There is a mountain near us named Black Mountain. George and I have visited there many times since we moved to the plateau in 2003. The road up the mountain is paved--but very steep and narrow. We pray that we won't meet another car going the other direction when we drive there. Yesterday-we had the entire area to ourselves which was nice!!!
Once on the top, there is a great trail all around the area (about 1.7 miles) which we enjoy hiking. There are two overlooks --but one of them has too many trees in front, which prevent a good view. The other overlook, definitely our favorite, is a series of large rocks on the top of the mountain where there is a great view. We enjoy just sitting at that overlook enjoying the countryside below us.
Yesterday was a sunny day on the mountain but there was a cold wind blowing --which made it feel as if the temperature was in the low 30's. Brrrrrrr!!!! Even though we were dressed appropriately, we didn't stay on that overlook as long as we usually do. Besides, it was getting late and George didn't want to drive down that narrow mountain road after dark!
Here are some pictures taken yesterday from Black Mountain. Above is a great picture --as the sun began to set. Isn't that gorgeous???? More pictures are below.
I snapped the picture above of George while on the overlook. Great picture, huh?
Even though we enjoyed a clear day, by the time we hiked around the mountain and got to this overlook (pictured above), it was hazy and beginning to get dark. So the view, although pretty, is not as clear as pictures we've taken in past. But--even late on a winter afternoon, this still is a beautiful place.
Fabulous pictures Betsy!!!!! I just LOVE where you guys live!!!!!!
I'm sure all the "Rocky Top" fans are celebrating the Gators National Championship! LOL...... Let em all know we have LOTS of merchandise down here that can be shipped up to Tennessee so all can show their pride in the new Champs!!!
Cheers Betsy - stay warm!
Jerry in Tampa
Very beautiful, serene pictures Betsy. I love the photos you've added to your sidebar too. You two have a nice weekend.
Stunning photos! I can't get over the wonderful scenery you have withing driving distance of your home. I would love temps in the 30's at this point. LOL
Yes, that is a great pic of George. Frame it! And the overlook is definitely a place I would enjoy when I get down that way. I'll add it to my bucket list.
Sounds like a place I would love to visit. Like I said on George's blog I wish we had places like that close to us so we could go hiking and not have to drive so far.
That top image is Wonderful! But I like the others as well.
What a beautiful place to take in all of God's glory. I sure enjoy looking at your pics of the mountains since I don't have any here. Hope you and George have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Betsy,
Beautiful Pictures! Love those mountains! I know you enjoyed the trip! Hope your day is good!
I would get so dizzy standing where George is.
Wonderful pictures - the views are stunning! But I don't blame George for not wanting to drive the mountain road in the dark. I love the views you get from mountaintops, but I'm also a little nervous about heights. Guess I'm basically a flat-lander at heart! Have a great weekend.
That is so beautiful Betsy. I can see why you and George love to go there. :C)
Beautiful!!!! Looks like a clear day to me...especially considering it is so cold. What a nice day!!!
wonderful photos and sometimes that haze can really enhance your photo. a really beautiful place for some hiking and photo ops!
Beautiful pictures! That first one is a stunner! I've never been to Black Mountain. Now I've got to do that! I love living in a place where there is so much beauty.
What a gorgeous day you had! Isn't it nice that we've has such mild weather this winter? Go Titans!
Wow,it looks like you can see forever.The pictures are wonderful.
Wish I could have been right up there with you.
I added you to my blog list.
What a lovely overlook!
I'll root for the Titans if you will root for the Panthers!
Great picture and the view looks like it would be wonderful.
Betsy: What a beautiful place to take a walk.
What a beautiful place. I see why you like to visit.
I love that 1st picture! It gives me a peaceful feeling.
A very beautiful spot, beautiful views.
What a wonderful place! Looks like it would be great for a picnic!!
Hello Betsy, I'd recognize that orange tshirt from anywhere! :0) My family is from Tennessee. Mom and Dad are in Crossville now. That's where Momma was born and raised...out in the Homesteads area. My Dad is a native of Nashville. Since he was a military man we traveled constantly through out my younger childhood. For one reason or another I continued to 45 years later, I can proudly say I've bought a cabin 6 miles outside of Gatlinburg...woohoo!! Not there fulltime yet but it's a coming!! Anyhow, I got all excited when I saw your tshirt and the word Cumberland Plateau. :0) East Tennessee ROCKS!! Such a beautiful area.
You have a grand week and stop by to see me when you have moment.
Queen of Dreamsz
The hills seem to roll on forever. It must be a wonderful feeling to take in. It looks like a place I would visit often too.
Love your mountain views! All wonderful photos! And your blog is looking fantastic!
