Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 Best of....: SONG BIRDS

I've already featured my favorite Woodpecker photos of 2010 and my favorite Bluebird photos of 2010..  SO today I will feature my 'other' favorite backyard bird pictures that I took in 2010..  Above is a picture of a TUFTED TITMOUSE,  taken on 1/8/10.  Below are more.

Another of my favorite birds is the CAROLINA WREN.  I love this picture of a very cold little guy,  perched on top of a rhododendron blossom, taken on 2/16/10.

You can see one of my favorite male AMERICAN CARDINAL in my header.  That picture was taken on 2/16/10.   Here is another favorite Cardinal picture taken on 11/14/10.  This picture obviously is a beautiful female Cardinal... Isn't she gorgeous?

This beauty is one who only visits us twice a year --while migrating.  They visit in Spring and again in Fall.   He is a gorgeous ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK.  What a beautiful bird!  This picture was taken on 4/29/10.

One of my favorite little birds who is with us all year is the CAROLINA CHICKADEE.  They are very friendly little birds ---and ones that will come close,  even when I am nearby.   This picture was taken on 4/7/10.

This little CHIPPING SPARROW is a beautiful little bird.  I took this picture on 4/8/10.

And finally, I chose this recent picture of a DARK-EYED JUNCO taken on 12/13/10.  The little Juncos always come around after it snows.   I loved this picture since he almost seemed to be burying himself  in the snow.

Well--I could have chosen many, many more pictures of my little songbirds --but I'll stop with these.  I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my 2010 favorite songbird pictures.



Jo said...

What stunning photos of these beautiful birds, Betsy. Do you know them by their call? I.e. do you hear them even if you can't see them and know what it is. (Only askin' because you call them songbirds;-) The CHipping Sparrow is amazingly clear (as all the others) but I love the "HUGE" seed in its mouth. Besty, if you'd like to see a great waterfall, I have the link here for you. Let me know what you think, OK? Blessings and (hugs) Jo (the link) http://driftwoodramblings.blogspot.com/2011/01/mosi-oa-tunyathe-smoke-that-thunders.html

Tracy said...

As always, you impress me...seriously, I aspire to be like you and take fantastic photos of birds. I tried this weekend and had quite a few lovelies, but every time I venture out the door, my Hurricane insists on accompanying me and well, then all the birds fly away; imagine that!
...but there is always tomorrow or the next day so patience...
I also wonder if you time your posts to register 4:00am or are you holding your finger over the 'Publish Post' buttom? ...just wondering.
Hugs my dear friend...

Tabor said...

Wonderful photos. I can tell you love birds almost as much as waterfalls. I have not seen the grosbeak...he must come through here sometime. I will watch more closely.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Oh Betsy these pictures are wonderful! I feel the same as Tracy, I would love to be able to take pictures like these of all the wonderful birds in your area!!
And of course, your header is my ultimate favorite!
Have a fabulous day!

Sciarada said...

Ciao Betsy,the sweetness in this your post is the maximum power!
A kiss for you!

diane b said...

Your birds are so different to ours, Yours are small, pretty and dainty. Ours are big , brash and noisy. Your photos are stunning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Really fantastic photos today of the birds. We had a Carolina Wren to get in our garage the other day during the snow. They are the cutest and most acrobatic little birds! We finally shooed him out the door! Enjoy your day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love to see your favourite birds.I sometimes think that my favourite bird is the last one I see,because I love them all.Have a good day.

Neal said...

All are beautiful but the wren is my favorite. We had one at our bird feeder last week. When I was a kid I can remember them coming in the house once in a while. They always had a nest on our porch.

Kathy W said...

Wow Betsy I would have a heck of a time trying to decide which was my favorite. I really do like the first one though.

Melanie said...

Those are such beautiful pictures, Betsy!
We have some of those birds where I live too. It's nice to see such amazing close up pictures of them!

cyclopseven said...

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Beth said...

Betsy, those are incredible shots of your little bird visitors! I can't decide which is my favorite, but I do love the funny little crest and shiny button eyes of the tufted titmouse. Of course, I also love the perky little unturned tail of the carolina wren. Oh, well, I just love them all...and I thank you for posting them!

mamahasspoken said...

They all are great photos! You should enter them into a contest somewhere (county fair?) and I'm sure you would win an award for them!

penny said...

Hi Betsy, I love seeing the beautiful birds that visit you feeders, they look as if they are posing just for you.
They know a great photographer when the see one. Your photos are gorgeous!

Be well, be happy
Warm hugs,

Stina said...

Lovely! Beautiful birds.:-)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful series on your favorite birds, Betsy! The Rose Breasted Grosbeak is one of my favorites too. They are all pretty songbirds and great photos.

Unknown said...


Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, I always enjoy your bird photos...and these are super duper great!!! Got my morning started off well here!!!

Snap said...

Great selection, Betsy, of the best of your feathered friends!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first two made me smile really big because of their expressions. my favorite of these is the chipping sparrow. he is so pretty with his bright stripes and fat little body

Jen said...

The little Juncos always remind me of Penguins.
great series of pics Betsy. Enjoy your day.
Full of rain here. :(

Pat - Arkansas said...

Fantastic photos, Betsy! You did an excellent job of capturing the essence of these beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing!

Karin said...

