All of the birds have been busy visiting us since we got home. They were fed while we were gone ---but when I'm home, I spoil them with extra fruits and nuts. SO---I'm sure they missed me!!!!
We have had FIVE Woodpeckers at our feeders just since we got home on Saturday. All of them love the peanut suet (which I have on three different feeders). One of my favorite woodpeckers, the Red-headed Woodpecker, came to the feeder --but I didn't get his picture... Darn!! Hope he comes back soon!!! In the meantime though, here are pictures of the other four, taken this week.
Above is one of our many Red-bellied Woodpeckers. He likes the suet feeder attached to one of our house feeders. They are year-round visitors (except for the fact that they disappeared for a month of two in early spring ---probably mating). Below are more!
I love the little Downy Woodpeckers. They are small---and they love the wire suet feeder. Thanks to MARY , I added some wood at the bottom of the feeder for them to sit on while eating. Isn't he a cutie?
You can barely see this woodpecker. He was playing "Peek-A-Boo" with me!!!! He's a Northern Flicker... You can see part of him hanging under the house feeder.
Here's another picture of the Northern Flicker ---as he left the feeder and flew to a nearby tree. These are gorgeous birds, don't you think? I'm so glad that they feel safe enough to come to the feeders.
And finally, here are three pictures of one of my all-time favorite birds, the Pileated Woodpecker. This silly bird is almost too big to do the things he wants to do. In this picture, he was trying to get to the wire suet feeder--by balancing himself on the clothes line above. He was really struggling! I just laughed and laughed!
While he was 'trying' to balance himself on that clothes line, he was using his wings --like we do our arms when we are in a similar situation. Wish you could have seen him. The pictures aren't very clear because I was laughing so hard.. BUT---you'll get the idea what he was trying to do!
He finally got some bites and stayed there for awhile just looking around. He was probably wondering why I was laughing at him. Shame on me!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Woodpeckers. I love all of my birds--but the Woodpeckers are very special!!!!
How much fun to watch these birds...I love the markings on on the Flicker!
I adore these birds also! I could have kicked myself one evening when at my sons place, a tree had about 5 woodpeckers in it...and me with no camera! I've gone back to that particular tree and have not found them again...but am keeping my eyes open!!!
What great shots, Betsy! Those pictures of the Pileated are priceless. They brought a big smile to my face this morning---thank you!
I've never had Flickers or Pileateds at my suet feeders. How wonderful!
We used to have a pileated, but I haven't seen him this year. What kind of suet do you use?
Hope you get your picture of the Red-Head....The one we had last year only stuck around for about a week.
Your Pilated is something else. Looks like your "restaurant" is so good he may stick around. The ones around here tend to stay higher up in the trees most of the time. Maybe it is because there are more dead branches up there.
Good idea on the perch. Will remember that one. Love the Pileated woodpeckers. Had bunches in Florida, have yet to see one here.
You do have them spoiled.
So many sweet birds you have!
Have a terrific day Betsy!
xo Catherine
Great pictures Betsy. I'd love to see a Pileated Woodpecker in person.
Sunny :)
I just love seeing all the bird activity that is going on. We saw an redheaded woodpecker yesterday. Those are so pretty!
The little downy woodpeckers are just so darn cute!!!
the downy bird is adorable, I had no idea there were so many different kinds of wood peckers. we have only seen two here.
Great pictures of the birds! I'm hoping to have the opportunity to capture some different types of birds while on vacation.
Our flickers have just come back, I saw them poking around for ants on our field bed a couple of days ago. They are the prettiest colours!
Do you make your own suet or do you buy it? If you make it would you share your recipe? I have made it but I'd like to find one that doesn't melt!!
All the birds that visit you are very lucky indeed. :)
I like the Woodpeckers too. We have a red breasted Sapsucker that hang around in the birch tree AND loves to peck at the upstairs bedroom window. I wonder if he sees his reflection and is courting his image. MB
The flickers here never come to the feeders. I seldom get photos of them. Ours are very shy and secretive birds.
I'm glad I saw this post today. It reminds me to pick up suet on the way home:)
Bev just came in and said she saw a couple Pileateds frolicing in the woods behind the house. They are pretty awesome birds
Wonderful shots and I didn't knows there were so many kinds of woodpeckers...thanks for the info!!!
I am sure your bird family missed you. You have them spoiled like you have George.
such a variety of the lil guys! mom & I was looking in her bird book last night - they have several Indigo Buntings & WoW they're so bluuuue & pretty! she gets so excited to see them! LoL!
wouldn't want them too close to my house because of the pecking noise- but they are so interesting and pretty.
I am so jealous,that you have the PIleated this close to the house.Hey,I was laughing just looking at his antcs.What fun to observe the birds,and having a blog friend like you who shares them doubles the fun.
Have a fantastic,birdy day.
What wonderful shots of these beauties! I smile everytime I see a woodpecker at my feeders. In the almost three years here I haven't seen a red-headed one though. I'm a little envious you saw one.:)
I like Mary's idea of the stick. Thanks for passing that on.
And thank you for your wonderful comment about my Grandbabies. I love being a Grandma.Shhh....don't tell anybody. :)
You have the ultimate in free entertainment - well not free, it costs to feed them, lol! Very lovely birds! So glad you are enjoying them!
Hi Betsy, welcome home, I have missed you :) Lovely photos of the woodpeckers, Beautiful birds!
You get the best photography shots! Love the woodpecker shots. I would love to have you come teach a session to my Joy on birds! :)
Have a great day!
