Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Good Morning Blog Friends,   How are you?   George and I are still moving along even though we move much slower!!!  I had a bad fall on July 3--but even though the wounds are still with me,  I am doing much better now!!!!  My Neuropathy problems keep getting worse --and I keep forgetting (most the time)  to carry my cane with me when I'm in an un-level place in our yard!  Duh!

We are not traveling as much anymore --but we did have a wonderful 3 days at Pisgah Inn along the Blue Ridge Parkway in JUNE to celebrate our anniversary.  

We usually travel on my Birthday (August 5) ---but this year (instead of a trip),  I wanted a new sofa for our Living Room....  We love it!!  SO---Life is GOOD for us!!!  Hope all of you are doing fine!

Today I'll share some of our LILIES which bloomed on the deck this summer.   Hope you enjoy seeing them...  We've had a pretty good year with our flowers:  Daffodils, Irises, Day Lilies,  Lilies and Roses.  We used to have a lot more variety --but the deer (and our old age) has changed our thinking!!! HA!

Pearl Melanie Lilies

Rosella's Dream Lilies 

Golden Splendor Trumpet Lilies 

Frisco Lilies

Muscadet Lilies 

Garden Party Lilies

Stargazer Lilies

Dizzy Lilies

Do you have a favorite out of this group????  Every time a new one would bloom,  it was my favorite.  BUT--Stargazer this year was GORGEOUS.

Catch me up on your life... I miss you all!!!




Fun60 said...

Your yard is always full of colour and I love seeing all the lilies. Good to hear from you.

Big Dude said...

Happy Birthday Betsy. Your flowers never cease to amaze me.

Marcia said...

Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope recovery going well. Day lilies are just finishing here. Other lilies long since done. Yours are as lovely as usual.

Jim and Sandie said...

I can see why the Stargazer could be a favorite. But they are all so gorgeous. This getting older can be a challenge. My balance is definitely getting worse. A new sofa sounds like a winner in my book.

Betsy said...

sorry to hear about your fall. I wish you speedy recovery from that.
I love every one of your lilies and I need some for my yard. Gorgeous flowers they are. Beautiful rose in your blog header too.
I hope you show us your new couch you ordered. We ordered furniture for our lounge downstairs. I can't wait to get it. Well, actually I will have to wait, it won't be here for a little over two more weeks.
Have you ever hiked through the Crozet tunnel? Near Waynesboro Va. I know you and George have hiked a lot and wonder if this is one. I am tempted even with a bad knee.

George said...

I'm glad the lilies did so well on the deck out of reach of the deer. I'm also glad we got the deck enlarged!

Ann said...

Always a treat to see a post from you. All your lilies are gorgeous. I can't even pick a favorite, I love them all.
I saw your picture on facebook sitting on your new couch. It looked really nice and you looked very happy.

Shug said...

hey there Betsy! The rose in your header picture is quite stunning! And...I love how you added the hot pink as a border. We share the same Birthday month! All of the Lilies are so pretty, but I think the star gazer will always be my favorite. It must be the fragrance! I know you are enjoying the sofa...Sam said. "Look..I think you and Betsy have the same sofa!" Great minds think alike...I'll be checking you out on FB...hugs to you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I would have to say the Stargazer and dizzy are my favorites. You know I have never been able to choose just one. I'm so sorry you fell! But glad you did not get badly hurt! We are all in pretty much the same boat. I cannot even walk all the way thru the dollar store, even leaning on a cart!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday again dear Betsy. I wouldn't be able to pick just one flower. They are all so pretty. Your yard must be abaze with color all summer between these and the roses.
I was so sorry to hear about your fall and wounds. Getting older definitely isn't for sissies is it? I have problems remembering to lift my feet high enough at times too.
We had a lovely vacation to Spokane and back via the Black Hill and Helena, MT to see our son and his family there. But you already know that. :-)
Since then I've mainly been staying inside because our temperatures have been hovering around 100F or above. Next week is supposed to be a bit cooler and we're all ready for it.
Wishing you and George a wonderful month of August.
Blessings and hugs,B


I’m glad to hear you’re doing better after your fall, and it’s wonderful that you and George enjoyed your anniversary trip. The new sofa sounds like a great addition to your living room! Your lilies must be beautiful—thanks for sharing them. I just posted a new blog post: I invite you to share your opinion. Thank you.

Kay G. said...

What beautiful lilies. I wouldn't go anywhere just stay home and look at them!