Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Winter Bird Photos of My Backyard Birds--Part 2

That Mockingbird looks rather disgusted with all of the ICE around.  Poor Thing!  (Photo taken on 2/17/15)
Last Thursday I showed you the first 10 photos of my Backyard Birds which I took the past few months... Click HERE   to see that post if you missed it.  Today,  I'll share 10 more with you.   Hope you enjoy the pictures... The poor birds really struggled here this winter after the horrible ICE, snow and frigid temperatures we had... I love feeding them year-round --but especially during a cold winter.  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

I kept having to break the icicles off of the domes --so that the birds could get in there for some food.  (Photo taken on 2/16/15)

I love this photo showing the Northern Flicker at the top suet feeder,  the Finches in the plate feeder in the middle,  and the Robin on the deck rail at the bottom....The Robin was trying to find a way to get his LARGE body up to the house feeder.... Not sure he ever made it to that feeder!!! (Photo taken on 2/26/15)

The Pine Siskins flocked to the feeders (and deck) during our harsh winter.  (Photo taken on 2/18/15)

Love this picture of a Tufted Titmouse grabbing a peanut!!!  (Photo by 2/17/15)

I have a 'heated' Birdbath ---and the birds love it especially when they can't get water in other places during an icy/snowy winter.  (Photo taken on 2/26/15)   (NOTE:  I told you that our 'resident' Robin was here most of the time... He seems to be in most of the pictures... ha)

Our little Carolina Wrens are such cute little birds... They are always around ---and LOVE to 'sneak' into our garage and try to build a house in there (which is a NO-NO).....ha   (Photo taken on 2/17/15)

I seemed to take alot of pictures of the Northern Flicker Woodpecker (but they are such gorgeous birds).   (Photo taken on 2/16/15)

I love this picture of an Eastern Bluebird on the tree --waiting to come to the feeders.  (Photo taken on 2/18/15)

Always a favorite bird at our feeders!!!!  (Photo taken on 3/28/15)
I didn't see our Pileated Woodpeckers when the weather was so bad --but after it began to warm up,  they began coming back to have a snack at the suet feeders. Like the Northern Flickers,  the Pileated Woodpeckers are so gorgeous.  I never get tired of seeing them.

Now that Spring is here,  some of our winter birds are moving on (like the Pine Siskins).  There are now some new birds at the feeders (Brown Thrashers,  Blue Jays) ---and I hope to see the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks when they come through here while migrating... AND--of course,  we are looking for the Hummingbirds to return.

Happy Spring to YOU ---and Happy BIRDING!!!  Sorry I haven't been around in Blogland much lately.  We've been out having fun ---searching waterfalls and doing some hiking!!!!!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Another lovely selcevtion of winer birds in your icy garden. Glad spring is here now.

Ms. A said...

Envious that some of you have such a variety of birds!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful collection of birds, Betsy! You did have a big group of Pine Siskins. Love the Flicker and woodie.. The wren is a cutie too! Have a happy dya!

Fun60 said...

A heated bird bath. No wonder you are so popular with the birds in your neighbourhood. Great photos Betsy. How are you doing these days? Hope you walking is back to normal.

Jeevan said...

The bluebird is very pretty and vibrant in colors! This is another beautiful post on your winter birds and great captures on them. I love the detail on both the woodpeckers... it’s so wonderful to have birds visited according to the season :)

linda m said...

I just love seeing all your birds. You get so many different ones that I don't ever see around my house. Thanks for sharing.

Shug said...

And...Happy Spring to you as well. All of the bird photos are so sweet. It is so wonderful how our Heavenly Father watches over them. I'm looking forward to all of your new waterfall photos and stories. I've been keeping up with you and I know you have much to tell. Big Hugs Betsy.

Judy said...

I guess we are not the only ones who are glad winter is over; the birds are too. I hope some hummingbirds find our back yard. My mother had so many coming to her place. We loved watching them.

Out on the prairie said...

What a nice collection. I have been trying to catch a Northern Flicker and just got one the other day. They never come to the feeders. Maybe need a better flavor of suet.

Dorothy said...

Great pictures of your winter birds! Love the Flicker and the Pileated Woodpecker!

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the customers at your bird kitchen. I'm glad the bad weather didn't keep them away.

