Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 24, 2013

More Colors from Biltmore

On our April 16, 2013 trip to Biltmore,  we mostly enjoyed seeing all of the tons of tulips in bloom.  However,  we took some long walk around the grounds --and we saw more colors which I will share with you today.

Above is a flower I am definitely looking forward to seeing soon,  LILIES.... We had lots of lilies planted in our yard, but the deer feasted on about half of them this week.     Thank Goodness--on this day in April,  we enjoyed seeing some inside the Conservatory at Biltmore.  Aren't they pretty? 

Hope you enjoy seeing some of the other blooms at Biltmore.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.







 Biltmore is an incredible place ---no matter which season..  They do a fabulous job with all of their flowers/grounds.  It's just a joy to be there.  AND--one can get some great exercise since there are plenty of places to walk and enjoy the day!!!

Happy Memorial Day and Weekend.  Be sure to take time to pray for and thank all of the men and women in our Armed Services  who do so much to keep us safe.  We are taking Monday off to celebrate the holiday... SO--I'll see you on Wednesday.



Anonymous said...

So many gorgeous flower shots! Lovely.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the picture of you and George the best here. BUT next I love the lilies, I never would have thought pink and orange would look good together, but it DOES! Are you staying home on this holiday weekend? I'm guessing yes. CROWDS!

Jeevan said...

Lovely photos on flowers! First time seeing a tulip tree. Have a great time both…

Ms. A said...


Anonymous said...

Breathtaking photos. Wishing you both a nice, safe weekend.

Fun60 said...

Those colourful flowers and shrubs just bring joy to the heart. Thanks for sharing.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Lovely blooms and grounds. The photos of you and George are always sweet.

Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

Marcia said...

I will have to visit that spot one day. Too bad about your lilies. Have you tried Liquid Fence?

I posted a photo at the end of my blog of the hens and chicks you sent me last year.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love lilies! I have some deep red ones planted here, but they aren't in bloom yet this year.

Donna said...

Such beautiful flowers! Yes, they do an excellent job keeping the grounds looking great throughout the year.

Anonymous said...

A gardeners paradise where colorful flowers abound year-round.
Lovely as always Betsy ~:)

Andrea said...

What awed me a lot about the temperate trees flowering is the absence of leaves until the blooms start to dehisce. We also have some flowering trees but the green shoots emerge sooner than when we want them to! Your blooms are spectacular and the two of you bloom too! LOL

Latane Barton said...

All of the flowers are so pretty. You can't help but enjoy Biltmore. There's just so much to see!

Sharon said...

As you know, I'm always partial to Biltmore, but we've enjoyed a couple of mansions along the Gold Coast here on Long Island that have exquisite gardens as well. Believe it or not, they rival Biltmore. Old Westbury Gardens and Planting Fields Arboretum were just beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

have a great and safe week end. love those redbuds and that is the most phlox i have ever seen in one spot.

eileeninmd said...

Lots of pretty colors, Betsy! The flowers are beautiful. Have a happy weekend!

Shug said...

This is a sweet picture of you and George....I certainly do love lilies, and especially the Stargazer lilies. The fragrance is wonderful.
I wonder just how many gardeners are employed at Biltmore?
Have a good day.

Arkansas Patti said...

Those phlox made me a bit wistful. The voles destroyed a very large bed I had established. They do put on such a great spring display.
You are so smart to have an annual pass to that place. Each season is so different and a feast for the eyes.

Neal said...

Beautiful Betsy. I had to open some of those in a new tab so I could enlarge them farther.

Connie said...

I'm so sorry to hear the deer got to your lilies, Betsy.

The blooms pictured here are all so gorgeous, I wouldn't know how to pick a favorite. Such a gorgeous place to visit!

I hope you and George have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh my goodness, but those lilies are gorgeous. I enjoyed all the others, too, but that one really caught my eye. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Joy said...

All I can say is wow and wow:)

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

What a beautiful walk you and George took! Gorgeous pictures -- and love the one of you together!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Biltmore is near the top of my bucket list! The photos of the flowers are so pretty and that's a cute pic of you and George!

