Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Favorite Things

"Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens... " You know that song, don't you???? WELL--I have a couple of favorite things also to share with you today, Waterfalls and Christmas Wreaths. You could have guessed them both, couldn't you????? Of course I have ALOT of favorite things---but these are two of my VERY favorites.

The first set of pictures are from another waterfall which George and I visited on Black Friday when we were on our trip to Erwin, TN. Of all of the waterfalls we visited that weekend, this one was definitely one of the prettiest--but also one of the hardest hikes. The book listed it as a HARD hike but it was short---so we did it. There were 2 water crossings. I did okay rock-hopping!!! BUT--there were tons of huge rocks to climb up and down --and my old short legs don't do well climbing like that. Luckily, George helped me--and I made it to the brink of the falls.

I sat and 'allowed' George to hike DOWN to the bottom of the falls for some great pictures. It was a pretty waterfall for sure. Below are five pictures of RED FORK FALLS in Unicoi County, TN. Red Fork Creek rushes 50 to 60 feet over a precarious rock escarpment.

This is a picture of Red Fork Creek--as it starts down the rocks.

I sat at this little cascade at the top of Red Fork Falls ---and enjoyed the sound of that water --after that hard hike!!! SO relaxing!!!

George climbed around to get some pictures of the creek and the cascade at the top of the waterfall.

This shows the bottom of the waterfall ---as it cascades on down the mountain.

Here it is!!!!!! THIS beauty is Red Fork Falls. George was so glad that he climbed down to the bottom of the falls ---since this one is a gorgeous waterfall. Seeing this one and getting its picture made it one of our more memorable hikes!!!!

My other 'favorite thing' to show you today is another Christmas wreath. In a previous post, I mentioned that Christmas Wreaths are always (and have always been) some of my favorite Christmas decorations. I already showed you our two lit wreaths hanging on the house in our front yard.

SO---today I will show you two more wreaths at our home. The one above is the wreath on our front door. This is not my favorite wreath; however, after I added the big red bow and the big jingle bells, it became more appealing. AND--my sons should recognize this one since it has been in my family for LOTS of years!! So it has sentimental value also!

And this wreath is over our fireplace. This one came from George's family --and it looks so perfect over the hearth.

Hope you have enjoyed some of my 'favorite things' today. Have a wonderful Wednesday!



Jane said...

Oooh, I like your favorite things! I need to get my wreath out as well.


Shelley said...

I love your favorite things too! I've gotten to experience so many beautiful waterfalls thru you and George. Now greg and I want to go hunting for some - most of the waterfalls in michigan are in the Upper Peninsula. Love your wreaths too! I'm hoping to hang a big one on the front of our cabin this weekend.

Beth said...

Your wreaths are so pretty, Betsy. I can see why you love them so. And your waterfall pictures are gorgeous, as always. I love your (and George's) adventurous spirit. You don't let much stop you, do you? I really admire that.

T said...

Lovely wreaths and the waterfall is breathtaking!

RA said...

I can see why these are your favorites, Betsy. Beautiful! Have a wonderful week and holiday. Hugs and love :)

Cherry said...

the Christmas wreaths are beautiful!

just droppin' by to greet you and your family a Merry CHRISTMAS! :)

big hugs,

Arkansas Patti said...

I see where you make George your "runner" for the hard to get pictures, smart lady.
Kind of like the wreath with tradition written all over it the best.

Carol Murdock said...

Betsy....the falls are always a treat and I love wreaths too! I'm still trying to get over Sunday! :(

Dorothy said...

You have some wonderful 'favotire things'! Beautiful falls, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I went back and looked at all your Christmas Pretties. Your house looks just beautiful and I love your wreaths. I really enjoyed your Favorite things and Red Fork falls, too.

Sunny said...

It's always enjoyable to see your waterfalls. Your wreaths are so pretty. We just hung one on our front window at the weekend.
It's like a blizzard here right now!
Stay warm.
Sunny :)

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

You have such interesting favorite things! Love that waterfall, but I'm afraid my "rock-hopping" days are far behind me, so I'd never get there! And your wreaths are very pretty and festive-looking. I'd have wreaths all over the place year-round if my hubby would go along with it!

Snap said...

Two of my favorite things also. Thanks for dropping by. This is our first round with the big C ... once is enough!

Small City Scenes said...

Such wonderful 'favorite things'. Oh I have to get my Christmas stuff out. I did put up some outside lights---which I have never had before. I missed the wresth making party last weekend (watching grandsons instead) so I will just make some swags. Enjoy today. MB

Susie said...

Those falls are beautiful so thank you for making the hard hike.

Nice wreaths!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

That waterfall is so gorgeous Betsy, thank George for the great photos!!!
Your wreaths are so very pretty also!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your wreaths too Betsy!! You know what would have made them cuter? If you put some of my cats in the middle...for your 'whiskers on kittens' cute factor. I will send them to you. I just caught one eating food off of the kitchen counter. gads!!!
Great waterfalling pictures...you guys are die-hards!!!

Peggy said...

I loved seeing some of your favorite things!

Becca's Dirt said...

