Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Shine On...

I have talked and talked about how much we enjoyed seeing the sunrises and sunsets while at Ocean Isle Beach,  NC, in December.  What I haven't shared is the beautiful moon pictures that George took while there.  We enjoyed seeing that gorgeous full moon each night we were there,  and we even set the clock to see the Eclipse on Dec. 21.  Here are some of our beautiful MOON pictures.

These first two pictures obviously are of the gorgeous full moon.  It was wonderful to be at the beach during this time --since we had such great views of the moon that week.

There is something so interesting about seeing the moon surrounded by clouds.  George took this one from our balcony one night... Neat, huh?

Here is another picture of the moon with the clouds around it.  If you look at the clouds,  you can almost make out some different shapes.  I see a dog's or cat's face,  above and slightly to the left of the moon.  What do you see?

We didn't get outside soon enough to see the total lunar eclipse,  but we did get to see the partial eclipse--after the moon was moving out of the earth's shadow.   During a lunar eclipse,  the Earth lines up directly between the sun and the moon,  so there is no direct sunlight to hit and reflect off the moon's surface. During the total eclipse,  you cannot see the moon at all because it is hidden by the earth's shadow.

The only light that reaches it is 'filtered and bending through our atmosphere'.  That gives it the color of "all of the world's sunrises and sunsets"  together.  It was awesome to see.

Here is one more picture of the moon as it moves out of the earth's shadow.  The total eclipse lasted for 72 minutes and the entire eclipse lasted for about 3.5 hours.  We only saw about 10 minutes of it --since it was 4:07 a.m. Eastern time when we got up.  YAWN!!!! ha...   Well---even if it was in the middle of the night,  we are both glad that we got up and saw this rare happening.

Hope you enjoyed our moon pictures as much as we did.   We think we picked a perfect week to go to the beach!!!!



Beth said...

Yes, you picked a great week to go to the beach! The moon shots are fantastic! I've never even seen a partial eclipse, so I really enjoyed this---all the sunrises and sunsets together--a beautiful way of phrasing it and it does look like that.

I see the dog face and directly below the moon a huge lobster claw.

The pictures of the moon with the clouds makes me think of the creation and what it would have looked like when He created the moon before the He created the stars.
This was wonderful to wake up to this morning!:) Blessings---Beth

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I think you picked the perfect time also!!! Gorgeous photos...I wish I had gotten up to see the moon that night. Thanks to the two of you for sharing these photos...they are breathtaking!!!

diane b said...

Well done George...great shots. I like the ones with the dramatic clouds too. It must have been an exciting experience.

Jo said...

Beautiful shots especially of the eclipse, Betsy and George. Seeing as I missed it I'm glad you did see most of it and share it here. I love blogging, don't you? I tried to see a dog/cat's face but only saw a mysterious shape with all the clouds - stunning shots. Have a blessed day. Jo


Beautiful photos!
Thank You very much for sharing.
I see the dog face.
I think only about creation when I see the moon.I am deep believer ...

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great pictures.I just rolled out of bed and now I feel like I should go back,since I had good looks at the moon. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Betsy for sharing these amazing photos. Hope you have a good Monday.

mamahasspoken said...

Great moon pictures! As for what I saw in that one picture, it's a monster eating the moon, OH NO!!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Great moon shots, especially of the eclipse. It was cloudy here that night, and I missed the show. But I've been able to enjoy it vicariously through the efforts of some good photographers out there in blogland. Nicely done.

T said...

Just spectacular!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful moon shots, Betsy! I can see the doggies face. Very cute!Congrats on your Pine Siskin, maybe there is more than one. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

Catherine said...

Excellent photos Betsy!
Happy Monday!
xo Catherine

Arkansas Patti said...

Love the moon shots. We were supposed to be overcast so I slept thru. Thanks for the pictures.
If I see a squirrel face does that count.
Guess it might be smart to actually plan a vacation around the moon phases.
We tend to think only of the daylight hours.

Snap said...

Beautiful shots! I love trying to decide who is living in the moon!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Darla said...

The moon can be a difficult model sometimes. Apparently it was in the mood to be photographed here. Nice captures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did enjoy the moon pictures, they are excellent shots. i don't see the cat or dog but i usually don't. my friend sees things in my cloud photos that i dont see, lack of imagination? you reminded me that at 4 am today i was outside taking moon shots. it looked just like these, the one with the hole in the cloud, heavy clouds, bright moon easing in and out. must go get them and see what i got

Rose said...

In the photo where you see a dog's face, I saw that too after you pointed it out. My first thought was someone jumping up and yelling "BOO!"

I do love seeing the moon behind clouds, and also love it when the moon is coming up just at dusk.

Cicero Sings said...

I've never tried taking moon shots. These turned out very well. Love the clouds.

Fred Alton said...

I see a hunting dog, standing, facing us. Then above it I see a bespectabled old woman's face, with her hair hanging over her head like a mop, ends sweeping upward. I always enjoyed doing that as a kid; Lying on my back and looking at the cloud formations. Excellent pictures of the moon. Yes, you chose the greatest time to go to the beach.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

WOW! Wonderful pictures. I completely missed the lunar eclipse. I had wanted to see it. Thanks for getting up at that hour to share pictures with us. :)

Dar said...

