Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 1, 2019

This Bud's for YOU...

Moonstone ---6/2/19
And----I'm not talking about beer!!!!!! ha....

Hi Friends,   How are you on this first day of July, 2019?????   The older I get,  the more time flies by me!!!!!!   After my three medical procedures  (Cardioversion--April 23,  Carpal Tunnel Surgery--May 16,  and Cardiac Ablation --June 13),   I am here to say that this ole' almost 77 year old woman is doing quite well.... I'm still low on energy which is to be expected,  but every day there's improvement.... Thanks again for being here for me throughout all of this.  Hopefully,  this will be the LAST one for awhile!!!!

Today,   I'm sharing some ROSE BUDS in our yard for you...  I usually wait until the roses open up more before showing them to you... BUT this year,  the BUDS have been so pretty..... SO --I picked out a few of them to share   (all taken between June 2nd and June 10th)... Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!

Summer Nights - 6/2/19

Daring Spirit - 6/2/19

Strike It Rich -- 6/2/19

Welcome Home,  6/3/19

Touch of Class- 6/3/19

Gemini - 6/5/19

Paradise - 6/8/19

Helen Traubel - 6/5/19

Simply Magnificent -6/10/19
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the pretty Rose Buds in our yard....  Do you have a favorite from this group?   My two fav's are Moonstone and Gemini,  but I also love Simply Magnificent!!!

I also hope that you have an awesome day, week and JULY..   Happy Birthday, America!!!!



BeachGypsy said...

So glad to hear that you are improving and getting all healed up and feeling better! Just rest as much as you can, and you should start feeling more energetic soon. Loved seeing your gorgeous roses! I like the last ones the best, they are magnificent for sure!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So glad you are doing so much better dear Betsy.
Each day we are gifted with is a blessing.
My favorite roses, Moonstone, Gemini and Paradise.

Happy Summer ~ FlowerLady

Ann said...

These are beautiful. I would much rather have this type of bud than the beer type and they smell way better too. I can't even pick a favorite, each is just as pretty as the next

George said...

You got some great pictures of the rose buds in ur yard. I just hope there are many more for you to capture this season.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad the surgeries have been successful. Hope that ablation has eliminated the AFIB. I know how that bothered you.
Got to go with Strike it Rich. My favorite color.
Have a great 4th.

Chatty Crone said...

I like 'Simply Magnificent' - you have a terrific 4th too.

linda m said...

All I can say is WOW. They sure are pretty.

Betsy said...

I'm so glad that you're feeling better as each day goes by. What a wonderful blessing for you and George. You'll soon be hiking to your beloved waterfalls!
it would be impossible for me to choose a favorite today. They are all gorgeous. I hope you have a wonderful Monday and a happy 4th of July.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your header is so startling and pretty, perfect for the Fourth! I am so glad you are well, I know it has been a long road. Favorite buds...Daring spirit, Strike It rich, and the first one. You KNOW I can never pick just one. What will you be doing on the fourth? Anything going on at Biltmore?

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
I'm so pleased to read that you are doing quite well. I'm sure your energy levels will improve as time goes on to. Continuing to send positive thoughts and healing prayers your way.

Your Rose-buds are fabulous and it's so hard to choose a favourite. The colours are superb and I did enjoy seeing them, thank-you.

Happy 4th of July to you.

All the best Jan

Ruth Hiebert said...

OHHHH! Thanks so much for sharing these buds. They are so very sweet. A favourite? Impossible to pick's once again, one of each please.

Silver in AZ said...

I used to have a Gemini (such a prolific bloomer), and my mom once had a Helen T. Nice memories. Great roses!

Rose said...

No, I cannot pick a favorite! I am glad to hear you are doing good, and also hope you don't have to go through more.

diane b said...

Gemini is my favourite. Glad to hear you are getting back to normal and you will be able to romp into your 77th year like I did not long ago. I went for my final check up with the surgeon who removed a big skin cancer from under my nose. She was happy with it. I still feel soreness in the area but its okay. So like you after three health issues I'm on the way back to my old self. Broken Ankle, skin cancer and food poisoning. Not as dangerous as your problems though.

Linda said...

Thank you for the pretty rose buds! I'm glad you are recovering. Don't overdo it. Best wishes.

Linda P said...

So glad to hear that you're feeling much better. I'm sure your energy will improve day by day. Thank you for sharing your pretty rose buds. Roses are a delight as they're beautiful at different stages of blooming. Love Moonstone and Daring Spirit. You have such a variety to enjoy. They're all gorgeous.

David said...

Betsy, Glad to hear that you're improving health wise every day. At our age, every day is a gift! I'll be turning 77 very soon as well. Great photos of your roses... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

LV said...

There are no ugly roses. My favorite FLOWER AND YOURS ARE AT THE TOP OF THE LINE. ALL SO GORGEOUS. REST AND ENJOY SOME "DOWN TIME". If nothing happens,I will be 90 in August. Take care.

betty-NZ said...

Roses are gorgeous in every stage of their development, aren't they!? They are gorgeous shares on my rainy, wet, winter day!

My Corner of the World

Shug said...

Stunning buds and the photography is amazing! So glad you are feeling better and hoping that in time, you will feel GREAT. Hugs

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Glad you are improving. Please look after yourself although I am sure George is doing that. ALL your Roses are fabulous. I have been away in Scotland at my sister's (so no commenting) and just about to go away again for 2 more weeks! But thanks for all your comments. Well life is short and I am making the most of it

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

Your rose buds and images are lovely. I am glad you are feeling well, improving every day. That is good news. Happy 4th of July. Have a great day!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Connie said...

Your rosebuds are absolutely gorgeous, Betsy! I'm glad you made it successfully through all three medical procedures. I hope you can just relax and heal now, and feel better every day. Happy 4th of July!

Lady Fi said...

Glad to hear you are doing well! Those rose buds are gorgeous.

Happytrails said...

Your rose bud pictures are incredible and so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them. I think I like the Strike it Rich bud the best...though they are all very pretty.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Awesome rose buds with pretty tender open lips and I also found those rose names interesting. Sorry to hear the medical procedures you went through for heart but glad you recovering well. I too had my appointment with cardio last week and found my weak heart has incredible improvement to pump normal.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh dear you have had too much going on physically! I hope you continue to get well. I get very tired but I rest plenty also. Walking with a walker is so nice, the rollator is a chair to rest in. I recommend them.

Tanza Erlambang said...

beautiful flowers...
Happy 4th of July

Busy Bee Suz said...

Lots of beautiful buds, although I'm more of a 'wine' girl. :)
I'm so happy that you are making improvements in your health and feeling better all the time. Keep it up!