Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Icicles and Icy Waterfalls

Our trip to the Brevard, NC area this past week was FABULOUS. As I have said before, I "love" winter, so hiking in winter is my favorite time!!!! We did NOT see snow--but that is okay since we were traveling some treacherous mountain (gravel and dirt) back roads. In three days we visited 25 waterfalls --with 18 of them being new ones for us!!!!!

This week has been VERY COLD in the south--including the mountains of North Carolina. I don't think the temperature got ABOVE freezing from the time we left home on Thursday morning ---until Saturday afternoon. And most of that time, the temperatures were in the 20's. For that reason (and since that area has had ALOT of rain lately), there were HUGE icicles hanging from rocks all along the roadsides and even on the huge rock mountain tops in that area.

SO-today I'm featuring some of the waterfalls and icicles we saw on Saturday. Above is a picture of George and me standing beside Dry Falls (north of Highlands). There was another couple checking out the falls, so we took their picture together --and they took ours. Below are more pictures.. Be sure to put on your heavy coat when checking out these pictures!!!! ha

Icicles along the roadside; We saw many, many areas like this!!!!

Some of these icicles were HUGE--hanging down from the high rocks.

I liked this picture from the top of a rock ledge.. Pretty, aren't they???

This icy waterfall is named Bridal Veil Falls---and can be found north of Highlands, NC. We have seen this one MANY times --but never with so much ICE. Usually, you can drive your car behind this waterfall ---but not on this day!!!!

This is a great picture I think. George is standing almost BEHIND the falls to get this picture...

Here's one more picture of Bridal Veil Falls---showing all of the ice around it at the bottom and top.

This HUGE waterfall is Dry Falls (which obviously is NOT dry).. This waterfall is between Highlands and Franklin, NC. One can see it from an overlook --or can hike down. We did BOTH. The path down was a little icy--but I held tight to the fence rails!!!! We have also seen this waterfall several times --but never quite like this.

George walked down to the place where we usually can walk BEHIND that waterfall. Obviously, there was no way to walk behind it this time. SO--he took some great pictures of the ice and icicles behind the falls.

It's not easy sharing the magnitude of the amount of water coming over these falls... Unbelievable!!!!! What an incredible sight --for waterfall lovers like us!!!!

Many more pictures to come--since we took about 350 pictures on this trip... Yipes!!!!

Hope all of you had a great week/weekend. We will catch back up with your blogs gradually!!!


P.S. We did come home to a not-so-great surprise... We had a broken waterpipe in our front yard.... George will blog about this I'm sure!!!! Ain't life Grand?????


Anonymous said...

Wow. That is a whole lot of icicles. And pretty pictures too.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I had to get my throw and wrap up when looking at all those beautiful icecles. BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! I love looking at them !!...hugs...m.

Kathy W said...

I ditto Marys comment. Makes me want to put a coat on just to look at your pictures. Love those shots of the ice of the rocks. I like winter also. Love the shot of you and George. =)

T said...

Just breathtaking!

I'm so hoping that Mt. Eagle has some icecicles when we travel in a few weeks - I'd love to photograph them.

Tabor said...

Nice cold way of looking at waterfalls. Makes me chilled as winter is NOT my favorite season, but so glad that you enjoy it as much as you do.

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Those are amazing pictures! But I did have to bump up the heat after looking at them! I think you guys are very brave - I'm a real wimp when it comes to cold weather. Glad you had a good trip, though.

penny said...

Hi Betsy, I'm glad you had such a wonderful time touring the falls.
We are having a heat wave here so I really enjoyed your beautiful shots of the ice cycles on the falls, they cooled me right off.
Bridal Falls is even more spectacular when its decorated with ice cycles.

Beth said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy! I love both the waterfalls and the icicles. It's really nice to see the waterfalls in the winter season. Dry Falls is especially magnificent (and the name is especially ironic!). So glad you got back safely, but so sorry you came home to your own unpleasant water surprise. I guess it was a good thing you came back a little early!

Arkansas Patti said...

It is hard to imagine that you could find 18 falls that you "haven't " seen. Loved the icicles.
Hope the water pipe didn't cause much damage.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ONLY 350 pictures? love the frozen waterfalls. so glad you found some you had not seen before. These photos brought back fond memories. we moved to KY in 1953, I was 10 my brother 6. we had never seen ice or snow or icicles. we were awe struck when we saw the sights you are showing us today. the first morning we came out of the house and the rool line was decorated with 2 ft icycles my mother grabbed her brownie camera and clicked away, daddy broke one off and we were like kids with a toy. thanks for the memories.

