Several people have made this request since I have read it on other blogs --but I never have asked before until now. And I apologize to any of you who already know about these options!!!! Today, I am asking you to consider making one change which would help.
Like many of you, I have LOTS and LOTS of blogs to visit each and every single day... Some days I get WAY behind --and other days, I can keep up!!!! But--I will tell you that it does take alot of time. One way that you could help SO MUCH is by changing your Comment Form Placement.
There are three ways people can make comments on your blog. Note the picture above.
-Full Page
-Pop-Up Window
-Embedded Below Post
I like both of the first two options. I chose the second one on my blog--but I like some things about the first one better. However, for some unknown reason, Blogger uses the third option as its default. It is a horrible option --in my opinion. It take much longer to add a comment to the Embedded option.
SO--unless you really like this 3rd option, I hope that you will consider changing to one of the other options. Following is how you change to one of the other options:
-Go to your Blogger Dashboard and click on SETTINGS
-Once you are in Settings, click on COMMENTS.
-The 3rd question on that page asks you to choose the Comment Form Placement.
-Click on one of the three options (NOT the 3rd one PLEASE)
-Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save Settings'. Don't forget this --or it won't work!
That is IT.... After that, you'll be back at the top of that page, so just click on View Blog... This is a little thing ---but most of us who use either Option 1 or 2 would really appreciate your changing to one of these two .. It will make blogging so much easier... Thank you so much, and again, I apologize to those of you who already use Option 1 or 2.
Are you going to watch the Super Bowl?????? I certainly am --since I truly love both of these teams. Peyton Manning is my favorite Quarterback. BUT--this year, my heart is with the Saints. I lived in New Orleans for 5 yrs. in the '80's (when they NEVER won many games)---but we were still big FANS. The Saints fans have stuck with them for many, many years. And after what that city has gone through (Katrina), I will have to be for the SAINTS to win this year. And of course, I'll be watching all of those commercials!!!!!

Have a great weekend. I'll be back Monday morning. GO SAINTS!!
I'm good on the comment thingy, just checked to make sure..Don't know that I will actually sit and watch the game, I do know there will be a couple of t.v.'s in the house with it on..
Hope you don't get laryngitis yelling for the Saints!
I use Option One for #2 seems to block people using Firefox.
Since my Dolphins are watching from the luxery boxes, I am pretty much not too worried about who wins as I like both teams. No one to root against. I will just cheer who ever makes a good play and enjoy.
This should be a wonderful game.
Just checked too Betsy and I was already using the first option so am glad I was not a problem for you.
Enjoy your game. We will be watching also. I am not as big a sports fan as hubby but I know he will be enjoying the game and I daresay I will too until my attention span gives out. I will enjoy those commercials as well.
Betsy, I'm using # 1. Hope the game goes your way! Guess I'm not much of a sports fan, although I will probably watch it with Jeep. Have a great weekend!
I don't know a thing about sports but...
you're a saint!
I had #3 but didn't know it since I get a pop up window when I reply, I prefer pop up so changed mine. Thanks for the heads up.
Betsy!!!! Shame on you!!! PEYTON
MANNING is your favorite QB ?????
I thought VINCE YOUNG was YOUR QB?
I will cheer for The Saints unless they start trying to injure Peyton the way they did Brett, if they start that, I'm gonna be a fast convert to a Colts cheerleader!
I don't condone the act of trying on purpose to injure another player no matter how bad you want to win!
I will check whatever option I have. Duh! here.
Happy game watching. MB
Regarding the Eagles--we have lots of resident Eagles here and I will get some good nesting pics later on. The majority of the Eagles will be winging they way North to Alaska and beyond soon. MB
I'm going to check my comment info now. Go Saints!
I don't know how you keep up with all of us! You're amazing! Just checked and my comments are on the 2nd choice. I'm sure glad for any pointers though - because there is lots I don't know - computerwise. Thanks!! Have a great week-end and may your team win!
