Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Down and UP in Tallulah Gorge

On October 14, George and I revisited Tallulah Gorge near Clayton, GA. Please click HERE in order to see our first set of pictures and read an explanation of why we were there on that particular day. Today I will show you more pictures from our fabulous hike down into that gorge and then back up on the other side. Pant-Pant!!!!

It was raining cats and dogs that day---but that didn't stop us. We had the gorge all to ourselves almost all day long. You'll have to excuse the raindrops in many of the pictures ---and the fog all around us!!!!! But---I wanted you to see more of our hike that day!!!!

There are seven waterfalls in the gorge ---and we saw six of them while there. The picture above shows the Tallulah River as it travels through the gorge. The waterfall is L'Eau d'Or Falls (which is French for Water of Gold). Below are more!!

Gee---that's a long way down into that gorge (about 1000 ft. down at some points)... Are you sure we are walking down those 600 steps into the gorge???????? Okay---I'm game... Let's GO!

Well----I made it all the way down to the Swinging Bridge---and I'm still smiling!!!! Coming down was not too hard--and this bridge isn't too wiggly!! I will walk gingerly though!!!! ha

Yipes.... Look at that water underneath the bridge... Hold on tight and don't fall!!!!! SCARY!!!!!

Whew..... I made it to the other side. See the bridge?????

Oops-----I guess I have to go UP now!!!!! That's harder than going down!!!! Think I can make it up to the South Rim ???? It's only another 600 steps!!!!! Yipes! Where's the elevator when I need it?????

Uh Oh, George..... Do you think I can make it all the way up THERE????????

We both made it to the top, even though I stopped a few times (MANY TIMES) in order to catch my breath!!!! George is standing at Lookout 10 on the South Rim Trail, checking out the gorge and the waterfalls below.

Here's one more picture of the Swinging Bridge that we crossed. Can you see it????

Do you see that 'house' across from us on the other side? That is the Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center, where we started our hike on the North Rim Trail. NOW--that we are on the South side, how do we get back over there???????? To Be Continued!!!!!!!



diane b said...

That's what I was wondering
. Now I have to wait to find out. You are a tease. You are a tough fit couple to be hiking in the rain and climbing in and out of gorges. I admire you for it. Thanks for you lovely comments about our girls and their news. We were sent a phone picture of the scan of our first grandchild today.

Kirigalpoththa said...

That is an impressive gorge! Breathtaking!! The waterfall is stunning!!!
I like the suspension bridge too. Thanks very much for sharing this!

Jayne said...

WOW! What an adventure Betsy!! So very beautiful. :c)

amelia said...

I bet you were happy to get home and have a hot bath after all that climbing!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Wow you both are very good (aggressive) hikers!!! Looks like a wonderful 'wet' workout!!

SmilingSally said...

What dedicated hikers you two are!

Darla said...

My word Betsy!!! Very impressive indeed.....my vertigo kicked in just viewing your photos!

Darla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arkansas Patti said...

Very impressed with your stamina. I would have been sucking air big time and forget that bridge. Fear of heights keeps me from enjoying the neatest views. Good of you to go and take pictures so we scaredy cats can also enjoy.

I Am Woody said...

Sometimes rainy days make the best days for hiking:)

Carol Murdock said...

Hey Bets, I have been real busy and haven't been by in a few days but I got caught up on you! YES! The Vols were so cute in that Black & Orange! Titans were wonderful! Love all your pics!!!
I feel like I got to go to the mountains after all this year!! THANKS! xoxoxo

Beth said...

Oh, what a beautiful place, Betsy! And you and George are hardy souls to hike in the rain like that. But I'll bet it was worth it to have the place to yourselves. Okay, you've convinced me---we're definitely going to check out this amazing place. I'd go there just to cross that incredible bridge. Thanks so much for the lovely photos!

Susie said...

Oh my goodness that looks like such a fun place to visit Betsy! I like all the "rainy" pictures. I think a lot of times pictures turn out better when taken on days like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY, standing on that swinging bridge is giving me the shivers. these pictures are just wonderful. very spiritual in some of them. I am an avid nature lover and it looks like i should be in TN.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I live in Bradenton FL, 40 miles south of Tampa. the flamingos are in Sarasota Fl and I would rather be looking at your gorge than flamingo

Snap said...

Impressive *little* hike, Betsy! Beautiful shots and all those gorgeous waterfalls!

Cherry said...

Betsy, we hope to live a long, long life and enjoy everyday to its fullest like you and George do.

i love your new header! so colourful! your photos are amazing as usual.

big hugs,

Dorothy said...

Great Post Betsy!! We only saw this from the top:( Jeep would never agree to all that walking and climbing! I don't like swinging bridges!!!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Wonderful scenery. In the fog it looks very 'other-wordly', or maybe like a South American rain forest;)

NCmountainwoman said...

We love hiking in the rain as well, as long as the trails aren't completely muddy. Great photographs.

LV said...

What a beautiful place and I enjoyed the trip through your visit. However, I am not sure I would have made it through all that. As usual, another great blog.

Anonymous said...

Ok, 1st of all, I take it Tallulah Gorge ISN'T the best place to go rafting! hehehee But a fantastic scenic view, though! WoW I know I'm not a teenager anymore, but 'WoW' just seems to be the word that comes out all the time! LoL!

So beautiufl, at any rate. And tall or should I say deeeeep gorges. The 'Uh oh, George' pic really shows the depth very well - Yikes! I would have been begging for a helicopter to come get me!

