Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Tallulah Gorge, Georgia

On May 4,  on our way to Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina,   we stopped to do some hiking at Tallulah Gorge near Clayton, GA.   We wanted to check out their beautiful waterfalls (so--what else is new????)   and hike to the bottom of the gorge and back up!!!!  If you want to see a gorgeous video from Tallulah Gorge,  click HERE.

This gorge is known as one of the largest canyons in the Eastern US.  It is 2 miles long,  1.2 mile between the two sides,  and 1000 feet deep.  The Tallulah River --which formed the canyon and passes through it,  drops 500 feet in less than a mile --making for some spectacular waterfalls/cascades.

To get to the bottom of the canyon,  we hiked down almost 550 steps ---and then of course,  had those 550 steps BACK UP....  The going down was easy as you can imagine.  About 80 feet from the bottom of the canyon,  we crossed a suspension bridge before going on down to the bottom.

Today,  I'll share some photos with you from that hike.  Besides the hike down and back up,  we also checked out ALL of the overlooks on both sides of the canyon... The picture above was taken of us on the south side (after we had been down and back in the gorge).  Obviously,  we were RESTING... ha ha ...   It was a drizzly day---but luckily,  we didn't have too much rain.   I don't mind getting wet---but have to protect our cameras!!!

Here is a view looking down into the canyon from the north side --before we started down!!

This is a picture of some of the steps going down into that deep canyon.

And,  here is another one ---looking down-down-down.

Here is a picture taken from the south side of the canyon ---AFTER we climbed down and back up.  This shows the suspension bridge we crossed.  There are people on that bridge.  See them?????  (We are 80 feet above the canyon floor while on that bridge.)

AND---to prove that we made it down there to the suspension bridge,  George took this picture of me ON the bridge. I'm glad my jacket was plenty big --since I had all of my camera 'stuff' under there ---keeping it dry!!!!!

BUT---we have farther to go down in order to get to the bottom of the canyon.  We went down more steps ---and finally,  we could see the BOTTOM.

George took this AWESOME photo of the water at the bottom of the canyon.  He was able to use his tripod and get some excellent photos of the waterfalls and the water/canyon.  I'll share the waterfall photos plus more photos from the overlooks in another post. 

Here is a photo taken from the bottom,  looking BACK up at the rock cliffs (which are on both sides of the canyon).   Amazing gorge,  isn't it????

Here is a photo of George doing his 'thing' with the tripod!!!!  WOW--the pictures he can get with the proper filters, plus using a tripod!   I love watching him at work!

While he had the tripod out,  George got this picture of us at the bottom.  That is Hurricane Falls,  one of the SIX main waterfalls at Tallulah Gorge.  Hurricane Falls is 96 feet. 

Hope you enjoyed seeing some photos from Tallulah Gorge taken on May 4, 2013.  When our day was complete at the gorge,  we had put about 4 miles on our pedometers.. Great exercise!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day --and be sure and get out in nature and do some hiking!!!!  It's good for you! See you on Monday!



Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot imagine how anyone could climb all those steps!!! You must be SO fit from all your hiking and should live to be 200. How long did it take to go up? My favorite has to be the first one of you and George, and the second one next.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The ninth picture, I see faces in the rocks. Glad you escaped with your lives!

eileeninmd said...

It is a beautiful place, thanks for sharing. Great shots, Betsy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the awesome pics, Betsy. It is such a beautiful area. Have a nice weekend.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i feel like i have heard of this place before, don't think we have been there.... but?? i need to recall. great shots. ( :

enjoy your weekend.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that view of the suspension bridge!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that view of the suspension bridge!

Unknown said...

Wow! Beautiful pictures! I've never heard of Tallulah Gorge, but I'm putting it on my bucket list ASAP! The hubby and I travel a lot and are always looking for interesting places to go. Thanks for sharing!

Arkansas Patti said...

What a beautiful place and the access is really nice---except for that climb back up. Think I would have needed a chopper.

Jo said...

OMW Betsy the view down is spectacular and what a hike/climb! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

linda m said...

I remember those stairs very well. That is one awesome place. Love all of your pictures - they are very good.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

truly and amazing place and i agree with Ginny on you and George being fit. that is a lot of stepping for sure.

Nellie said...

I am in awe of your ability to take on such an excursion! My knees would have given way long ago! Beautiful scenery! xo Nellie

Susannah said...

All those steps!! Both of you are amazing! My, the pictures are wonderful! I love the ones George takes with his filters and such and I especially like the ones of you both....... So sweet and happy!


LV said...

As always, enjoy taking the trips with you through your lens. You two look nice in the blue suits.

Shug said...

So much beauty in each of these photos. Each one is so refreshing to look at. There is just something about streams and waterfalls that makes me feel peace.
Hugs to both, you and George

Ms. A said...

Gorgeous photos, however, my knees are screaming just thinking about those steps!