I never noticed much of a difference on the timing of the embedded comment form placement...but I am bothered by the word verification...so annoying.
I'll be watching the superbowl, looking for my husband. :)
thanks betsy, I went with full page, the first one. i tried each and liked it best. it is good to help us new bloggers.
no to watching football, but i will be HEARING it since hubby will have it at full volumn and I would have to leave home to miss it.
Thanks for the heads up about comments. I changed mine to full page.
Hi there, Betsy! We're in the middle of painting so I don't know if we'll get to watch the Superbowl. But I usually pull for the underdog in any situation, so I guess that means I'd root for the Saints. I hope you and George enjoy watching the game!
In Wordpress, I think the format of our comments is set by whatever template we're using. I hope it's not too difficult to make comments on my blog! Because I value your comments highly, my friend.
Am using option 2 comment form. Go Saints! :)
I will have to check this on Wordpress, too. I am for the Saints mostly for the same reasons you are. I love your new header!
Yes, Yes... like u, Betsy, I like the 2nd option, the pop up window.. at least i can still read your blog if i need to refer to any details, and the 3rd option is bad for me too, bec i cannot access to the 3rd option in my office, the IT fellas blocked me from commenting..
This is the first Super Bowl in a long time in which I can be happy no matter who wins. I would love to see the Saints (and all of New Orleans)win the game, but I also love Manning and the Colts.
Mines on Full page Betsy.
Betsy, I am so glad you posting this. I too think it is more time consuming with the default comment page.
Thanks for addressing this, because commenting can certainly be time consuming. I use #2, the pop-up window. Although it's small and harder to view all comments at once, I like to be able to refer back to the blog sometimes while commenting, in case I forget the name or spelling of something I want to comment on.
Also, I wish bloggers would try NOT using word verification. I've found that I get a little spam, but mostly in older posts, and you can set Comment Moderation to "only on posts older than 14 days", which catches almost all the spam.
Yes, good luck to the Saints!
Thanks Betsy,I am going over to my blog to check this out.Have a great weekend,and even though I am not a sports fan,I hope your team wins.
I switched from option one to option two and don't have word verification because I think it's a pain too. i don't pay any attention to football. Just not a sports fan but enjoy the game for me tomorrow!
Good idea to include this comment tutorial Betsy. I use full page ..option # 1 as I like to be able to use spell check soemtimes as I'm not the best typist, and option 2 does not allow that.
To those that like to see the blog post while commenting all they have to do is click on "view blog post" on the top of full page comment form and then they can read all tht was written, although the photos will not show up.
If my favorite team is not in the Superbowl I always cheer for the underdog...so GO SAINTS!!!
PS: Luckily we did not get all the snow Maryland and DC got! Whew! We only had a few inches.
Thanks for the comments info. I just changed mine :)
And I'm hoping for the saints to win too, but honestly i think the colts have a better shot. Ok, I'm running away now...
Betsy: Go ahead and cheer your team on. I'm more of an Indy fan and I'll bet so is George. Okay, I'm really a Steelers fan but they aren't playing.
Shucks. I love the embedded code comment box the best.
I don't watch the Superbowl, I know nothing about football. But I do tell Phil to call me when the commercials start, and enjoy halftime!! I will have to check out that comment feature, I didn't know it existed! I don't seem to find one method any better than the other, are there relly differences? It's almose 3:30 P.M on Saturday and still blizzard like conditions. But so far, so good, it's supposed to stop any minute. And they are saying we got considerably less then we were supposed to. Thank you so much for your prayers! I hope you have a great time watching the Superbowl!!!
Betsy, I absolutely love your picture in the snow. You look very happy standing there. :)
Hello Betsy,
No snow here! still waiting...
I changed my message window to the pop-up option several months ago...but it was due to several people having a hard time leaving me a comment...some strange blogger bug if it was set to full page or embedded.
