Do you enjoy coffee? When I was a young adult, I didn't drink coffee much at all. As I got older, I began to enjoy gourmet coffees (which my assistant would bring to our office )... I found out that I enjoyed the 'flavored' coffees ---and the special gourmet coffees the most.
When George and I got married, he introduced me to Folger's French Vanilla Coffee (pictured below). It was perfect for us---just enough flavor to enhance the coffee taste, and not as expensive as some of the other gourmet coffees. We only drink coffee in the mornings --but, since I fix our coffee the night before using a timer, we love to wake up to the smell of coffee each morning. I couldn't imagine a morning without my coffee now.

Recently though, the French Vanilla hasn't been tasting very good to us. I even called Folger's to complain. I don't know what they have done to that coffee but it's just different. BUT-- maybe we are just tired of it--and ready to try something new.
WELL---finding other brands in our price range that offer the French Vanilla flavor which we love isn't easy!!!!! Recently though, while we were shopping in our local Food City grocery store, we saw a new brand that neither of us have ever heard of, Harmony Bay. They have a French Vanilla Creme flavor in that brand so we took it home to try. WELL---let me tell you that that is GREAT coffee. We both are VERY impressed!!!!
Our favorite grocery stores (Kroger's and Walmart) which we use every week do not have that brand--so we'll have to make a trip to Food City to stock up --once in awhile... Harmony Bay is made by Comfort Foods and comes out of Andover, Massachusetts. Have you heard of it???? Below is a picture. IF you see it and enjoy gourmet coffee, give it a try. This truly is a great coffee. It actually has a slight 'smokey' taste which reminds me of one of Starbuck's special coffees (expensive) which we enjoy on occasion.

Wonder if Harmony Bay will give me some free coupons for this advertisement????? ha
oh, too bad i have to stop drinking coffee coz i palpitate when i do so. :(
We are also coffee drinkers, I make it the night before too. I love the aroma in the morning. I've never heard of the Harmony Bay brand but you've got me curious now so I will have to check the local stores.
They should send you some coupons Betsy, for the free advertising.
I'm like you Betsy... never drank coffee until I was probably in my 30's, and now, can't imagine a morning without it! I like a Hazelnut cup occasionally, but find I like regular unflavored in the mornings. Glad you were able to find another French Vanilla that you liked!
I have never liked coffee and still don't! The smell is wonderful but the taste (for me) is awful.
I'm the same way with beer. I love the smell but can't get past the taste!
Well that Harmony Bay sure comes in a pretty can! I drink cappucinos or cafe mochas (basically spruced up coffee for the sweet tooth in me) but like you - I love the smell of coffee in the house!! By the way, I think that Dunkin Donuts has pretty good coffee too!
I'm a tea drinker..after all i am in the tea country - Ceylon :)
Yesmam, I have the timer on my coffee pot too!! I like my strong and black, not flavor..I could probably drink mine with a fork, LOL. You should get some coupons as this was a great endorsement!
Hot Chocolate with hazelnut in it for me.
Gotta have the java in the morniing. We drink Kroger brand. I add my own flavors~~of Coffee Mate cream 'fat free' original and Coffee Mate Creamy Chocolate.
That can is pretty--it would make a good bird feeder. ;)
I'm a coffee addict from way back, Betsy. I like mine strong with plenty of milk (and I'm drinking a cup as I type this). We used to drink Folger's 100% Columbian, but just recently, it's tasted kind of weak or something. So we've been trying different brands, but haven't found one we like as well yet. I'm glad you and George found one you liked---and in such a pretty can, too!
I like a little coffee after dessert which now, writing this, I feel the stab of missing my husband. He would always keep just a little of his coffee for me.
Now I don't drink coffee (because I don't drink coffee and could not finish a cup). And I don't do dessert anymore either. So.
i love my morning coffee too...drinking some right now blogging by the fireplace...what a great morning. happy november.
Hi Betsy, This coffee sounds great. I am going to look for it. If they have a website, there may be coupons to download on it. Often times, you can get them that way.
I read the post below. There is not enough money in this world to make me get on that swinging bridge. I am terrified of them. I crawled across one years ago at Rock City and said never again!
I haven't heard or seen of Harmony Bay coffee before Betsy. I like gourmet coffees alot. But for breakfast it is regular coffee. Sometimes in the winter I will drink a cup of flavored coffee in the afternoon(decaffeinated of course). The flavored coffee-mates aren't too bad either.
I love coffee as much as anyone I know. I have to have my cup first thing every morning. It can be black or with milk, caffeinated or decaf. But I would do without rather than drink any of the flavored ones. I can't stand to smell them brewing. It's a bit embarrassing when we go to dinner parties and they serve flavored coffee with dessert. I have to set my cup aside.
When I was working I took my own coffee in a thermos because others would bring in flavored coffee and brew it. I could taste the flavor even after another brew.
ahhhh,.... good coffee, black. That flavor sounds great. I'll watch for it here in the northeast.
