Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Kentucky Trip with Good Friends (October 7-9, 2019)

Our good friends,  Neal and Patti
Hello Blog Friends,   There's nothing better in life than visiting with family and/or friends.   We met with great friends,  Neal and Patti, at a little cabin in Cave City, Kentucky for a couple of days of FUN, FELLOWSHIP and FOOD.... We had a huge amount of all three of those!!!!!! I never laughed so much in my life,  never talked so much, and never ate so much!!!!!!!! ha ha ha....  It was GREAT...

Cave City is near Mammoth Cave National Park, and when the four of us visit that area,  we don't do what most visitors do at Mammoth Cave. We don't tour the caves.  Instead we love the other areas of the park....   SO --today I'll share some of our little trip with you and show you around the area and around out little cabin.. Hope you enjoy seeing a little piece of southern Kentucky.

We took a little hike on the Sand Cave Trail.

This is SAND CAVE....   Don't think I want to go into that cave.  You?

Patti (she is SO tiny and cute),  Neal and George along the Sand Cave Trail

We also walked around the Sloans Crossing Pond... This little froggie was enjoying the day!!!!

Our little cabin on the hill near  Mammoth Cave National Park;  The Cabin was TINY for four of us adults---but the view was AWESOME.

The view of the valley below from our porch

Looking the other way from the porch;  See the field of cows below?  

We all got up early on the 8th to see a beautiful SUNRISE... WOW---it was awesome.

BEFORE the sun popped up,  this was the early morning sky!   Neat,  don't you think?

Want to travel down this road with me????  These are the kind of roads I LOVE to explore as we traveled back into the deep woods.

This is what we saw at the end of that little road (in the picture above)... This is Good Spring Baptist Church --established in 1842.

We also visited the Nolin River Lake (and dam).  Gorgeous day in Kentucky!!!

We didn't see much Fall Color that week --but here's one tree trying to show off some of its yellows and oranges.

Want to come and have a picnic with us --and wait to see the sunset?????  This picture was taken  from our porch the late afternoon on Oct.8...

Taken from our porch the same late afternoon (as the picture above);   There's more Fall color when the sun hits those trees...

 SUNSET the evening of October 8;  Such a gorgeous sky!!!

One more picture of the SUNRISE on October 8--since I managed to take a huge bunch of pictures... ha ha

Us at the Mammoth Cave sign!!!!!
We 'forgot' to try to get a picture of the four of us together --like we usually do --but they took a picture of us and we took a picture of them at the sign.....

The weather was good... It was drizzly and cool the day we got there (7th)... That's why we all have on our rain jackets.... The next day when we spent the day out-and-about,  the weather was PERFECT  (sunny and temps in the low 70's).....

Several of you have asked about my health...   My heart rate is still GOOD (normal sinus rhythm) --and I feel good... I'm off all of the powerful medications except the blood thinner (Xarelto) which I'll be on for the remainder of my life. A Fib is never completely cured --and can come back at anytime....  SO---if it ever does come back,  the Xarelto keeps me from having a stroke (which, as you know, is a good thing NOT to have)....  SO----other than getting older and slower and having less energy ---I'm doing fine!!!!!  Thanks for asking.

Have an awesome week --and catch up with some friends SOON...  It's just SO much fun!!!



Fun60 said...

That cabin is situated in a perfect spot. I don't think I would be venturing into the caves, much prefer to be walking through the woodland and looking at the spectacular scenery. Good to know your health is so much better.

Linda P said...

It's wonderful to know that you're getting out-and-about and enjoying life. It's always good to meet up with friends who love the outdoors. Great views of the woods and lakes in autumn. What a sunrise!

Ann said...

What a wonderful place to visit. I would love to travel down that road and explore everything there is to see there.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy!

I am glad you are feeling well. The Kentucky trip looks like a fun time with your friends. I enjoyed the photos, they bring back memories of the trip hubby and I took to Mammoth. The sunrise images are gorgeous.
Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead.

Big Dude said...

Looks like you had a grand time and got some some great shots

Connie said...

Great pictures! What a lovely view and a neat place to visit.

Julie said...

Great to hear that your health is good Betsy and you must feel reassured too. What an amazing trip with special friends. Your photos are a celebration of the beautiful location and gorgeous sunrise. xx

George said...

You've doe a great job of summarizing our wonderful visit with Patti annd Neal.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you are ding this much better, Betsy!! Your header is stunning; did you snap it on this trip? I think my favorites are the lake and the sunrise. The cabin IS tiny for four people, but so cute!

Betsy said...

That is a beautiful spot Betsy. Thank you for sharing it all with us. I was so happy to hear your health update. What a blessing to be feeling so well again.
Much love and blessings,

linda m said...

I love that little cabin. What a gorgeous view. Never knew all that stuff was around Mammoth Cave.

Neal said...

And believe me..... it took all three (George, Patti, and I) to keep Betsy in line. :) We always have a lot of fun with these two.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can imagine that when the four ofnrou get together, you have a blast. The pictures are gorgeous. I couldn't pick a favourite right scene, because thay are all lovely.

Arkansas Patti said...

Delighted that you are still doing so well after the ablation. Looks like you had a great visit with your good friends. Laugh, talk, eat and seeing great sights. Sounds perfect.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a wonderful holiday!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
What a wonderful few days you had with your good friends.
I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs …
Southern Kentucky looks so beautiful.

So very pleased to read that your health is good.
Take care, and sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Shug said...

A beautiful trip and I see that you were able to find some Fall colors. I guess that Sam and I should have traveled further up into Kentucky. I'm hoping that next year when Sam makes his Tennessee trip, we will be able to meet up with you and George. So glad you all had a great time!!

Linda said...

I'm so glad you had fun! Nice pictures!

David said...

Betsy, Great photos and scenery as usual! We've had our fill of caves over the years despite the fact that I've never been to Mammoth Cave. We even explored 1 in Australia and another in New Zealand...and of course the Lost Sea right here in Monroe County. Too many people apparently miss the beauty of Mammoth Cave...sad! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your trip looks like a lot of fun. What's better than a 'cozy' cabin for four? ;)
I'm so happy that your health is improving! You've got a lot of life left in you and much to do. XO

BeachGypsy said...

What beautiful country!!--love seeing it! Glad y'all got to go and looks like it was a great visit, so nice to see friends. Wow, isn't that scenery just stunning!!? The sunrises are amazing and my FAVORITE is the long path through the woods, coming to the lil church....I would love that. So glad you are feeling good and off some meds, that has to help! Thanks for sharing your fun adventures!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful landscapes!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wonderful photos. It is a blessing to be able to visit old friends you haven't seen in a while, and it sounds like you all had a great time laughing together and catching up.
I love your header picture, as well as what you have written beneath it about life being all about choices and attitude. We may not be able to control the circumstances we are presented with, but our perspective can make a huge difference in how we respond to it.

Lady Fi said...

What fun! And such gorgeous scenery.

Jeevan said...

Looks it was a wonderful stay and hike together with your friends at the cabin over the hills! Beautiful views on the valleys and of the sunrise and sunset. Good to know you continue to do well with your heart rates… my cardiologist too reduced the medicine as my heart functions adequately.

Take care

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Soooo pretty! You two always find the neatest places for adventures. I have been to Mammoth Cave but didn't have time to stay there or to investigate any trails or sunsets!
I'm glad you are doing so weel, health wise.
You two have a wonderful Sunday!

diane b said...

Thank s fo showing me Kentucky. Its beautiful where you stayed. Yes catching up with friends is a great way to enjoy yourselves.