Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 8, 2019

Just some Pretty Flowers from the Biltmore Conservatory

Something New:  A little TRAIN display in the Conservatory!!   How Special!
Hello Blog Friends,   The last trip that George and I took was to Biltmore House and Gardens on May 5,  2019.... We were there to see the Spring flowers --mainly the Azaleas.   BUT--since I had my Cardioversion (shocking the heart) on April 23, we were late this year getting there.  However, anytime of year that one goes to Biltmore,  he/she cannot go wrong when visiting the Conservatory.

So--I'll share with you a bunch of beautiful flowers and greenery that we found that day....   I love COLORS  --so today,  just sit back and take in all of the beauty.  Biltmore does a fabulous job of grouping plants together to give a great appearance.... Hope you enjoy all of the colors ---and of course, my favorite,  the ORCHIDS.

Hope you enjoyed seeing so many gorgeous flowers/plants and SO many pretty colors which blend together...   I took all of these pictures with my iPhone --and am pleased with the result.   Sometimes my Canon (which I love) is just too heavy to carry now.

If you ever visit Biltmore (during any season),  do NOT miss seeing the Conservatory!!!!!

Have a great week...   Thanks again for thinking about me.  I am doing well --and my heart is still beating in NORMAL RHYTHM.... Yeah!!!!



Ann said...

So many gorgeous flowers and I just adore the one with the train set up.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I miss being close enough to visit the Biltmore during all the seasons! LOVE the conservatory! What fabulous photos you took. Glad you are feeling strong my friend! Hugs!

George said...

You got some great pictures in the Conservatory. I think it's about time for us to go back there.

David said...

Betsy, All the flowers are really beautiful but my favorite are those first white and red orchids! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Arkansas Patti said...

Iphones really take nice pictures don't they and it is something you most often have with you. Great invention. I don't have cell service here but wouldn't mind one just for the quick camera.
I think my favorite flowers these days are the orchids.

Fun60 said...

fabulous photos and those orchids are gorgeous.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Each picture is so stunning! I love the little train. And I have never seen an iris like this frilly purple and white one. It is so unusual.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad that your heart ablation worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you took the most gorgeous photos of flowers. I do look at them and amazed at God's handiwork.

Betsy said...

The Biltmore looks like such a wonderful place to visit. How nice that you are close enough to go often. I'm so glad to hear that you're still doing well. I'm still praying for you my friend.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You know Betsy, I might just wear out my camera if I was at that place. Each flower has such amazing detail and beauty.

The Furry Gnome said...

What spectacular flowers!

Linda said...

Beautiful blossoms! Glad you are getting out to your favorite places.

Lady Fi said...

Oh, so pretty!

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Betsy, I just loved all these pictures of the bright and colorful flowers! You said if we go there to be sure and see the Conservatory.....well--they would probably have to drag ME OUT OF the Conservatory, ha ha LOL!! I'd just want to stay there all day. Hope you're feeling better and recovering!

linda m said...

Wow, so many gorgeous flowers. I really do need to visit that place. So happy to hear that your heart is beating in normal rhythm.

William Kendall said...

Lovely flowers!

Connie said...

Stunning photos of the beautiful flowers there, Betsy. What a great place to visit.

Shug said...

Oh wow.....They are all so very pretty and with my love of flowers, I know I would so enjoy visiting this place. I hope that Sam and I will be able to visit Biltmore this coming Fall...I'm sure that whatever season it is, this place is filled with beauty....

Small Kucing said...

Hello again , Betsy.

Hope you are feeling much better now.

I love all those flowers. It's nice that they have a place and people to take care of them. I would love to plant them but just don't have the space and time

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
I am so pleased to read that you are doing well, and your heart is still beating in normal rhythm, that is wonderful :)
I enjoyed seeing all of your colourful photographs, simply gorgeous.

Take care and enjoy the coming weekend.

All the best Jan