I'm so glad you share your terrific photos of these gorgeous birds! Something special about each bird and I can't possibly chose a favorite!
Lovely post again!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy! The Wren and Chickadee are two of my favorites. When I was a kid (many moons ago) we didn't know the correct names of lots of the birds, but we called the Dark-eyed Junco a "Snow Bird"!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are perfection captured...one of my favorite birds is the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak so I'm enjoying your photo of one.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks, Betsy, for the beautiful bird photos! I don't want to see them stop. Maybe just a few more...please?? Have a wonderful day! Cheryl

Val said...

Oh these pics are absolutely beautiful. I love that last one. So sweet. Thanks for sharing.

Sunny said...

Your birdie pictures are excellent. You should design a calendar :)
It's snowing like mad here, ice in the forecast :(
☼ Sunny

Connie said...

Great choices, Betsy! I think the Carolina Wren is my favorite.


As a usual wonderful post!
Several of birds in this post I have not seen before.
Thank You You very much for sharing!
Beautiful photos!

Arkansas Patti said...

Really wonderful captures Betsy. You have really gotten so good at your bird shots.
You and I pretty much have the same variety of birds.
Thank you.

amelia said...

The Carolina chickadee looks like the black capped chickadees we have here. I know you know your birds so I know you're right but what's the difference between the two?

Lovely pics, especially of the rose breasted grosbeak. You must get them on the way here and on the way back!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh, they're all so beautiful, Betsy. The rose-breasted grosbeak is stunning. We rarely see them around here. My hubby will enjoy seeing the image that you've captured.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Again I say Wow, these are beautiful. I love the way you know their names! Educational to me.

Lola said...

Post card quality for sure. I loved all the pics of your little friends. Waiting to see more.

Diane said...

The juncos must know how beautiful they are against the snow - that's when they visit here too. In photo #1 that little bluebird has quite a hairdo. Diane

Fred Alton said...

Beautiful pictures of the songbirds, Betsy. I love watching them through my office window. You blog is creating a desire in me to put up a bird feeder or two. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I recognized several photographs of your favorite songbirds. It was nice to see them again.

I haven't seen any birds at my feeder in the past couple days. I don't know if the starlings frightened them away. Come to think of it I haven't seen the starlings either. I hope that the birds come back soon. I miss them!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I vote for the Carolina Wren as the cutest bird photo of the YEAR!!!! That should be a postcard photo.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy all of your bird photos would make a beautiful calendar or set of notecards. They are such wonderful close ups of all the birds and their entertaining personalities. We see mainly sparrows and starlings here in winter and an occasional cardinal, but you get a wonderful variety!

Unknown said...

My mom and dad would just love your blog! Mom LOVES the Smokies, and both love birds. They had a grossbeak this year. I'm going to try and get them to start following you. They are not always enamored of the computer.

From the Kitchen said...

The beautiful birds have warmed my heart (if not my body) this afternoon! I started picking out my favorites but stopped because they all are. The last photo of the little junco in it's snow cave sort of put things in perspective for me--I'm inside looking out at snow!!
Thanks for sharing!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The chipping sparrow with the seed in his mouth is perfect and cute! But my favorites are the top two!!! Just adorable!!!! I love the titmouse, but if I had to pick, it would be the wren!! Did I tell you I was attecked by a mad wren once? Can't remember if I did a post on that or not, I'll have to check and see.

mudderbear said...

I just love your birds. They are wonderful. I've never seen one the color of the little Wren or striped like the Chipping Sparrow. He looks like a tiger. We did have Chickadees and it's fun to see this one. I hope you don't stop posting soon.

Rose said...

These really are terrific photos, Betsy. And I want to tell you that each time I open your blog, I fall in love with that header photo all over again. It is just so wonderful.

floweringmama said...

Hey, great pictures, just can't beat the cardinal, though. Always my favorite.

Cathy @ Country Cathy

Love Of Quilts said...

Betsy I do enjoy all your birds and I am watching for them myself...but still don't know for sure what some of them are.Trish

Velvet Over Steel said...

Everytime I see anything 'bird' related in the craft stores now.. I think of You and Smile!!!

You take such up close and beautiful pictures, Betsy!! Loved them all!

Coreen xoxoxo

ratieh said...

hai Betsy! =) i like the first bird. it's soooo pretty.

Unknown said...

Your bird photography is just fab Betsy. I love the Cardinal and we see alot of those here too. But I think my fave might be that cute little sparrow, just adorable :-) x

Together We Save said...

You really do know your birds and your pictures are amazing.

Small City Scenes said...

They all are beautiful birds and they all are my favorite. Hard to choose one so I choose them all. You are getting excellent with your bird pics. MB

SquirrelQueen said...

I always love seeiny photos of your little birds Betsy, you have so many that I never see here. Except for the Juncos, lots of those little fellows in my yard every winter.

My favorite is the Tufted Titmouse, that sweet face stole my heart as soon as I saw the photo.

Valerie said...

Love the birds! I LOVE the birds. You have several that are new for me. MAybe someday I will catch a glimpse of them in person.

The Titmouse is my favorite - such sweet little tender faces . . .

carolina nana said...

Lovely pictures Betsy,I always love looking at your birds and identification to help me id mine because for the most part we have the same bird visitors.
Have a blessed day.

Janie said...

You have so many beauties at your feeder. The little Carolina wren is my favorite.

Twilight Man said...

I stared at your birds and admired them for so long. It made me wonder how nice if I could be the birds and fly everywhere! I will visit Betsy's home for freebies and grubs!