Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Waterfall RAINBOW

Since we enjoyed going to Ozone Falls on Wednesday, George and I got back out yesterday to check for more waterfalls---after all of our recent rains. We first checked out Wildcat Falls (near Sparta, TN)---and saw water coming over that waterfall for the first time since we started checking it. YEAH!!!

Then we drove down to Fall Creek Falls to check out the waterfalls there. For some reason, we just cannot stay away from that place! WELL---this time we saw something we have never seen before: Cane Creek Falls with a RAINBOW coming out of the mist. Isn't that just incredible???? Since there had been so much rain and because there was SO much water and spray, a combination of that spray and the bright sunlight created a beautiful rainbow. Actually, there was a DOUBLE Rainbow!!!! I was so excited--but needed a wide lens on my camera in order to get the total effect since we were above the falls at an overlook. The picture above shows part of the waterfall on the left and the rainbows on the right. Wish you could have seen this in person. It was truly awesome!!!

I just had to show you the above close-up of the rainbows. They were absolutely gorgeous!

I included the picture above of the cascades at Fall Creek Falls because I wanted to show you how close George gets to the falls in order to take pictures!!!!! "Mercy Honey---please be careful!!!!!"

I know you didn't want to see MORE pictures of our waterfalls (ha), so I'll show you other things we enjoy at Fall Creek Falls. We probably saw 15 deer altogether throughout the large park! I heard the deer in the picture above saying: "Hey Lady, this is my home. Go away!" ha ha

Fall Creek Falls is an area filled with beautiful gorges (canyons) and mountains. It is known as the Grand Canyon of Tennessee. George took the picture above of these mountain ranges. I love the shadows. Can you tell that winter is one of our favorite seasons to be out in nature????? There weren't many people around so the park became OURS. Like I said, it's truly awesome!!!!

And finally, there is one more special picture from Fall Creek Falls---but it is on GEORGE'S blog!!!! Something in the sky followed us around, and all the way home!!!! Check it out!!!


Kim said...
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Naturegirl said...
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This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...
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SmilingSally said...
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Cedar ... said...
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Busy Bee Suz said...
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Pat - Arkansas said...
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Loran said...
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Kathleen McQueen Wright said...
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NCmountainwoman said...
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I Am Woody said...
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Debra from Bungalow said...
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Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful as usual.Kep on showing the water falls,it is one way for me to enjoy them without having to travel far.Just to the computer.The rainbows are spectacular.You had better put a leash on that hubby of yours,he's getting pretty close to the water.LOl

Anonymous said...

I love the double rainbow. It transports one's imagination to exotic places of the mind. Looks like a great winter destination. Stacey and I are thinking of going to California and Arizona in a few months.

Tina said...

I love the double rainbow show..definitely a keeper Betsy! I can imagine your thrill at finding that in your lens!! Great trip, with the deer looking back at you, wasn't he so cute..and all that traveling water..you must have felt like you were in water heaven. So glad you got out and about...or you wouldn't have found that colorful double dipper!

Neal said...

Beautiful pictures. I've been busy and haven't got a chance to play on the computer a lot.

Diane said...

Dear Betsy, The rainbows are exquisite, what a wonderful thing to capture. Please let me know your husbands blog address again, I want to read what you're talking about.

Leedra said...

Love the double rainbow. George does look real close.

Unknown said...

Really great photo. And I looked at that one closely: it's definitely not a photoshop -- it's real!! If you can bear the cold, the winter is the slow season to enjoy natural places unhindered by the summertime crowd.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Kallen--Thanks. Wish you could have seen those rainbows. I was SO excited.

Anna--Thanks! Yes, it was an emotional feeling just watching the rainbows rising around that beautiful waterfall. I will continue to pray for your 'rose.'

Tom--Yes, Fall Creek Falls (like many other places) is definitely God's country. That deer was truly staring me down!!!! ha

Shelley--I wish I could have gotten a better picture of that waterfall with its rainbows. It was truly awesome. Wish you could have seen it. George is careful---but loves to get the closest pictures he can!!!!

Sally-- Fall Creek Falls is definitely part of God's beautiful world ---like alot of other places!!!! Thanks Be to God!

Cedar-- Seeing a rainbow in waterfalls is RARE for us... It's our first one!!!! Amazing!!!

Mildred---It was such a treat.. We've never seen a rainbow in a waterfall before--after all of our waterfall visits. It was awesome!!! Yes, that moon was beautiful --yesterday and again today!!!!

Hi Suzanne---It was a great day. Your family would enjoy Fall Creek Falls. And yes, that deer was not happy I was looking at him.. HA!

Judy--If you are scared of heights, you would NOT want to hike much with us. We are always going UP or DOWN on narrow steep trails. I'm used to it--but George gets closer to the edge than I EVER do!

Barb---Well---I did get VERY excited about seeing the rainbows. I knew that I would have a great blog--to share with all of you. Well--Hawaii is on our list of places we want to go... Are you packed???? ha

Lilli--Yes, George gets CLOSE to the action. We love hiking --but he is braver than I am when it comes to getting TOO close. He's careful though --so I really don't get scared.

Pat---Thanks.. I thought you would enjoy this blog!!!

