Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Portrait Session--You Choose!

"Hello, I am an Eastern Bluebird. That 'woman' wants to take a portrait of me and/or my family... Do you think she should? I need to ask my brother."

"I'd better jump up there --and talk to the family about this possible portrait session."

"WHAT?????? Are you saying we need to do this????? OKAY---I guess we'll try! You get to pose, Bro. You have better do as well as Uncle Fatty in the header!"


Below are FOUR portraits the 'woman' took... You get to choose your favorite of the four.

Number 1 (above)

Number 2 (above)

Number 3 (above)

Number 4 (above)

Now--choose your favorite and put it in your comment!!!!

"Okay, we did it ---and I let my handsome brother pose for the portrait. Now it's time to EAT!"

"Okay Woman---I hope you are happy... Now put that camera away and let us eat in peace!"

Hope you enjoyed my Bluebird pictures today... All of these were taken on January 15, 2010. NOW----vote for your favorite!!!!



Jayne said...

Definitely #2 for me! Though, they are ALL just beautiful Betsy. :c)

Small City Scenes said...

they all are excellent but I will choose #3. I think she is being a little coy. LOL MB

pam said...

#2. I try to get birdie shots as good as yours, but no go.

Jo said...

Betsy;) these are all STUNNING photos - er portraits! I love #2. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. (((Hugs))) Jo

Beth said...

What wonderful photos, Betsy! I just can't decide between #2 and #4 so I'll just say both. That handsome fellow sure struck some nice poses for his portrait!

diane b said...

I like Number 2 best but they are all stunning photos(and birds)

Neal said...

I can't pick a favorite...they are all beautiful. I've always just loved bluebirds!! Thanks for sharing these. We never see any around our bird feeders!!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

This is like choosing between your children!!! Number two has "attitude" and I always like that...

Arkansas Patti said...

Great shots all Betsy but am leaning towards #3.
I see those bird houses and spring nest tending you did have paid off handsomely. You are their home.

Jeanne said...

Bluebirds have got to be my favorite bird! I love them all but if I had to choose I think I'd go with #4.

Darla said...

I like number one, looks like he is leaning a little to see what the Woman is doing.. They are all GREAT!!!!!

Dorothy said...

Betsy, they are all good but my favorite is # 2!!!!

Tabor said...

They are all too lovely I cannot choose!!

Sunny said...

What a hard choice...ummmm...errr...number...2...no wait!...number...3...or...number...4...1 is really good too. Okay...number 3, final answer!
Sunny :)

Snap said...

Hard to pick between 2 and 4 ... beautiful portraits all!

Bill S. said...

No.4 for me. But they are all great pictures.

RoeH said...

I like them all but I think I like the inquisitiveness of #3. It makes me wonder what he's thinking.

Jen said...

#2 is my vote.
Now if you want to join Shadow shot Sunday #3 would be a great entry.!!! as well as the last one with the suet cage shadow.
*waiting patiently for spring*....sigh.

mint said...

#2 but all are so cute!

Karin said...

It's almost as if in the #2 shot he is saying, "How is this side ma'am? I think this is my best side." They are all beautiful shots of your feathered friends! Have never seen a blue bird in real life. Love your pics! Hugs and have a great day!

The Retired One said...

Number two wins by a landslide!

Carol Murdock said...

LOVE # 3 ! I hear " WHO DAT " taking my picture? :) XOXO

Mary said...

#2 is my favorite also....very "cheeky" looking in that one.

Loran said...

I like #2 as well! I enjoyed your Jamestown post but especially got a kick out of the Maxine cartoons and your meme. You are such an upbeat person, Betsy. I love your attitude!

Roses and Lilacs said...

They better pose for portraits since you are furnishing them a house and paying them in suet:) Where could they get a better deal than that?

Wonderful photos!!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Do I have to limit it to one favorite?OK,maybe NO.2,but the others are all equally good.

Janie said...

They're all cute, but if I have to choose I'll go with #2!

I Am Woody said...

I love #2. It's like he's looking directly at the camera and posing:)

Big Dude said...

Super pictures and they do like they were posing for you.

Big Dude said...

Super pictures and they do like they were posing for you.

Anonymous said...

I do like Number 2 a lot but all of them are very nice portraits. I wish I could get this species to land here in my backyard. I have had no luck so far.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are all so cute, and I am thankful that he is NOT too camera shy.
How about number 4!!!

Diane AZ said...

Amazing that they come to your feeder. All of the images are great, number 2 is my favorite.

Joe Todd said...

Can't vote thay are all winners. "Birds With An Attitude" could have been the title LOL

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have just started bird watching this past summer and enjoyed it trremdoulsy.

May I come to you with questions?

Ms. ~K said...

