I have published several previous posts from our big snow and ice storm (Jan. 29/30). Yesterday, I showed the snow on our shrubs and bushes. Today, I will show you more of our ICE pictures. As I have said, we first had about 5-6 inches of snow --and after that, an inch of ice... Then--even after that, we had another inch of snow... It was a weird storm!!!!
Here are six more ice pictures, all taken on January 30, plus one taken on the 31st. Above is another picture (this one is a close-up) of that Confederate Jasmine bush after the ice storm. Below are more!
I showed you a close-up picture of our big Rhododendron bush in a previous post. This picture shows you the ice clinging on more of that bush. You can also see the icicles hanging from the gutters.
Here's a close-up of some of the icicles hanging from our home---all of the way around the house!!!
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Don't think we will be grillling any steaks!!!! Ya think????
How do you like the ice on the windchimes???????
I love this picture that George took... The little buds on the Dogwood tree are all covered with ice. Isn't this an incredible icy picture?
Finally, here is one last picture taken on January 31--when the sun came out. I was using my 300mm lens --and shooting toward the sky. The trees were glistening due to all of the ice on them.
Hope you enjoyed the ICY pictures today. AND--I hope that none of you have a ice storm this weekend. I know that they said that areas north and east of us and along the east coast could get TONS of ice and/or snow... We are only supposed to get rain and maybe some flurries this weekend. BUT--we may get some snow on Tuesday/Wednesday.. Winter is NOT over...
Good morning Betsy!
Hope that you guys are keeping warm! We have a lot of ice and now it is snowing here, with about 2 inches on the ground so far. Looks like I am in for the day, but I have plenty to keep me busy!
Take care,
Yuck!! I hear it is heading our way today.
Aren't you having fun taking photos with your new camera? I guess you will have to thaw out the grill first,lol. We are about to get pounded with rain here!!
hi Betsy.. more icy pictures here.. love them, an eye opener for me who is staying in such a hot country! Happy Winter.. spring is not here yet, isnt it?
Ice never is fun to drive or walk on. I hope you get thru this storm ok. Keep the home fires burning.
You can keep the ice up there Betsy! Our snow event melted by Monday and today it's just rain with the temps thankfully staying in the high 30's/low 40's. Be safe!
That icy storm could really damage the plants. I hope this is not the case at your house. All the shots are beauties. The dogwood shot specially. MB
You really did have ice didn't you. Lucky the power held.
Loved the encased bud.
We have the same forcast here for the weekend then maybe snow again next week. I'm still happy with it.
BRRR! Poor little birdies with all that ice. I know you are keeping them well fed at least!
Love your pictures with your new camera.
When we lived in the north we had ice storms and I know they can do a lot of damage. But the ice does look beautiful when is covers everything in sight. Its like looking at a world all covered in crystals.
Your shots are gorgeous, Betsy. Thanks for sharing the beauty.
Hey Betsy! We had 5 inches of cold rain yesterday and it's headed toward you now. Hope it doesn't turn to ice when it gets there!
I'm still excited about Jr. signing at USM! I too hope he goes to the Titans in 4 years!! :) XOXO
Hi Betsy! Your pictures made me cold just looking at them! You and George got some really great shots. Hang in there, spring will get here eventually. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Beautiful pictures! I'm ready for Spring!We really don't need any more rain.
love the closeup of the icicles. I have not seen them like that in 50 years. when we moved to KY in 1953 and we saw our first icicles like these, hanging from trees and our roof line. mother used her old brownie box camera and took dozens of photos of them.
Lovely pictures..Guess your new camera is really on the move!
I love that pic of the ice on the dogwood!!
I've never seen ice on windchimes before. Be careful when you are outside taking pictures!
Its strange how pretty ice is.
No snow or ice here!!!
I love the photo of the dogwood buds....I hope they bloom SOON!!!
Have a great weekend, Suz
Hi Betsy, those are such pretty photos. That ice coats everything and when it sparkles in the sunlight it is magical. Thank you for the show, I loved your post. It is snowing here, a little earlier than they thought so I guess we are in for quite a show. You and George have a safe and happy weekend.
Beauty-ful! I love winter and the weather excitement with the kiddos :)
Wonder what this weekend will bring? Do you have plenty of chocolate in the house? :)
Recipe for you:
warm popcorn with m&ms poured in :) Shhh! don't tell anybody!
That's just too much ice for any community to have to endure, but that last photo is so pretty with the ice & that blue blue sky!
Beautiful but so treacherous. Your photos are lovely.
Love Blissitydoodah's idea of popcorn and M&M's. Everything tastes better with M&M's. Gotta try this.
The pictures are beautiful! I don't mind a big storm if I've already been to the grocery and I'm snug inside. :) We're supposed to get hit starting this afternoon! Stay safe and warm!
Brrr! I just got back from Lithuania. I enjoyed the snow and ice while there, but I don't think I am up for it all winter long. Please, you enjoy it on mu behalf! A displaced Mainiac, I have clearly become a Californian!
Hi Vetsy
Yours and george's ice photos look so pretty. It really is a winter wonderfland wher eyou are this winter.
