Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


You can't miss this post today...  I have some very special bird photos to share.  I've been lucky this week ---and have had some very special guests at my bird feeders.  Obviously,  I've been taking alot of photos to share....

First of all,  I had a visit from Daddy Bluebird and two of his babies... One of the babies is pictured above... Isn't he adorable?

Here's a picture I captured of two baby Blues --on top of the arbor --waiting on Daddy to bring them some dinner! You should hear them 'chatter' when Daddy brings them food... SO cute!!!!

AND---I finally got a photo of all three of the new Baby Blues together.  I think the one on the left is a male and the other two are females... (But--they change daily--so I'll keep looking.)   In this photo,  they are looking up at Daddy --who is up at the Mealworm feeder getting some delicious worms for them... YUM!!!

The following four photos are ones showing Daddy Blue feeding one of the babies... I was so excited to get these pictures ---as you can imagine!  Daddy Blue goes up to the mealworm feeder while the baby waits in the plate below for Daddy to bring some mealworms to him/her.    

The Blue Jays love peanuts ---so I have to keep on adding more to the plate JUST for them...   When the plate is empty,  the Jays will HOLLER at me!!!!!! ha ha

BUT--the Red-Bellied Woodpeckers love the peanuts also (and so do the Nuthatches)...  Here is a female Red-Bellied visiting the plate feeder.

Now---here is one of the prettiest woodpeckers I think ---especially this time of year.  This is a Red-Headed Woodpecker.... Gorgeous,  isn't he?

The Red-Headed Woodpeckers are so gorgeous that I couldn't stop taking pictures of him.  I hope he brings his babies to the feeders this year.   I loved seeing the baby woodpeckers,  both Red-Headed and Red-Bellied in past years.

Ah-Ha........  Guess who else likes the peanuts????  It's no wonder I have to replenish that feeder so often... ha ha  (Don't you just love this picture of the gorgeous Red-Headed Woodpecker with a big peanut in its mouth????)

Finally,  here is a story as told by Mr.  Pileated Woodpecker,  as he tries to figure out how to get to the Suet Feeder....  (I think he is a 'young' Pileated--who was just learning!)

Hope you  enjoyed my 'adorable' Bird Photos as much as I have enjoyed them!!!!!

Have a wonderful day!



Ginny Hartzler said...

We are sitting here amazed by your pictures, Betsy!!! The bluebird babies being fed, and also the one of them just sitting, spectacular!!! I have yet to even get one good shot of a bluebird. I love the others too, but the blue family are the stars of your bog today.

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy, simply gorgeous!

the birds are just so cute!

your photos make me always happy with their beauty and charm.

have a great day!
big hugs~

Jo said...

My mouth is hanging open at these BEAUTIFUL images of a beautiful woodpecker. Amazing photos, Betsy! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Jo

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy Well what a treat for all of us. Your photos of all the birds is fantastic. I do not have any of those birds in my country (Northern Ireland) so it is extra special for me to see the young, the antics, the feeding, and the beautiful colours of them. Keep watching that feeder with your camera in hand. Thanks. Margaret

Valerie said...

Such great photos! Oh I love to see the birds even if just thru your photos.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, great variety of CUTE birds. Awesome photos. Have a happy day!

Anni said...

I did...I did!! So enjoyed this. Thanks for the invite. It was one I did NOT want to miss. I so love watching birds, and to have photos like you shared with us...it just makes my day. Fills me with pleasure. Such wonderful birds. I know we have other woodpeckers in our area, but until yesterday I've only seen one species. Luckily I was at a park and one 'new' breed flew right past me, and I chased it down so I could photograph it. Crazy, I know, but I just 'had to have a picture'. LOL

Really enjoyed this Betsy.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awww, so cute. great post, love the blue birds. ( :

HappyK said...


Faye said...

These photos are real treasures, Betsy--the bluebird family of 2013. And how lucky you are to attract such a variety of woodpeckers. I just got a really bad photo of a red-bellied at my neighbor's feeder. Must set up a buffet such as yours. :-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Those last three are so cute- he was really trying hard to get to the goods!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wonderful photos Betsy. I always love seeing woodpeckers. I heard one the other day, but didn't see it.

Hugs ~ FlowerLady

Marcia said...

Those pictures are so neat. You have a great eye for them.


Hello Betsy, the birds are very lucky to have such a generous bird feeder to fed from. The Pileated Woodpecker does look like a young one and I have never seen birds eat peanuts... YOU spoil them. Hugs Judy

Anonymous said...

Spectacular photos, Betsy!

linda m said...