Ah, fresh coffee in the morning! It's one of life's pleasures. We are "coffee snobs" according to my sister. We buy fresh roasted beans, grind them every morning and make the coffee.
You know what Betsy? I dreamt last night that I went to your house and met you! I woke up thinking, Huh. What were you doing living next door to my friends in Wyoming? hahaha
Sounds good and you should get a year's worth of free coffee for the wonderful ad!! Jeep has to have Dunkin Donuts coffee and orders it on the internet, several pounds at a time! It IS good coffee.
I wish I drank coffee because I LOVE the smell. Just haven't quite developed a taste for it:)
The first thing I have in the morning is a cup of tea. What's weird, is that I tend to drink coffee at work, yet home, I always make tea...
I love coffee, I just never seem to make it, unless we have company stop by, and then I make a pot full.
I like the flavored coffees in the Winter also, such as French Vanilla, or Cafe Mocha.
Your correct Betsy ! We do tend to like our coffee's ;)
Great informative post Betsy. I love my morning coffee too. We do a 'lite' version of 1/2 decaf and 1/2 regular. I use a sugar free creamer (french vanilla) and we both use a tad bit of splenda too.
I have not seen this brand, but I may just try it if I see it and mix with some decaf.
What is a nice treat though? Putting just a dash of cinnamon in the coffee filter with the grounds...YUMMY. Try it one morning and see if you notice. Cinnamon is good for us too, did you know that?
I love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning too, only I don't like to drink it. I like to have a cup of coffee before I go to bed though. I know, I am a bit tetched.
I think both Folgers and Harmony Bar should send out a few coupons. MB
My husband is the coffee drinker at our house, but I've never bought Harmony Bay. He isn't into the flavored coffee too much, it's usually Maxwell House French Roast, although I tend to shop for what's on sale or what I have a coupon for.
I always enjoy a cup of coffee when I go out to eat, otherwise I lean towards tea.
Did you check HB's website to see if they have any coupons?
Have a great day.
Sunny :)
Betsy, how funny, I buy this brand at Food city too, but I really like the hazelnt.
that's one thing I've found since we moved here, I have to hit all of the gorcery stores to get what we need. I was so used to Dorignac's in Metairie, one trip and I was done.
They should send you a coupon with all this great publicity. What a pretty coffee can too.
I usually drink regular coffee then flavor it with the flavored creamers. (not fattening huh)
I only drink in the morning too.
You should write them and tell them how wonderful their coffee is. I bet they will send you a coupon.
...enjoy that coffee.....it gets even better on these cold mornings. There are a lot of brands our Kroger's doesn't carry, so we have to make "stock-up" runs to other stores too.
You do NOT want to see me if I can't wake up to the timer set coffee pot. We drink our first cup in bed, to wake us up. I make one pot a day and drink 3 cups. I would like to drink more, but fight myself and just stick to the 3. When I have to have a blood test and fast, i take my cup with me and drink it as soon as I get in the car. We use Folgers French Roast and love it. i love the gourmet but my husband does not.
forgot something, did you make that heart in the foam? or did it just happen:
forgot something, did you make that heart in the foam? or did it just happen:
I guess I don't have any class...I just like the plain everyday Folgers! However, the name Harmony Bay makes it sound so delicious!
I have always liked coffee with breakfast, and I sometimes have it at night...I like toast and jelly and coffee as a snack!
I love coffee, too, it's a must in my life. The graphics are beautiful on your new coffee can.
I've always hated coffee, but I'm older now & since I read a list of things to do to prevent 'Swine Flu', it says to drink hot beverages, I think I'll start! Every little bit helps!
Finding good coffee is very important! I love taster's choice :)
Oh yes, we love our coffee, Betsy! I love the smell just as much as the taste. We've tried many different kinds. Right now Starbuck's Pike is a new favorite for special treats.
For every day, we like Maxwell House original roast.
I am a coffee lover myself. I like the columbia flavor coffee. It is a little strong but I like the full bodied smooth taste. I use to drink a lot of the flavor coffees and coffee flavorings but now I like my coffee just coffee. There is a coffee shop here that I frequent a lot which I always purchase a enlish toffee/moka latte or frap. YUMMMM
Sometime for a treat I make my coffee strong and add some choc syrup and top with reddi-whip toppin. MMMMmmmm good.
Hi Betsy,
LOVE, LOVE my coffee. I am having a cup right now on my back porch spending a few minutes of peace and quiet while our 3 yr old grandson is napping. We took him to the zoo this morning. Anyway... that doesn't have anything to do with coffee. LOL
Glad you and George found a good sub for your previous favorite. I look forward to mornings when Mr. Meems brings me a cup of coffee in the garden and he sits with me for a while to chat. Coffee just makes the world go round a little smoother. :-)
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
I joke that I could probably go without oxygen long than coffee... And I have my special faves, too. I grind beans at home, and have several brands I choose from. Love the aroma in the mornings!
