Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Flowers in our Yard

While Fall begins to wrap up its color, and the leaves are falling from the trees, we STILL have some beauty in our yard. Since we have not had a frost yet here on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, the roses are still blooming ---and it seems that these last blooms of Fall are as pretty as the first ones in the Spring. Our roses are really showing off now. Also, some of our Reblooming Irises have bloomed recently. Today, I'll show you six of our 'pretties' which have been in our yard during October.

Above is one of our new roses, TOUCH OF CLASS. Since it is fairly new, this is the first time it has bloomed for us. Below are others, plus a couple of our Irises. Hope you enjoy the October Flowers.



VETERAN'S HONOR (my personal fav)



Last night, as we came home from Cookeville, we saw two pretty sights in the sky:

Sunset ---toward the west, and...

...a full moon ---toward the east.. How's that for a great evening????



diane b said...

A great evening and a beautiful collection of flowers. How wonderful that they are still flowering. Our Spring has been so dry that my garden doesn't look as bright as it should.

Jayne said...

Boy, that WAS a big moon, wasn't it? :c) Your last flowers of fall are beautiful Betsy.

Darla said...

Still drooling over your roses, they are beautiful. Your irises are spectacular, (hope mine bloom this spring as I have dug them up and replanted them ever so gently). What a glorious sky!!

Valerie said...

Betsy, thanks so much for your comments! I love your pictures of fall colors, mountains, and these flowers! You are so right, we have so much in common. How neat is that, a fellow music teacher! Hope your day is full of blessings! By the way, I really like how you are posting the 30 days, on your side bar. Sometimes I think I just get too wordy! A curse or a blessing - I am not sure. Until next time ...

Arkansas Patti said...

Can't believe you have such beauties left. All I have blooming now are my Pansies and Honeysuckle.
I just realized, with winter coming, George becomes an unemployed landscape artist. Guess you will have to think of something to keep him busy.

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Betsy, you never cease to amaze me how you can bring so much beauty into my life. Thank you for your constant love and support of your friends... We truly treasure you...I know I do. Love Always, me.

Kelly said...

...I noticed that big, big moon last night too. It was huge around 6:00 p.m. Glad you still have those lovely blooms...makes it nice. We haven't had a frost yet either, but my roses are done (but I only have 3 plants!).

Carol said...

What beautiful roses still blooming...but I can't believe those irises, what a nice surprise reblooming...love the sunset and moon...I took the same two shots last night...

Meems said...

Oh, that MOON has been so wonderful this week as we sit outside by the pool after dark. Your roses are as lovely as always! Love your header, too.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

Beth said...

Wow, you very nearly have roses year-round, don't you, Betsy? And when you don't, you've got all these beautiful photos! They are so lovely, as are the irises. Gorgeous sunrise, too...and a great shot of the moon. The moon was beautiful here over the mountains, but I never seem to get a good shot of it. I guess I need a tripod. Or perhaps a steadier hand. :-)

Kathy W said...

Betsy your roses are beautiful. Thats so neat you have them still. Its been in the 70's here for the last few days. Doesn't seem like fall at all.

Cherry said...

you roses are so elegant! 'love them all! the sunset and the moon are amazing! you are a blessing Betsy. your photos radiates your love and happiness for everyone. :).

I Am Woody said...

I love, love, love the Perfect Moment!! And seriously, you guys haven't had a frost? We've had at least 2!

Susie said...

The moon was pretty last night but that sunset pic is hard to beat Betsy.

Can't believe you have blooming irises right now.

amelia said...

Beautiful moon, beautiful roses.

I was reading in the Womans World magazine about the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's looks very similar to the pics you have just posted with all the amazing colours.

Is it close to you?

Sunny said...

How wonderful to still have roses blooming in October and your Iris are spectacular.
Great pictures of the moon and sunset.
Enjoy your day.
Sunny :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Lovely, Lovely, Lovely is all i can say, love that Iris.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy! I was surprised to see the iris! I didn't know there were varieties that bloomed this time of year!!!
Nice sunset and moon shots!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I LOVE Perfect Moment.
That moon, that sky...so gorgeous!!!

Jen said...

Oh you are making me yearn for summer again already! :)
Great sunset shot!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, love your new header, its perfect...and all the roses and iris are so beautiful...I think we appreciate them so much more when we know that their days are numbered.

Joe Todd said...

Great post really enjoyed all the color but reminds me of all the work I have to do in my yard. Have a great day

Small City Scenes said...

betsy, I reckon you two have perfection going for you.
I love the Perfect Moment Rose, they all are nice as are the Iris.

we are have a beautif sunrise at this moment. My camera managed 3 pics and then jammed again. Yes it is very frustrating.


storyteller said...