I watch DVD's of my favorite tv shows and movies..NO tv signal coming into our home (our choice) since we could easily have satellite tv. I read the news, weather and everything else I need to know on the computer.
So no I won't be watching the New Orleans Saints..I'm not a big sports fan anyway so no great lose for me. I'm a Tennessee fan but still don't watch it. Thomas likes listening to games on the radio if they are being broadcast that way.
He will be home next Saturday! YAY!! He's been googling Douglas Lake for his fishing trips..we are only 12 miles from a launch.
Thanks so much for coming over for a visit. :0)
Because of the browser I use, I am unable to comment on blogs that use that embedded option, Betsy. There are lots of blogs I've tried to comment on, but as soon as I see they have the embedded comment box, I know I can't do it. My comments always just disappear whenever I try to use one with that style. I'm not the only one who has this problem either. Some people would receive a lot more comments on their posts if they would use the first or second choice, I think.
I'm from Louisiana. I think you mean Geaux Saints!! :-)
Thanks for the tip - didn't know about this option. I am going to change it on my blog right now.
Betsy dear heart, Thanks so much for stopping by my horsey place and taking the time to write such an encouraging comment for me !
Love your heart!
And LOVE your header too...amazing!
I will go and check my settings now too! thanks
Jesus be yours and bless you, as you blessed me!
US hit by mammoth snow dump
This is our news head line. Are you getting some of that over the weekend?
Thanks for the info on the comments page,I had no idea where they were going,I'm not totally computer savy,I rely a lot on my 2 girls to keep me in line. Have a great super bowl Sunday Marilyn
I don't really understand all of this blogging stuff so I will take all the suggestions/help I can get. So will go check and see what I am currently using. Go Saints! My husband and I feel they deserve this. Mark is on call on night but has planned a mini-pary for himself, chips and dip! I will watch something else.Have a lovely weekend!
Just for you dear Betsy I will change to full page option. I rather like the embedded page but anything to make it easier for commenters. I guess it takes longer because it has to reload the whole page to get to the comment box.I also agree with your commenters who say verification words are a pain.
Go Girl for your Saints and I hope they win.
My Football Team lost last night and now they have lost all chances to get into the final. They have had a bad year. A change in coaches and then all the experienced players left when their contracts ended. But I stuck by them and hope for better things next season.
I changed mine to option 1.
It was under option 3 earlier :)
good post- it's nice to let others know little tricks and bits to make their blog more enjoyable.
love your sweet comments on my blog- always so personal and thoughtful.
yes, 6 kiddo's- one boy, right smack in the middle-
some may disagree, but in my family, the one boy is so much easier than any of the girls, though i love them dearly!
so, with 3 boys- you were blessed! that's wonderful!
Hello sweet friend and TN neighbor. No, we didn't get the snow this weekend, but we got in on the last batch. :) LOVE your pic in the snow...a winter wonderland!
I have always had my comment setting on Full page, so I'm good. Have a most lovely week and enjoy the Super Bowl!
Glad you tipped me off to the comment issue. Thanks.
I checked, I should be in your very good books, I have #1 too :-)
Oh, Betsy, I am so with you on the options for the comment...I really prefer the pop up window since lots of times I want to comment on two or three days. and it is so time consuming to have to go back and forth...unless I think to open the comment in a new window or tab...
GO Colts! At least one of us will be happy tomorrow! and if the Colts should lose, it will be to one of my other teams. Dru Brees played for Purdue is how we got started watching them.
Hi Betsy! I might link this post on my sidebar if it's okay with you. I agree that the popup option is much more user friendly.
We don't watch football so it's a very strange thing for me.My son played in school & I attended the games, but never liked it.Only went to cheer him on! Good luck with your team though---break a leg or whatever it is they say!!
OK, OK but like Diane I will change it just for you Betsy. I'm going with the pop up since I don't like the full page. I've had it on my list of things to do on the blogs for awhile but keep forgetting. I also wish everyone would get rid of the word verification, it is a pain.