Hey Utah gal... Thanks for stopping by. I checked out your blog--and hope you will come back to mine. You are right... There's nothing better than waterfalls and rainbows TOGETHER. Yes, it can get humid here in summer although here on the plateau, we are at 2000 feet so it's not quite as bad.

Susie--George is careful but is braver than I am when it comes to getting close to the edge. You all really ought to go to Fall Creek Falls sometime. You'd love it.

Hi Kathleen--We saw more deer in the park that day than we've ever seen at one time. It is so nice to come in the winter. There aren't nearly as many people around--so the deer are more visible. And that rainbow----all I can say is WOW. Have a great weekend.

Carolyn-- I agree. Waterfalls are wonderful--but seeing a rainbow with a waterfall, WELL--that's incredible!!!

Diane-- Rainbows are so special to me also---so you can just imagine how I felt seeing both a waterfall and a rainbow... WOW!

Jen-- George is careful really; otherwise, I'd be a basket case!!! But he is braver than I am for sure!!!!! We haven't been to the Grand Canyon yet--and that's on our list of places to go.

Hi Donna. When I see your 'handle' I think it's a gardener from Minnesota!!!! To know you are right here in TN is special!!!! Glad you like waterfalls also. We've seen 292 different waterfalls since 2001... Obsessive/Compulsive????? YES! ha

Woody---Did you see my previous Fall Creek Falls blog??? I did it on Jan. 4th with lots of waterfall pictures. There was a TON of water coming over all of the falls this week... Amazing!!!

Hi Darla... My prayers are still with you and your family. Glad you got to see my waterfall rainbow!!! I'm sure it was there JUST for us!!! ha

Deb---Yes, that waterfall with rainbows was incredible. Wish you could have seen it.

DebraK-- Thanks for stopping by. I checked your blog also.. Come back anytime. We do love nature ---and taking photos while we are out hiking. Thanks!

Hi Richard---I will check out your other blog also. I love birds and all things nature---so I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Come back to mine anytime!!!

Rose-- Thanks!!!! I was amazed to see a waterfall with rainbows. I like that last picture also--showing the mountain ranges.

Ruth---Thanks!!! I was afraid that people would be getting tired of our waterfall pictures. BUT--that's our life, so hey---you'll probably get more!!! ha ... George is definitely more daring than I am --but overall, he is careful, thank goodness!

Bernie--I thought you'd like that waterfall rainbow!!! You all are welcome here anytime. We do live in a nice area. Of course, if you get to CA and 'Zona--you'll see lots of beauty there also.

Tina-- We've been out-and-about for three days in a row now.. Tomorrow it may rain again--so sounds like it will be a good 'inside' day to catch up here!!!! You would have loved seeing that waterfall rainbow!!! Awesome!

Neal---I figured you had been busy since I haven't seen you online since Tuesday. We've been busy also----getting out in nature 3 days this week!!! Awesome!

Diane--I sent you George' s blog---but you should be able to click on his name (written in blue) and go to the site that way. At least I hope so!!!! Glad you liked my waterfall rainbow!!!

Leedra---That waterfall rainbow was awesome. Have you ever been to Fall Creek Falls? You can see so much with almost NO hiking at all.. Try it sometime!!!
George is more daring than I am --but overall, he is careful.

Bob---You'll never ever ever ever see any Photoshop photos on our blogs. .. We don't even have Photoshop. I like that natural look!!!! I thought you'd like seeing the rainbows on that waterfall. Amazing, huh???? Winter is our favorite time to hike and see waterfalls!!!!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. I always get a smile when I visit your blog.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your falls are so pretty! That rainbow was amazing! I haven't been to Dupont or Pisgah lately to look at falls. The first Saturday or Sunday that is above 50 and sunny we plan on going to Dupont.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fiona---Glad my blogs can make you smile. I enjoy your blog also.

Penny---WELL--when you get to Dupont or other waterfalls in your area, send us some pictures!!!!

Mary said...

Terrific! I like the photo of George at the edge...glad he didn't fall in :-) Lovely deer! You asked about my camera: FinePix S100FS. All of my cameras have been FinePix and I have liked them all. For a "point-and-shoot" person like me they have done well, but have the potential to do more for smarter people.

Sue Seibert said...

Oh, you are making me miss my beloved, adopted Tennessee. Fall Creek Falls is one of our favorite places. We honeymooned on Daddy's Creek in eastern middle Tennessee.

Beautiful photos...keep 'em comin'!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Mary---That picture you took of the moon was fabulous. I'm not sure what camera George will get--but he's beginning to "look."

Sue--Daddy's Creek runs right through Fairfield Glade where we live. Where exactly did you honeymoon???? Small world, isn't it?

Aleta said...

Hey, Betsy if George keeps going out to the edge like that, he'd better grow some WINGS! Gorgeous pictures! Our relationship with water is interesting: we love it when it is in the form of beautiful snow, love it when it provides us with water to drink, love it when it gives us beautiful waterfalls to look at, but hate it when it floods our homes!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's for sure, Aleta. We want it just the way wE want it--no more, no less!!! ha ha... Can't wait to see and hear more about your waterfall. You MUST name it!!!