Roses and Lilacs said...

What amazing photos. I love all those icicles. I remember seeing smaller areas of icicles where natural springs seeped from the faces of rocks that had been cut out for roads.

D said...

Betsy doesn't ice make for wonderful photos? If you and George ever get out this way we'll take you to our favorite (and unexpected) waterfall.

Snap said...

Looks like a wonderful trip. Love the icicles and waterfalls -- can't beat that combination.

Busy Bee Suz said...

these are all so gorgeous. Nothing prettier than icicles. I have seen bridal veil falls and dry falls before..but not when it was this cold!!!
glad you had a nice time and glad your house was not flooded, just the yard. :)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh Betsy, I'm so sorry about the broken pipe!

Your waterfall photos are so pretty & give another perspective in a frozen state!

I Am Woody said...

Brrr!! You guys certainly picked a cold weekend but it looks like you had a blast.

Vol Fan and I visited Niagara Falls in February. Talk about icicles!!

Glad that broken pipe was in the yard and not in your house!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Very neat captures of the falls and the frozen watersheds.

Karin said...

Betsy, I'm so sorry that you had a broken pipe when you came home! -- Wonderful photos of your waterfalling adventures! Don't stand near there too long or you'll turn into an icicle, lol! As I was reading I kept wondering about over-spray and mist and whether the whole area is icy - even to walk on!

Yesterday, the only place colder than Edmonton was Siberia! Minus 46 at our International Airport! But we're tough birds up here and don't let a little cold stop us. Heading out for coffee and some errands with my daughter!

Warm hugs,

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures, Betsy! I'm glad you saw water at Bridal Veil Falls. We went there and it was just a trickle. Dry Falls was roped off and we couldn't go there. I'm happy you and George got to go and have this great excursion!!! Happy Manday!

Susie said...

Sorry to hear about the broken water pipe. That's a downer!

But it looks like you had a great trip. Don't icicles make the neatest pictures?!?!

Love the first pic of you and George. Glad ya'll made it home safely.

bookbabie said...

Very pretty, do be careful around all that ice though! We saw Niagara Fall in the winter once because my husband goes there for work. The American side was quite frozen and lovely, the Horseshoe side was still thundering down!

Sunny said...

The icicles make it so magical. Beautiful pictures! Sorry about your water pipe.
Sunny :)

Loran said...

Love those icy pictures, you rock, Betsy!

Betty said...

Fantastic picturess.When I read Bridal Vail Falls I thought you had gone to Yosamite there is a falls there by that name(LOL)
I love falls with ice on them
Sorry about your pipes I hope they are an easy fix.

Diane AZ said...

Betsy, you and George are amazing with your energy, visiting 25 waterfalls in 3 days in the winter! The photos are beautiful with the long icicles and all.

EG CameraGirl said...

The icicles are spectacular! We have NOTHING like that here...yet. 18 new waterfalls> Who woulda thunk it possible? LOL

Diane said...

I think the frozen waterfalls are even prettier than the other. It looks cold, though, to me, Betsy.

imac said...

Betsy, you just had me drooling over these shots, they are soooo beautiful.

Cookie said...

25 waterfalls?! That's a lot!
I have never been hiking in the winter. I haven't seen such beautiful icicles before! But I'm always cold, I don't think I will be hiking.
A broken waterpipe?! Oh no :(

Small City Scenes said...


Boy Betsy you guys sure know how to have a fun time. Love the frozen falls. Saturday when I went to E.WA. I got some shots of frozen falls along the side the road. Very neat. I will post them at a later date.
I surely can see the volume of water in the Dry Falls shot. We have Dry Falls in Eastern Wa. and it is Dry. At one time larger than Niagra Falls. Before our time. LOL MB

Cicero Sings said...

Great icicle shots Betsy. We saw a few on our trip down to the coast too. Amazing how much water does seem through the rock crevices.

Sorry to hear about that broken water pipe. Bummer is right!

I'm glad we are at the coast at the moment as it is VERY cold back home ... -35C this morning with a wind chill of -43C ... now that is cold ... the coldest since we moved up there!!!!

Joy said...

Oh My Word! Thoes icicles are amazing. I've never seen anything like it before. You two look so cute in your matching coats.

Hope the broken water pipe wasn't' too hard to repair.


Kay said...

Oh wow, those icicles are really something. We don't see that much here in SoCal, so I really enjoy seeing these photos.

Kelly said...

