Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 7, 2019

More Beautiful ROSES in our Yard ---Part II

Hello Blog Friends/Family... Hope your October is going well SO FAR.   We finally have some Fall-like weather here in Tennessee  after  a long long September of record breaking heat and drought....Hopefully our October will be much much nicer!!!!!

I am posting Part II of the ROSES in our yard this year... IF you missed Part I,  click HERE.   I think we have had about 69 different ROSES to bloom this year.   I can't possibly choose a favorite one --since I love them all.

Today's ROSE pictures were taken from June 11 through July 10... Sit back and ENJOY!!!!!

PINK PEACE--6/15/19

LEMON SPICE--6/15/19  (This one has been in our yard many years and is usually one of the first to bloom in the Spring.)

SEVENTH HEAVEN--6/25/19   (New in our yard this year; Love the colors)

SHEER MAGIC--7/10/19

WINTER SUN --6/16/19

ABOUT FACE--6/27/19   (Love this one and its name;  The underneath part of the petals are that dark rose color and when the rose opens up, the upper part of the petals are a tannish-yellow color...Amazing little rose that has been in our yard for many years.)

ALEC'S RED--7/07/19   (another little beauty which has been in our yard for many years,  and this bright red rose has an incredible fragrance)


TIFFANY--7/10/19 (LOVE the color of this rose)

CRESCENDO--7/1/19  (always a pretty bloomer)


COLOR MAGIC --6/18/19  (new in our yard this year;  Isn't it pretty?)
Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our amazing ROSES.... They have even done well during our heat wave and drought (thanks to George for watering them and taking such good care of them...

My son, Mark,   participated in the WALK for SUICIDE PREVENTION on Oct. 5 in Knoxville, TN. He was one of the speakers...  I have a video of his speech and have listened to it several times.  Debbie was such an amazing woman --and had so much to live for... She is greatly missed not only by Mark --but by many many friends and family members... I am so proud of Mark for doing this to raise awareness when it comes to Mental Illness.

Have an awesome week,  and reach out to help someone who may need your love/help...



Ann said...

WOW, 69 different roses and each one as beautiful as the next.

George said...

You did a great job capturing the beauty of our roses.

Linda P said...

Gorgeous roses. So glad they give much pleasure thanks to your husband's care especially during the lack of rain times. You've captured the beauty of each one.

Buttercup said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful roses. So glad I was able to help support Mark and the good work he is part of. May Debbie's memory continue to be a blessing. Love to you and George!

Betsy said...

I can't even imagine the beauty in your yard. Your neighbors must enjoy them almost as much as you do Betsy.
What a great thing for Mark to participate in. I'm very sorry that your family has had to travel the path of suicide. It affects everyone who knew the person.
Saturday must have been a day for "walks". We had the Alzheimers Awareness walk here that several people I know walked in. My best friend is the state representative for Washington and regularly goes to the state legislature and even DC to petition for funds for research. She does it all on a volunteer basis. Her mother and now her dear monther-in-law have both suffered with it.
I hope you are doing well and feeling good my friend.

Arkansas Patti said...

Seventh Heaven was my favorite but all were beautiful.
Congrats to Mark for his work in Suicide Prevention. I know it must have been rewarding yet painful for him at the same time.

Judy said...

You have beautiful roses. I wish I could see them in real life.

Kay said...

I love all your day lilies and roses, Betsy. That last rose is my favorite. Roses were always my favorite flowers. Sigh... I wish I could still smell them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sundance for me, it is one of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen! Next would be Seventh Heaven. We broke 100 year records with the heat wave. We also have your drought.

linda m said...

You are so fortunate to have such lovely roses growing in your yard. Hats off to George and all his hard work.

William Kendall said...


Sandi said...


The Furry Gnome said...

69 roses!? I like the header best.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The roses are all beautiful and I'll just take a bouquet with one of each. LOL I listened to Mark's speech, he did very well.

Linda said...

Your header is awesome! I'm glad that Mark did the march.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
Your roses are just beautiful and the colours amazing. There is such a variety and I couldn't possibly choose a favourite.
Well done to Mark for taking part, and speaking, at the Walk For Suicide Prevention.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Bobbie said...

Beautiful, beautiful roses!!!

Lady Fi said...

What gorgeous shots!

Jeevan said...

Absolutely a gorgeous series of roses from your yard! And you captured them all excellent in their natural cosmetics and beauty. Indeed that’s a great cause by Mark and I hope his speech inspires many to love life and put away from suicide thoughts.

Have great weekend betsy!

Connie said...

Your roses are absolutely gorgeous! You have much to be proud of in your son.

diane b said...

The roses are absolutely beautiful. You are lucky to have a great gardener in your house. Good on Mark. Depression is a horrible illness. Our son in law does lots of charity events for "One in Five" Charity for mental health.