Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 TULIPS in our YARD

George and I used to plant lots of Tulips (one of my favorite Spring flowers) --but our resident Chipmunks thought we were planting some kind of special nuts for them for their dinner...SO--they kept digging up the bulbs...  We finally decided to quit planting Tulips... HOWEVER,  some have made it through the years  and still manage to bloom!!!!  I think I counted 17 different varieties this year.  We don't have nearly as many blooming as we used to --but I do love the ones we have...

For those of you who have Chipmunks,  the flowers that they WILL NOT dig up or eat are Daffodils, Irises,  DayLilies,  and of course our Roses.  They do love to dig up the Tulips AND our Lilies.   SO---we now plant more Daffodils instead of the Tulips...  When we live in the woods,  we do have to share with the critters here!!!!!   Not always fun--but 'tis life!!!!

Today I will share some pictures of our TULIPS....  Hope you enjoy them and can pick out a few of your favorite colors in this group...  You can click on the photos for enlargements.   Grab a cuppa and sit back and just enjoy the pictures!!!

Same Tulips as above --but now opened!!!

Same Tulip as above,  but looking inside!

Same Tulip as above --but now they are opened

Purissima Tulips ---This group has been with us for several years.

I'll show you this group again since they are MY favorites!!!
WELL---there are more,  but I'll stop since this post is already long!!!!!   Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our little gorgeous beauties....

Have a wonderful week and get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather...  (At least,  we are having some REAL Spring here now... Hooray!)



Ann said...

They're all so pretty. I didn't know chipmunks would dig up the tulip bulbs. I wonder if that's why the ones I planed a few years ago never came back up a second year

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty tulips. I think some of our bulbs went missing!

Lovely post and photos. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

Jacqueline said...

You had mentioned this to me earlier and I am so glad you told me about it. I do think this is what happened to my bulbs. Thank you so much for the information! Your flowers and photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us. Jackie

George said...

I'm pleasantly surprised that we have so many tulips left. You did a great job of capturing their beauty.

Betsy said...

So beautiful! All could be framed and hung in a grouping, I don't have a favorite, you captured all of them beautifully.
I heard to plant daffodil bulbs around anything I didn't want the varmints to dig up because the bulbs of the daffodil was poison to them. Will have to try it. The few tulips I planted last year that did bloom were ones I planted with rat wire underneath and around them.
enjoy the day and those pretty flowers

Jo said...

Dear Betsy. How lovely that the tulips persevered and still give you pleasure. You have many even though the chipmunks seem to be a challenge. Have a wonderful day. Jo

David said...

Betsy, Your tulips are beautiful! I didn't know that chipmunks dug up tulip bulbs...probably because we just don't seem to have any chipmunks around here...down in the valley. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Judy said...

For us it is not chipmunks but squirrels who want to eat the tulip bulbs. The blooms you have are beautiful. I am currently enjoying my daffodils.

linda m said...

They are all so beautiful. Wish there was a way to stop those pesky chipmunks from digging them up. Thanks for the ray of sunshine.

Betsy said...

I couldn't choose a favorite out of that bunch if I were forced to. They are all gorgeous. I woke up this morning to my rhubarb covered in white and big fat fluffy flakes falling from the sky. And we opened up our trailer at the lake this past weekend. This truly is the never ending winter.

Big Dude said...

Gorgeous tulips Betsy. Our bulbs have come and gone and we're now into azalea time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your favorite is my favorite too! Plus two others: the white with the sun inside, and the one with red stripes. I am so proud of you for not "taking care" of the chipmunks. They are so cute, and would be smaller than the bulbs! I had a friend who would trap them and drive them 25 miles away! Any shorter and they will return. I later learned this is illegal. When I was a kid, I would hand feed them peanuts.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, these are just beautiful and evidently not appealing to chipmunks. I just loved the two tones ones. Don't know what got mine for I don't have chipmunks but I am now into day lilies. No one seems to want them.

Connie said...

Your tulips are beautiful, Betsy. We've had trouble with bulbs being dug up and stolen by chipmunks too. You certainly have a gorgeous selection.

Pam said...

I love them. Can't figure out why the critters will eat come bulbs but not others. Strange! Love all your colors. I saw some at the store the other day that had little hair like things coming from the top of the flower. It was really cool looking! I have no tulips and I do love them...need to consider that for my garden.

Lowcarb team member said...

It's funny, while out earlier our local supermarket was full of tulips all different colours they looked amazing ... and who can resist tulips ... not me!

I am pleased that you still have 17 different varieties. Wildlife can be a pain when it comes to eating bulbs or digging up plants - we just have to learn to co-exist.

A lovely post and your photographs a joy to see.

Have a lovely week and early good wishes for Easter.

All the best Jan

Marie said...

wow..wow..wow!! you should seriously submit your photos to flower magazines. I love tulips! the yellow with red, the bright red with pointy petals and the deeper red towards the end are my favorites. But, they're all so beautiful! I'm sorry about the chipmunks, but you know I love my critters. they irritate us and we irritate them at times. lol
hubby bought me some tulips for my birthday..red and white..so pretty. I just posted a pic of them today.
Hope you've completely recovered and feeling great.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Well Betsy,once again I cannot possibly pick a favourite.I love them all. Jake and I used to have a lot of tulips but I have had to cut back on the gardens, as I can't keep up with the weeding by myself, so the tulips have had to go, as well as many other flowers.I try not to dwell on that as it would make me too sad.I will just choose to enjoy the ones I still have.Anyway,your flower posts are always fantastic and they help to satisfy my need to see flowers of all kinds.

The Furry Gnome said...

Those chipmunks! ..... And squirrels, and groundhogs, and rabbits, and deer!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Betsy, you did a phenomenal job with these macros. All of them are beautiful. Looks like spring is bustin' out all over there on the Cumberland Plateau.

Linda said...

Beautiful tulips! Your list of plants the chipmunks don't like is the same as ones that deer don't like.

diane b said...

Considering you have chipmunks feeding on your tulip bulbs, you still have an amazing variety defying the critters. The flowers and the photos are beautiful.

Lux G. said...

Ah, tulips. So pretty.
Have a meaningful Holy Week, my friend.

Rose said...

Oh, my, Betsy. They are beautiful....

Pat Tillett said...

One gorgeous flower after another! The same goes for your photos of them Betsy...

A Casa Madeira said...

Lindas as imagens.

Wendy said...

Well you still have lots of beautiful tulips in your gardens!! I too am planting more daffodils than tulips - those pesky squirrels and chipmunks!

Ah well, as you say - we live in a forest and have to share. I also find my crocuses all over the lawn and I know it's those silly squirrels moving them.

Anyway - spring is here. My fav season and let's just enjoy!
Hugs to you Betsy!

Sally Wessely said...

Just gorgeous! I wish I could grow tulips. The darn deer eat them and nothing will deter them. Thanks for sharing yours with me.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Those are beautiful My tulips are almost done blooming.

Beatriz said...

Life needs choices, and you know like no one else how to take care of these wonderful flowers! I love tulips, but they don't fit very well in tropical countries...

Have a wonderful Easter Betsy!!!

Bia <º(((<

Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful! I love Tulips. Thank you for sharing and Happy Easter to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Happy Easter! I love these photographs of your Tulips! The yellow with red stripes is my favorite. So sorry to hear of your chipmunk woes. They are such cute critters but terribly destructive. Your approach is sensible. Have a wonderful coming week!

Janie said...

These are so beautiful and unique. I just have plain old red. Time to branch out!