On our waterfall and hiking trip last week, we found something very sad at the base of one of the waterfalls. The waterfall (pictured above) is named SLICK ROCK FALLS. Slick Rock Falls is in the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, NC, on a back mountain road (F.R. 475B). The elevation here is 2640 feet. The waterfall, coming from Slick Rock Creek, free falls for about 30 feet.
There are two trails here. One leads to the base of the waterfall and the other leads to the base of Looking Glass Rock, which is a rock climbers paradise. Since we are NOT rock-climbers (HA)---we were interested in seeing the waterfall. Pictures of this experience are below.
I took this picture from the road, of the falls --while George went up the trail in order to get some close-up shots of it. After he got back to the car, I was SO glad that I hadn't gone with him up there. I'm sure I would have cried.
George did get fairly close for a good side view of the waterfall. However, can you see something in the bottom left corner????? WARNING: skip the next two pictures if you are squeamish...
This poor, frozen-solid buck must have fallen from the top of the waterfall. Is this not the saddest thing you have ever seen??? Well---maybe not the saddest... But--it is very sad for sure.
Here's another view of the deer. Looks like he is just laying there--but believe me, he was dead. I hope he didn't suffer, and I pray that he died quickly when he hit those rocks. Even the wildlife have struggles, don't they?
I wanted to leave you with a good picture of SLICK ROCK FALLS. It really is a beautiful little waterfall.
I started not to do this post--especially so close to Christmas, but it just made the think that there is sadness in this world during all seasons. People who have recently lost loved ones, or whose loves ones died this time of year sometimes struggle during the holidays. Some churches offer special services for those who are grieving.
SO---today I ask you to remember those whose Christmas this year may not be joyous or as happy--for all kinds of different reasons. We all do have many blessings in our lives---but we all have those times of grief and sadness... God Bless Us ALL.
Beautiful Falls and sad about the Buck...you just never know!
You are so right Betsy, sometimes, when we are celebrating and enjoying the beauty of life, we are blinded to the sadness and hard places others endure.
December will never be what it was for me before the year 2000. Mom was diagnosed with cancer in 1998, and had surgery and we thought all was well. But in August of 2000 the numbers were up and she was going downhill. She lived alone, as dad passed on in 1995. On December 5th I went to her house and picked her up for a visit at my house. Little did she know I wasn't going to let her go home. We were so worried something would happen while none of my siblings or I were there.
So while she was visiting, she fell asleep and we snuck upstairs and brought one of my kids bed down to the dining room and set up a bedroom for her. When she woke up, she said it was time to go, we asked why ... we had a room all set up for her. I remembered she cried and said, "You did this for me?"
One week later, we contacted Hospice and they brought a hospital bed for her. She lasted until January 16th. Although I have good memories of our last month together, Christmas still makes me sad at times, when I pull out an ornament that was her's - or walk in the dining room and see the crystal star a friend had given to her that Christmas and I have hanging in my hutch still. I told mom I would keep it there.
I can celebrate, because I know my mom is with the Lord and is completely whole and it is because He Came, that I know I will one day see her again, but you are so totally right - In the beauty of the season, there is sadness for many of us.
Very well done!
Such tragedies happen. This is acceptable. Seeing them lying beside a busy highway is not.
This bothers me way less than seeing them dying due to starvations because of overpopulation (HUGE issue here).
The waterfall is lovely and I just view the buck as a reminder of how careful we need to be when hiking thru mother nature.
Holidays always bring up the sadness of those who are no longer with us, and when those events happen within the month, it's even harder. Blessings to all those who feel the anniversary loss during this season.
Ohhhhh.....that breaks my heart. I too hope he died fast and didn't have to suffer. Beautiful falls. I love wilderness.
Very sad indeed, Betsy. I wouldn't have wanted to see that either.
The falls photos are beautiful.
Trying to catch up with everyone!!
Beautiful Fall, just spectacular and sad pic. I hate wildlife being hurt or worse, injured. There are so many deer being hit by cars where we live, it breaks my heart every time I see them.
Starvation is worse and it's all around us.
Ahwwwwwww such a beautiful creature! Our Titans did good!! :)
I have a soft heart for animals so this was sad to see. I hope it was a quick death too.
Aww, that is a very sad sight, Betsy. It must have been upsetting to see. I guess the rocks were to slick at Slick Rock Falls. However the falls are gorgeous to see.
A sad discovery like that does make us pause and think. I'm glad you went ahead and posted it. The photos are beautiful and touching.
Nature can be harsh. I don't know why but every picture I see of a dead dear, their eyes always seem to retain life.
Lovely falls, Betsy. Most unfortunate about the deer---let's hope he didn't suffer.
I think the holidays are a difficult time for lots of people, especially those who are alone. Perhaps we could all remember to at least give those folks a call on Christmas or even invite them to dinner. It's a small gesture that could mean a lot.
Betsy: That was a great buck and had spent some time in the forest. This is part of the cycle in nature and I'm sure it didn't suffer. Great photos of the falls.
Good reminder how careful we all need to be whether in the wild or in the city. Looking forward to seeing more of your falls photos or slick pics from Slippery Rock
That is a sad sight Betsy. Poor buck. Hopefully he didn't suffer.
