Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tallulah Gorge (Clayton, GA)

The visit to Tallulah Gorge was fantastic despite the fact that it rained the ENTIRE time. We had driven to see the waterfalls with TONS of water coming over them --and we were not disappointed. This gorge or canyon is unlike most any other we have visited. Besides just seeing the beauty of the gorge itself, there are five main waterfalls plus two wet-weather waterfalls in the gorge. SO--you can only imagine how much George and I love that place!

Before construction of the Tallulah Falls dam in 1913, the mighty Tallulah River thundered through magnificent Tallulah Gorge, plunging over 600 feet in a series of six renowned waterfalls. Once the area became a state park in 1992, trails and overlooks were added. And --a few times during the year, the Georgia Power Company releases water from the dam. We were there on one of those dates. Seeing waterfalls with THAT much water was totally awesome.

When we were here in June, we stayed on the north side of the gorge. This time, we hiked down the MILLION (felt like that many) steps to the bottom of the canyon, crossed the swinging bridge and went up a million more steps to the south rim of the canyon. The views from the south rim were even more spectacular than the north side. Today I am posting just a few of our many pictures from Tallulah Gorge. I'll share the entire hike over the next few days/weeks ---and I hope you will add Tallulah Gorge to your list of places to go. It is located in the North Georgia Mountains not far from Clayton, GA. AND--if you cannot do much hiking, you can see the gorge and waterfalls via the overlooks. It is an awesome place!

Above is a picture of L'Eau d' Or WATERFALL taken on Wed., October 14, 2009. I wish you could have HEARD all of that powerful water---pouring down the gorge. You can see some fall colors --and also some fog. Below are more pictures.

Did I tell you that it was raining???????? Luckily, it never did rain really hard ---and we didn't mind getting wet. That is L'Eau d' Or Waterfall in the background.

This gorgeous waterfall is named HURRICANE FALLS. It is one of the most awesome ones in the gorge.

See that bridge???? George and I hiked straight down about 600 steps and crossed that bridge. We then hiked UP about 600 steps to the south rim. All of those steps didn't bother me too much--until the NEXT day... I found some muscles that weren't used to that kind of climbing!!!! ha

The state park has incredible trails---including benches around in many areas where one may rest and enjoy the beauty around us. I asked George to sit on this little bench since I loved the way it was tucked up under a rock overhang. Neat, huh????

This beautiful waterfall is named TEMPESTA FALLS.

This is just a few of our pictures from Tallulah Gorge. Many more to come!!!!

We're headed to Jacksonville, FL this weekend to attend a Memorial Service in memory of my brother. I'll try to do some 'catching up' on my laptop...

Have a great weekend.


penny said...

Wow Betsy, the falls are so fantastic, even in the rain. I could almost hear the roar of the water flowing through the gorge and over the falls.
You and George should do a photo book of all the falls you have been to, I know I would buy one :)

SquirrelQueen said...

All of the falls are great. I remember that bridge and all those steps. All that rain is making everything so lush and green.

Drive carefully this weekend.


Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Waterfalls, Betsy, one of God's most gorgeous nature treats for us!! Glad to see you back. Love you.

Thistlebrooms said...

You surly BOTH must have had amazing sites from that bridge...Water has such a soothing sound BUT roaring???
Seems were getting the Rain from you now, ONLY mixed with SNOW!!!

Lovely photo's again Betsy...
My Best~Marilyn

Cherry said...

happy weekend to you and George! you gave me another reason to smile and stop to smell nature's wonders! great photos!

Lisa said...

Aaah these are magnificent. And they are all in one general!

I wish you safe journey to Florida. We'll see you soon Betsy.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

The photos of these waterfalls are so beautiful I can't find words them. Thanks for sharing them...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I loved that first photo of the gorge. It looked way to wet to be taking a long walk in the rain.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is how waterfalls should look all the time. I lived on a lake, actually two lakes that were separated by a waterfall. Living on the lower lake facing the falls was really a spectactular view in the spring thaws.
Love that you have an interest that gives you such pleasant exercise as a side effect.
Have a safe trip.

T said...

Just breathtakinly beautiful!

I hope to get to see that some day.

Susie said...

Beautiful Betsy, just beautiful! I think pictures on rainy days make better pics anyway. The reds really stand out. Love that cute pic of you with that beautiful background.

You guys be safe in your travels.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos Betsy! Thank you for sharing. :)

Bill S. said...

Water falling, rain falling and rock benches - awesome. Great pictures. Thanks. Keep the laptop dry.

Loran said...

Such spectacular scenery rain or shine!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Too bad it rained thru your visit. I've often heard of this park. Can't believe I never visited it when I lived in the area. The falls are awesome.

storyteller said...

