Aren't you saying HALLELUJAH that this will be the last set of my snow pictures from our Snow and Ice Storm on January 29 and 30????? After seeing all of the pictures from the HUGE storm along the East Coast this past weekend, our 5-6 inch snow looks just like a 'dusting' to that storm. BUT---it was a 'neat' storm for us --and we enjoyed taking pictures to share. Above is a neat picture looking across our backyard toward the woodpile. Below are more pictures!!!
I took this picture of George when we were out on the golf course fairway, behind our house.
We saw deer tracks out on the golf course. This showed how heavy the deer are ---since they made TRACKS ---and George and I couldn't sink into the snow AT ALL.... Crazy!!!!
Another view from our back yard--looking toward the lower end of the golf course fairway
This Eskimo loved being out in the snow.... However, I had to take my gloves off to take pictures---and after being out in the cold for awhile, my fingers were so cold, I couldn't feel the buttons on the camera.... Brrrrrrr!!!
The sun came out on Sunday, the 31st. Families were out on the golf course fairway sledding. I watched them a little while---wishing that my kids and grandkids could have been here.
One more picture of the sledding; I was on our deck using my long lens.. AND--the sledders were moving along so fast, it was hard to get a good picture. What FUN!!!!
This picture was taken last Sunday the 31st (when the sun was out) --from our deck. I love seeing the shadows on the snow!!!! Hooray for the sun!! I think this was the last day we had sunshine here!
And---Hooray to the New Orleans Saints!!!! My team won the Super Bowl last night. I was so happy for the city of New Orleans. I sat on my sofa and cried. I lived in New Orleans in the '80's and we followed the Saints when they were not a good team. But--these fans are like Cubs fans... They don't ever give up on the team. This year --they finally WON... I am so so so so happy!!!!!
While enjoying texting with my 3 sons on the phone all evening (which I love), George and I enjoyed a dinner of Brats on the grill, 'tater salad and baked beans... Yum!!! AND--we watched the commercials also. As usual, there were some really good commercials and some really bad ones. (And we won't even talk about the halftime show!) ....... BUT--a few of my favorite commercials were:
-Budweiser's Human Bridge
-Clydesdale Fences (friendship between a young Clydesdale and a young steer)
-Doritos Play Nice (Little Boy protecting his Mama from a boyfriend)
-Doritos Dog Gets Revenge
-Bridgestone Bachelor Party
-E trade Girlfriends
What were your favorites?????
Hope you have a great Monday... We have had flurries all weekend --with more coming Tuesday and again Friday.. Don't think the sun is ever going to come out here!!!!
No I am not tired of you snow photos...I do wish it would warm up for you though. That sledding looks like fun, I don't see a photo of George sledding..congrats to the Saints...I didn't watch a lick of it, my husband did though!
I was also so glad that the Saints won. I'm not a football fan, but this time I watched most of the game. Loved the Bridgestone, Doritos, and E-trade commercials. Didn't care for half-time show. Glad you like the snow,.. we've not gotten much up here so far...for a change! :)
I know how happy that snow made a lot of Tennesseans - so no, I'm not tired of them!
It looked like a true Winter wonderland up there in the glade..
I see you may be in for a little more of the white stuff on Tuesday , maybe time for that sledding you've been putting off ;)
Stay warm, and I'm loving that new camera !!
I enjoyed your snow pictures and your "analysis" of the SB commercials. Stay warm!
I am happy for you too because your team one. The shot of the eskimo in the snow made me laugh but I don't think I could manage those temperatures brrrrr. I love your wadgets on the side bar that tell us what time itis at your house and the weather.
What I don't understand on my blog list it says you posted 1 hour ago and on your side bar it says it is 5:30am at your house. So does that mean you are posting at winter....surely not.
Lovely snow shots. It has even hit our news headlines, the storms in Washington.
...I love your snow photos! The kids look like they are having a blast sledding down the hill. We may get another 5 inches to follow up Friday's 5 inches. Woo hoo!
I know, our snow seems silly in relation to the huge amounts dropped elsewhere! But still we got a snow day out of it!