Those truly are some amazing photos. Your adorable baby Blue Birds are priceless. I wish I was able to put up more feeders, but I have a real problem with "bully" birds here and a lack of space.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are right about the cute warning. the one of daddy blue poking the worm all the way down the throat is my favorite...

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy!

Your birds will always be a sideshow here, in this wonderful little peace of earth!!!

Have a nice weekend darling and a big hug from South!


Shelley said...

Nice selection of bird photos Betsy! Greg loves those Red-headed woodpeckers. So sweet to see those baby bluebirds!!



KathyA said...

I DID enjoy these photos!!! :) Your capture of the three baby blues is particularly amazing!!!

Karin said...

Great job on all those beauties! Thanks for sharing!

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures, Betsy! Guess I need to put out some peanuts and suet! Good job!

Annesphamily said...

I love these photos. But I love birds so I am amazed at how you get this terrific shots. Those silly woodpeckers are very noisy but you have to love their endurance! I am so happy I stopped by before I left for work. What an awesome post. I did a Wordless Wednesday. My daughter took a photo of little Ari with her great great grandpa Bernie.He was recently widowed and oh, how she loves him! Stop by if you have a moment! Hugs Anne

You are one talented photographer!

TexWisGirl said...

baby bluebirds (and baby robins) are some of my favorite little ones! adorable! so glad you feed seeds, nuts and mealworms, too! they all appreciate it!

MTWaggin said...

I love the variety of woodpeckers you have. Such fun to shoot I am sure! Thanks for sharing Betsy!

Donna said...

These are great! I bet you're having a ton of fun watching the antics. I remember at our former place that a momma and daddy bluebird were teaching the young ones to take a bath in the birdbath. They would get in and splash all around, and then get out so that the little ones could try it. Hilarious! Love the big peanut in the woodpecker's beak too.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are great, Betsy. What a special treat to see the baby bluebirds. And that red-headed woodpecker is just stunning.

From the Kitchen said...

Bravo! Beautiful!!


Big Dude said...

I really like your warning. Great shots of the babies getting fed. I've never seen a red headed woodpecker - he is really pretty.

imac said...

Love to seeing the babies being fed - real cute.

Carletta said...

Congrats on the baby bird shots! So sweet!
I was tickled to death to see my first red-headed woody this week.
Be careful of the pileated on your deck especially if there are any small holes. Our visitor to the suet dug a huge hole on the deck railing. :(

Ms. A said...

Oh my gosh, Betsy, these shots are spectacular... and the birds are adorable!

Anonymous said...

These photos are just fantastic! They made me smile.

Small City Scenes said...

Oh, Betsy, you take the best bird pictures. I love them all. The 3 babies is soooo cute and Daddy feed them is simply precious. Keep up the good work. I like the Pileated's 'I can do it' attitude. MB

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, my, Betsy! Your bird photos are awesome. I just love the blue birds. What incredible pictures of the babies and their daddy feeding them. You are a fantastic photographer. I love bluebirds.
The woodpecker is beautiful, too. What an outstanding posting. I've enjoyed all of these lovely bird photos. Thank you for sharing these with us.

Neal said...

What great shots. You are some story teller. :)

Angela said...

AWESOME! What a treat to get to see the blue bird babies being fed by daddy! That is so sweet! Absolutely beautiful!


Arkansas Patti said...

Amazing pictures Betsy. Wow. Love that the babies come to your feeders also though they still insist on being fed. Fledges remind me of teenage kids. Big enough to get it themselves but insist on being fed.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful set of pictures. My favourite has to be the baby Blues with their mouths open,waiting for food.That is so cute.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

If I see a pic of a bird you don't have to invite me in Betsy!! Absolutely amazing captures on your part, they are all stunning birds, their shapes and colours and antics but the baby blues and their parent WOW! Keep them coming Betsy.

Nellie said...

Wonderful pictures, Betsy! I really like the ones of Mr. Blue feeding the babies!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

the babies are So Cute!

Rohrerbot said...

These are such gorgeous shots Betsy! And this you have babies!!!!! Congrats. Hope they keep coming back:) I'm in love:)

Grandma Bonnie said...

We don't get many woodpeckers around here. I love how bright their colors are. I hope you get some photos of the babies if he brings them.

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful birds but you know my heart sings with joy when I see your precious Bluebirds. Their babies are adorable.
Thanks for making my day happier Betsy ~:)

DeniseinVA said...

Impressive photos of very sweet birds Betsy, thank you. I always adore the baby birds with their mouths open. They sure do keep mommy and daddy busy :)

An English Girl Rambles

Craver Vii said...

Adorable pics, Betsy! I'm glad I stopped by. :-)

Unknown said...