Where's you snow?! :-)
Hi, Betsy, Thanks for your pictures. That looks like quite a trek. We also have a Black Mountain in the mountains above our town. The elevation is 9,485 feet. We climbed it once, never again. There's no oxygen as you get higher and higher. How high is yours? The highest peak in our mountain range is Cloud Peak and it's 13,167 feet.
So calm, so peaceful. A visual poem.
You sure do make me homesick. LOL I miss my mountains very day I will return.
This is simply beautiful. I love the sunrise the best!
Hi Betsy :) I'm a new reader of your beautiful blog.
Wow, your photos are gorgeous!
I try to live by the positiveness, as I have a few challenges. Love your header up there!
I'll be back!
The pictures are great. I would love to visit but don't know about that narrow, curvy road up there. Roads like that have me squirming in the seat especially if I am not driving!
Hey Jerry.... Don't think we here in Tennessee want to buy any of the Gator's merchandise!!!! HA HA.... Now that the Vols have a new coach, maybe someday we'll be the champion!!! MAYBE!!!! ha... Have a great weekend and enjoy your big win!!!
Mildred-- Thanks!! Glad you noticed my new pictures on the sidebar. I love this new blog site!!!
Kallen---Yes, there is alot of beauty right around here. Sometimes it is just nice not to have to drive far to find some special sights like these. Thanks!
Cedar--Yes, add Tennessee to your 'bucket' list for sure!!!! You'd love it!!!
Neal-- We are fortunate to have places like Black Mountain close to us so that we can hike without the long drives. I could sit on that overlook for hours just reading or relaxing.
Rose---It was neat to watch that sun begin to go down. I wanted to stay longer --but you won't believe how steep and narrow that road is to and from that mountain.
Susie-- When I lived in the deep south for many years---I missed the mountains SO much. I'm so glad I am BACK here now.
Dorothy---Thanks!!! We did have a great day. And the mountains are beautiful. ALSO got some exercise which I needed. HA!
Sally---He wasn't very close to the edge. Those are HUGE rocks---and they stick out alot.
Joy--You wouldn't believe that road... Even though it's paved, it is very very narrow and steep. No problem 'til you meet someone. Then you (or they) have to back up in order to find a spot where we can pass each other!!!! I am such a mountain girl--and never enjoyed the flat-lands much. I guess it's just where you came from.
Jayne--Yes, it is lovely. We enjoy it so much--and it's a great hike also.
Suzanne--It was clear--but hazy late in the afternoon. I wasn't complaining though. I loved it even though that wind was cold.
Gina--Thanks. We love it on that overlook.. I could spend hours and hours there, no matter how cold it is!!!! One time we were there when it was so windy, it really was scary standing at the overlook.
Carla--You'll have to check out Black Mtn. sometime. It is the mountain we can see from our area. Yes we do live in a beautiful area.
Hey TN Gal--- Yes, we did have a great day. Today it has rained all day! Well--my Titans lost. Boo Hoo!
Ruth-- Yes, on a clear day, it feels as if we can see FOREVER... So Gorgeous!!!
Donna---You would have loved being here. It is so neat up there on that overlook. If you ever get this way to visit your brother, let us know!!!!
Carolyn--- Well, I'm definitely for the Panthers... I've always liked them --since my son lived near Charlotte. And now that the Titans lost, I'll be for the Panthers.
Mary---Thanks, and yes--the view IS wonderful !!!!
Tom--You would enjoy it on that mountain. The hike is nice and the view is great. I'm sure there are lots of birds around also!!!!
Pat--Well--it's just a perfect place to go --for hiking and for the great view. You would love it!
Aleta-- It was neat seeing the sun go down that time of day. I would love to be there sometime and see the entire sunset. BUT--driving down that road is the pits!!!
Cicero-- Thanks, but never as beautiful are some of your areas in Canada I'm sure.
Woody---Yes, there's plenty of room on those rocks for a great spread... How 'bout some wine and cheese?????
Hi Stephanie. It's nice to meet you. Glad you are moving to a cabin near Gatlinburg. You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it. You might even have some company sometime!!! ha.... Loved your blog, you creative woman you!!!! By the way, the Homesteads area is right down in the valley from Black Mountain where we were.
Hi Bernie---Those mountain ranges do seem to go on forever. Hope you all will visit here sometime.
Shelley--Glad you are enjoying your cabin now!!!! Be careful if you go out and PLAY....
Diane--- Wow---our Black Mountain is not nearly as high as yours. I'll say it's not more than 2900 feet. But--that's high enough for a great view. The highest area in our area is Mt. LeConte in the Smokies. They have a lodge up there that you can hike to. It's about 6600 feet I think. I would love to go--but the hike is long and treacherous.
