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Our Thanksgiving Family: Left to right: Mark, George, me, Bert, Jeff, Dawn, Shirley (Dawn's Mom) and Robert (Dawn's father) |
This year, there were 8 of us. George's daughter was enjoying Thanksgiving in Tullahoma with her aunt. George's son and family were with their family in Florida.
After developing A Fib this year, I knew that I couldn't prepare a big dinner for the family. That upset me since I've always had so much energy to do the things I love. But--life has slowed me down this year bigtime. However, the good news is that I was able to sit and relax and just enjoy being with the family! The bad news was not having those wonderful left-overs --which always taste SO good!!!!! ha
We took the family to LEGEND'S (a community restaurant, which is part of our Druid Hills Golf Club). They were offering a BIG buffet --with turkey, ham and all of the traditional trimmings. I'm sure that all of us had PLENTY to eat (maybe a little too much).... I even ate a piece of Pecan Pie and George had some Pumpkin Pie. YUM....
I didn't take too many pictures this year, but did get a few when we were at Legend's, and later, some at home.... Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been special for the family ---but after the year I have been through with my health problems, this year's time together was probably one of my favorites!!!! The good news is that Dawn and Jeff have invited us to their home on Christmas---so we'll get to see each other again soon!!!!! YEAH!
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My Blessings: Sons Bert (55), Mark (48) and Jeff (47) |
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Son Jeff and his very creative wife, Dawn |
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Son Mark ---texting with Diana (his Texas Girlfriend) ---or his daughter, Brooke |
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Bert (goes by Tre now) |
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George got the tripod out --so that we could get a picture from home! 1st row: George, me, Shirley, Robert (Dawn's parents) 2nd row: Bert, Mark, Jeff, Dawn |
Family gatherings are precious. I'm glad you had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving. It was good you had a tripod so that you could take a lovely family group photo. Thank you for sharing all your photos. The advice you give is very true and wise.
So glad you were able to have all three of your sons together for the holiday. Wonderful group shot at the the end there..
How wonderful to have your three sons with you for Thanksgiving.
Have a lovely Christmas season ~ FlowerLady
No need to make excuses for not cooking. It's the getting together that is important. We went to my youngest sister's home. There were 18 total there and everyone contributed something to the meal. Neither of our daughters were in attendance. We did get to see one the next day for a trip into DC.
It is great your were able to enjoy your Thanksgiving with your sons and family. That is a treat and a happy Thanksgiving. Love the family photo. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!
Is the doctor still looking for a medication for the Afib? Maybe you are taking medication and it will only do so much. Such a fun picture of your boys. You are blessed that they could all come. Great idea to take everyone out to eat and enjoy the family and conversation. Wishing you the best! Christmas is in one month. We are enjoying each other and cut back on gifts and decorating this year. Happy Times!
We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving, didn't we?
So great that you could all be together.
I’m so happy that you’re able to be with family. It doesn’t matter whether you cook it or not, it’s the company that is important. Ours was a very, very quiet Thanksgiving. But I got to spend it with the love of my life and that’s what was important.
Blessings always, Betsy
Beautiful photos, Betsy. I’m so happy you had the whole family together for Thanksgiving. I think you were very wise to go out for dinner. Like you, I no longer have what it takes to cook a big feast either, and that is ok.
Great pictures of your day!! And now a great Christmas to look forward to! I have not been able to cook a meal for over three people for years!! And now my health is even worse. Well, it is what it is, we just have to work around it. I miss my old self.
What a good idea to go out for a meal so you could all just sit back and enjoy the company and the food.
These are special moments that will become treasured memories.
What a wonderful time you must have had with the family all there. Hey, just about everyone I know has passed the torch for providing holiday meals. Nothing wrong with letting a younger one or even a restaurant tackle the huge meals. I have found being the guest is as much fun if not more than being the hostess.
That was delightful;. I would rather eat at home truly. So much nicer and more relaxed/ What a nice family you have and I am glad your three sons got there and that you will see them again on Christmas. That is what we live for as moms. I love your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sandie
What a smart woman you are, Betsy! Eating out for Thanksgiving dinner. Even though you would have preferred to do the cooking at home, I'm sure it was nice to let someone else cook and clean-up afterwards. As time goes on, I'm thinking more and more about going out for holiday dinners.
I like your philosophy - I always have "think positive, count your blessings, etc."
You have a nice family, Betsy, and I'm so pleased you could all sit down together and celebrate.
Yes, live each day to the fullest, even if a little slower than before.
Oh how very special to have your sons all at home at the same time.The time you could spend together,I'm sure was priceless and no dishes to wash. LOL
Wonderful family photos, Betsy! How nice that you could all be together for the holiday.
What lovely family time!
Family time is the best! Glad you had a great day.
Love the happy pictures, my friend! So glad you got to have the family time! The picture of all your sons together is such a good one!-- I know you will treasure it!
How wonderful all three sons could get together. What a beautiful family you have. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving.
Hello Betsy
It is so special when we can spend time with family.
Your Thanksgiving looks and sounds wonderful.
So nice to see all of your photographs, thank you for sharing them here.
My good wishes
All the best Jan
Betsy, Despite not being able to cook dinner at home, you still had the great gift of having all of your boys visit and share Thanksgiving with you! That is the most important thing isn't it? Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
So true with your words and we never know what happen next, just like how its happening with our lives where we discovered coronary blockage in my dad's heart and was support to go through surgery. I'm really happy for you to celebrate thanksgiving with your sons and family. Nice families get together photos here.
That is an absolutely brilliant idea! The perfect way to have a great meal AND enjoy your sweet family. I have 4 sons (and mine are close to the same age as your 'boys') I'm glad you got to spend time with them and make some memories! As we know...things change all along! We are blessed my friend! Hugs, Diane
It is so good to hear how happy you are to have all the boys together for Thanksgiving. Family is everything.
You are a brilliant woman to figure out how to celebrate with family but also protect your health. The more years we add, the more we recognize how important it is to guard our health because it does not take much for it to get unbalanced or even extremely serious with a problem. Praise God our mind is still strong enough to figure this out!
Your pictures are phenomenal ! They capture the joy and love you all have for each other!! I did not take a single one at our get together at the Kids' Cabin. It was one of the best Thanksgiving gatherings though.
Dear Betsy, it's wonderful that this year especially--because of your health concerns--you got to spend Thanksgiving with all three of your sons. Your attitude toward life--your philosophy of being--is so threaded with gratitude that it inspires all of us who read your postings here and on Facebook. Thank you for being such a gift from the Universe. Peace.
Wonderful family picture. Good that you all could sit down together and enjoy what looks to be all anyone could ask for at a Thanksgiving table.
I'm running way behind on catching up on post. I see your gorgeous tree in your header...Beautiful. I know that you adjusting to the things that you can and can't do is very difficult, but you are a strong lady and I know you will make the Best out of things. It's great seeing the beautiful smiles on your families faces. such a precious family. glad y'all got to all be together. big hugs Betsy
Not many photos but its the precious moments that counts :)
have a great weekend, Betsy
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