I am soooo jealous you have such lovelies to capture. TYSM for sharing them with us ... the babies are just precious.

Latane Barton said...

What adorable little birds and how great that you captured them in all sorts of circumstance. That first baby blue was giving you the eye, not sure, I bet what you were up to. they are so cute. thanks, Betsy.

Jeanne said...

Prescious little bluebirds! I 've never seen baby blues before. All of these are so very good. You are so lucky to have such beauties in your backyard. I only see these when we go camping and i've never seen a red headed woodpecker. Great pictures and thanks again for emailing me.

LV said...

Betsy, you out did yourself this time. This one of the best bird presentations. I loved seeing each one and their actions. I do not know how you got some of those shots. Awesome piece of work. When we had them recently, you could not get very close or the mamas would really act up. Of course I do not have a camera like yours either. Nicely done.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

GREAT photos, Betsy! I can't decide which is my favorite. Probably the Red-headed with the peanut.

I haven't yet started buying meal worms for the Bluebirds, but think I might begin. The babies are too cute.

Enjoy the rest of your week. I got out of the house today because we actually had sunshine for a change!

Serenity Cove said...

Those are just awesome Betsy! I know I had a bluebird nest but I haven't seen any babies yet.
My red-headed woodpecker has been back too after not seeing him all winter. Just haven't had time for pictures so I really enjoyed your's.
Spent today with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson at the Cleveland Zoo. Such fun!

Lynda said...

I do believe those are the best bird photos - - prettiest birds - - you are taken. I love the action shots with the babies.

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness....lucky you! I would be glued to the window watching if I had baby bluebirds, Red-headed woodpeckers and Pileated Woodpeckers! The babies are adorable. Up here, Red-headed Woodpeckers are pretty rare....
Take care,

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Wonderful pictures! I love the red- headed woodpecker! What a beautiful bird! All I seem to have lately are the terrible black birds, brown headed cow birds, starlings and sparrows. The starling babies are so loud and annoying!

Susannah said...

Wow! Precious pictures of your adorable birds, Betsey! My husband and I love them, too. We are waiting now for some hummingbirds...we have only had maybe 3 or4 every few days.


Debbie Taillieu said...

I just love those woodpeckers!!!

Amazing shots, Betsy!

Unknown said...

Wow! These pictures are great, I love the last one of the woodpecker hanging on the feeder.

HAve a lovely day!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh my, love those baby bird captures! Fantastic!

Janice K said...

So, so exciting!!! How I would love to see all of them--maybe the bluebirds especially. Outside of my owl visitor a couple of weeks ago, this has been a slow spring.

Anxious to see more...So happy for you! Janice

Fun60 said...

They really are fantastic photos of those birds and the colours have that wow factor. Well done.

carolina nana said...

Love your bird photo's. I have never seen the red-headed woodpecker around here. Maybe I should put out more peanuts ,he might come out of the woods to the feeder!
My bluebirds have fledged and left the yard. I think it is so funny to watch parent birds feed their babies when the babies are as big as they are.
Blessings to you and George

Joy said...

Really adorable. Can you send a few here:)

Connie said...

What sweet pictures! You really got some great captures. I love the baby bluebirds--so cute!

Marie said...

I Love this post!!!! I can't believe the babies were on the feeder! So cool! We put peanuts out every day and the Blue Jays and squirrels are the first to grab them.:)

Chatty Crone said...

Isn't he BEAUTIFUL and I love his red, white, and blue! sandie

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, What a wealth of woodpeckers! Love those Bluebirds, too. Hope that rogue Black Bear there in the Glade has been shooed away. My hubby saw an e-mail from FFG folks telling residents to take in bird feeders. That must have been a few days ago so likely all is OK in your neck of the woods. Have a pleasant weekend!

Mary said...

These are wonderful! I just adore baby birds of any kind and baby bluebirds are some of the cutest :-) Lucky you! The woodpeckers are great, too. I think my woodpeckers must have babies, because they are really hitting the feeders for suet. Maybe they will come with the babies soon

Rose said...

Great shots! I would have been so excited over the baby bluebirds I would probably have been shaking so bad my shots would have been blurry.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm glad I finally had some free time to see these photos, Betsy! I don't get online very long during the day and I'm exhausted most evenings from taking care of my granddaughter all day. She doesn't nap very long and keeps me hopping...lol! I'm glad I can see facebook on my phone and keep in touch that way :)

Twilight Man said...

I am very amazed by the perfect shots of the birds feeding with opened beaks! Your timing was so perfect and the photos turned out sharp & great!!! Thanks for sharing with us!