Sharon said...

Ah yes, I've been down every one of those steps and back up every one of those steps...but it's so totally worth it. I love the Visitor Center at Tallulah Gorge also. We went there a lot when I was working in Blue Ridge.

Fun60 said...

Well worth the climb I would say but what a climb! All those steps knowing you would have to retrace your steps to get back out of the canyon again. George has taken some tremendous photos of the water but a great series of shots of the canyon.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy What an adventure. Those steps are awesome. You must be VERY fit and the photography is great. thanks for sharing. Margaret

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great shots...I love George's shots of the water, too. It looks like a fabulous place! Have a great weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful! I love the hikes you take us on. Great photos all of them and of course always love the ones of you and George.

Lynda said...

I need to ask my daughter if this is the one her husband took her to hike on one of their first dates. The pictures look familiar. It is a gorgeous, gorgeous place!!!!! You and George must have legs with steel muscles with all the hiking you do.

Kay said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

MTWaggin said...

You both take amazing photos and the gorge looks like a fun place to explore!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I did enjoy all these picture. I am also very glad you hiked down all those steps to some amazing shots,that I don't have to. Ha! Ha!

Busy Bee Suz said...

All those steps....what a great workout for you both. Do you ever look back at how you felt when getting your knee surgery?? You've come along way baby!!! ;)
Lovely photos!

troutbirder said...

Wow. What a terrific spot. But five hundred steps. I dunno....:)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Wonderful photos today! Wow that walk must have been pretty long. All those steps would scare me.

Ann said...

That is gorgeous there. Now when I saw the picture going down all those steps I could feel the burn from climbing back up them :)

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures! And just think, we only saw it from the top :(

Carletta said...

A beautiful spot Betsy!
That picture George took of the water is lovely! I do need one of those filters. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Small City Scenes said...

I swear, Betsy, you are getting younger looking all the time. Happiness will do that. Tell tell George he ain't so bad either. LOL
I cannot imagine all those steps--Whew!!! But you all did it and I am proud. Well that is because I get to see all the pictures. Ha! MB

Marie said...

This has got to be one of the most beautiful ways to stay fit. :) Love that you two always take pics together...so sweet.

Chatty Crone said...

That was a beautiful area in GEORGIA - so close yet so far away. Let me ask you thins - did you have to climb back UP the steps? sandie

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That place is amazingly beautiful, Betsy! But I find myself rubbing my knees at the very thought of the pain they would feel on those steps, whether going down or up. :)

Your photos are stunning. I especially loved that first one, showing the depth and beauty of the gorge.

Farida said...

Hello Ms Betsy, these photos are amazing! You've traveled and visited so many place. You and your hubby are simply admirable :)

Happy weekend and take care!

Neal said...

That is very beautiful. I would love to visit there sometimes. Add it to my growing list. :)

Connie said...

Oh my, Betsy, my knees hurt just looking at those stairs. It is a beautiful spot, though, and you and George got some really great photos.

Mary said...

What a beautiful place! I might have made it down the steps, but when it was time to come back up, my knee would have yelled bloody murder. Worth the walk, though!

Small Kucing said...

Maybe should consider investing on one of those water proof camera

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awesome- another beautiful place to put on my list.

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Great note. Super pictures! :)

+ Please visit our blogs. :)

"Everyone needs to dissolve the mean time, not only in words."

Bruce Clark said...

Those are some wonderful shots and worth the trip back out :)

Rose said...

That is an amazing place, Betsy...so beautiful...and think the rain made for richer looking colors.

Big Dude said...

Looks like a gorgeous spot, even in the rain. I'm headed to watch the video and see if we'll be camping nearby.

Catherine said...

Wow! That is a lot of stairs to climb. Lots of good exercise you two always get.
Hope you two are having a terrific weekend!
xo Catherine

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!

You two are very fearless, face anywhere! I believe that no storm is able to stop you! Congratulations on small samples of lovely places where you go!!!

Have a nice Sunday!
Hugs from the south


HappyK said...

Wow that is a lot of stairs to walk up.
Beautiful pictures!!

Miss Debbie said...

we have camped there many times...a very pretty spot!

Janie said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place. I'm putting this on our list for our next visit to Atlanta to see the grandkids.
Great photos of those steep stairs and of the canyon and waterfalls.

Linda P said...

Great photos because you've taken us on an amazing hike with stunning scenery. I did a little walking myself last week, but nothing so strenuous as your trips.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I would be so winded trying to climb all thsoe steps up again, Betsy! I give you nad George a lot of credit for being able to do that, plus carry heavy cameras and a tripod! Your photos are gorgeous, and, as always, I felt like I was there!

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! What a journey to get down there. Your photos are great, so the trip was certainly worth the effort.

Twilight Man said...

Both of you looked so great in matching blues!

Silly me, I had butterflies in my tummy by just looking at the steep steps going down!