Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fabulous Mother's Day for me ---May 9, 2021

Dear Blog Friends,   See these two wonderful people above?  Robin and Mark again gave me the most wonderful Mother's Day a Mom could ever have!!!!!  This year was no exception...  They had asked what I wanted to do --and I said that I wanted a Jeep Ride and a Picnic somewhere.... AND--that is what I got!!!!  And Better Still:  after lots of very cool and wet weather,   Mother's Day this year was beautiful with temperatures in the 70's.  Just PERFECT.

They took us (George and me) to a place we had never ever been. Mark and Robin love to go on all of the backroads in their shiny Red Jeep --and this is just one of the areas they visited not long ago... WOW---how extremely gorgeous,  way back in the mountains/woods...

We went to the Citico Creek Wilderness area in the Cherokee National Forest.  The closest town is Vonore, TN ---but you may know that area for being not far from the Cherohala Skyway (between Tellico Plains, TN and Robbinsville,  NC).   As we followed the Citico Creek up up up the mountains,  we saw many rustic camping sites along the way...  I truly felt like I was in PARADISE,  and I told the family that this wilderness area reminded me of the nearby Smoky Mountains --back many years ago when the Smokies were less crowded --with fewer people around and no traffic problems....

We found a great campsite for our picnic time.  As you can tell,  the road was in pretty good shape most of the time.  AND---getting to ride in the JEEP was such JOY to me..... The wilderness just smelled so good --with early spring flowers and trees blossoming all around us.

We walked down the road a bit to get a good picture of the little creek next to our campsite...  As George and I walked down,  Mark and Robin headed to the Creek to PLAY... You can actually see them since Mark's RED shirt was visible to us.

This was our campsite all set-up for us....Mark, Robin and oldest son, Bert (Seated),  are just as happy as we were to be in such a gorgeous setting.

My favorite picture from the trip:   Mom --in the hammock--enjoying the company of 2 of my 3 sons on Mother's Day.... Talk about relaxing!!!!!  Close you eyes and imagine being in a hammock with the sounds of the water nearby --and the birds singing above us..... "Heaven on Earth" for me!

George took his turn in one of the hammocks also....  Oh how I love that man!!!!



Mark enjoying the day ---with Robin by his side.... Both Robin and Bert took their time in the hammocks also that day....

Beautiful little wildflowers to enhance our wonderful day!

Of course,  we also had a 'feast' for lunch.... Mark/Robin grilled us Burgers and Brats --with all of the trimmings,  and some fresh fruit and veggies....  YUMMMMMMY in my tummy!!!!

My sons are 'silly' like their Mama!!!!!   I love this picture of Mark and Bert.

Then while some of us slept, talked and/or walked around the area to get pictures,  these two 'sillies' decided to test out the COLD COLD COLD creek water...... Poor Robin is so short that she had to be very careful where she stepped in that creek.... 

I wonder what Mark was pointing to...???????  I'll bet he was telling Robin to go over there and check out what could be living UNDER that big rock!!!!!  (I think that is when Robin decided it was time to get OUT of the water... ha ha ha)

And walking is what I did....   I'll let the 'kids' play in the water... I will just take my little iPhone and get some more pictures!!!!!!!

 Thank You so much,  Bert, Robin and Mark,  for making my MOTHER'S DAY so very very special!!!!!   I am ready to go to Citico again ANYTIME --as long as I can ride in the Shiny Red Jeep!!!!!!!!  ha ha ha

Hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy.   I have many friends who are struggling with all kinds of health issues --so today,  I remember them with my prayers and love.

I am doing quite well right now (Knock on Wood) ---so I hope I can say that for many months/years to come!!!!!  

Hugs to ALL,



Ann said...

What a wonderful Mothers day you had. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. That looks like a beautiful spot for a camp site.

Big Dude said...

Looks like a great spot to hangout. I made the drive from Indian Boundry to Vonore a few months ago.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh what fun! You really did have a most special day! And guess what? I have a new shiny RED Jeep now too! I am loving it. It takes us to all the backroads and trailheads. It was something I've always wanted...so it was time! Hugs!

George said...

You got some great pictures of our wonderful day along Citico Creek. The 'kids' really made it special.

Arkansas Patti said...

A Jeep ride, your boys and Robin, a hammock, a babbling brook, good food, with pictures to remember. They hit a homerun for you Betsy.

David said...

Betsy, Looks like a marvelous mother's day! With our kids living so far away, Laurie had to be satisfied with phone calls and Amazon deliveries. We've driven up into the Citico Creek forest...lovely area. We managed it in a standard sedan but it was challenging in places! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day, you were surrounded by everyhting you love. you have wonderful and caring boys. Love your Rhododendron header!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thank you for sharing with words and photographs and great enthusiasm your mother's day spent with Bert, Robin, Mark, and George. Gathering with family is what so many, many people have missed this past year. And your gratitude for and joy in the day must have delighted your sons and Robin.

That hammock looks like fun! Peace to you as you spend time now feeling healthy and hearty. That's so wonderful, given what you went through for a while there.

Marcia said...

Looks like you had a grand time there.

Lowcarb team member said...

Dear Betsy, your photographs are all so lovely.
What a beautiful Mothers Day you had.
Love and laughter and many happy memories.

Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

what a lovely and special Mother's Day!

William Kendall said...

It sounds like you enjoyed it.

Betsy said...

Such a great, great Mother's Day for you. It looks like a wonderful day. Mine was very good too. I was with Dennis's Mom and our daughter Mandy and Piper for the first time in years. That was so special.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That looks like so much fun. I am glad your sons spoil you like that.

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day to a wonderful mom! sandie

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wonderful photos of your Mother's Day adventure. You all look so happy, and it looks like they picked a beautiful spot to celebrate in. Thanks for sharing with us.
P.S. Love your blog header--both the spectacular picture, and the saying beneath it.

Barb said...

What a special Mother's Day you had Betsy! Water, greenery, blooms, and loving family - oh, I forgot the feast! You'll remember that special celebration for a long time. So glad to hear that you're feeling well. You look great. Hugs to you from CO.

Linda said...

I'm glad you had such a lovely day! The creek is beautiful.

Shug said...


diane b said...

How lucky were you to have such a beautiful Mothers' Day with your sons and Robin.I sure did look a lovely place to stop and celebrate.

Twilight Man said...

You have very good and loving sons. Happy Mother's Day to you!