I enjoyed my visit to your blog...wonderful Bluebird portraits...#2 is my fave!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to pic just one, Betsy, but if I must, I'll go with #2 cuz it's as if he's pushin' his chest out to say, "I'm the most beautiful of them ALL!" heheheee And I explained to them that it's ok to have that 'woman' take their portraits, it's considered an honor! They smiled & fluttered about in gratitude! LoL!

Anonymous said...

"Drop your right shoulder a bit - that's it - OK, now turn your head - yea - lift it a little - great - hold it... hold it..." *click* I vote for #2!!

Diane said...

Sorry Betsy, There's no way I could pick a favorite. I'm so envious of your bluebirds there and I just love them all. Diane

Ginny Hartzler said...

Amazing photos. I like #3 the best, just bcause he's kind of puffed up and looks slightly disgruntled. But the very best is your header! I have been meaning to tell you that it just makes me smile and smile every time I see it. It needs to be on a calendar.

Connie said...

I choose #2. But they're all great.

The Muse said...

As all above have stated they all are glorious...and #2 is in the vote lead...

I have to select #1.
She appears to be taking you in...heart and soul... summing you up, as to whether you are worthy to snap her pic!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

ALL wonderful but # 2 is my favorite! You really capture the birds' personalities so well.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Betty said...

I love them all. My favorie is your header,but of the four I like #1,because he is saying "What you looking at Betsy"

Kelly said...

...the second one for capturing that perfect profile and beautiful eye! You lucky duck...I wish I had these beauties in my yard!

The Muse said...

(i had to pop over just for a moment to let you know that the gummies of all types exist for my grandchildren, i even got introduced to gummy worms! LOL...
for me, i am dark chocolate Muse :)...and can(almost)even savor the aroma alone!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the expression on number 3 bluebird and almost voted for him, but I am liking the second up from the end, the one that says he let his brother pose. they are all precious and really good photos, they are the little bluebirds of happiness in January

Cookie said...

#2 is my favorite with the head turned :)

Shelley said...

Oh Betsy- I loved them all! But if I had to pick - I liked #2 cuz I could see that cuties "attitude" - LOL!!! I would love to have one of your bluebirds - I try every year to attract them but no luck!
Hugs to you!

Rose said...

Betsy, these are fantastic!!! I think I like #2 best, but it is a hard choice to make!

Vicki ~ FL said...

They are all beautiful and fabulous shots but I think I'm going to have to go with #4.

Lisa said...

The first picture of the Eastern Bluebird! Skinny, cute and he has the I'm up to something look!

Connie said...

Betsy, these are all wonderful! I guess I will vote for #4, but it isn't easy to pick just one. Hope you have a good weekend! :)

carolina nana said...


~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Number #3! Love the look on her face! The "Paris Hilton" of Bluebirds!
Have a wonderful, warm and sunny Tn Saturday!
xo, misha

Regina said...

So cute and wonderful!
Amazing captures Betsy.
Have a lovely weekend.

Adrienne Zwart said...

I like # 2 best. You got some great close-ups! I am really hopeful I'll have shots like this to share in a couple of months. I am very excited about our new bluebird house.
I'm doing well, Betsy. No doubt a result of praying friends like you! Thank you for that. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

I love them all and I'm torn between #1 and #4, decisions, decisions! This is a hard choice.

I've got to go with #1, the little head tilt he's doing is just too cute.

Cheryl said...

It is so hard to choose one, but I will say #4. They are wonderful. How lucky you are to have such gorgeous birds visiting you! I am still hoping the two bluebirds who arrived here on January 29, 2009 come back and visit!

DeniseinVA said...

Absolutely adorable!!!! You've got the perfect lighting on those photos too.

Anonymous said...

The second photo is my favorite, but I also love the look on his face in the third photo.
What amazing pictures!! We do not have bluebirds in our yard, but we wish we did. I had no idea they ate suet.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I would definitely chose #2. But I think the youngster in your first photo is the best.

Valerie said...

I didn't read anyone else's comments yet - I will after I pick my favorite - which is # 2! It was a toss up between it and #4. I also really liked the second one of the post! I don't seem many of those beauty's. I got 1 shot of a pair last year, maybe they will come around again.

BY the way - thanks for the hint on the CLOUDS! Never even saw that error! Reminded me of the time I created VBS t-shirts. I designed the whole thing. Sent them off to be screen printed on 200 shirts - I had edited and checked them over and over. When they came back - guess who's phone number was on the front? It wasn't the church's!

I am so absent minded sometimes - perhaps just too many things on the plate!


Joyful said...

Oh the bird photos are stunning. I feed birds too but so far haven't gotten a good variety at my patio. I haven't been able to get so close either, even with a zoom. I'll keep trying :-)

Dar said...

What wonderful Bluebird photos...how to choose...#2 and #3 are my favs but all are grand.
I miss my bluebirds and won't get them back until way in mid April.