Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Birds

Except for showing my Cardinals in yesterday's post, I haven't done a bird post in a long time. AND---I enjoy having LOTS of birds at my feeders all year round. I sit on my throne (sofa) --and watch the little birds going back and forth most every single day. They are such a joy to watch. Some of our birds have disappeared (Bluejays, most of the Bluebirds, Brown Thrashers, Robins, Hummingbirds) ---but will be back in spring. I have seen a few Bluebirds --but not often.

The birds we have at the feeders regularly now are: Cardinals, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, Carolina Chickadees, Carolina Wrens, Mourning Doves, LOTS of Goldfinches, Some House Finches, and our woodpeckers (Red-bellied and Downy mostly).. There are Northern Flickers and Pileated Woodpeckers around --but they don't come to the feeders.

Yesterday, while watching my football team LOSE (sigh!) and while cutting out the latest coupons and making my grocery list for the week, I decided to see if I could take some pictures to share with you.

WELL----as you can tell from seeing the following pictures, none of them are very good. It was a cloudy day and the snow that is still on our deck caused a glare---plus the fact that I didn't realize that our lit Christmas tree was causing reflections (as you will be able to see) on the feeders and on the birds. I almost threw away all of the pictures --but then decided I'd show them and call them my Christmas Birds!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy some of my little angels. This female Cardinal in the picture above was busy stuffing her mouth!! Notice the reflections from our Christmas tree lights?????? Ha -Ha... Sorry I didn't get a picture of the males since they are so pretty this time of year with their red colors. I missed catching them at the feeders and I also missed catching the Red-bellied and the Downys. Oh Well--hope you enjoy the ones I managed to get.

A little Goldfinch sitting on the line ---waiting his turn at one of the feeders

We have lots and lots of Goldfinches this year---but so far, no Pine Siskins... (You may remember from last year that we had hundreds of Pine Siskins!!! I hope they go elsewhere this year! My 20-30 Goldfinches keep the feeders busy enough!)

I love this sweet picture of a male Goldfinch... He has lost his beautiful yellow summer color--and it's hard now to tell the difference between the males and females.

We also have some House Finches at our feeders. There aren't as many as there are Goldfinches but I love that red color on the males.

I added a string of lights to this male House Finch. Isn't he pretty????? He's definitely a Christmas bird!!!!! ha ha

Now---the string of lights is a necklace around his neck... Doesn't he look like it's Christmas????

The little Tufted Titmouse on the left wonders why he didn't get a string of lights around his neck. Doesn't he look sad???? AND--the House Finch is trying to EAT the lights to keep Mr. Tufted from having them!!!! ha ha

The Christmas House Finch on the left was enjoying wearing his lights as a hat ---and the House Finch on the right was looking UP searching for his own lights....

WELL---that's about all that I have to share today... Again, I apologize for the bad quality. Hopefully I can get some better pictures soon. In the meantime, let me say again--for the millionth time---how much I LOVE my BIRDS. They bring so much joy ---and right now, they ARE definitely my "Christmas Birds"...

Have a great Monday!!!

P.S. Thanks for all of your thoughts on my mystery critter prints I found on our deck after the snow. You ALL gave me some great answers but I have to say that my favorite answer came from Blog Friend SANDRA. Sandra said that Rudolph paid us a visit. I'm sure he was checking out the house---making sure he would have a place to land the sleigh on Christmas Eve. Thanks Sandra... That was a great answer!!


Glancer said...

Loved visiting your birds, but especially loved seeing you and your happy hubby!

Small City Scenes said...

The birds and their Christmas beads. Excellent. MB

June said...

The "birdie hat lights" made me smile.
It must be wonderful to live where snow is picturesque instead of purely a pain in some area of one's body...

diane b said...

Your Christmas birds are very pretty with their decorations.They are difficult critters to photograph at the best of times. Your birds are so different to ours. They look small and sweet whereas ours are big and raucus.(We do have little sweet ones too but not in my neighborhood)

Neal said...

Beautiful bird shots. We have about 1/2 inch of snow this morning so I'll bet they'll really be out eating at the bird feeder today.

Kelly said...

...hahaha! You and your Christmas lights. When I got to "the House Finch is trying to EAT the lights to keep Mr. Tufted from having them!" I laughed out loud. A very festive post!

...and p.s. I loved the snow and pretty outside decorations in your previous post. I'll have to read the comments to see if you found out what made those foot prints!

Beth said...

I really enjoyed your bird pictures, Betsy, and the funny captions. You get such a wonderful variety of birds at your feeder. I know many people would disagree with me, but I've always thought the female cardinal was more beautiful than the male. She has a quiet, subtle beauty that I find very appealing.

Jayne said...

Amen sister... those wee Pine Siskins can find someplace else to congregate this year, but then again, it was an irruptive year for them last year. Hopefully, they've stayed north of us again!

Connie said...

Ha! Betsy, I enjoyed your brightly decorated Christmas birds! I love your sense of humor. :)

SmilingSally said...

With a string of lights, they sure are Christmas birds, Betsy! I often wonder how they survive the cold, but I know God cares for "even the sparrow."

I read the post below too. Brrr, the snow looks cold, but it does look beautiful. Deer prints, maybe?

pam said...

I wish I had a bird feeder close enough to get pictures!

T said...


You just made me add a bird feeder to my christmas list! I miss seeing them (the squirrels here are just horrible and destructive to feeders).

Jeanne said...

Love your bird pics - especially the reflection of the Christmas lights. At first I wondered what kind of red berry treat you had added to their seed.

Anonymous said...

they bring so much joy, dont they? i sitting in my home listening to the birds chirping outside.