I don't have a favortie team or commercial, but i did see the human bridge and the doritos as i passed by the TV QUICKLY to get water from the kitchen. I heard the game and saw snatches of commercials while reading my book in the other room. The TV is to loud to read in the same room with it.
love all the snow pics and don't get tired of them since we never see snow here. I like the last snow pic with all the trees and sunshine
Your snow pictures are wonderful, Betsy. I'm like you, though----I'm ready to see some sun. We were promised some yesterday, but didn't get it---seems like brown and gray and white are the only colors I see outside any more. And, like you, we are expecting more snow/ice tomorrow and Wednesday. *Sigh* Spring will be here soon though!
I'm happy for you that your team won. I know it must have meant a great deal to lots of folks in New Orleans.
The snow phoyos arfe beautiful, Betsy, and it's so refreshing to hear you enthusiasm about it.
I would have been happy with who ever won. Uusally there is a team I root against but not yesterday. Really nice game.
Yesterday our foot of snow finally disappeared, this morning it is back though so far only a couple of inches but wet so it sticks to the trees. Really pretty.
Not tired at all of your snow pics. I love the stuff like you do.
Hey Betsy, You really do have winter wonderland going on. So pretty! That sledding looked like lots of fun. Surprised you and George weren't out there trying it!
We were very glad the Saints won too! The commercials were cute. I really liked the Doritos and etrades.
I never tire of seeing pictures of the snow!!! THe sledding look fun. If I were there you could have made a picture of me trying it! Yea! Saints! Good Game!
Hope your week is good!
I was very happy for the Saints as well.
Coach said the game was great in person too...but he missed the commercials. :)
He video taped the halftime show, and from his view, it looked amazing. The Who are classic rock and roll!!!
That snow makes me appreciate living in Florida...but the sledding does look fun!!!!
Well first off I am glad the Saints won. And second I am glad you got your snow. Maybe too much. LOL
Great pictures. I like the ones with the trees and sunshine and shadows.
Come to my blog and see some beautiful Spring flowers from last March. MB
I do enjoy your snow pictures, I just don't want to opportunity to take any more of them here! We also enjoyed the Super Bowl. What a game.
When I saw that pic of George on the fairway, my first thought was "Wow!! What an awesome sledding hill!!" LOL
Great pictures, Betsy. The kids sledding are really cute.
I'm not a huge fan of football but my husband and I were happy to see the Saints win.
I think the best commercial was the Clydesdale Fences. We used to have a cow that was raised with horses and thought he was one too.
Have a good Monday.
Sunny :)
I love the last picture.All those trees and shadows look really neat. Where did the sun go??? I guess with the lack of sunshine now,we will appreciate it so much more later.We are digging out again,more snow and it is still snowing lightly.
I never tire of snow pictures...
It was a really good game. The Saints just never quit. I have been watching them a while now, and really half expected them to win. They are just so consistent.
OH--at walmart look for those little cheap knit gloves. The kind that are like 2 pair for $1.50...I wear those and can operate my camera just fine. They keep my hands warm....I wore them when I worked at the orchard and was out pruning in the cold.
I sledding pics brought up fond memories of the many, many hours I spent on one as a kid.
Those are some gorgeous shots! But I'm really ready for all this snow to disappear now!
Yes, I was really glad the Saints won, too. They're my favorite team (after the Cowboys, of course) and I always hoped they'd make it to the Super Bowl someday. Never dared hope they'd win it, though!
Happy Monday from Joysweb
The sledder pictures are so pretty and colorful. You did a great job capturing them.
I love our red family room, Betsy. In fact, we had one in our former home. I used the same red color with a different contrast (wheat) color in this home.
Ok .... I could never be tired of snow pics, I love them.... we had a little this morning, very pretty, but it did not last and it is warming so no lasting snow.
I wanted the Colts to win, just because of Peyton,but I am happy for the Saints and their fans.
