Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 23, 2020

Fall 2019 ROSES in our Yard

Daring Spirit Rose --9/13/19
Dear Friends,   I had one more post of our last year's ROSES in my folders..  SO--I thought it would be a good time to do this post.  Flowers make me smile ---and at these hard times in our lives,  we ALL need some smiles,  don't we?

When our ROSES started blooming in May,   I tried to post all of them at least once during the year.  SO --today I'll share with you a few more --some of which I hadn't posted on a previous blog.   PINK Roses seems to do well here in the Glade --so we seem to always have an over-abundance of pinks to share...  Hope you enjoy today's picks ---and I truly hope this post makes you SMILE.

Tropical Sun Rose --9/19/19  (a new rose in our yard last year)

Summer Nights Rose-- 9/15/19

Anna's Promise Rose --9/18/19 (This one is named after Anna in Downton Abbey.)

Falling in Love Rose --10/13/19  (a new rose in our yard this past year)

Cabana Rose-- 9/14/19

Double Delight Rose --9/8/19  (always a joy to see)

Moonstone Rose --9/16/19

Flaming Peace Rose --10/13/19 (another new Rose in our yard this past year)

Veteran's Honor Rose --9/7/19  (always a fav)

Aromatherapy Rose 10/3/19  

Mother of Pearl Rose --9/16/19 (a new rose in our yard this past year)

Pinkerbelle --10/13/19 (I've featured this one before since it has bloomed and bloomed all summer/fall.  This was a new one in our yard this past year!!!  I LOVE Pinkerbelle!!!!
Okay Friends... Any favorite ones of yours out of this group?   I do hope that these did make you smile for a bit... I hope and pray that you and your family and loved ones are all okay --and staying inside and SAFE.   George and I only went out once this week (to the grocery store and recycle center).  We went very early in the morning --when there were no crowds...  That worked out good for us.  Now --we are home until the grocery needs call our name in a week or so....

What are you doing to pass the extra time you may have now?  I am enjoying my Genealogy program --even moreso now that I've met a couple of cousins on my Dad's side of the family after taking the 23andMe DNA info-kit a few months ago.  I didn't even know these cousins at all before taking that DNA test.   SO EXCITING...

It's hard not to worry during this COVID-19 Coronavirus (about ourselves, our families,  getting necessary supplies,  people out of work,  etc.).... BUT--worrying doesn't fix this!!!  I have found that the best thing to do is to find things to do and stay busy!!!!!   BUT---I'm praying hard for you and for everyone!!!!   Those of us who are Christians know that God is in control ...  

Have an awesome week --and stay HEALTHY and HAPPY.


Betsy said...

I absolutely loved all of these beautiful roses that you've shared with us. Of course absolutely nothing is blooming up here in the north except a few small crocus that I found under a bush this week. It will be months before we see roses. We're always told not to plant anything until after Mother's Day in May.
I appreciate the beauty that you've shared to take our minds off the situation that we're all dealing with right now. No one in the entire world is immune from it are they? Our youngest son is supposed to be flying from London to Tokyo tomorrow but we don't know if he'll actually be able to go. I don't know what to hope for. I would kind of like him to stay in London where he has people who love him instead of alone in Japan. But London also seems to have a crisis happening right now and Japan doesn't seem quite as bad.
God IS in control and I'm leaning heavily on Him and His promises during these uncertain days. Praying for peace and health for you and George.

Ann said...

They are all beautiful but I think the aromatherapy rose really caught my eye and so did the falling in love rose. These were a breath of fresh air

George said...

These beautiful roses are a perfect antidote for times such as these.

Deb J. in Utah said...

All of the roses are simply gorgeous. I think my favorites are the Veteran's Honor and Flaming Peace Roses. So glad you are getting into genealogy. I have been interested in that for some time and use Familysearch.org for most of my research. Check it out - it is free. I got my DNA done through Ancestry.com. You both stay safe and well.

Dee said...

Your roses are absolutely spectacular!!! I never get tired of looking at all the beauty. Thanks so much for sharing! God Bless!

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for the diversion and what a delight it was. You have such wonderful roses, George is a master.
Keep safe you two.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Daring Spirit and Anna's Promise! Fortunately we have disposable gloves to wear when we have to grocery shop. They have started rationing all paper goods.

Chatty Crone said...

Beautiful I love the first one the Daring Spirit Rose!

Visits With Mary said...

Your roses are beautiful. We're spending our days watching old movies. I play several games online and I also do some online Bible studies. We got out for a ride yesterday afternoon and that was nice. I sure will be glad when these days are over. Hope you stay healthy.

Rose said...

The roses are gorgeous...they sure make me long for warm weather. I did not have a favorite...

Shug said...

they each are quite stunning. Just nothing like a beautiful rose with a sweet fragrance. I always enjoy your gorgeous roses. Stay safe...stay well...

Ruth Hiebert said...

If I have to pick a favorite, it would be between Moonstone and Double Delight. I am trying to keep busy as well and trusting God. He has it all under control.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

It is hard to pick a favorite, your roses are all beautiful.
Stay calm and healthy! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh goodness Betsy, the roses are all so beautiful, I just couldn't choose one favourite … they are all my favourite!

In these changing and uncertain times I think it is best to keep busy, keep positive and keep smiling.
For all those that do pray, this helps too.

My good wishes to you and George.

All the best Jan

Natalia said...

Wow,these are stunning!

Shug said...

Oooo.....my favorite is the "Falling in Love" rose. Such a perfect color. I too love genealogy. It is so interesting to me. I have one cousin that is big in this, so she has helped. me figure out a lot of things. Prayers for you and George with this virus...

Lady Fi said...

Wow - your roses are stunning!

Kay said...

I'm doing my best to stay busy. It's hard not to stress, but your gorgeous roses definitely help to calm the spirit to enjoy their beauty.

Linda said...

The Mother of Pearl Rose really intrigues me. I've been very busy, except that I spend too much time on Facebook. Take care of yourself and George!

diane b said...

A nice post to cheer the soul. Your roses get better every year. Just beautiful and such a variety. I'm busy writing my third book on my life story.

Beth said...

Double Delight is my favorite. A wonderful respite seeing your photos of the roses.

Connie said...

Your roses are amazing, Betsy! I enjoyed seeing all the beauty. Glad to hear you are staying safe and well. I hope you have a nice Easter.