Life is bittersweet and without death we can't appreciate being alive. I think this is a very thoughtful post.
I have tremendous respect for all wildlife. Birds, rabbits, squirrels, chipmonks, deer and coyote face numerous life threatening situations every day.
A beautiful creature surrounded by beauty; hopefully he did not suffer.
The shots are fantastic but Sad to see the Deer !!Unseen Rajasthan
It is sad, betsy, but also in nature's way beautiful. I suppose the Rangers will dispose of him but you knw, he does look glorious there. It is nature's way not mans.
the waterfall is so beautiful too.
I saved some snow for you but while I was waiting it disappeared. Hmmmmm!! MB
That poor poor baby, i know he's not actually a baby, but that poor thing. I also hope he didn't suffer, I hope he died instantly upon falling. So sad.
They really are beautiful photos of the waterfall, but I sure wish that poor buck hadn't been there by the time ya'll arrived.
I'll 2nd the... GOD BLESS US ALL!
Oh this is a sad sight.
Nice post Betsy - yes it is a time to think of others that are hurting this time of year.
Love the falls Betsy, sorry to hear about the Deer tho.
So often we see only the beauty of these places,and they are very beautiful,but your pictures point out another side of them.
Christmas is so full of memories and sometimes when circumstances change the memories are bittersweet.
Your waterfalls are beautiful.So sorry about the dear to bad you had to see him that way.
This time of year is hard for me an losing my sister lsat month doesn't help. My son always wants me to make Baklava for Christmas and that makes him happy so it makes my happy too.
thanks for sharing this story. I just finished watching the Hallmark Movie, the Christmas Blessing and a child died at Christmas. The movie and this post remind me that life is short, we never know when the Lord will call us home. Our news paper is full over the past week of accidents and other deaths and it seems harder because it is the holiday season. George did a super job on that last picture of the buck. We can remember that God has a plan for all of us, and that includes the animals to. Maybe this buck will become food for another animal or animals to live. Very sad.
That is so sad. It must have been a shock for your husband when he first saw it.
This is so heartbreaking Betsy!! You better post some happy stuff tomorrow, or I may not talk to you for a while. :)
I would have hated to see the deer too. I know that we kill them to eat but I hate to see one like that. Gorgeous waterfall. George must be careful climbing up those cliffs and you too Betsy.
More great pics. Sad about the deer, you be careful on those slippery rocks. It is a great shot of you and George in front of a fabulous fall (Mondays post). Nothing beats a waterfall after heavy rain. Your thoughts on Christmas are touching. I feel for my sister in law as it is the first Christmas without my brother.
Aw, Betsy...
Your photos, as always, are marvelous.
Regarding the deer... yes, life is hard for wildlife. I can't imagine that buck would have had time to feel pain, having fallen on such a brutal surface I imagine his dispatch was quick.
Fear not; you navigated the touchy topic with class and dignity for the deer. I agree - let's give thought to those who are less fortunate.
Very sad. Phyllis and I very sudden and most unexpected lost a fellow church member and friend yesterday. I am still in shock...m.
Lovely waterfall Betsy, but I would have hated to see the dead deer, it would have ruined the walk for me. Looking forward to more of your wonderful shots.
Oh that is so sad, seeing the deer. I too think their eyes always seem to have life in them, even in death. When we were walking one of our favorite trails about six weeks ago we came across a tidal inlet that had a dead deer floating in it. It felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I realize its part of life's cycle but it still bothered me so. It didn't seem right! And yes, the holidays are hard on many people, and if we all try to reach out to someone it may help them feel a little better. Our church has a "Blue Service" for those needing some calm, quiet and healing.
That's sad to see but a memorable moment in a way. I'm impressed by your ethic to see so many waterfalls, and at all seasons.
...beautiful falls, but it must have been traumatic to stumble across the poor deer. I wonder if he had been shot during hunting season and eventually fell here. So sad...
That is certainly sad, but you are right to draw attention to those whose Christmases are not so happy. I've always loved to go Christmas caroling to shut-ins and nursing home residents. They just really appreciate the attention when so many are too busy.
Beautiful falls, but a sad end for the deer. Poor thing.
Poor guy. I guess he had a very bad day, probably not paying attention or running from somtething that scared him. He was a beautiful creature. what a shame.
The falls are gorgeous though.
Thank you Betsy. This Christmas will not be as happy as we have lost another. Nov. Dec. & Jan. are bad for me personally.
I love that Fall--it did look like some icicles hanging.
Poor little deer, I too hope the end was swift.
That reminds you have to be very very careful when climbing those slippery rocks.
Your photos of the falls are very beautiful. That is sad about the buck but that does happen in nature. As was said above, a reminder to be careful when in the woods.
That is so sad. The waterfall is beautiful, but I guess even beauty can be trecherous at times in nature.
Sad, indeed, Betsy. He was a beautiful animal.
It does break my heart when I see something like this. Working in a wildlife hospital, you see this everyday and believe me, you never get over seeing an animal die. I just hope that this poor deer didn't have to lay there and suffer.
Such joy and sorrow. And beautiful photos. I hope the buck didn’t suffer. You found joy....it is there in the trials.
John 16:33New International Version (NIV)
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
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