Beautiful shots!!! You would have liked David Letterman the other night. Jack Hannah was on there with his animals and one was a woodpecker. He was telling how many time they peck in a second and how much force was behind each peck....it was a good show!
I admire you your collection of woodpeckers. For some reason we or I do not get the Pileated or the Flicker. I think the latter prefers ants around here but I don't have many this year. Ants.
Thanks for the visit.
You get the best bird shots ever!! That's it... a new camera is going on the "want list". I have a big ol' pileated woodpecker hanging around my place too; but whenever I see him ~ by time I go and grab the camera he's always out of range. Thank you so much for sharing!
Gorgeous birds! Really enjoyed seeing yours since we don't have any in our yard. Not enough trees. I should put out some of their favorite foods though and try and lure them in.
Wow, five types of woodpeckers at your feeders! Your birds look so interesting and cute. I like how you added the wood perch to the suet feeder. In my yard, a woodpecker loves to sip nectar from the hummingbird feeder.
I LOVE your woodpeckers. I often *hear* them around here, but very rarely see them. Well done!
The last picture is amazing! How awkward, yes I can see what he's trying to do, how funny!!! Not quite as agile as a squirrel, is he? This is making me laugh. As to the little Downy, go to my post of September 14 "One Crazy Bird", to see why I get a twinge when I look at him. Downys are definatly NOT one of my favorite birds!
Hi Betsy, Sorry to confuse you. We are actually going cruising to Alaska with maybe some fishing, maybe not. You'll see the pics when I get back, eventually!
What a great welcome home. All of the woodpeckers are so cute but I love the little Downy.
While looking at your photos of the Pileated Woodpecker I was thinking how great it would be to have a web cam set up on one of the feeders. Can you imagine the antics you could capture?
I'll bet the word is out there in the bird world...go to Betsy's. And they leave marks on your fences so the other birds can find you.
That second shot is interesting. It looks like it decided to sit on it's butt.
Hi Betsy! visiting your blog through another, and yes! you need to do the Alaskan cruise. My hubby and I did one last year around the end of May and it was beautiful weather, we did a 7 day cruise and stopped in 4 different ports. I wish we had spent more time in just a couple though. We loved it and the price was right! GO for it! Alaska is amazing!
Oh, Betsy, You sure do spoil your bird friends. No wonder you are able to get so many wonderful pictures with those magnificent cameras.
I love to see the Pileated Woodpecker. We have the same birds you have but for some reason, that big fella is a hoot to watch. Then, when he flies, he waves as he travels up and down across the sky. He's just a regular Red Skelton.
There's something about woodpeckers that gets me so excited, I think it may be the size of them, and then those vibrant red feathers...
I'd say they knew you had returned home, and popped in to say welcome back, of course they can always count on the "all you can eat buffet, Betsy-style" while they visit :)
Stunning pictures !
The one with the red head must be "Woody" (LOL)
A bird in the hand is worth than 2 in the bush,lol.
Nice woodpecker pics.Lately I've only seen Downy's at my suet feeders.They are one of the main reasons I started feeding birds. The woodpeckers were pecking holes on our wood siding and hubbie was threatening to shoot them. As soon as I started putting suet out they stayed off the house and at the feeders.
We have large Pileated woodpeckers up at the barn but I've never seen one at my feeders,they must get enough to eat up there!
Have a blessed evening Marilyn
Great shots of your woodpeckers, Betsy! I hardly ever get to see any of these, so I get all excited if one comes around.
Ooooh, I just love our Woodpeckers,too! They are so much fun to spy on! We have several that hang out in the back yard around the feeders. But, loves to stay around the barn. He marches up and down the fence and up the light pole....eating! J is the one who spoils the birds at our house :)
Your pics are amazing, Betsy! Thanks for the smile. I hope you recovering from the beach trip!!!!
xo, misha
Great woodpecker shots, Betsy. We have the little downies here and I love to watch them. But of course they're all just gorgeous. Diane
What a wonderful welcome home, Betsy! Great pictures! That is so funny about that last one who was too big. HA HA! :D
Great idea about putting the stick in the bottom of the suet cage for them to balance on..we will try it!
I am SO jealous,Betsy...a PILEATED and a FLICKER both??? two of my all time favorite birds along with Cardinals...wow!!!!!
Great pics, Betsy! I agree: woodpeckers are special birds. I love watching the red-headed and red-bellied ones here! And thanks for sharing the idea of putting wood in the feeder. Have a great weekend!
You have a wonderful variety of woodpeckers. Great photos! I love your header, too.
It looks like a red heart on the back of that Northern Flicker's head. cute. I haven't seen mine in days and days.
great pics
It looks like a red heart on the back of that Northern Flicker's head. cute. I haven't seen mine in days and days.
great pics
These pictures look like the birds were deliberately posing for you!
beautiful, as always.
Woodpecker are nice to see...I like all your birds...I can not get close enough to them to see what most are when they come into my yard...I need a good camera. Trish
Delightful shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Hi...welcome back home...hope you had a good time...love the pictures of birds...and I am going to use your idea about adding a piece of wood to the suit holders...but we have a problem in our neighborhood..cats!!! too many...and they are left to roam...we have one...but she is housebound...but boy can she give those birds a hard time thru the window LOLOL...God Bless...hugs...Ora in KY
How do you get close-up pictures of birds?
beautiful shots of the woodpeckers, Betsy. The Pileated Woodpecker looks like he's doing an act for candid camera :)
Wonderful! Woodpeckers are so special and beautiful!
i am so glad you love the Woodpeckers! Next to the Northern Cardinals, the Woodpeckers are my favorites! I enjoy watching them so much! You have taken excellent photographs!
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