Love coffee - as long as it has some cream and sugar. I am bad though - my favorite is not really coffee but - 2 of Maxwell House's General Foods International Coffee's mixed together. I allow myself one cup a day made up of the suisse mocha (1 TB) and french vanilla (2 1/2/ TB) I use a large mug!
Thanks for the congrats on the Yankees! I normally don't watch professional sports, I just think it is ridiculous for anyone to make that kind of money to play a sport, when there are people dying of starvation! Don't mean to offend anyone - just my opinion. But I did watch a few of the games - my husband is a diehard fan of the Yanks. Last night he came home late from work and could not believe I was watching "Touched By an Angel" instead of the game!
Betsy: How do you get these special powers over coffee. I can see you love coffee.
I too am a coffee drinker. We were given a Keurig coffeemaker so I have fun ordering all kinds of flavored coffees. Mark will only drink French Vanilla and I will try anything flavored at least once, and I do enjoy a dark roast. I also am addicted to the flavored creamers as well. The Harmony Bay can looks familiar, very catchy design. I will have to check the local grocery store.
I'm a coffee lover, too, Betsy! I prefer dark-roast coffee and now use Keurig's K-Cup brewer to make one cup at a time. I don't drink it "black" though, except under duress (LOL); at home, my coffee is liberally laced with Coffee Mate's Creme Brulee, although French Vanilla will do in a pinch.
Interesting post Betsy! I guess people really can't live without their coffee..lol. Some days we do and some days we don't...but when we do we are stuck on Star Bucks Sumatra. ;-)
Fascinating about the Folgers French Vanilla. I drink Folger's regular strength. It's good enough for me, and that way, I don't get a mind freeze trying to figure out which one to get. I'll have to give the harmony bay a whirl.
Another coffee lover here! Only in the morning, but a must have. I like the flavored coffees also...hazelnut and french vanilla. I've not heard of harmony bay...have you heard of eight o,clock coffee...I like to try a different brand each time I buy a can of coffee!
I hate coffee, but love to smell it.
First of all, I love love love your header!!! Awesome!
Hubby and I love Green Mountain hazelnut coffee. We used to drive down to the States to buy it (about an hour and a half from here). Then we found a brand up here called Vanilla Hazelnut made by Van Houtte. So we drink that now. And like you, we make our morning coffee the night before, so it's all ready (and smells heavenly) when we get up.
That heart pic in your coffee cup is really cute!!
You certainly should be rewarded for the advertisement.Reading all this,suddenly I am thirsty for a good cup of coffee.:)
I got out of breath scrolling down here to leave a comment. I am happy you got some good stuff. I hate bad coffee and have had some. The best coffee I ever tasted was always made by men and it was always made by Army men. There is no coffee on earth that could duplicate the taste of Mess Hall Coffee. I love it and gave up trying to find something as good in civilian life. Now, at 75, the Army won't take me back and hasn't offered me a pass to get in any base for a free cuppa.
I love to smell coffee brewing but just don't enjoy the taste at all. I am the only one in the whole family who doesn't drink it.
If I run across that brand, I'll definitely check it out.
I like French Vanilla and Hazelnut flavors best.
I'm a coffee lover too! I grind the beans and brew a pot every day ... LOVE the smell of it in the morning ... used to use flavored creamers but now I lace it with half and half ... am sipping some right now as I type ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
I was going to say they should send you some free samples after that plug. I'm not much of a coffee drinker because it tastes too bitter for me so I have to load it up with sugar and I don't like to have to much sugar. My love handles are big enough.However I do love the smell of coffee and I like a half strenghth Capuccino. Bill brews coffee when we have visitors and he likes the flavoured ones too but he has to not over endulge due to his heart problem.
I love coffee! My favorte is hazelnut but most of the time I drink regular as it is less expensive. I believe I've seen Harmony Bay flavored coffees in my local BJ's Discount Club supermarket, and during the holidays they offer special blends. I'll try it on your advice :-)
Mike is the coffee drinker in our family. I don't like it and prefer tea...I like vanilla in tea. Mike loves to try different flavored coffees, but Folgers is his regular brand.
When I was little, I used to love holding my Dad's ceramic coffee mug. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was intoxicating... and the warmth of the mug equally as delightful! I can remember my first taste of coffee though - What disappointment! With a smell like that, I thought it'd taste just as delicious...
Years later, I started drinking sugar-filled frappucinos and other drinks that satisfied my tastebuds.
It wasn't until I graduated High School that I finally appreciated a regular cup of coffee. Now? I can't start my morning without my daily cup -- no cream, no sugar -- just black. Fortunately, I've been lucky enough to work for Green Tree Coffee & Tea -- and let me tell you, there's nothing like freshly roasted coffee to start off your day. I don't think I've ever had such a great cup of coffee. I even started a blog for them! (Although I haven't posted that much yet) --- Anyway, aside from producing yummy coffee, they have a variety of coffee & tea products... and also support The Mobile Greyhound Adoption Center by donating $1 per pound of "dog friendly" coffee that they sell.
Sorry about the 598 page post :) I think I may have had one too many cups this morning!
Check out our blog:
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