Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 19, 2021

SPRING in our YARD 2021

Dear Friends,  Welcome to SPRING 2021 in Tennessee..  I have already published a post showing our blooms in EARLY Spring in our yard (Crocus, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Periwinkle,  Forsythia)... SO--now it's time to show you MORE blooms!!!!!

Above is the BLEEDING HEARTS bush that friend,  Marcia,  gave me many years ago...


The TULIPS bloomed.   As I've said many times,  the deer (and chipmunks/squirrels) LOVE the tulips --so we quit replacing them a couple of years ago.  Luckily, a few of them have survived,  thanks to the Daffodils we planted next to them. (Deer don't like Daffodils!)

This is my favorite TULIP this year.... Isn't she beautiful?

One of my favorite blooming trees in Spring is the RED BUD tree.... 

AND--another all-time favorite is our PINK DOGWOOD.

Looking up at the Pink Dogwood from below;  I love the BLUE SKY up there!!

Standing in our upper side yard,  I took this picture of the deck --showing the beginning of all of our LILIES.... Oh how I love our LILIES...

Here's a close-up of some of the Lily Containers on our deck!!!!!   Looking good!!! We still are having to cover them (with those black plastic bags) during Freeze and Frost warnings....I'm not sure when warm weather will get here to STAY!!!!!!

The big RED BUD and white DOGWOOD in our yard (4/15/21);  One of my favorite Spring Photos this year!!!

Our FIRST Blooming IRIS of the season:  Double Your Fun is her name!!!! 

NO --it's not snow on that tree!!!!! That is a photo I took while standing UNDER our big White DOGWOOD tree.

Another set of beauties in our yard now are all of our AZALEAS  (which are just beginning to bloom)... I love the hot pink color of this one!

Here's one more AZALEA for you today.... I love this design --so I took a close-up picture for you to see the details also!

WELL--enough for today!!! I hope you enjoyed seeing more of Spring from the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee!!!!  If I ever get time in my life,  I'll share more of the different varieties of DAFFODILS we had this Spring.  They have bloomed off and on for about 2 months this year and have been exquisite!!!

WELL---it is not over!!!!!!  Next to come: Irises, ROSES, Lilies and DayLilies!!!!!!!  Yeah!!!

UPDATE on my Heart Problem copied from my Facebook Post on April 8:  "Praise God!  Good news from my doctor this morning after a month of waiting.  After an Echocardiogram (March 1st),  I was first told that they saw "something they didn't like". Later they diagnosed me with a  CARDIAC MASS... Well--as you can imagine,  that 'mass' word scared the budooky out of me!!!!  I then had an MRI (March 30).  After that,  my doctor did some research from my old medical records --only to find out that I have had this 'growth' on my right Atrium since at least 2018 when I was diagnosed with A Fib.  They are continuing to research more--but  wanted to give me 'peace-of-mind' finally... NO MALIGNANCY!!!!!   Yeah Rah!   As you know, I have a lot of faith --and have tried to stay positive throughout this month-long ordeal...  I told my kids this morning that they aren't gonna get rid of me yet!!!!!!!  HA HA!!!!!   THANK YOU for your thoughts and prayers!!!!   Life goes on!!!"






Marcia said...

First, happy to hear you got good news from your doctor!
Second, I'm so glad to see your bleeding heart that I sent you so many years ago looking so fine. I do remember packaging it up to send with some other plants. I'm glad it has done so well for you.
At this new for us old house I have no idea what plants will show up. My daughter did plant tulip bulbs in the fall out front as a surprise for us. They are just now breaking through the ground. Daffodils appeared and some of bloomed while others are just budding. I spotted a peony but so far no bleeding heart. If you get any volunteer seedlings from the one in your garden I'd be happy if you sent it to me. :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Betsy. So glad you got a good report from the doctor. I didn't see that as I am on Facebook now in only a very limited way. The flowers in your yard are gorgeous as usual. Have a wonderful week. :-)

Rita said...