David said...

Betsy, Great bird photos. Love that flicker and the pileated woodpecker... The blue on your bluebird really came out well! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

I do love your beautiful birds, Betsy!! And such great photos!! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty!! Have a lovely weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Brrr - icy but lovely bird shots. Sure hope it's spring over there now.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, we always wonder how the birds survive the winters. I always feel so sorry for them.

Arkansas Patti said...

I had those ice bars at the feeders also but I sure didn't have the variety you have. Love the forlorn little blue bird waiting his turn.
You certainly provide a nice spread for your birds.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

yes, i noticed you missing to at my posts. but figured you were busy as well. George always keeps up though. thank him for that. no traveling here. just been busy. working outdoors in the yard. spring cleaning & all that fun jazz. life is stressful at times & keep me in other parts of my life. i try to keep up with folks who visit here & that usually takes all my time. i must admit i don't visit when i don't hear from folks - figure they aren't blogging if i don't hear from them 1st. i guess you get that. i appreciate you stopping by today. love that. have a great week & stop by when you can ... big big hugs. ( :

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, a delightful collection of winter birds on the feeders.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is the cute little wren. Also the titmouse with a nut and the bluebird. Looks like the robin is hanging out near a rhododendron?

Joy said...

it seems that all the birds had moved on to you:)
send some birds to me:)

Terri D said...

Bless you for taking such good care of your feathered friends in those harsh winter storms!

Chatty Crone said...

I am jealous of all your beautiful birds and flowers and that heated birdbath - that is so cool.

Kay said...

You have so many more species of birds than we have here. I do see more birds when I'm out hiking but usually at home, it's just hummers and finches, plus the occasional scrub jay.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The one positive thing about bad weather is that it brings the birds out.You got wonderful pictures of these visitors.

Judy said...

Thanks for sharing the awesome bird photos with us! It's so much fun to watch the birds and to see them come back time after time. Have fun hiking!

Latane Barton said...

a wonderful collection of little birdies. You have a knack for getting them to visit or is it that you just feed them so well?

Connie said...

These are wonderful pictures of your bird visitors, Betsy. I love the bluebird--so pretty!

Cranberry Morning said...

Beautiful bird photos! This morning, a goldfinch managed to get trapped in one of our feeders. That was a first. Fortunately I managed to set him free. Poor little guy.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love your header photo of the beautiful tulips. Your winter bird photos are awesome! Glad you are out enjoying the waterfalls and splendid spring!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like the second picture, with the icy dome!

DeniseinVA said...

Delightful to see your pretty birds Betsy. I think they are happy with the warmer weather also.

Marie said...

Tulips are just so beautiful! I never get tired of seeing your birds, they love you! :) We are really enjoying our variety of bird visitors. :)
Glad you're out enjoying yourselves!

Janice K said...

I thought of you and your beautiful Bluebirds a coupleof weeks ago. I saw a couple fliting around in our woods when I was talking on the phone does couldn'the get to my camera. They seemed to be gone when I finished my conversation, but I went out to check the Bluebird house. They were flying in and out, building a nest. Apparently they decided to move on, because I haven'the seen them since. I'mean disappointed!

Linda P said...

You always look after your feathered friends so well, Betsy. I like the idea of the heated bird bath so they have water. Such a variety are attracted to your yard because of your efforts, which they must appreciate.

Beth said...

As always, I delight in your bird pictures. My favorite this time is the titmouse then the Carolina wren. Our feeders are temporarily down but will resume soon. :>)

Lux G. said...

Those birds look adorable. I especially like how the blue one stands out. :)

Kay G. said...

Hello Betsey!
I LOVE your bird photos! I LOVE my birds and I can see you do too!

Sally Wessely said...

Love your little birdies. You are so good to feed them.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,
Happy spring to you too. Love your bird pictures. You're doing the right thing, enjoy the spring and get out on new adventures. Have a lovely Sunday!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi there! I almost missed this post and I'm glad I didn't because your header is just like stepping into sunshine! And the birds are beautiful. They sure know where to get the best food in town, I'll bet! Enjoyed your post, Betsy. Take care and have a wonderful week!

Kay said...

I can't get over how many birds you have. The birds must love your heated bird bath.