Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Home at Christmas

Time is FLYING now --and, counting today, there are only 10 days left 'til Christmas... Goodness Gracious... where does time go????? I love to decorate --but don't like TOO many decorations... To me, a little goes a long way!!!! All of us have different tastes when it comes to decorating... I enjoy the old traditional reds and greens ---and don't use all white lights like many people do these days. I do have all white lights around our front door--but that is the only place.

I love the colored lights of Christmas. However, I do enjoy seeing others' decorations including all white-lights... I just love Christmas --and all of the 'memories'... I decorate using things from the past --and love it when we decorate the tree, talking about each ornament and where it came from and the story behind it. There are always so many wonderful memories!!!

Today I will share pictures taken outside this week--along with a couple of our Christmas tree inside. The picture above is the little tree I decorate and put on our front porch. It has lights, red bows and candy canes. Below are more.

This one was taken JUST before dark --of part of the front of our home. Note the two wreaths. We got one of them in 2008 and one this year. The one on the right is partially behind a limb from our Redbud tree--but you can get the idea of what they look like.

Here is the same picture after dark. There is a big red bow on the top of the window above the candles. It's hard to see at night. Around the front porch, we have white lights around the door frame, a hanging basket of Poinsettias, a wreath on the door (shown on a previous post), a holly doormat and the little candy cane lit tree.

I love sitting on my throne (reclining sofa) with a roaring fire in the fireplace enjoying the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music and sipping some hot cider... Life is GOOD! (Sorry about all of the tree light reflections on the TV and through the sliding door.)

We have hanging, lit garland all the way around our deck --with big red bows. I put these decorations on the INSIDE of the deck just for US to enjoy --since the golf course is behind us!!!

I love this picture George took from our back yard ---looking toward the deck and at our Christmas tree inside.

George's camera captured a good picture of our decorations out front. The ones to the left are lights and bows and candles in the garage windows. That is all of our outside decorations except for garland and big red bows on the lamppost and on the mailbox.

Here's one more picture inside of our home with no lights on (except for the tree lights and lights over the hearth) and a fire in the fireplace. I'm just glad that George didn't get a picture of me wrapped up in a blankie taking a little snooze!!!!! ha ha

Are you READY for Christmas???? I want these last 10 days to go slowly--so that I can keep relaxing and enjoying this glorious season.



Darla said...

Looks like you are ready Betsy!! Everything looks so nice and festive. I get the over-stimulated with so many decorations too....I actually left some boxes in the basement this year and it's still busy!!

Jayne said...

Very pretty Betsy!

Valerie said...

Oh so pretty!
But, please Stop Counting! (LOL) I'm so not ready yet and we have school up to and including Wednesday the 23rd! SOOOO much to do and so little time.
I've been up since 4 creating sound tracks for our sing along at school. The tree is up and has lights - but no decorations yet! AHHH - I am stressed!!
I have to get ready now - as I have an early rehearsal this morning with kids showing up at 730!

Connie said...

Your decorations are beautiful, Betsy. The time is flying by isn't it? Enjoy your day. :)

Bill S. said...

I am like you - a little Christmas lighting goes a long way. I read that the recession in over. The amount of lights on the outside of houses tells me that is not true.

Becky said...

Very Pretty!
Merry Christmas to You & George!

Beth said...

Oh, so pretty, Betsy! Your tree is gorgeous (and I LIKE the reflections in the door and on the TV). Your living room looks so cozy with the fire in the fireplace and the cheery Christmas lights---wonderful!

Tabor said...

Well, Santa is sure going to see your house from the sky.

Simply Debbie said...


Diane AZ said...

Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. I like the picture from the backyard looking in. And indoors, I think the reflections of your tree are joyful! :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Your home is so lovely, you have put in some work lady.
I adore the tree by the door and think it makes the house look so inviting.

SmilingSally said...

Your place is certainly ready, Betsy, to celebrate the child's birth.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your home looks so beautiful and inviting Betsy!!! I love seeing how everyone has their own ways to decorate...some years I go easy and some years I go heavy. Just depends on my mood(s)!!! This year I went heavy inside, and light outside. I think next year, I want to get lit wreaths for all my front windows...I love this look!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I love the little tree on your porch. There is something magical about Christmas lights.

Susie said...

Betsy your home looks so festive! I really like seeing the reflection of the lights on the window and t.v. That just adds to how pretty everything looks.

Mary said...

I just love seeing Christmas decorations all lit up at night. Great photos and you have such pretty decorations. I don't want to think about there only being 10 more days...I'm not ready yet!

Betty said...

Your house looks so inviting.I like the picture that George took from the outside. The little tree on the porch is lovely too and I like the bell on your porch.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful Betsy. I so love the holidays too. I also prefer the traditional colored lights. What a pretty tree. Looks like you have a ton of lights on the tree.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your house looks absolutely lovely.I would love to join you sitting and sipping some hot apple cider.Hope each day is filled with special joys.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Your home looks so lovely Betsy; very warm and inviting.