What a beautiful waterfall. It looks peaceful even though you hear the rush of water - a soothing sound.

Beautiful wreaths. I love them too.

Jen said...

Your Christmas wreaths are beautiful - I love the real ones - and smelling them as I come into the house.

SmilingSally said...

I'll bet George has gotten his feet wet a time or two.

Betty said...

I love your favorite things. You wreathe are beautiful as are your waterfall, I bet your other favorite things are birds and roses.(LOL)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks for sharing some of your favorite things.The waterfalls are gorgeous,but that hike sounds too strenuous for me,so I'll just enjoy your pictures.The wreaths on the other hand look fabulous and I don't have to exert too much energy to enjoy those.Lovely.:)

Cheryl said...

The waterfall were beautiful! I definitely think spending Black Friday there hiking and enjoying the falls was much better than battling the crowds in the stores! I love your wreaths, how wonderful that they are favorites and decorate your home year after year.

Diane said...

Thanks, Betsy, glad you shared a couple of your favorite things. Your new look is pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the wreath over the fireplace. I am so glad you were not Stone Hopping. and that you were safe while hopping on those rocks. George looks like he is in on a place i would not stand.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Those "snow falls" pics are beautiful! And your home is lovely. I would love to have a huge a tree like that. But with so many felines that turn into monkeys-no way!

pam said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite things! They're my favorites too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Beautiful & Beautiful! Decorating w/ red berries at Christmas is one of my favorite things

Anonymous said...

Great photography - it feels if you can just relax and start dreaming...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Love your header photo, The beautiful tree, the fire and reddish orange colour. Such a warm room.

Who's coming for Christmas?

Kelly said...

...how many wreaths do you have in total? They are so pretty... I love them too! (and waterfalls of course!) ...my favorite things....family and birds...and the smell of pine at Christmas.

Diane AZ said...

Good for you two to go hiking to waterfalls even in the cold weather! The water looked beautiful and soft the way it was photographed. I enjoyed seeing the wreaths too!

LV said...

I enjoyed seeing the great falls trip. You two are braver than I would be, I would probably slip right into the falls. All your wreaths are so pretty. Where you live, nature provides a lot of great beauty for the outside decorations.

Kathy W said...

George is a brave man. Love those Christmas wreaths.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things is your blog with it's lovely pictures.

Joe Todd said...

I must be nuts I was out in todays wind storm looking for a waterfall and found a small one. Should show up next week in a post. Then I climbed a Fire Tower with winds gusting to 50mph It was exciting.. Stay warm

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I saw your name on Ann's post and see we are neighbors. Those pictures of the falls are amazing. I am a fairly new blogger and really into photography among other things. I is cold and so windy here in Ky. It is unpleasant outside. Stop by for a visit.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Love them all...hugs..m.

Kim said...

Love those waterfalls Betsy! Really like your new header too!

Connie said...

I can almost hear those waterfalls, Betsy. So peaceful looking. And your wreaths are gorgeous--really makes things look festive! :)

Unknown said...

One of the off shoots of blogging is that I've become quite the obsessive photographer. It's amazing how much they help me put together ideas and tie things together hydrologically (in my case).

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thanks for your comment,

Re mood of Christmas, some people do celebrate Christmas in July so that it has the "Cold" atmosphere.

For most people here, they are used to it, Christmas is the long summer break, schools and offices are closed.

Christmas for me is not traditional, Dad was a Roman Catholic, he went to England. He showed us some Christmas things. Christmas was a Church thing.

My own family, my husband was not a Christian until he was a university student. His thoughts are Christmas is too commercial, so we don't celebrate it in a big way.

This Christmas, I am going to Australia to my siblings. there we celebrate it in a big way despite the heat.

I did have one white Christmas, 1975 when I was invited by my Canadian room mate to her parents' home.

Thanks for asking.

Rose said...

That waterfall is a real beauty. That first shot looks so inviting....

Mary said...

Wonderful favorites...all so very pretty. This is a good time of year to think about favorites. We all have so much to be thankful for when we look around.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your favorite things. Just when I think you can't possibly find a waterfall more beautiful that the last one you posted you go and find one. That is a gorgeous falls. Love the wreaths.

diane b said...

Those waterfall shots are magic. I haven't been able to master that technique yet. I always end up with a blurry background through camera shake.Come over here for a holiday and george can teach me. The wreaths are beautiful too.

Anonymous said...

You have visited so many waterfalls you could assemble all this good info into a quide book.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: It is neat the way that falls cascades down the mountain.

Jo said...

Thanks George for climbing down and giving us the water "falling" down to the end. Betsy, your photos are amazing. How do you get the water to look "frozen" Slow shutter speed? Thanks for doing the hike and sharing with us. You are two WONDERFULLY fit and healthy people. I trust you're enjoying your weekend as I post this comment. (((Hugs))) Jo

Janie said...

Your waterfalls and wreaths are beautiful. I can see why they're favorite things. A couple of mine are horses and wildflowers. Bet you'd never have guessed!

The Retired One said...

That one shot of the waterfalls looked so dreamy...I am curious...did you use a tripod and slow your shutter speed down to get it that way?