The Super Bowl is one of the few football games we watch and I usually root for the underdog.
I'm not a football fan, but I love to see people having fun and having a good time so enjoy the game!!!
I will check mine. Thanks Betsy.
G'morn, Betsy ~ I watch the commercials only ... I am too busy enjoying my winterland fantasy land & the birds to stay focused on the game.
Enjoy! Hope your team wins!
Happy Valentine's ~
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~Marydon
I was here yesterday and I think the day before. So the comments I leave keep piling up.
I love the hawks as you know and keeping them with fresh water and food is a never ending task.
Our 12 inches of snow is frozen like a brick this morning. I wonder if the granddaughter will have school tomorrow?
Does take time to get around to all the places one would want to. I don't seem to be able to. My sweetie is staying home (pout) while I go on a guys wandering trip. Back in about a week. I usually try to take a break from the internet seems to do me good..
#3 never made any sense to me really, lol...
so all the errors and mistakes I have made on my blogs this is not one of them! LOL
happy SUNDAY.... and i hope that your day is joyous!
I'm watching the Super Bowl! I really don't care who wins; I just want to see a Good game.
You look so happy in the snow Betsy. I'm glad you got your wish at last.
You look so happy in the snow Betsy. I'm glad you got your wish at last.
Dear Betsy, thanks for the Anniversary wishes. I'm sorry for not being much around lately, my mother is in recovery of a kidney removal operation. But her condition gets better and better within each day. I hope you enjoy the Super Bowl. We don't have it here. Hugs and blessings :).
Hi, I like the pop-up window for commenting. That way I can look at the pictures while I type. Today we had fog and rain most of the day. Have fun watching the Super Bowl!
Hi Betsy,
Thanks for the tip on the comment box. I will check mine out. I think it's good to exchange tips and helpful hints.
Hubby is watching super bowl right now. I prefer blogging. Catch you later...
not sure about the comment thing but will check.
we're hockey fans in this house but i wanted to see the tebow commerical. i ended up watching it online.
i am a huge masterpiece theater fan and tonight was the conclusion of "emma" a three part series.
happy february.
Wow ... I've missed 16 posts! Guess it'll take me a while to catch up. Somehow your blog didn't get transferred to my new reader when I switched 'personas' from storyteller to 'happily retired gal' but it's fixed now and I'll catch up bit by bit as time permits.
I love the pretty flowers in your header. As for the comment thing ... I'm with you on this one. I've tried them all but use the pop-up box these days because it provides the best options from my perspective. Seems like someone in comments mentioned it causes problems for Firefox users but I've used Firefox for years and haven't noticed problems with option 2. Thanks for putting the word out there.
I would add a request for YOU and others to consider. If you choose 'ANYONE' (even anonymous users) ... it gives folks like me who have multiple Blogger sites to enter the actual link to a specific post. I've used it for years with minimal hassles. I delete anonymous comments as a matter of course when they show up in email. In addition (on the same 'settings page' for comments down near the bottom), I set 'comment moderation' for posts older than 3 days. This helps me monitor OLD comments ... rejecting SPAM from email before it shows up.
Hugs and blessings,
Can you explain more on why the first two options are better? I'm new to blogs and this is the first time I've heard that one way was better than another.
Hi Pancake Ninja, Thanks for visiting. I have been blogging since 2006--and as you can tell, I have alot of followers and receive many comments.
There's not much difference in the Pop-Up or the Fullpage options. BUT--the embedded one (where you put a comment in a box at the end of your blog) takes alot longer for someone to make a comment on... Since I visit about 50+ blogs most every day, I am always looking for ways to make the task quicker and easier...
The embedded form is harder --especially if the blogger makes us to the word verification.
It was just a personal choice of mine... You can do whatever you wish--and whatever you like... BUT--since you are new, I would try all of the options and see what works best for you. I personally use the Pop-up window...
Thanks again for coming to my blog... Come back anytime.
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