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh, interesting comment box. Haven't seen one like it.Enjoyed your photoshoping.
I love my feeder birds too, especially the Doves who do the house cleaning. You do have a wonderful view.

Anonymous said...

Nice post of birds in the spirit.

Anonymous said...

Those lights on the bird's head are spectacular! I love the cardinals. That is my state bird. All the photos are great as usual!

Snap said...

Love it -- all the birdies *dressed* for the holidays with a little help from your lights!

Susie said...

I love all your Christmas birds Betsy. At least you have birds. I don't see any except the black birds that can't seem to stay away from my feeder.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love the pictures of your birds at the buffet!!! So cute with your Christmas lights reflecing off of them too.
Happy Monday!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I am so impressed that you even decorate the birds for Christmas. I don't think anyone can top that one!!!:-) Loved this post Betsy...

storyteller said...

How lovely to see all these beautiful bird photos and the lovely snowy pictures in the previous post. Your world looks so different from mine ... lovely but oh so cold. We finally have some steady drizzles ... just the kind of rainfall we need if it will continue for a few days ... avoiding flooding and runoff as the water slowly soaks into the parched soil. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections. Stay warm ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Joy said...

Your bird pictures are always good. I wish I took more time to feed them and attact them to our yard.
We had one fly into our window the other day. We took it to our Wildlife Rescue "bird lady" as we call her that lives in the Woodlands. She said it was a Pine Siskin. Pretty little bird. She treated it for a concussion.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Loved seeing your birds. Since I'm a sci-fi fan, my first thought was space alien birds;)

They do look festive all dressed in lights for Christmas.

Peggy said...

Your birds look happy and well fed. That is my project after Christmas. Purchase a couple of feeders to get the birds visiting the tiny cabin so they can eat and I can enjoy watching them. Have a blessed day!

Dorothy said...

I like you Christmas birds! I have wordered why we have no Pine Siskins or Finches this year....maybe it's a little too early for them. I'm hoping to get some good bird shots soon.

Sunny said...

I love your Christmas birds. You got some really great captures!
Sunny :)

Diane AZ said...

Your Christmas birds are delightful! So pretty how the red lights in the reflection dress up your birds with hats, scarves, etc. You sure get lots of feathered visitors even in the cold weather.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we can still see your little angels bad weather or not. I love mourning doves. they sit and coo and talk to each other morning and evenings. ours are gone as are the jays and cardinals and sparrows. there is an osprey family and a several hawk families in the park a few blocks away, i think they chased them away. we miss them

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Your Christmas birds are so cute.I like the addition of the lights on them.Have fun watching the birds.

Darla said...

So neat the lights!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know a lot of the birds real names, but my grandma always LOVED Cardinals & that's where I got watching for them - They're so pretty!

Salitype said...

it is a joy to see those birds be it spring, summer, winter or fall. i envy you to have them right at your doorstep. i am lucky to even identify one of them if ever given a chance to see it up close and personal...lol

have wonderful week, betsy!

claudie said...

Your blog is delightful. I adore the all the birds. we also feed the birds. My husband built them a little Teepee to protect them all from the snow. I'm in Canada, so lot's of snow. We actually had our first dusting today. So pretty.
I LOVE your old photo's of your mom and dad's house. LOVE IT LOVE IT.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy
I have a bird feeder and also enjoy watching the visitors that come to it. It is so entertaining in the morning.

We don't get as many different birds as you do ...we mainly see sparrows, starlings, morning doves, pigeons ( who leave a mess behind)) and occasional cardinal ( which I love!) and many a squirrel that like to steal the sunflower seeds...lol

X0 Pat

Jen said...

I'm so glad you didn't send those bird pics to the trash. What a cheery post to celebrate the birds!
Have a good day. :)

Shelley said...

I think those birdies enjoyed all those christmas lights! I can see they are being very spoiled at the buffet! I hope they leave you a thank you note! :-)

LV said...

Your bird show today was great. Wish we had more like that here. We have so many of those black crackles. They are nothing but headaches.

penny said...

Your Christmas birds are beautiful, Betsy. That's a nice variety of visitors. They are lucky to be feasting at your bountiful feeders, especially with the snow.

Mary said...

As the weather turns frosty and cold, the birds are such a comfort to watch. A touch of beauty for our dreary days.

Wendy said...

Your pics are fine! And sometimes it's fun to post ones that didn't turn out the way you wanted them too. I like your Christmas lights on the birds! LOL! Makes for some fun - like my ghost squirrel. I nearly deleted it, but it was the best squirrel pic I had - so what if it was misty?

I haven't even attempted to photograph birds yet. You've done well - you can even see their little bird feet on the line.
Happy birding!

Lola said...

Love your header Betsy. That is just the right amount of snow to be really pretty. I sure miss it, but not the mess.
Great birds, love them so keep the pics coming.

Diane said...

Cute post, Betsy, it made me giggle. I love how you used the lights on the birds to tell little stories. Thanks for sharing your Christmas birds with us.

deb said...

betsy....i think we have the exact same species of birds at our feeders. not one bit of difference in the types except i saw no juncos? do you have this sweet little ground feeders?

i love the jewelry the birds are wearing......:)

SquirrelQueen said...

I always enjoy all the adorable little birds that visit your feeders Betsy, it's even better when they are Christmas birds. They are all so sweet but my favorites are the little Goldfinches, so cute.

EG CameraGirl said...

The birds are very hungry her today. I think they know we are getting snow tonight.

Rose said...

I love the reflections of the Christmas lights in your photos!

Janie said...

Funny effects with the lights! I'm always amazed at the huge variety of birds that you see.