I'm glad you didn't let the rain stop you. Some of my best remembrances of wilderness walks were in the rain ... and looking at your wonderful photos reminds me that I have albums with such pictures from my past I could revisit. I'll look forward to more when you return from your trip. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you remember your brother this weekend.
Hugs and blessings,

Snap said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy (even in the rain). Gorgeous color and I could *hear* the falls! Yowzer!!!!

Dorothy said...

Betsy, these are beautiful pictures of the gorge! When we were there last year I didn't know about the steps and the bridge. That's a good vantage point for getting some good pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I know there's beautiful places in America to see, but this is INCREDIBLE! We're suppose to go on a cruise in the spring, but I'm seriously thinking about staying stateside & seeing more of this country of ours!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh my gosh Betsy, those waterfalls are incredible. And your pictures are incredible as well. Thanks for sharing. MB

Tes said...

Oh wow, Betsy! Lovely, lovely photos -but the one with you in it is the cutest! Teehee. Boy are you guys lucky to enjoy those beautiful places. Makes me dream of retirement -far cry for us! hehe

Enjoy your weekend, guys!


Kirigalpoththa said...

Superb area! So many waterfalls..

I like the hurricane falls very much..Thanks for taking us there :)

Salitype said...

even rain cannot dampen the beauty of the place....if it looks beautiful in rain, it must be breathtaking on a brighter day...

ohh! the bridge, dont know if i can cross it...scared of heights you see!


Busy Bee Suz said...

this place looks gorgeous Betsy. I have always wanted to stop here on our way to N.C, but we never seem to have time or the weather is not good.
Safe travels to Florida...thinking of you this weekend.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This is a gorgeous place.Your pictures show a place of unsurpassed beauty.I don't know about crossing that bridge,it might not be for me.:)I hope you will have a special time of remembering at the Memorial service.May God be very close to you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Rain or no rain, your waterfalls are always lovely!

Cookie said...

Wow! Did you really cross that bridge?! I'd be so scared! It's a shame you weren't able to get a picture on the bridge. and in the rain?! you are crazy woman!
Love the bench under the rock and love the one of you all wet!

Diane AZ said...

Hurricane falls is beautiful and I like the one of George on the bench. It is neat that the bench was built under a shelter so at least part of it is dry in rainy weather. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Betsy---it's time you made a calendar of your beautiful waterfall photos.I'm sure many people would love to buy one to enjoy your lovely photos.

I would love to buy one to grace my office.

Safe travels.

amelia said...

Totally amazing!! The pictures you take really should be shown somewhere!!

You two sure get around, do you ever stay home???

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, that sure was a beautiful place. I am going to enjoy all photos you post.

Deborah Godin said...

You find the most intriguing (and beautiful) places!

Cheryl said...

What beautiful falls. I could almost hear the roar of the falls in the first photo! I too think sometimes that photos seem more striking when the weather is a little "gray". What a hike you two had, the little bridge is intriguing. Great photos as always.

Mary said...

Wow...these are great!

LV said...

What a wonderful display of water falls. I felt like I was there with you. Trust you and George are having a safe trip. Thanks for dropping by.

Diane said...

Betsy, What a lovely way to spend the day on the way to the memorial service. HOWEVER, I would not cross that bridge - no way, no how!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I am and will be praying for you this weekend...m..

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Awesome !!
The rain seems to just add more beauty to the falls, if that is poossible.
What fantastic places you and George visit Betsy, I feel as though I've been there many times on your trips to the falls.
Thanks a million for sharing your superb pictures !
Be safe...

PCovi said...

GORGEous!! (did anyone else say that LOL)
or how about GEORGEous? Both!

Anonymous said...

George looks a bit SOAKED, but quite comfortable! How cool that they'd put a bench there.
Ok, now, that 1st photo is completely & totally amazing! Betsy, I think you're changing my mind a little more everyday about goin on that cruise, I really am thinking more & more about staying right here to see the sites in our own country. I think I've heard of Hurricane Falls somewhere before, but this one is a mystery. I don't know where to begin to pronounce it! hehehe
Now, is that bridge for cars or is it just for hikers? WHAT AN INCREDIBLE VIEW!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular comes to mind. I really like the picture of you with the gorge behind you. I am afraid of heights so it looked a little scary to me. what a wonderful place to be. thanks for sharing it, we might not ever see it.

The Retired One said...

God Bless the glaciers that formed this heavenly gorge.
All of the scenes are spectacular!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

More wonderful photos! We saw so mnay wonderful waterfalls in Yellowstone National Park this summer but the one sin your photos could rival them!