Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some Christmas "Pretties" in our Home

Today I will feature a few of the 'pretties' in and around our house --all decorated for Christmas. In my header photo at the top of my blog, you will see our gorgeous Christmas tree, and our wonderful fireplace. The wreath above the fireplace came from George's family. In the picture above, you will see a close-up of our treetop angel. She was originally purchased to be a part of my angel collection; however, we soon figured out that her place is on the top of the tree--where she can look after ALL of us!!!

The little creche on our coffee table also came from George's family. (When George and I got married, we kept some momentos from both families --but we also started our own traditions.) The creche is very special to both of us---and reminds us of the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

The little beauty is called a Winter Rose. Isn't it gorgeous? Each year, one of my childhood friends sends us a beautiful poinsettia. This one is in the Poinsettia family --but is quite different. Do you like my Winter Rose?

Well---the table is decorated and set, and the china is OUT.... Even the turkey platter is out!!!! BUT--where is the food??????

Since we have no mantel over the fireplace in this house, we hang our stockings on one of our bookcases... Hopefully, Santa will come and fill the stockings on Christmas Eve. I will leave him some milk and cookies for sure!!!!

Finally, I wanted you to see my Christmas Quilt. This was made by a great quilter friend who lives in Colorado. It is so special to me. And--besides wreaths (mentioned in a previous post), one can never have enough Poinsettias in their home at Christmas!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Christmas Pretties.



Jane said...

Looks like you guys are ready! House looks gorgeous!


Small City Scenes said...

Very pretty. I do like all the reds this time of year. Love the quilt.
Pointsetias are not my favorite plant. I worked too many years growing them. Starting in June with propagation all the way til November and Dec. But they are beautiful. MB

Kelly said...

...you are decked out and ready to go. This year, because of all the crazy hockey tournaments, we are not decorated yet! Today the house starts to change. I hope I can get it as Christmassy and festive looking as yours!

Darla said...

The only thing missing is you and George in these photos....you with your new phone, texting your son while eyeballing your laptop and George bringing you hot chocolate..LOL. Very beautiful and festive Betsy!!

Connie said...

Your decorations are all so lovely, Betsy. They must really put you in a holiday mood.

Arkansas Patti said...

Your house looks so pretty Betsy. You and George have great taste.
I saw the Winter Rose on a garden show and have been looking for them since. I think it is an amazing variation.
Enjoy your cheerie home.

Beth said...

Your house looks lovely, Betsy---so festive. I had not seen the Winter Rose before, but I really love it. We haven't put up our tree yet---we wait now until our kids come home from college. So it will be pretty close to Christmas before we get it up. But, until then, I can enjoy seeing all the pretty trees on blogs!

Thistlebrooms said...

Looks like your dinner table is all set...When's DINNER???
It must be a Very 'Special' Friend to make such a lovely Quilt for you...Beautiful...

My Best~Marilyn

Connie said...

Your house looks so friendly and inviting. So Christmasy. I've started decorating, but I'm not nearly as decorated as you are.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, thank you for showing us your place, it looks so beautifully decorated for Christmas and your photos are wonderful.

Loran said...

It all looks so festive! Well done.

Peggy said...

Well Christmas sure arrived at your place! Everything looks so beautiful. I love your special Christmas items from the past. Its good having those wonderful memories when seeing them.

Susie said...

Hey Betsy, your home looks festive for sure. I love that Winter rose. I wonder what it really is. It's so pretty.

Dorothy said...

Your home looks so Christmasy and homey! I'd like to sit by your fireplace and have a cup of hot cider or tea with you and George!
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your home is wonderfully decorated for the Christmas season, Betsy! Here's to you & George enjoying it!!!

bookbabie said...

Fun idea for a post Betsy, have to keep that in mind since I seem to be running out of inspiration lately! We got the tree up and the mantel decorated that's about it so far:)

Wendy said...

I love your christmas rose! And your poinsettia. I can see the plants in your plants are well behaved! No arguing about who's the prettiest! LOL!

Your Christmas quilt just sparkles! It is a beauty. Looks like you and George are all ready for the holidays!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

It's certainly looking like Christmas at your house Betsy !
Everything, so festive, and love your tree and that quilt is just gorgeous.
So you have already gotten snow !!
It feels like snow here today, supposed to rain, but sure feels like snow ;)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your home looks gorgeous!!!! So, what time is dinner? And it that a gift with my name on it under the tree? YOU shouldn't have, but thank you. :)
I just got a huge poinsietta yesterday...I love them!

Sunny said...

Everything looks so warm and inviting and very festive.
Your tree is beautiful and I love your quilt.
Hope you have a lovely day.
Sunny :)

Mary said...

