Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas in the Smokies

Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge/Sevierville all work hard to have the BEST Christmas decorations in the entire universe!!!!!! In December of 2007, we went to Pigeon Forge with our good friends, Judy and Charlie, to have dinner at the Ole Mill Restaurant and then to walk around Patriotic Park to see their Christmas decorations.

Here are some pictures from that wonderfully cold evening. Above is the theme of the decorations in Patriotic Park, "From Sea to Shining Sea". Below are more pictures.

These are are wonderful friends, Judy and Charlie, standing at the Patriot Park sign.

This was my favorite display. It is the Liberty Bell (including crack) and the American Flag... Breath-taking---what someone can do with lights!

Bet you can guess what this bridge is!!!??? Of course, it is the Golden Gate bridge.

Isn't this a neat display of a riverboat? These light displays were even better---seeing them in person.

The lights showed up better, the darker it got... I love this plantation house with the big trees in the yard.

Finally, here is a picture of George and me at the Patriot Park sign.

If you ever get a chance to visit the Smokies at Christmastime, you would LOVE it. The lights at Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and Sevierville are phenomenal. And a visit to Dollywood is great also!!!!! Come to TENNESSEE!!!! We'd love to have you!

WELL---I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that George and I are headed out today on another weekend of hiking and 'waterfalling'.. This time we are going to the Brevard, NC area. This was our only free weekend in December---so, even though the next couple of days are supposed to be VERY cold here, we're OFF to see what we can see. I'll blog again on Monday morning.

Hope all of you have a fabulous week/weekend. Enjoy the blessings of Christmas and don't get STRESSED!!!!!



Nina said...

Oh what festive photo's. Tis the season after all!! And boy do Christmas lights bring out the Joy of the season. Have a glorious time hiking this weekend. Don't forget to Bundle up!! (always my parents last words as we were heading out to play). Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

penny said...

Thanks for the beautiful trip to Pigeon Forge and the beautiful Christmas lights at Patriot Park, Betsy.. your right its a great place to visit and see all the wonderful sights.

diane b said...

The lights are magic.I would love to go to Tennssee. It is on my bucket list. You are a pair of toughies going hiking in the cold. Good on you, I admire your stamina and fitness. You'll stay young forever.Keep warm. We are having a heatwave.Too hot for hiking but we still walk in the forest every morning before it is too hot.Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Jane said...

Have fun in Brevard - thought about you guys the other day when I purchased a pair of hiking boots from LL Bean. Catch you soon,


T said...

I think the ONLY place that might rival Pigeon Forge is Twitty City!

Becky said...

Good Morning Betsy. Those lights are so pretty and I love the way they look 3d when it is totally dark.

Have a safe trip and don't get to cold.

Kelly said...

...looks fun. I love seeing all the lights at Christmas!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Have a safe "waterfallin'" time LOL...You and George are always having such a good time, and I'm so happy for you. I love Christmas lights, and these are very pretty, Betsy Boo. Now, take some of the neighborhood too LOL...love you

Anonymous said...

I must take time out to go visit Opryland Hotel's fab decorations. Your festive lights of PF has inspired me.

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the Riverboat the best. Very creative.
Can't believe you all are going hiking. We are 17 degrees here and very windy. Can only say--walk fast.
Have a great hike.

Beth said...

Those Christmas lights are beautiful, Betsy. We used to take our kids to a similar display in Raleigh that you could drive through. They loved it, and so did we.

You and George are braver souls than I going hiking in this cold! Be careful and watch out for ice. I have a feeling you might have the waterfalls to yourself, which is always a wonderful thing. :-) Have a safe and happy trip!

Carol Murdock said...

Have a great trip Betsy!
Gatlinburg is festive but my favorite place for Christmas decorations is Eureka Springs, Arkansas! xoxo

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love Christmas lights!!!!
Have a fun and safe weekend...enjoy your time.

Sunny said...

The lights are wonderful!
Have a safe and happy trip.
Sunny :)

Peggy said...

You are going to my hometown! My dad had a barber shop right across the street from the courthouse for many many years. It was a newstand/barbershop. He even had a shoeshine boy and a place for men to take hot showers. Seems that was the thing back then. I loved smelling the bay rum he splashed on the men after he shaved them with a straight razor. I grew up on Tinsley Road that I think now is called McClain in a house right around the curve from our church Grace Baptist. My dad is buried in Pisgah Gardens...sorry got carried away in memories. LOL Have a wonderful trip and can't wait to see photos.

mint said...

Been there around Halloween! It was great! I bet Christmas is even better!!!

Connie said...

You two are some pretty tough cookies. The weather outside is frightfull. Pigeon Forge looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

There was a time, once upon a time, when we considered moving to Brevard. And then we would have been neighbors. I hope you enjoy your trip.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I've been there but never at Christmas. I can see I missed a wonderful display.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful, Betsy! We came through Pifeon Forge and Gatlinburg a year or so ago and they had their lights up in November! It was an awesome sight! It was hard to look on both sides of the road at the same time!!! We toured the Falls in the Brevard area, too.

Susie said...

We've been fortunate enough to see the lights in Gatlinburg many times. It is so worth the drive there. A Smokey Mtn. Christmas is exactly what you'll see. We love it!

Have a wonderful trip. Hope you see lots of falls.

Small City Scenes said...