We are expecting snow ...the weatherman tells us we might get a foot, but Washington DC is supposed to get even more! So unuasual for that area.
Stay safe and warm!
X0 Pat
Ice makes for lovely photo opps. But that's about all it's good for. -grin-
I love your icy pictures!! A couple of days after our storm the ice on the trees was still beautiful (dangerous, I know) but the trees looked like they were trimmed in silver.
Brrrrr ... those icy photos make me shiver even more than the beautiful SNOWY scenes in your previous posts. Glad you've gotten your fill of snowy weather. Love the great photos you're capturing with your new camera. I dropped off my Nikon 18-55mm lens at the camera shop yesterday (seems there's something wrong with the Vibration Reduction mechanism ... what Canon calls Image Stablization) so I'm left with my Tamron 28-300mm lens for the time being.
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations
Oh Betsy, they're all stunning photos, but the last one is just phenomenal. (((Hugs))) Jo
YOu took some incredible ice photos! It all looked like works of art! But be careful out there - don't want you or George slipping on that ice!! Seems like the south is getting a pounding of more snow and ice than us northerners recently. Stay warm my friend!!
Your ice photos are fantastic! Hope nothing is permanently damaged. We've got hoar frost on everything this morning - no wind, so it will stay pretty for a while. Don't slip and fall please!! Hugs!
I enjoy your winter shots. When I was a kid in northern WV, it seems like our house had iciciles hanging from the eaves all winter and they could frequently be measured in feet - we were actually careful not to walk under them.
Hello Betsy, your icicles look neat. You sure do have a lot of them. I hope you are enjoying your snow.
Although this is some nasty weather, the ice is kinda of pretty as long as you don't have to go anywhwere.
Have a great weekend and hugs back at ya!
Who Dat!
Ice is a major menace, but it's also very beautiful. You know this never happens in England and so the first time I saw an icestorm here I was blown away by the beauty. Now I know the downside too!
I love these pictures!! My favorite is the ice covered buds, amazing! But the Weber Grill and the windchimes are something else!! It's rare to find snaps like that! I haven't taken any like that, and I hope I never have an occasion to! I'm sending you an e-mail now.
Because I lived in tropical country, this photographs so impressive to me.
Hey girl, at my mom's it was winter wonderland. So glad to be back in the lower south even if we do have lots of rain.
Love your pics and your new header.
Oh my goodness-such pretty pictures-I like them all but especially the wind chimes and the perfect little dog wood berries. You did get a lot of ice!
Ice is beautiful, but I sure don't like it! I'm still hoping for a big snow here in North Georgia!!!
Hugs, Kit
So far we are getting snow. Now up to 10 inches is to hit and we must have 8 now.
Your pictures are wonderful I like the one with the red berries shinning in the ice. We haven't had what we call a silver thaw for a long time. When the winter wind and snow blows down the Fraiser River Caynon in Canada in to
Whatcom County every thing get covered with ice very thick ice. Things come to a stand still,but it has been a while)knock on wood)
♥♥ Hugs ♥♥
Oh Betsy, you got some great pictures. They are just gorgeous. I really like your header picture also. We've probably got close to 4 inches of snow so far. It's so wet that my snow blower won't move it so that means I have to shovel it. Of course my neighbor is in Mexico so I have to shovel his driveway (big) so it looks like someone is home. I've cleared both of them twice...my wife helped me the second time.
Fun icicles. Quite a winter of weather you've been getting Betsy, no? (And don't slip on the ice!)
Oh my goodness, I never saw a grill or windchimes with icicles! The ice encased Dogwood buds are awesome too. Keep warm! :)
Oh, I'd never be able to bear it, let alone stand and have my picture taken!
No, it's not over. I knew I shouldn't have said anything to the contrary on my post last night but I guess I'm an optimist. Beautiful pictures, that is a gorgeous one that George took.
AS beautiful as these pictures are,I would take a deep layer of snow over that kind of ice any day.The ice makes everything so treacherous.Thanks for sharing these pictures.I like the one pointing up to the blue sky.
wow..everything seems to be frozen in time. It's super hot here and I have no idea how it is to be there, we only have one season..hot or hot and wet during monsoon. Happy weekend.
Very pretty icy photos... all that sparkle and dripping sure is pretty to see. But I hope you didn't have any damages from all that ice. Stay warm. *hugs*
You captured great ice photos. I hope the dogwood buds make it past the ice.
Lovely last photo with the blue sky.
....you definitely have a lot of ice....long icicles!! We are getting snow now. We only have about 1.5" now, but we could get up to 8. We'll have to wait and see!
it looks so pretty. but i bet so cold too.
The ice makes for some really pretty photos, I love the one with the Dogwood buds. No ice storms up this way, our weekend forecast is for fog and forty degree temps. I would rather have snow.
Have a great weekend,
Great photos! All that ice must be making things dangerous and slippery ~ but it sure is pretty!
Keep warm!
I love the picture of the frozen wind chime. What a great image.
Stay warm and enjoy the ball game.
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