Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 3, 2017

WATERFALLS and HIKING in North Carolina-- 3/21/17

This is me sitting on a rock resting my weary bones at Upper Secret Falls after hiking to see this beauty!
George and I took a short trip to the Cashiers, North Carolina area to do some hiking and searching for waterfalls on March 21-23, 2017.   We love the Cashiers area --especially the little INN where we stay (Laurelwood Inn)..  This is our third time to stay at Laurelwood--and we loved it.  If you'd like to see a blog post showing pictures from Laurelwood Inn (2014),  click HERE.

This year we first drove through the Cullasaja Gorge area (which we have seen many times --but love it since there are four waterfalls to see along that gorge area).  This gorge is located between Franklin and Highlands.

After checking out all of the waterfalls in that area  we drove way way way back in the mountains south of Highlands searching for a new waterfall for us,  Secret Falls.    We took a nice hike back in the woods through a garden of Rhododendrons before finding Secret Falls.  Not too many people know about this waterfall --so we had the trail almost all to ourselves...  Had a gorgeous day for a hike in the woods,  and I did pretty good (after being so sick for a month)...

After that hike,  we headed to Laurelwood Inn,  checked in --and then went to a local Pizza place  (Slab Town Pizza) for dinner...  Great pizza and we recommend this place if you ever go to Cashiers.

Today I'll share pictures of our DAY in North Carolina... Hope you enjoy them.  You can click on them for enlargements...

Cullasaja Falls 

Quarry Falls (along the Cullasaja Gorge, NC)

Dry Falls (from an angle);   We've seen much more water coming over this waterfall and we've seen less.   BUT--we've never seen it DRY.... Until this trip,  we have been able to walk behind this waterfall.  BUT--they took away that option stating that there have been some falling rocks... We were disappointed --but glad not to get hit in the head by a falling rock!!!!

Bridal Veil Falls (along the Cullasaja Gorge);   We used to be able to actually drive behind the falls but they won't allow it anymore.  However,  you can walk behind the falls .  

Since we had never hiked to Secret Falls before,  we were glad to find the TRAIL in good shape.  As you can see,  there were a lot of leaves popping out on the big trees.  (We were almost into South Carolina in this area.) 

I loved the trail to Secret Falls...  There were lots and lots of beautiful Rhododendrons in that area...

Upper Secret Falls  (south of Highlands,  NC)

We took some pictures together with the tripod when we were at Upper Secret Falls.  I LOVED that area---and if you ever get there,  take a picnic lunch.  This is a perfect setting for a picnic --and maybe a NAP... ha

Secret Falls  (Photo by George);  I sat on the rocks at Upper Secret Falls while George hiked down a steep trail to get some pictures of the 'main' waterfall here.   Isn't this one a beauty?  Thanks,  Honey.

HA HA HA----What my man does when I shake my finger at him.... This was taken at Cullasaja Falls...
Thought you'd get a kick out of this last picture....  My sons all know about Mom's pointing finger!!!!!  AND--remember,  she's a LEFTY.    She's a 'mean one'.....ha ha .....

Hope you enjoyed reading about and seeing our FIRST day in North Carolina on 3/21/17....  We have two more days to share with you sometime...

Have a wonderful week.



Nancy Chan said...

I always like waterfalls and you both looks great and happy in the photos. Have a fantastic day!

Ann said...

What a beautiful area. Those trails look very nice. I wouldn't mind hiking there

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, lovely photos and waterfalls. Looks like a fabulous place for hiking. Thanks for sharing your trip! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

Jacqueline said...

I love that last photo! You both always look so happy and are a perfect example of what retirement is all about. Jackie

Judy said...

Lovely pictures as usual. I'm glad you were feeling well enough to hike. I look forward to the rest of your pictures.

Connie said...

Your waterfall photos are all so beautiful, Betsy. I'm glad to hear you had such a fun time on this trip.

Liene said...

I have to put these waterfalls on our list! Not too far from us, but somehow we've not yet been! Stay safe with the approaching weather!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm glad George went down to get the picture of the main waterfall. It's gorgeous. Glad you're feeling better, too. Sick isn't fun. This looks like a beautiful area to visit, and the trail to Secret Falls looks perfect.

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful waterfall photos! We love waterfalls too but I'm not much into hiking so thanks for doing it for me. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the waterfalls we visited on our way to Cashiers. That was a great day, even if you did wag your finger at me!

linda m said...