Very very festive. I like all the lights and decorations. It looks like it was plenty cold back in 2007. MB

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: The only thing missing is the snow to color the ground. It looks cold enough.

Diane AZ said...

Fantastic light displays, my favorite is the plantation house and trees. Have fun hiking and waterfalling!

Kay said...

I've always heard that Christmas in the Smokies was beautiful. I love watching Dolly's "Smokie Mountain Christmas" and I love the Christmas music played on dulcimers and mandolins.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful light displays.Thanks for sharing them.Hope you have fun and stay warm.I guess colder temperatures mean more cuddling just to stay warm.:)

Jo said...

Wow, all I could say with every photo is WOW! What a beautiful light display. Please could you explain what the Liberty Bell is and why the crack? Have an awesome hiking weekend. Wrap up warmly. (((Hugs))) Jo

Karin said...

Have a wonderful week-end and be safe! Lovely post about the fantastic light display. We have a huge park here dedicated to such displays in the dark winter months. We've taken our company bus loaded with our seniors and they LOVED it too. Great idea to brighten the darkest months of the year!

RoeH said...

Hey .... I was in Pigeon Forge once. Maybe ten years ago. Sooo pretty there. All that green. It should be bottles!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, you're not lying about the lights - They're very creative & I love the Golden Gate Bridge - Amazing!

You two have fun & Be CAREFUL - Watch out for ice & BUNDLE UP - Stay Warm!

Lots & lots of hugs,
Tricia Bluff Area Daily!

Kirigalpoththa said...

I love those decorations!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

You two have fun and please stay warm and safe my friends...m.

EG CameraGirl said...

The lights sure are pretty, Betsy! Have a wonderful time looking for waterfalls. ;-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will miss you, stay safe, be warm, see you when you return. I really like the liberty bell and the flag. Never even thought of Patriotic Christmas lights.

Betty said...

All of your pictures are lovely. I think I like the river boat ht e best. Have fun with your waterfalls.Be safe and stay warm.

Salitype said...

ohh! the world of light, beautiful. the riverboat is my fave...

see you when you get back from your hiking and waterfalling...take care!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Thank you for sharing these festive, beautiful holiday lights and photos of Pigeon Forge with us. They put me into the Christmas spirt. I hope you and George have a wonderful trip to Brevard and stay warm. Merry Christmas!

A Joyful Chaos said...

How very lovely! I always enjoy seeing Christmas lights.

LV said...

Really enjoyed another great tour of Gatlinburg. We went there a number of times in the past. I love it there, but never been at Christmas time. Beautiful sights.

Chris said...

What fun your post is, I love the riverboat. I hope you and George enjoy your hiking trip. Looking forward to some photos.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Stay warm and safe!!!

Snap said...

Have fun this weekend. Stay safe and warm!

DeniseinVA said...

What a fantastic light show Betsy. The Smoky Mountains are incredible and I bet at Christmas time it is just spectacular. Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos and have a great time this weekend to the Brevard NC area

Anonymous said...


You and George go to some amazing places. Thanks for taking me along.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Enjoy, enjoy!

Teresa said...

What fun to see al thee lights and their designs. Thanks for sharing them. Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun.

Joe Todd said...

Cold in Ohio but the sun is shining so after getting caught up on commenting I think I'm going to find another firetower. Linda and my sister Sara both think I'm nuts. May be some truth to it but is fun

Shelley said...

I love going out to look at Christmas lights! The riverboat one was my favorite! Have a nice time at your waterfalls - hope its a little warmer there for you and George!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

We still decorate and it gets better every year, so grab your friends, let me know when you're coming and we'll meet you at the Ol' Mill!

You ought to see Dollywood at christmas too! Oh Betsy as much as you and I love Christmas, you and your hubby would be over the moon!

Joy said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for reminding me that I DO live in the most beautiful area of the United States!

Diane said...

Beautiful Christmas lights, Betsy. I'm glad you got to go see them with your friends. Have fun this weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous lights, I love the riverboat. Pigeon Forge has really grown, it looks huge. Have a great weekend and try to keep warm. We are under a Winter Storm Warning so looks like the snow is coming.

D said...

Sure hope you and George are having a wonderful time. Always seeing that smile on your face, there is no doubt that you are. See you soon.

Neal said...

Very, very beautiful! You guys sure do keep the roads hot!!!!

Cheryl said...

Wow! What a beautiful place with all of the Christmas displays. I would love to see them in person. Have a wonderful and fun-filled weekend with your waterfalling and hiking. Can't wait to see what adventures you two have!

Connie said...

The light displays are beautiful, Betsy. I love the riverboat one. Thank you for sharing them!

I'm holding a giveaway on my smiling blog if you are interested in entering and have time once you are back home again.

Hope you and George are having a great weekend in NC. :D

Tina said...

What a nice collection of festive lights...a great way to bring in the Christmas Holidays! I hope you guys are enjoying some snow flakes and all this cold.
Can't believe Christmas is so close!!

Rose said...

I love going for drives to see Christmas lights. These are fabulous.

imac said...

Have a great trip, and bring back some great shots, with yourselves too.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These are wonderful lightings. Here in Auckland, there is a road where the residents light up the whole street.

SmilingSally said...

Closing is tomorrow; moving day is Thursday.

Have fun on this new venture.

Janie said...

Amazing display. They really did a great job with the lights!

Unknown said...

The lights are fun. We have a string in our front yard and a blow up Santa.