Wow!! The icicles are gorgeous.......stunning. I'd love to see them in person.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy, these are fantastic pictures.the icicles are phenomenal.Some of the pictures remind me of stalactites in a cave.Thanks for the beauty.

Janie said...

Wonderful waterfalls. I just love all the icicles!

Teresa said...

I love the pictures of the waterfalls and the icicles. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I always love visiting waterfalls.

DeniseinVA said...

Hello Betsy, first of all, just loved the photo of you and George, such a nice shot of the two of you. Your other photos were great too. Beautiful falls, especially with those amazing icicles. I like walking in the winter. Far preferable to a hot muggy day isn't it?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!

Thank you for your "welcome home" to me! :-) Denver was unusually cold and snowy the week we were there, but we loved it, and seeing our grandson turn one was such a happy occasion!

Your icicle photos are wonderful! I love to put glass icicles on my Christmas tree, as they reflect the light so well, so I can imagine how beautiful the real ones looked on your sightseeing trip!

So sorry about the burst water pipe..that happened to us one winter long ago ;-( Hope it can be repaired soon!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Nothing can compare to God's paintbrush...glad you two had such a good time and brought us lots of photos!!!

Valerie said...

Betsy, those waterfalls are beautiful. I love the icicles too. So dangerous and yet so beautiful.

I hope you were wearing earmuffs or a hat!! Such a nice picture of the 2 of you. Looks like you had an amazing time together. WOW! how do you find all of these waterfalls? You should make a book - with photos of all the ones you have been to. The mac makes it easy to do with iphoto and apple! :)


Valerie said...

Betsy, those waterfalls are beautiful. I love the icicles too. So dangerous and yet so beautiful.

I hope you were wearing earmuffs or a hat!! Such a nice picture of the 2 of you. Looks like you had an amazing time together. WOW! how do you find all of these waterfalls? You should make a book - with photos of all the ones you have been to. The mac makes it easy to do with iphoto and apple! :)


Chris said...

Betsy I am now absolutely freeeezing, but it's worth it as your shots are so lovely, I was thinking about you at the weekend and wondering what you were seeing. Sorry about your burst pipe.

LV said...

You two are about the most adventurous people I know. These pictures and the frozen falls are unbelievable. It is beautiful to see, but much too cold for me.

Shelley said...

25 waterfalls in 3 days?! Wow - that must be a record! Yours and George's energy and zest for life are very inspiring! I loved those icicle shots! Sorry to hear about your waterpipe - I'll have to go visit George. Hope its fixed soon and not expensive!

betty-NZ said...

I love to see your pictures! As long as I don't have to see the ice in person, I'm fine!

Mary said...

wow...those icicles are amazing! Beautiful! Sorry about the pipe. Real bummer this time of year in particular.

commoncents said...

Beautiful! You've got to love that Global Warming!!!

Common Cents

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! Wow! Very beautiful! Looking at all those icicles made me cold. HA HA! :D

Rose said...

You're home! I don't know where to start--I have never seen that many icicles any where, any time! And I can't help but think I bet the waterfalls were beyond awesome to see them in person. So very beautiful.

Jen said...

BBBBBRRRRR Chilly, but your pictures are Grrrrreat!
Glad you had a good time and saw some amazing falling and frozen water. :)
we a a freezing cold time here in N KY too, but it's since warmed up.

Anonymous said...

those icicles are amazing!

Joe Todd said...

Great photos Betsy looks like you and George had a great time.I was surprised to see all the ice.Of course being in the mountains makes a difference. I think the weather in Ohio has been warmer than yours.

Cedar ... said...


diane b said...

Wow 25 waterfalls in 3 days. You are a glutton. The pictures are breathtaking. Such magnificent icicles. Hiking in zero degrees, I wonder if I could do that? It is the opposite of me walking in the tropical heat.I don't need a jacket.

Cheryl said...

I do think I am feeling a bit chilly after looking at this photos! What gorgeous and breathtaking shots you got. Just beautiful falls even in icy glory! You two are very, very busy aren't you? A very nice photo of you two as well!

SquirrelQueen said...

The icicles make for very lovely photos, I can't believe there are so many. I've seen Bridal Veil with ice but I don't remember seeing it that near frozen before.
Sorry to hear about your broken water pipes.

storyteller said...

Oh my ... what fascinating photos of these icicles! I've never seen anything like this before so I'm delighted you shared your experience. Sorry about the deer in the next post ... very sad.
Hugs and blessings,

The Retired One said...

These are AWESOME photos, Betsy!
It reminds me that I have to strap some snowshoes on and hike to a few of our local waterfalls this winter to get some photos...they are really fantastic!