Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 5, 2019

My Beautiful Life

Elizabeth Bruce Banks,  born August 5,  1942 (little fatty --to this day!!!! ha)
Well My Friends,   somehow,  with God's help and YOURS,   I made it another year.....  Today  I am now 77 years YOUNG.   SO---I'll share with you a few pictures of  me through the years...

This birthday is special since I am still in Normal Sinus Rhythm (my heart is beating NORMALLY) --and I feel really good...  I still tire easily,  but am 100000000% better than I was last year on my birthday!!!!!  SO---we're heading outta here to do some celebrating!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy the pictures.... I have truly have had a great life, hopefully with LOTS more to come....

Brother Jim, Mom,  Brother Ray,  ME, Dad (Sadly,  I am the only one left.) The extra picture on top was taken in about 1945.  

Senior Prom,  1960

One of my College Pictures,  about 1962

She graduated and went to work!!!!!  (I married,  had 3 awesome sons,  and worked FULLTIME from 1965-2003.  This picture was taken in about 1992-- when I turned 50!!!!)

The HIKING girl!!!!!    Got to live my passion  of loving the outdoors when I met and married George Adams. (Taken about 2004 I thnk)   

Then she 'grew up'...... Life just gets better!!!!! (Taken about 2013)

Nothing better than hiking in the mountains  (taken about 2017)

Another Passion of mine!!!   Devotions and Hot tea on the Swing--early on a cool morning  at our wonderful little home!!!!!!  (Taken on July 24, 2019)
OKAY--- I'll stop although I could go on and on about my beautiful life... I've talked about some passions for life that I have,  but there are many more --beginning with my love for God,  my love for my awesome husband, my love for my three fantastic sons,  AND many more 'loves' (gardening--especially our roses and lilies;  my computer time with YOU;  my love of Genealogy; and MORE)...

Hope you have a terrific week ahead.... I'm sure I'll be sharing some new pictures with you soon.  God's Blessings on ALL of you.



Fun60 said...

Happy Birthday. Those are terrific photos giving us a glimpse of your life. Isn't it wonderful that we have so much to celebrate? I want to leave this earth with no regrets.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday sweet lady. I hope you have a wonderful day.

linda m said...

You really do have a beautiful life. May God grant you many more birthdays.

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday to you! A beautiful life you have! Thank you for sharing it and good to hear that you are feeling great. You look great!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful lady and sweet friend! What a cutie you've been your whole life and you exude happiness! I always know I'll feel even happier after a visit to your blog! I'm glad you are feeling good and hope you have a wonderful day! Hiking girl...I love that! We're two of a kind! Birthday hugs coming your way, Diane

Rita said...

I love all these pictures. 🥳HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The black/brown and white picture with the bow in your hair is precious.

Sandi said...

Happy birthday!

What a great life! :)

Many blessings...

Dee said...

Happy Birthday Betsy!!! It is wonderful that your health has improved and you and your dear husband will be getting out on a special trip. I will look forward to seeing the beautiful pictures you both take of your trip. I am two months and three days older than you and love, love God, my husband and family, the outdoors, flower gardens and genealogy as you do. Thanks for your beautiful blog and all the fantastic photos.

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday Betsy. You have barely changed. So happy about the great health news. Keep it going and enjoy this 77th year.

Lady Fi said...

Awww - gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful day.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

You are blessed. Wonderful photos! Happy Birthday!

Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Betsy!!! You were always beautiful!! In the second picture you look just like Shirley Temple, has anyone ever told you that? I loved looking back at you. I hope you post about your day and what you did, I know George is so romantic!

Betsy said...

Happy, Happy Birthday dear Betsy! I loved seeing the photos of your beautiful life. You are truly an inspiration to me. May God bless you with many, many more years with your George.
Much love and many blessings,
The "other" Betsy

Rambling Solo said...

Happy Birthday!

David said...

Betsy, Happy Birthday! Great old photos... Back in the day, if you weren't a chubby baby, you weren't normal. Wishing you many more great years of doing what you love! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing moments from your life with us. I said it before, but I'll say it again,'Happy Birthday'. Hope you are enjoying every moment of this day.

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Birthday Wishes Dear Betsy, so nice to see the photographs you've shared.

I wish you a fabulous day and a great year ahead.

All the best Jan

The Furry Gnome said...

Wonderful post! Happy Birthday!

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad you can say to the world you have had a wonderful life. Awesome - God is good.
You are so sweet.

Big Dude said...

Happy BD Betsy and hope you had a wonderful day with many more to come.

Judy said...

What a wonderful happy blog. I trust you enjoyed your birthday.

Pedaling said...

Happy Birthday. It is a wonderful life. thanks for sharing yours.

Linda said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing these delightful pictures.

Connie said...

I hope your birthday was an extra special one, Betsy, and that you had a fabulous time on your trip. Beautiful photos! I enjoyed seeing them.

William Kendall said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Saw your link on Let Your Light Shine and came over to say hello. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love your blog, and am thinking we have a lot in common. I had OHS a little over a year ago to replace my mitral valve, and am also very grateful it's ticking the way it's supposed to. Hope you come check out my blog too. I just returned to blogland after some time away and would love to make some new friends, since most of my old ones seem to have disappeared.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, happy belated birthday and what a gift you've received this year--normal rhythm. How wonderful.

Thank you for sharing the photographs of yourself. Always you were so attractive! And still are! It's the inner peace shining through. Peace.

Small Kucing said...

No matter you are 3 years old, 23 years old or 77 years old...you still have that pretty smile and twinkling eyes. Hugs :)