Your moon was fantastic. Wonderful eclipse shadow pics. Your camera is doing a great job for you, isn't it. The pics I took pale in comparison.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photographs of the moon! Yes, I agree, you did pick the right time to go to the beach.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of the moon. There was no opportunity to view the eclipse here; heavy, heavy overcast prevented even a glimpse.

Janice K said...

Thanks for the eclipse pictures. They turned out great.

Sunny said...

Very cool moon shots. I was planning on taking pics of the eclipse but fell asleep! LOL
☼ Sunny

Big Dude said...

You guys are really good photographers. I think I'd make sure I could find your header shot and run it all winter again next year - it would be hard to improve on.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Thoughs are spectaular. My girls and I went out and saw it but in installments because it was very cold here. Our pics were no good because we didn't take the time to set up the camera.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These photos are AMAZING. I have moon envy. :)

Neal said...

Nice Betsy! I've never tried much to take any pictures of the moon even though I do enjoy them.

Kathy W said...

I always love shots of the moon peeking out behind clouds. LOL shots like that always remind me of a scary book cover. Wonderful shots though Betsy. I hate to say but I slept all the way through the eclispe.

imac said...

Well done Betsy for having captured the eclipse.

Karin said...

Would have loved to have seen this in real time but we were cloudy that night if I remember - or is that just my excuse??? These are again such excellent photos! Glad you could have that experience, the memories and now the daily journal!! Have a great week - working every day this week - should be less hours next week then!

mudderbear said...

Just when I wonder what you could be doing next........ Totally Awesome. I did find a kitten face in the clouds by finding little ears sticking up. And the eclipse is amazing. I had never thought of it as "all the world's sunsets". That is so romantic. Thank you and George for sharing your wonderful talents. I wish everyone could see these.

Out on the prairie said...

Some very nice shots, and yes it is hard to be up for the duration.I dozed off too many times.

Unknown said...

Great job George, because you need a REALLY steady hand for good pictures of the moon like these. x

Kelly said...

...just gorgeous! I love shots of the moon, and the partial eclipse is beautiful. We had a thick cloud cover here, so no visuals for us! Glad you were able to see it so well.

amelia said...

Totally stunning pictures Betsy!! Beautiful captures!
We had cloud cover here so no eclipse for us!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! I love full moons and enjoy driving through the countryside on a moonlit night seeing everything bathed in moon glow. I agree, you did pick a great week to go to the beach! Have a good day, Cheryl

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those eclipse pictures are fantastic, I love them!! The news told us the best time would be around 1 A.M. and Phil went out then, but nothing. It seems that was not the right time to look. Plus it was very cloudy here. Oh well, I can still look here!!!

Kay said...

Fantastic shots.


Sandra said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy!
I have to say, you have such a way of making people see life through different eyes.
Your blog is very well titled!

Sharon said...

Nice shots! We had complete cloud cover, so couldn't see a thing.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I so enjoy seeing a full moon shining brightly over our forested yard. It was a cloudy day and will be a cloudy evening tonight. Thanks for showing the moon and that partial view of that Lunar Eclipse. Have a great day tomorrow! Rain may be on the way.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy the moon was so bright and beautiful that time of the year. It reminded me of the very big bright moon that was out the night my grandson was born two years ago. George took fabulous photos!

Jen said...

A full moon and a walk on the beach
go hand in hand. ;)
I enjoyed the pictures, since I missed it.

Unknown said...

Nothing like a full moon and a beach to go along with it!
I'm a sucker for the moon as is my daughter. She's always running in the house yelling at me to go outside and shoot the moon! lol

Jane said...

The moon pics are really good,looks like you all had a good time,I am following your blog,you are welcome to follow mine as well, Blessings jane

Jane said...

The moon pics are really good,looks like you all had a good time,I am following your blog,you are welcome to follow mine as well, Blessings jane

From the Kitchen said...

Great photos! I especially love seeing the moon surrounded by those spooky clouds!!

Are you warming up? I am hearing something hitting against the windows and for sure it isn't rain!!


LV said...

Great moon sights. You did a super job on all the different stages of it.

Connie said...

Great shots, Betsy! So pretty. I loved seeing these.

carolina nana said...

Wow,what great pictures. That is sure some memories. Well worth a little lost sleep.
It is snowing an sleeting here again tonight,not expecting any accumulation though at least we hope not !
Have a blessed tomorrow.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Pretty good shots Betsy!

SquirrelQueen said...

Great moon photos, there is something magical about seeing the moon and clouds. I see a dog and a lady.

It was too cloudy here to see any of the eclipse so I really enjoyed seeing yours.


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

We were so sorry we did not get up to see the moon that night. I so love your pictures. I shared them with my husband he love getting to see them. You add so much to my life with all your beautiful pictures...m...

ratieh said...

wooooww...it's awesome pictures Betsy!! i also love to see moon in the night. =)

Twilight Man said...

Since I graduated and returned from US, I still hear folks asking me if the moon is bigger in USA compared to my country? I repeatedly replied "Yes ~ much BIGGER & lovelier!"...
I bet so many Americans are not aware about this as my country is closer to the equator line hence our site seems farther away from the moon.