How beautiful everything looks! I love that Christmas quilt...naturally, it would be what I would notice :-) Christmas traditions are such fun and blending decorating styles when you marry if part of the challenge of making a marriage work. Obviously you guys met the challenge very well!

D said...

Hi Betsy, It looks like you're about ready! Fire in the fireplace, beautifully decorated tree, and I can't wait to see the food on that Christmas dining table. What time will dinner be served? ;)

We wish you and your family a blessed Christmas. Diana

Jayne said...

Very pretty Betsy! Love the beautiful quilt. :c)

Anonymous said...

puts in a xmas mood!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Your home looks so festive and inviting! thank you for sharing your "pretties"; i enjoyed this post very much.

I haven't seen the Winter Rose before, but now i am on a mission to find one, they are gorgeous!

EG CameraGirl said...

You seem to be very prepared for Christmas! Good for you!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Your tree is beautiful and I love your fireplace. I see an angel standing guard on the hearth also. thanks for sharing your pretties. The tree on your table is the size of my tree in my nook, the ONLY tree I have now. no more big ones for me. I downsized to a twofooter, but I do love big beautiful trees.

Betty said...

Your house looks so beautiful. I didn't do any decorating this year. My hubby put some lights outside. I took some stuff over to my Mom's room and made it look a little like Christmas.I can't belive how tickled she was.

Kay said...

Beautiful table.

pam said...

We haven't even put out a single decoration yet!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your house look beautiful. Sometimes I wish we could keep the decorations up all year but I suppose we would get tired of them. I just love the vivid holiday colors.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your quilt!!! Your house looks so festive - hope some of your children/grandchildren are visiting for Christmas!

Diane said...

Thanks for sharing your pretty home with us. It all looks so warm and inviting and I love your Christmas quilt, how nice of her to make that for you.

Snap said...

I always enjoy visiting my friends and seeing how they decorate for the holidays. Wonderful!

Cookie said...

Wow! You really go all out for Christmas! The table is beautiful. When are you coming to decorate my house???

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hey Betsy,

Your home is so festive...so pretty!!

To answer your question...yes, the narrow lane to our house is probably like what you are thinking of...I refer to them as "pig trails" LOL

No...I cannot drive down the ridge if there's any chance of slippery roads....If my car slid off the road I'd fall at least 100 feet or more!! I am super careful about when I travel out of here....after making the mistake a few weeks ago of leaving after the rain had stopped...and of course, it's dark at 5pm now so when I started the drive home it was FOGGY and it was very scary. I won't do that again!

Thomas is traveling tomorrow and the whole area is under a high wind advisory so he's gonna try to leave earlier.

Y'all be careful on Saturday..I noticed today that I have a 60% change of snow showers for next Wednesday!

Hugs to you,

imac said...

When you got 5 minutes Betsy, come on over and do our house.lol.

Shelley said...

What a fantastic christmas tree! Very pretty! Your house is all ready and so festive! i see that there's an empty chair at your table - is that for me??!!! And I know for a fact that Santa will definitely leave you and George some goodies in your christmas stockings. After all, you've both been very good! Right?

Elenka said...

Everything looks so pretty!! It's a lot of work, to decorated for Christmas. It's taking me 3 days and boxes are still everywhere.

Cheryl said...

I love your header photo. And all of the photos are just lovely. The Winter Rose is so pretty, first time I had heard of such a poinsetta. You certainly have the "Christmas Spirit" all around you. The quilt is a beauty.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your home has such a warm and inviting look to it.The Christmas pretties are delightful.Thanks for sharing them.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

It is sooo beautiful, warm and inviting...m.

diane b said...

Your decorations are beautiful. The tree and fireplace look like off a Christmas card. The table is very inviting, the quilt and nativity scene are lovely too. I must say looking at the fire doesn't do a lot for me today as we are sweltering in the 30's/ C 90's F. The aircon has been going flat out most of the day. You make me feel guilty as I haven't done much in the way of decorations this year but hey you have motivated me to get off my butt and do something.

Joy said...

Everything looks so pretty. Love how you did your table.

The wreaths are wonderful.
That quilt...what a treasure. It is just beautiful.


Becca's Dirt said...

I love all your little pretties. What a beautiful angel on the tree. It is hard to find a pretty angel for the tree top. Gorgeous quilt. I know you must be proud of it.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your house is beautifully decorated for the holidays, the table is set and the gorgeous quilt ready if there is a chill. Looks like you are all set for the holidays.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: You need my stocking hanger for in front of your fireplace.

Janie said...

Looks like you're all set. Love the festive table decorations and the lovely quilt.