Sorry the deer got to so many of your lilies. I have an old-fashioned rose bush that I noticed yesterday had the leaves all stripped off. I'm sure it was the deer. We saw about 6 of the pesky critters in our pasture recently. I need to buy some Deer Fence and hope it works!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These sure are pretty! Enjoy the weekend

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Biltmore looks like my kind of place. All the flowers are gorgeous and the grounds look so well kept.

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word, these are incredibly gorgeous shots! it's really hard to pick a favourite.

biltmore looks such a beautiful place.

happy memorial day and weekend!!

big hugs~

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pretty flowers and you and George look so happy! Have a great weekend, and be safe.

Sally Wessely said...

I've never seen such a bunch of forsythia before! Wow. And then, there is that great bunch of phlox. What a treat to the eyes.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy

Those pictures are stunning, I love the phlox's. I love all types of blue flowers, my fav colour. Enjoy your weekend


Chatty Crone said...

Again I love all the flowers and I love the love you two have for flowers and each other. And yes remember all the people - men and women who have served this county. sandie

Small City Scenes said...

What a wonderful place to visit and take many pictures. The colors are fabulous. I always like Forsythia. always the first to bloom in Spring.
Enjoy your long week end. MB

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Wow those trees and the good looking couple at the end!

Rose said...

I love those lilies...and love the shot of you and George.

Marie said...

So pretty! You two are so cute!!!

Ann said...

that place is a feast for the eyes. Those lilies are gorgeous. Too bad about yours being a buffet for the deer.
Have a great weekend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Betsey, Your page is always so happy. Those flowers are so beautiful.. everyone more lovelier than the next. xx

Joe Todd said...

After those long walks make sure to have some of their ice cream LOL..

Catherine said...

I am loving all the color showing up on blogs and in my backyard!!

Wishing you and your sweeties a terrific weekend Betsy!
xo Catherine

Janice K said...

Awesome colors everywhere! Have a great weekend.

Janie said...

What an impressive display of flowers, with so much color. You and George look like you're enjoying yourselves. Hope you have a great weekend!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Gorgeous florals, intoxicating.
That's the cutest photo of you and George Betsy!
Thinking of all veterans during your Memorial Day.
Have a wonderful break.
(The deer ate half your lillies?? on no!)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh so many beautiful flowers. Happy Memorial Day to you also. Have a great weekend.

MTWaggin said...

Looks like a flower photographer paradise!

Carletta said...

The Biltmore certainly knows how to do flowers don't they! These are more beautiful blooms. You are so lovely to share with us.
That redbud against the sky is gorgeous!
You and George have a wonderful weekend!

Karin said...

Oooooing and ahhhhhing here! Just so beautiful! It would be intoxicating to visit there!

A Colorful World said...

A glorious explosion of color! LOVED every photo!!!!

Annesphamily said...

Goodness, it has been a while! I am usually visiting with you at Face Book! Your blog is precious. I love the colorful birds and flowers you always share. I hope this weekend is wonderful for you and George. Your trip photos are gorgeous.

Buttercup said...

Biltmore is one of my favorite places, and your flower pictures are beautiful.

Terry and Linda said...

As always, extremely beautiful. I'm so glad you and George get to visit there and share with us!


troutbirder said...

Could you find out how many gardeners I would need to hire to duplicate these gorgeous gardens? Just kidding....

Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful colors...great pictures! You two always look so happy...that is wonderful!

Anni said...

Besides your smiling faces in the one photo, the phlox image blew me away!!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, these are gorgeous! I hope you and George had a wonderful weekend.

Denise from An English Girl Rambles

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Great picture of you as a couple. I am impressed by the gardens that they have at Biltmore. Although I have never been there, it is on my list of places to go someday. Have a great day!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wonderful flower photos. Just discovered your blog. Maargaret

Twilight Man said...

Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! The flowers are simply lovely and colorful.