Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Friends and Family

I have talked alot recently about the blessings of Christmas... WELL---it's not all about lights and decorations!!!! Nor is it about Santa and gifts. It IS truly about the birth of the baby Jesus. But besides that, it's about "friends and family". Yesterday ---George and I drove to Knoxville to have a late lunch with son Jeff and his girlfriend, Jenny.

We went to the Texas Roadhouse--and enjoyed a delicious meal and lots and lots of talking and catching up. This Mama was THRILLED since I don't get to see this busy son as much as I'd like!!!! The picture above is me with Jenny and Jeff. Below are more pictures.

See this gorgeous Poinsettia???? One of my best childhood friends sent this to us. Isn't it beautiful? Thanks, Nita... That's real friendship!!!

Another of my very best friends, Judy, sent me this picture the day she and hubby Charlie (along with one of her grandsons, Gabriel) went to the Christmas tree farm to 'chop down' their Christmas tree. Judy and I do alot of emailing and texting , but don't see each other as much as we'd like. However, we get to see them tomorrow ---when we will meet them for lunch in Hendersonville. Yeah Rah!!!!

Finally, here is another picture of Jenny and Jeff...

No matter what you do this Christmas, take time to be in contact with those whom you love.



Darla said...

Your Christmas Cheer is Contagious Betsy!!

diane b said...

I can feel the joy you have encountered by visiting family and friends. It is one of the best things about Christmas, getting together with family and friends. Jenny and Jeff look happy to see you too.

Valerie said...

So true! Savor the precious moments because all too soon they turn into precious memories!

amelia said...

We don't see anyone over Christmas because we can't get a dog sitter over those few days but we don't mind. Our kids know the score and we usually see them all sometime around the holidays.
It's good that you get to see family and friends!!

penny said...

You are right, Betsy. Family and Friends are an important part of Christmas. We are lucky and I count my blessings to have a family to share our holidays with.
I know some that don't have any family to celebrate with and it can be a very sad time for them.

pam said...

You sound very blessed!

Connie said...

It's so nice you got to see your son and his girlfriend, Betsy. Family is important all year round, but seeing them for Christmas is a blessing. Love the poinsettia--very pretty! :)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

A beautiful couple Betsy...

Beth said...

I'm so glad you got to spend time with Jeff and Jenny, Betsy. You're right that that is one of the best things about Christmas, and you are very fortunate to be surrounded by so many loving friends and family. That poinsettia is lovely...and so HUGE!

Shelley said...

Betsy - so glad you're getting to spend time w/ family & friends! I always think that's one of the best things about the holidays! And I loved seeing your smile in the 1st photo - that says it all!! :-)

Jeanne said...

You are so right - it's the people and not the presents that make Christmas special. We all need to be reminded daily of that because it is just so easy to get side-tracked this time of the year.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you got to spend time with Jeff and Jenny. Family is what makes Christmas so special.
I hope those with out close family at least get on the phone. I know when I couldn't visit with my family, a phone call is darn close. Fortunately, this year we get to hug in person.

Susie said...

Glad you got to spend some time with your son. I know you enjoyed it!

Wow Betsy! That's a beautiful poinsettia. How nice!

commoncents said...

Beautiful Post!


Common Cents

Loran said...

I believe you are one happy mama!

Snap said...

Love, love, love --- isn't it wonderful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Christmas time is very special with family around.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Family and friends are a gift, I agree. I am happy you are able to visit with all of them (well, as many as you can) all year round!!

Betty said...

Friends and family is what Christmas is all about.

Sunny said...

Family and friends...the best Christmas presents.
Sunny :)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

It is a special joy to celebrate with family and friends.By looking at your picture,I can see that joy all over you as you hold your son near.Hope each day is filled with tons of joy,my friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Christmas Trees and Christmas flowers and more better than that? FRIENDS. Merry Christmas

EG CameraGirl said...

I agree this is a wonderful time of year to connect with our families. I love seeing you family photos, Betsy!

Joe Todd said...

I'll bet that is the only Texas Roadhouse with a waterfall LOL.. Sorry about the spam in my comments on my blog. How do they do that with word verification??? Oh well no more anonymous comments. Have a great one

Anonymous said...

Betsy, so glad you could have a visit with your son and his friend. How nice for you all--especially at Christmas time.

We get to have friends over for Christmas day, and we're driving to Chicago to see DH's family on the 26th.

Cheryl said...

How wonderful you spent time with your son and his friend. That is what makes the holidays bright! And then to visit dear friends, how lucky are you! Christmas is about family and friends, love and sharing.

Diane AZ said...

So nice to see your family photos and poinsettia from Nita. It is a wonderful time of year. I love festive sweater you were wearing!

Maia T said...

How right you are, family and good friends are are the most important, especially during this period of holidays.
You have captured beautiful memories in these pictures.

Dorothy said...

I just told my son in law, part of why I love him is because of how much he loves his children and they love him..there is nothing more important then the love of family..nothing.

Well said, and spending time is a priceless gift we can all give ourselves..

Dorothy from grammology

Small City Scenes said...

How neayou all got to get together with your son and his girl. Lotta smiles going on.
Fortunately my daughters all live close-by---or rather with me. Two moved back home and two are still out there. I don't mind for a while anyway. The house was way too quite with Dave gone. And Kylee, my right hand girl is here too. Full house for Christmas. MB

Rose said...

Beautiful post, Betsy!

Connie said...

How wonderful to be with family at Christmas, or nearly Christmas.

Diane said...

Thanks for sharing your friends and family with us. I bet you did enjoy seeing your son and his girlfriend. Have a great day.

Joy said...

How nice you got to have dinner with Jeff and Jenny.

I really like that restaurant too.

♥ Joy

SquirrelQueen said...

Jeff and Jenny are a lovely couple, glad you got to spend some time with them. That's the important part of the holidays, family and friends. The Poinsettia is so pretty.