We've had another flurry of snow today but not settled yet
It was snowing pretty good here this morning, now it's just barely coming down if not stopped by now. We're suppose to get 3-4 inches by tomorrow morning, though. We'll see! heheheee
It sure looks cold there, Betsy! What fun to watch the kids go sledding! Hope you're staying warm! :)
Your snow photos are great. We missed the biggest part of that snow. We only had about an inch here but supposed to get more tonight. I was for the Saints, too, and loved the Clydesdale Fences commercial.
Hi Betsy, I only saw 3 commercials and the halftime show. I liked the sleepwalker in Africa (coke commercial:)
Great shots! It's interesting because they all look like they are black and white till you see the ones with people in them. I just love the blue and orange sledder! You must have a great action camera setting! I only watched the ads and the halftime show! And I'm convinced there were more ads than gametime!! I actually took pictures of my favorite ad, which isn't on your list!! So you will be surprised to see my post on it tonight or the next day, whenever I can figure out what to write about it. The stage lights and lasers for The Who were beautiful and eye popping. You just look so cute in the snow! I am waiting on my comment setting thingy till I have some time, afraid I'll mess it up. You did give very good instructions, though. But I am still trying to figure how to make a link to an older post, can't do it. Sandra tried to help me, but she overestimated my intelligence! I may be hopeless.
Your snow/winter photos are great Betsy! I love the one of the boy in the red jacket who was sledding.
YAY for the Saints! I was cheering them on all night!
I liked the commercial with Letterman Leno and Oprah! It was a surprise! :-D
Betsy: Wonderful snow photos, we have snow from last Friday and Sun before our next round of storms.
I liked all the commercials you picked, E-trade especially.
Hello Lady B!
Seems the winter won't go away this year, huh? Nice though but it's to much too cold for me now.
You're so cute in your header.
Have a funtastic day & great week ahead.
Blessed me...
I love all the snow pics-especially the ones of the sledders-those are great photos.
I'm glad the Saints won too-I don't follow football-but I always like it when the under dog wins : )
I am happy the way the Super Bowl turned out as well. I would not be very happy if we had all that snow.
Great photos. I enjoyed the ones with the children sliding. How much fun they must have had!
Love the almost black and white look of winter with that splash of color from the sledding! Thought of you when the Saints won! Hubby checked for updates of the game constantly, but didn't make a commitment to watch the whole thing! He was glad they won!
Hope the white stuff melts soon for you!
I'm back Betsy...I missed you too...thanks for stopping by. It was a busy Grandson weekend with 3 of them, 5 months, 2 1/2, and almost 7. Such fun we had.
Anyway, I know the snow will melt so I don't mind seeing more of your playing with that new camera, so keep them coming.
Yeah Saints...Bill and I were SO happy for them. as for the commercials...favs were the Budweiser Fences, and Dorrito Dog Gets Revenge...Half time-2 old men trying to relive their youth whose own hearing has gone bad...need I say more.
Have a wonderful week.
God Bless
Hi Betsy,
All that snow!! I left Europe as a young man, for the sunshine as I couldn't take all that, putting on coats, hats and gloves, then take them off again. Give me sunshine and warmth any day, anyway, I'm sure it won't be too long for you to get some warmer weather.
When all you have is snow ~ you have to work with what you have!
Fun pictures!
It looks like you are in love with winter.
WOW!!! Look at all your snow!!!
Now that you mentioned the Super Bowl ads... the human bridge was pretty good... especially those little sighs of ohhh ahhhs as the truck was driving over... LOL
Love those snow pictures! Keep them coming.
The snow is just beautiful.
OOOOOH I love , love , them. It is snowing here tonight. ....smiles...m..
I'm glad the Saints won the game. Though I'm not that much of a football fan I got caught up in the game and watched it all, the last quarter was a nail biter.
Love all the snow photos, the sledding looks like fun. Snow would be fun, wish we had some.
Oh I love snow piccies and this reminded me of my childhood, as we went to out local golf course to sled too.
I love your snowy photos and am glad your team won the Super Bowl. I didn't watch ... so I missed the kewl commercials too.
Hugs and blessings,
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