Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 5, 2021


Dear Friends,   Hope you had a wonderful Easter Weekend.  Easter is one of my all-time favorite days.  Jesus Christ is RISEN.   Alleluia!   This year,  George and I drove to Nashville to have Easter Dinner with his daughter, Kelly.  

This was a combination Easter and Birthday Dinner (since we didn't get to see Kelly on George's actual birthday, 3/9).   Kelly fixed an amazing dinner  (Lamb Chops,  Home-made AuGratin Potatoes,  and Fruit).  Delicious!

But the awesome part was the special dessert,  a Carrot "Bunny" Cake,  that Kelly made...  Carrot Cake is George's favorite cake ---so having it as part of a Bunny Cake was AWESOME.... Can you see the beaming smile on his face in the picture above?

Don't you just love George's Bunny Cake!!!!!!! Kelly did a great job,  didn't she?

I love this picture of George and his beautiful daughter, Kelly.  We had a fabulous visit and a great Easter.

Great Granddaughter,  Vivian Lee--age 3

Great Granddaughter Veronica Mae,  Age 1  (will be two in May)

I just HAD to include another Easter Joy!!!!!   Seeing Easter Pictures of my two beautiful Great Granddaughters  makes me so HAPPY.....   Aren't they just adorable?


WELL my friends,  on another note,  I need your thoughts and prayers, as I continue to struggle with a possible problem with my heart.... I had an Echocardiogram on March 1st --and then a Cardiac MRI on March 30..... Still no results --as of now, April 5th.... The waiting and lack of communication has been the hardest part.   I do have a lot of FAITH --and know that God will take care of me.  AND--since I'm basically a positive person (at least I TRY to be--most of the time--ha),  I am assuming that nothing major is wrong, since IF there was a real problem,  they would have done something much more quickly.   SO--I'll continue to wait!!!!!    Thanks for your prayers.  I need them!





George said...

It truly was a wonderful Easter/birthday celebration with Kelly -- the cake was awesome. Vivi and Roni make very cute Easter bunnies. I hope you hear something from your doctor SOON!

Marcia said...

Betsy, that's a long wait for results. I assume you've called and asked what's happening with the results of those tests.

Your great granddaughters are lovely ones.

Cute cake too. Who ate the jelly beans?

Chatty Crone said...

They know the results almost right away - hopefully that means you are okay. CALL.
You Easter looed like so much fun - I am so happy for you!

Did you get your shots?

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to see these photographs of a wonderful Easter/birthday celebration. Great smiles from George and your great grand-daughters too, the cake looks delicious.

I hope you get an answer soon from your medical team, but I'm saying a prayer for you and sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Ruth Hiebert said...

That cake looks fabulous. I don’t think George’s smile could get any bigger. Praying that you get to hear the results very soon. Waiting is so hard.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a lovely day you had and that cake looked too cute to cut but I bet that didn't stop George.
Waiting is tough but like you I'd take it as a positive. Were it serious, they would be right with you. Do you have a patient portal with the hospital? I use mine all the time to get results early.
You are in my prayers.

Ann said...

So glad you had a nice Easter. That cake is adorable and so are those precious great granddaughters.
Thoughts and prayers go out to you as you wait for news from the doctor.

HappyK said...

Lovely photos. Nice looking cake!! :)

The Furry Gnome said...

I've never heard of cake for Easter! Sounds like a good idea. Hope your heart is ok. I'm well aware of waiting for medical results!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I always say that no news is good news! If they see something bad, they usually call right away. Although the waiting is so nerve wracking, and not good for your heart! The cake is adorable and your Great Grands have grown so much! they are beautiful. Please let me know when you get the results.

Kay said...

I'm so sorry for all you are going through, Betsy. I shall keep you in my thoughts with wishes for good health and good news. Your tulips are gorgeous and that Easter bunny is totally amazing!

Lady Fi said...

Cute shots!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,
Looks like a wonderful Easter with your family. The cake looks yummy. Sending prayers for you, I hope you hear good news from your doctor. Take care, have a happy day!

Big Dude said...

Looks like you had a fine weekend and I like the cake.

Lynda said...

Carrot Cake - - - one of my favorites!!! Bill's mom made the best one ever.
Great pictures of a happy weekend.
Betsy - - so very sorry to hear your heart is not functioning well according to medical standards. We know it is emotionally and spiritually. It is so frustrating to have physical limitations when our mind and desire to do things is so strong. I need to remember you in prayer more often.

David said...

Betsy, Looks like a great Easter celebration/birthday party! Great looking cake and the great granddaughters are really cute! I'm hoping that no news re: your heart, however frustrating, is good news... Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely Easter celebration and that 'carrot' bunny cake is great! Your sweet little great grands are adorable. Praying that you will hear from your drs soon. Praying that all will be well. ~ Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

Fun60 said...

Lovely photos especially the one of George and Kelly. What a treat for you all to get together. I am sure you are right about your results being ok otherwise you would have heard.

Jeevan said...

I hope there's no problem with your heart, and perhaps that's why they didn't urge with the report. But anyhow, I wish you more positive vibes to enhance yours exists. I love kelly's cute bunny cake, and I'm glad you guys had fun along with the little great-grandkids :)

Take care

Barb said...

Your Header is gorgeous, Betsy. Carrot cake is my favorite too. Our neighbor just shared some slices with us - delicious. Glad you could make the trip to TN. Those little girls are so cute! I'll definitely be thinking of you. It's hard not knowing - hope you get good news soon.

Linda said...

Praying for your health. I love the cake!

Tikno said...

I can feel your joyful with family though you photo.

diane b said...

A nice visit for George's birthday and Easter. Great Granddaughters are so cute.