We so much alike! I love sitting with the Christmas lights and a fire going...that's luxury to me.

marmee said...

you have definitely having a wonderful christmas time at your house...it is so bright and cheery.
i have has little time to sit and blog but i am grabbing a few minutes before my busy, busy day begins.
happy december.

DeniseinVA said...

No, I'm not ready for Christmas but you've inspired me to get cracking and finish what I have started. Betsy, you've decorated your home just beautifully. All your photos are wonderful. I leave in the Christmas Spirit :)

Kay said...

Your tree is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Very beautiful and festive! I love that you have so many lights. :o)

Tes said...

Everything is looking good Betsy! Your decorations are lovely and fit just right on their respective nooks! I've started mine, but am not even halfway. :)

Cookie said...

That is a lot of lights and a beautiful tree. It must take a lot of time for all that decorating.
I think we have the same TV a you!

amelia said...

I'm with you, I like red and green and pretty colours. We keep it very minimal, too many lights is not good way out in the bush where we live.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful lights, Betsy. We didn't get all of our outdoor lights up before the big snow.

I hope these next few days before Christmas CRAWL along--but I know they will speed by.

Deborah Godin said...

Wonderful shots of those pretty lights. And thanks Betsy for the nice comment about my blog break. Will definitely stop by for visits here! Hugs to you too!

Diane said...

Your Christmas home is so warm and inviting, Betsy. I have white lights but your colored lights are beautiful!!! So many different colors, I love it. Enjoy each day and thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

So comfy and inviting Betsy. Love your outside lights and your the pictures with the tree and the fireplace. Just saw your male Red-headed Woodpecker picture too and am so happy for you. What a special bird and to have it come to your feeder no less. Indeed a blessing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Christmas is flowing and glowing from every side of your home. I really love your big inside tree and actually like the reflections in the TV and glass door. You have a lovely home, it is so warm and inviting. thanks for sharing it.

imac said...

Looks neat shots in the dark Betsy, of Christmas lights.

Dorothy said...

It's all very beautiful, Betsy!! Relax and enjoy it! Wishing you and George the best one ever!

Janie said...

Your decorations look great from every direction. You seem to be completely prepared. I still have presents to wrap, but I'm looking forward to some quiet time before the family gathering begins.

storyteller said...

How FESTIVE your home looks ;-)
Thanks for sharing your lovely decorations ...
Hugs and blessings,

Cheryl said...

What beautiful decorations you have. I love, love, love your Christmas tree-its beautiful! You and George certainly have the Christmas spirit! Your home looks so welcoming!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Everything is so warm and beautiful Betsy...Love your traditional Christmas decorations...Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

You really know how to make your home say warm, cozy Christmas. I especially like the photo from the back across the deck to your Christmas tree. This is the perfect retreat from a waterfall hike.

LV said...

What a lovely, cozy home you have. All your decorations are very pretty and just the kind I like. I am from the old ways of decorating for the holidays.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely decorations!

You surely look ready for Xmas :)

Karin said...

Thank you so much for the lovely light tour!! Your place looks warm, inviting and very festive. Great job! I've been doing a lot less for just the two of us this year. I think after over 20 years of decorating the whole nursing home and making decorations for all the craft sales, I'm a little decorated out.... Maybe in a year or two I'll revive again, lol! Always love seeing everyone else's decorating ideas! So much fun!
Christmas Hugs, Karin

Small City Scenes said...

What a wonderful tour. Thank you---and George of course. I love the 4th--I think--picture. the one inside the house. Very pretty. I like some decorations too---too much and one is stunned by it all. We just have a tree up and Kylee put some trim and lights on the railing going upstairs.

Happiness to you both. MB

diane b said...

Crikey! You have made a wonderful Christmas house. What an effort you have made. I feel guilty for not trying much this year, but I did release my Christmas soft toys from their box and they are sitting under a small Christmas tree. Your tree is magnificent. All just lovely and I can understand you wanting the time to go slow so that you can enjoy your decorations.

penny said...

Your outside Christmas decorations are so festive and bright, Betsy. And the inside is a perfectly beautiful Christmas scene too. I miss sitting by a cozy fire in the fireplace, lucky you!

Shelley said...

I just adore that tree you have on your porch! All your christmas decorations look lovely!! Christmas is coming fast!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a neat set of decorations to brighten the season. Looks like your snow is gone.

Sunny said...

A Christmas wonderland for sure. The last picture is really magical.
Sunny :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Your house is tastefully decorated, Betsy. I don't like to overdo the decorations either. ;-)

Rose said...

Isn't it amazing how close Christmas is...and I have yet to take a ride at night to see the lights!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful Betsy, your house looks so warm and inviting for the holidays. I love seeing everyone's lights and decorations this time of the year.

One week away and I'm almost ready. Almost!