So happy to know the tests came out good! Also the picture of your husband with his bunny cake was oh so nice.
Have a wonderful spring day. 🌸

Betsy said...

Wonderful, wonderful news from your doctors! I've been praying for you. Your blooms and blossoms are so beautiful. Your yard is ready to "spring forth in joy" very soon.
We're expecting a rain/snow mix today in Nebraska. Meanwhile, Dennis is having 80 degree weather in Washington. The blah weather is just following me around the country!

George said...

Our yard has been beautiful this Spring in spite of the cold snaps we've had to endure. Now if we can just get through the next few nights . . . !

Fun60 said...

That is great news from the doctor. Your garden is always a riot of colour especially the bleeding heart.

Betsy said...

Such good news from your doctor! So glad to hear it! I look forward to seeing your lilies in bloom, gonna be gorgeous. I have plants I need to put out but not sure when the weather will be suitable here either. Cold, then not so cold and then the cold rain.
Love all of your pretty flowers and a show they are putting on, lovely tulips.
I need to put all of the blogs now I read in my side bar as the follow by email is leaving. Wonder whats next with google or blogger?

Dee said...

Wonderful news from your doctor!!! As always I love your flowers and trees. I have been at my son's in NE MS and just been amazed at the beautiful Azaleas, Redbuds, dogwoods, Jasmine, Bradford Pear, Plum and some others I don't know the name of - just know the beauty is exquisite. Love spring!!!

David said...

Betsy, Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. Your flowers are lovely indeed. We love our redbuds and dogwoods! We could have frost Wednesday morning and I'm guessing that you have an even bigger risk up on the plateau. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Barb said...

Very happy that you got good news about your heart Betsy. Waiting for results that long is scary! I just love seeing what's blooming in your yard as the snow continues to fly here.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, Betsy, I had not read this on Facebook. I am so glad it is not malignant. What does this mean for your health? Does it affect your heart? My favorite is your favorite Tulip, I don't think you sadi it's name.Your house and grounds are like a beautiful gadden center.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Forget to say how I love your collage header!!

Big Dude said...

Your place always looks so good and glad to here the medical situation is okay.

HappyK said...

Glad to hear of the good news from the doctor!!
Spring looks beautiful in your garden. Wow, love the pink dogwood, especially against the blue sky!!

The Furry Gnome said...

Your property is so beautiful! Your Dogwoods are amazing and your Redbud is incredible! It's still EARLY spring here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Seeing all that beauty on your yard makes me want to fire up my jet and head your way. Oh, wait a minute. I don’t have a jet and the borders are still closed. 🥲 So ,I’ll just enjoy your pictures. It’s almost bedtime for me and I think my brain is tired for this day.

Ann said...

So glad that you got some good news from your doctor.
Everything in your yard looks so beautiful and those dogwood against that blue sky are just gorgeous.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello dear Betsy,
Gosh that was good news from your Doctor, I'm doing a happy dance for you :)

I think that all the flowers in your garden/yard are looking so good, so many wonderful colours.

I think I agree with you though, the flowers in the big red bud and white dogwood are beautiful ...that's my favourite photograph too.

Take care of yourselves, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Linda said...

I am so glad you got good news from the doctor!

Kay said...

Oh my gracious! Thank goodness, Betsy. I'm so relieved for you.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,
I am glad you received good news from your doctor.
Your yard and flowers are gorgeous. The blooming trees are just lovely this spring.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Charlene said...

Good news from the doctor! That is wonderful. Your home is divine. I live in western New York and things are coming up pretty good. We had snow last week. Today it was 70. Go figure! Have a blessed week!

Jeevan said...

The redbud and dogwood look awesome against the pretty blue sky! Beautiful capture on the flowers and neatly arranged container of lilies. I'm glad the report made you relieve and good to hear as well... and I hope you continue with good health.

Take care

Great-Granny Grandma said...

These are all so beautiful You must have a gorgeous yard.
I did not now about your heat issues, but can imagine your relief at the good news from your doctor.