Those are some lovely pictures of the waterfalls and the trails. Can't wait for it to warm up and dry out around here so I can get out hiking again. Glad you had a wonderful trip.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Betsy!! Oh, I just adore your last picture!! Geoige seems to enjoy very much being scolded by you! the name Cashiers intrigued me so much that I went off on a search for it. It has 19 waterfalls!! No wonder you like it so much. they tried to pass legislation that would make them their own territory, apart from federal rules. But it did not pass. Your pictures are simply gorgeous!! Pictures 3 and 4 with the sun shining on the falls are my next favorite. Here is a little something I found on my search. It is an excellent excuse to return!

Cashiers is also known for a bizarre annual phenomenon called "Shadow of the Bear" that occurs on the side of the 4,930 ft. Whiteside Mountain. Each day from late October through early November, and then again from mid-February through early March, the shadow of an enormous "bear", caused by the configuration of nearby mountain ridge tops, casts its shadow for 30 minutes (starting at 5:30 p.m.). A major tourist sight, the best place to view the shadow is off Highway 64 at Rhodes Big View Overlook.

Fun60 said...

It all looks so spectacular. I thought of you often when I was looking at waterfalls in Yosemite

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, amazing photos of the falls; I like the name Secret Falls! Well done on doing so well on the hike. May you go from strength to strength in good health. I loved that you were shaking the left finger and then saw you are a lefty. Thanks for sharing. Jo

Betsy said...

I love waterfalls too Betsy. You and George are an inspiration. I'm so glad to know you.

Pam said...

Beautiful shots! I love waterfalls and you got some really pretty ones. Looks like you and George had a great time! That is awesome and a great time of year to get out and about enjoying before the weather gets too hot.

LV said...

Always such a joy when you post. I feel as tho I have been right along with you. So glad you are doing better and out enjoying life. Take care and stay safe.

The Furry Gnome said...

You two have such a great time hiking and photographing waterfalls! You're an inspiration.

Rose said...

ooh, Betsy, I love that Upper Secret Falls....so beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I always enjoy going on these hikes with you and George.The good thing is that I can enjoy the scenery via your pictures and at the end of the day,I'm not one bit tired.The bad part is that I miss out on your company.Beautiful scenes and looks like you had a wonderful day for hiking.

Sally Wessely said...

I never would believe there were so many waterfalls, but you both seem to find them. XO

Lux G. said...

Can't remember the last time I hiked! You're inspirational!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I'm happy you are feeling better and able to go hiking. I loved seeing your photos of the waterfalls. I'm so glad you and George do all this hiking in places I'll probably never get to see and take the beautiful photos to show us! Take care and stay well! xo Cheryl

Lady Fi said...

Beautiful shots of the falls!

Wendy said...

Secret falls! How exciting!! So glad you are having a blast - and I love that last pic as well!
George is not worried. LOL!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Betsy, I so enjoy your posts.
You always make them fun, and your photographs are great too.

I especially like the ones with you both - you look so happy.

Have a very nice month of April

All the best Jan

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You two always find such fun adventures. It's really pretty there.

Linda said...

Wonderful trip! Have you thought about doing a book on waterfalls? Or a calendar?

Andrea said...

Hello Betsy and George, i have not been updated on your site, sorry i failed to come more often. Those waterfalls are really beautiful, if only i am nearer i would love to take LE of them too! Last month i also went to an extreme adventure to see a waterfalls, maybe you should see that too. I even included my friends video on the road there and back as she took the topload. AM glad to see you two looks very well.

BeachGypsy said...

Howdy there Betsy!--glad you enjoyed the pictures of the Rutledge House--they sure have a gem of a front porch there for sure! I love old porches. I'm enjoying your waterfall pictures now......I absolutely love waterfalls and y'all got some real pretty pictures here. I've never heard of the Secret Falls---maybe it's been a secret, ha ha ha LOL--well it sure looks like a pretty place to picnic, like you said. Where y'all off to next?

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You too always make my heart smile! What a gorgeous group of falls and I am sure you had yet another fantastic trip. Have a great Sunday!

Betsy said...

Sure looks like you had a very good time with all those nied smiles. Love it!
Me - - I would not adhere to the sign and walk behind the fallt anyway. I am hardheaded, I know. The urge would have taken me.
I can see why you both are so fit with all that hiking. I need to do some of it.
Happy Sunday

Pat Tillett said...

Your two are pretty darn cute together!
Great scenery and beautiful photos of it...

Janie said...

What a beautiful area!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The beauty is unbelievable but I am so impressed y'all can hike back in the woods to see the falls. Great you have never seen it dry. It is a pretty place for a picnic, or nap