WOW ... what a marvelous selection of roses and irises you've enjoyed during October. Thanks so much for sharing them. Wonderful capture of the sunset and Harvest moon too! Thanks for visiting MY Ruby Rose at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Becky said...

That looks just like the moon I saw last night ;-) (hehe)

It sure was pretty.

Great Pictures as always!

The Retired One said...

Betsy: I jumped over from Shelley's blog and I am so glad I did.
Those flowers are GORGEOUS as well as the sunset and moon photos. Loved them.
You may want to stop by my blog, too...I do lots of photos of waterfalls, birds and nature from the U.P. of Michigan, along with some narrative humor from time to time. If you visit, go down to some older blogposts for some photos..I do a lot of them besides my slideshow at the top.
Loved it if you would consider following my blog at:
I am going to join on as one of your Followers too.

Betty said...

Beatuiful!!!!! My favorite is Perfect Moment it is so lovely.I Like it when I see the moon and know that all of my blog friends are seeing the same thing It makes me feel conected.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Some gorgeous flowers Betsy, you definitely have a green thumb!

The moon certianly has been stunning the past few nights hasn't it? It's completely lit up our backyard!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your flowers are exquisite,perhaps even more beautiful in fall because you know it won't last long.As for the last two pictures,God has a grand way of saying goodnight,doesn't He.Hope your day is filled with beauty.

wesleyjeanne said...

It was a lovely moon, wasn't it?

I am envious of your roses and irises in Fall. So beautiful.

Snap said...

The moon has been just spectacular the last two days. Your roses/flowers are beautiful. I especially like the orangy one -- Perfect Moment. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that, that they're still in bloom now! They're sooo pretty, Betsy

Anonymous said...

In addition to my last comment, I'd also like to say that moon shot & sunset shot is WoWingly BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said...

Betsy... I am forever impressed by your photography!

These flowers are so beautiful. The irises are my favourite. So delicate and yet I know they are tough... just so amazingly beautiful.

The sunset and moon pictures are the type that will soothe whatever ails you.

Thank you for sharing!

Connie said...

Gorgeous flowers, Betsy! I love the one called Perfect Moment. The sunset and moon photos are wonderful too. We had frost here quite a while back so there are very few flowers still left in this area.

Diane said...

ROSES yet!! Wow and Iris. Lucky you. Your sky shots are beautiful, too, Betsy.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Excellent photography, you made some neat captures of the flowers and the skies.

penny said...

How wonderful that your roses are still blooming. They are such a pleasant sight. It must be great to wake in the morning and see their faces decorating your lovely yard.

EG CameraGirl said...

How nice that you haven't had a frost yet! The roses are still very pretty. ;-)

Cheryl said...

Betsy, you brightened the day with the beautiful flower shots. I especially like the "Perfect" rose and the "Floor Show" iris. Just gorgeous. Glad you can enjoy your flowers for a bit longer.

Janie said...

Beautiful flowers, and beautiful sky! We enjoyed the full moon last night, too, as we were driving home from a long ride. It was spectacular.

Leedra said...

No frost? In New Market we have had 2 HARD frost. Looked like snow in the yard. Rockwood is a little warmer, but I would have thought you would have been more like New Market.

Bill S. said...

Beautiful pictures of your roses. What a beautiful flower. I also went out tonight and shot pictures of the moon - the Harvest Moon.

Inday said...

Beautiful Rose nomenclatures, sunset and moonlight ...makes a perfect life for you to live. :)

There is Quadrat in Focus or Language for Learning to watch.

Thanks for your much appreciated visit. :)

Anonymous said...

Hubby was commenting on the moon last night as well. I love all the October blue skies against the fall colors in your previous posts. I especially enjoy your roses because I have very few.

Jo said...

Oh wow! Betsy! I scrolled up and down your beautiful photos and kept saying "Wow!" I love the two toned iris (floor show iris) I have never seen anything like it. But all your photos are brilliant. Thanks for sharing. (((Hugs))) Jo

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the "Perfect Moment" rose! What a beautiful blend of colors! My Mo always had Irises when I was young...your brought back memories.

Sunny said...

WOW!! AWESOME, GORGEOUS !! Love the sunset and moon and those flowers, wow!!

Mary said...

Perfect Moment is my favorite! All of them are beautiful. Love that sunset sky and the full moon. YOur header is very pretty!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Gorgeous roses and irises! Magnificent sunset and full moon! Great photos!

It will take me a while to catch up with your posts, but this was a great one to start with!

SquirrelQueen said...

I can't believe you still have such pretty roses and irises. Mine have just a few really pitiful blooms. Your are beautiful.

I love the sunset and the your photo of the moon is so gorgeous.