What a view they have coming to work everyday in the last shot!

I'll stay tuned 'for the rest of the story'

Janie said...

beautiful waterfall and gorge. you did have to travel a long way down and up!
I hate it when bridges feel unstable... especially when I'm on a horse!

Dirt Princess said...

Hi Betsy! Gorgeous photos as always. I haven't stopped by lately...sorry ;-(. I do miss your hugs!!!! I will be catching up!

HUGS to you!

Diane said...

You're a braver woman than I am, Betsy. My knees would have collapsed way before I got to that bridge, if my heart hadn't given out first. Just reading about it makes my hands sweat (I mean perspire - no I mean sweat!) It does look beautiful, though.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

the fog gives the pictues a certain something...I guess it's what i see almost everyday on my way to work - lol.

You are a real trooper and your rain suit is adorable on you!

Anonymous said...

Honest now...While you were on the bridge did it cross your mind that it might snap and drop you into the abyss below?

Such beauty. All around.

Cheryl said...

Oh wow Betsy. What an adventure! Beautiful scenery everywhere. And the bridge, whoa nelly! I would have to close my eyes to cross over it! Thanks so much for sharing this adventure.

The Retired One said...

What an awesome place.
I loved the fog in the pictures and the rain made the rocks shiny.
That bridge would have freaked me out but what a photo op!

Loved these pictures!

Kay said...

Wow what a cool place to visit.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Love,love,love the pictures with the foggy look.Wow,I'm tired just hearing about that hike.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What magical photos, Betsy! The mist and fog made them all the more wonderful. I am like you ...creeky knees will not keep me from sighseeing, even though I'd have to rest about every ten of those steps that were up I'd get them done!

Karin said...

Wow! Absolutely WOW!! I don't have enough adjectives to describe the beauty of those pics. I just got jelly legs watching you on the bridge overlooking those massive falls! And, yes, all this while I am saying, "But Betsy, how are you going to get back?"

LOVE those beautiful flowers from the post the other day. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful pictures. It's lovely to spend time on your blog!

Lucy said...

The pictures of the gorge remind me of one we have here and it's been far too long since we were there. What a special place!

Tina said...

Oh you brave lady..crossing that swinging bridge..congrats on making it to the top and then to the bottom again. I got tired just reading about your trek!! Lovely photos tho with the fog and all...must have been an exhausting but fun day!!

Tina said...

ps love your new header..beautiful color and textures..wow!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

You two are the bravest couple I've ever known...gorgeous photos!!!

Leedra said...

Neat post. Love that first photo.

Don't let Dorothy fool you, that road into Cataloochee is ALOT worse than she showed it. You will have to go back and see my comment about it.

Sunny said...

Hi Betsy!! I have enjoyed looking at all your wonderful photos ...thanks for the tour!! I got to go along with you and did'nt even get out of breath, LOL !!!

That swinging bridge is really something!!!

A couple of brave souls you two are. :) Hugs.

Valerie said...

What a thrilling adventure!
You are braver than I am with that swinging bridge. I have always been terrified of bridges. When we lived in Virginia for 3 years we were in Virginia Beach with tunnels and bridges to get there from both directions. It was hard.

Your pictures are breath taking!

Loran said...

You are a REAL trooper!! You go, girl. And the pictures were awesome.

Mary said...

OH, dear...I would not like looking down from the bridge! However, the view is wonderful! wow..what a great falls and view from the gorge. 600 steps??? Better you than me. Lookes like a setting for an Indiana Jones movie. I bet you slept well after all that exercise!

Tes said...

Cool suspension bridge -wow! You guys really know how to enjoy yourselves! Beautiful photos Betsy. Nice composition. Really showcased that stunning waterfalls! The gorge is breathtaking!

Thank you very much for sharing this! You guys take care!

Small City Scenes said...

My goodness Betsy that is quite a hike---and in the rain too. You make me feel like a sissy. Beautiful shots you took. All that water--we had such a dry summer everything just about dried up. We are used to it raining almost every other day. A suspension bridge is so much fun, isn't it.
well you both look very happy as I am sure you are. The views are gorgeous.


Salitype said...

those are beautiful shots, betsy! i love the mist covered cliff! and the waterfalls, ahhh lovely!

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, the swinging bridge looks a lot better than the one I remember.

Beautiful photos of the falls and river. The scenery there is spectacular. I'm looking forward to the next part of the story.


Connie said...

Oh my! That's a long way down into that gorge. I'm not sure I would like climbing around there. I don't do well with high open spaces. I enjoyed your pictures though, so I'm glad you did the climbing for me! HA! :D

Sunny said...

Your pictures are literally breathtaking *pant*. What an amazing place to visit, not sure if the old ticker could handle all those steps.
Sunny :)

Rose said...

Betsy, I bet it was wonderful to be out in that. And I am not joking...just something about being out in rain that I have always loved.

Cookie said...

Wow! That picture looking down into the gorge is amazing! You are one brave woman to go on the bridge! and up all of those steps?! yikes!

D said...

Betsy, what an amazing place you and George visited and the photos are spectacular! Breathtaking views.

Rita said...

Wow Betsy that looks like a wonderful hike and five waterfalls!! How fun.

penny said...

That was a very long hike, Betsy. But the views made it all worth it. Your photos tell a beautiful story. Thanks!