Thanks Fiona.. It is truly an area where one can find peace.
Peggy-- Well---bring all of your babies and come back to the mountains. anytime. I wish I lived closer so that I could learn alot from you on the farm.
Roentarre--- That was a sunset ---or almost a sunset. I'd love to be on that mountain to see the sunrise sometime. WOW!!! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Judy---Welcome!!!! I am so glad you visited. Come back anytime. Well---even in hard times, life is all about a good attitude!!!!
Hi Judy --- Well, since you are afraid of heights, you may not love this mountain as much as I do... BUT--there are alot of other things around here that you would love.
Hi Barb--- Well--come on down and we'll show you around... It's only about 2900 feet hight---and since it's on the Cumberland Plateau, the valley below is probably at at least 1500 feet --or more. SO---all in all, we are only about 1400 feet up!!!
I can only pray that when our children are raised and out on their own, my husband and I have half the fun you two love birds do.
I was so surprised at the game. It seemed the Titans outplayed the Ravens but couldn't manage to pull out the win. What an exciting game. And it looked pretty cold there.
You must be from up north where it really gets cold to be out hiking this time of year. Not me!
Darla--- Well George and I didn't meet (what's up with that????) 'til we were 59 years old.. SO--we have alot of catching up to do!!!!! Every minute becomes special for us. I wish for EVERYONE in the world--this kind of love and joy!!!
Carolyn--- I was terribly disappointed --but they just made too many mistakes today. Oh Well--there's next year... The Panthers BETTER win tonight!!!!!! It's been raining here all day--and the temps are going down now. No snow though.. Sniff!
Leedra---I was born and raised in Virginia ---but have always enjoyed hiking in winter. I'm 'hot-blooded' I guess... HA!!!!
Hi Betsy,
Aww, a fellow Tennessean. Love the Pics. Have you ever gone to Blood Mtn? That area is really nice. It's around Blairsville, Ga.
Hey Betsy, Thanks for stopping by to visit me. :0) The cabin is 6 miles outside of Gatlinburg one direction and the same distance into Pigeon forge to the parkway...very well situated for convenience and we have a great view too. It'll be back and forth for the next few years then we will be there!!! can't wait. :0)
Queen of Dreamsz
We love traveling up mountains like these... we live for areas exactly as you describe. It is why we live in the Rocky Mountains.
It is a pleasure to meet you Betsy, your picture on George's blog is very nice and now I see George's picture and is equally stunning!!
Beautiful area and to have the area to yourself was definitely a treat!
Take care!
It IS beautiful there, Betsy. However, that photo of your husband is great but heights make me dizzy.
Hi Iola---We haven't been on Blood Mtn. but we've stayed at Blairsville. We've checked out ALOT of waterfalls in that area of North. GA. Thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime. Got a blog????? Where are you?
Hey Stephanie---Sounds like you will have a perfect place... I'm so happy for you. George and I lived in Hendersonville, TN (north of Nashville) when we bought our retirement home here in Fairfield Glade in 2002. We would come up here on weekends. BUT--we finally got to the point where we wanted to live her full time. SO--in July of 2003, I retired and we moved up here. George drove to Lebanon for awhile and then worked from home before he retired.
Hi Michele, Thanks for visiting my blog. I see your name on several others that I visit. I know you have visited my hubby's blog... Come back anytime. You must live in a fabulous part of the world... WOW!!!!
Hi Mary-- George is not too close to the edge. Those rocks are huge and stick out quite a bit. It's really not scary--like some places. Hope you have a great weekend.
Fantastic view. It look like you are on top of the world. I hope some day we can explore like that,
There is no place I'd rather be than on top of a mountain.
Thanks for the trip!
Grammy---Thanks!!! When I'm on that overlook, it DOES feel as if I'm on top of the world, and closer to God.
Nina---Thanks for stopping by. I love sharing my experiences with those who also love doing what I do. Come back anytime.
It looks very beautiful indeed, Betsy. Thanks for sharing those pictures. I felt like I was there with you for a bit.
Thanks Daisy--- We do enjoy our hiking and being out in nature. Black Mtn. is one of our favorites. Glad you enjoyed going with us!!!!
Oh my..what a view...
Thanks Michelle.. we do love Black Mtn and the view from up there.
Hi Betsy,
I'm stuck down here in ole' hot Fl. close to the Gator home place. I sure miss the mtns. I've been through Cades Cove numerous times in the past. Sadly when I lost my DH I haven't been able to go back. Now I'm really stuck here since I fell & broke my leg/hip. I try to take each day as it comes.
Wooo Lola... I'm sorry to hear that you have broken your hip/leg. That's too bad. BUT---Florida is a good place to be right now since it's going to be DARN cold up here the next few days...
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