or accidental)when we say or do the wrong things at the wrong time...we are human after all... but I have also learned the big lesson that no matter what is said or done to us WE each make the choice how it affects us. No one can hurt our feelings without OUR permission.....

I allowed abuse in my live for more than two decades and it took me until I was 40 years old to realize that I could reclaim myself by not allowing another person's misery to ruin another day of my life!!

So it goes.....we all have a different perspective on these tidbits of wisdom and I love, love to hear how others interpret them...

Thanks for telling me yours...it means a lot. :0)


Mary said...

Wow...Wow...these colors are just great and your photos are so pretty! I can't even pick a favorite...all great!

SquirrelQueen said...

The colors are awesome, and it continues as far as the eye can see. Beautiful photos Betsy.

You were asking about my camera, it's a Fujifilm. It isn't anything expensive but I can use it either as a point and shoot or switch to manual settings.


Jayne said...

It really has been a spectacular year for color here, hasn't it? :c) These all are just breathtakingly beautiful Betsy.

Unknown said...

Betsy - as always I am in awe. Such beautiful colours and fantastic photography. Thank you for sharing!

Janie said...

Beautiful colors! I love the variety of shades of leaves that you get.

Leedra said...

Without a doubt you hit the peak. Wonderful when a plan comes together so nicely.

Rose said...

Betsy, these are absolutely beautiful!

Meems said...

I'm so glad you directed me back to these posts. They are absolutely splendid. Looks like you picked just the right time to make you way over to Maggie Valley. It is so pretty there. These photos are stunning... all of them are a feast for the eyes since I haven't 'seen' any fall color this year. I especially like the one of the crystal blue sky and the moon... well actually I especially like all of them... great fun!
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel