Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 10, 2018

Why we LOVE the BEACH (Beach Trip-2018)

Islander Inn,  Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina (A view from our room)
Dear Friends,   Sorry I wasn't around last week.... My intentions were to do 'this' post LAST week while we were at the beach..  BUT---those best laid plans didn't work!!!   I just couldn't find time to blog.  Oh WELL---we are now home,  and I'll share some posts from our latest trip to Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina  from Dec. 2-7, 2018.

Many of you know that we have taken this trip most every year since we got married in 2001. We first stayed at Cherry Grove Inn in North Myrtle Beach, and when they tore that gorgeous little inn down in order to build another huge high-rise in that area,  we then moved to Ocean Isle and have been coming ever since.

Some years we came in May,  other years in December,  and other years,  both times!!!  I personally prefer December  since May has gotten so crowded.  Last year was the first time I think we didn't get to come at all (due to my hospitalization plus deaths and other illness in our family).It was great to get back this year!

My Theme for these upcoming posts this year  is  "What we Love about the Beach"...  Hope you enjoy today's post  (with at least 2 more to come on other dates)...  Note picture above...   One thing we LOVE about being here is the Islander Inn where we stayed...  Having an Ocean-Front room is so awesome.   It is a TRUE vacation for us!

From inside our room ---looking out at our balcony ---and the Atlantic Ocean! Another thing we loved was sitting outside on our balcony, drinking some Hot Tea and doing our Devotions from there!!!

Another of my favorite things to do this time of the year is waking up each morning to see a gorgeous SUNRISE from our balcony..  WOW!

Another thing we enjoy is walking on the beach!  George is 'patiently'???  (ha) waiting for me to join him!!!!!!!

Love the Palm Trees  and the dunes!!!!

Looking back from the beach at the Islander Inn;  Our building is the one to the left of the Gazebo, and our room was the top left!!!

Walking on the beach is WONDERFUL --especially this time of year when there are NOT many people around!!!!  LOVE it....

What do we do while on the beach???   We get a great walk in,  and we take lots of pictures.

We also love watching and HEARING the waves!!!

This old woman  absolutely loves  walking on the beach!  (It was a cold, windy day --but still, so much fun!)

We enjoy walking down to the Fishing Pier ---and I always love the REFLECTIONS.

IF you have followed my blog for many years,   you will remember  "MY" home... I have had my picture made in front of this HUGE beachfront home since 2012 (when they were building that home).   For some reason though,  the owners won't give me their home!!!!!  Dang!   ha ha ha

After our walk on the beach,  we enjoyed some REST time in the Gazebo.

Finally,  after a wonderful day,  we enjoyed seeing the gorgeous skies  --after SUNSET.
There are many other things we LOVE about being at the beach...  You will have to stay tuned to see more from Ocean Isle Beach,   December 2018...

Have a blessed week, my Friends.



Ann said...

All good things to love about going there. Glad you were able to make it there this year.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy

I love the beach too. Gorgeous photos of the beach and the sunsets are gorgeous. My sister lives nearby, so we have walked past this condo during our walks on the beach. The view from the room is awesome. I would December is a great time to go, I do not like the crowd either. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So glad you two were able to go this year. The beach is better without the crowds and your pics show the beauty that you enjoyed.

Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

Marcia said...

Looks like a lovely spot. I had thought we may meander down the coast this year but doesn't look like it will happen. I must have my gall bladder out. Scheduled for 1/2/19. Maybe will get there another year.

George said...

You did a great job showing why we enjoy Ocean Isle Beach so much. It was wonderful to get back there this year!

Jeevan said...

I know how you love Ocean Isle beach and the view from your room balcony and I’m glad you could make up this year and enjoyed the beach as well. I too love beaches and like to explore new ones. You got great shots! Awesome sunrise

Betsy said...

that is a beautiful place Betsy. It reminds me very much of the hotel we stay at in Oregon on the coast. The buildings look very much alike, only we watch the sunsets instead of the sunrises! We are hoping to take a trip there in February. Being at the ocean really restores our souls. It’s been a couple of years and your photos make me long for it even more. I’m looking forward to your next posts.
Blessings always, Betsy

Arkansas Patti said...

With views like those, you are totally excused for not posting earlier. You basically have the place to your selves. That is wonderful. Those sunrise and sunset pictures were frame worthy. Glad you had such a special time.

Fun60 said...

What isn't to like about that place. Just gorgeous.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good to see you again! I am so glad you got to go this year! Was it very cold, it kind of looks like it. But then again, not many people. I think my favorites are the last one, the palm trees (which look braided!), and the beautiful symmetry of the pier. It is kind of an architectural shot! Also George at the bottom of the steps.

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say it looks lovely there - How cold is it this time of year? The sunset gorgeous too. you are lucky you get to travel so much. Hope you feel okay. sandiae

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, how wonderful! You were in a paradise! Peace.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

There's obviously a lot to love about this place. The sunrise and sunset shots are especially beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The things you mention are the things I think I would enjoy about the beach.Im not a water persons that part of beach activity does not appeal to me.You get some gorgeous shots, bth from your suite and while on the beach.

Linda said...

Glad you had fun! Beautiful views!

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Miss Betsy my friend! So so glad y'all got to make this special beach trip and I love your pictures. Believe me, I never take for granted that we can walk on the beach any time we desire, picnic there, watch the sunsets/sunrises, watch the fury of approaching hurricanes, and the gentle waves of a hot summer day. I always stand in amazement at God's handiwork with the deep water, the way the waves never ever ever stop coming, the creatures that live in the salty water, and the shells that are tossed up on the sand for us to discover. Looks like y'all had a lovely time and stayed at a lovely place. Hope your week is going great so far, is it cold there? Goodness gracious we've had alot of cold cold rain the past 3 days, just nasty weather. Looks like alot of snow up north. Did y'all get any of that?

linda m said...

That is such a beautiful Resort. My favorite time at the beach is when it isn't full of people and I can just enjoy the beauty and peace of the ocean.

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! I love walking on the beach too. It is so peaceful and relaxing. I'm glad you were able to make the trip this year. It is nice to be there in the off season without the crowds.

David said...

Betsy, It is a great area, that's for sure. Of course, the last time we were there, we had to flee before a huge flooding rain system that caused a lot of damage in the Carolina's. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my Betsy, what a fabulous post.
Your photographs are wonderful.
The beach looks fabulous, I'd love to walk there, and the sunsets are majestic.
Great post.
I hope your week is going well.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Lady Fi said...

Wow - stunning!

Small Kucing said...

Good Day, Betsy :)

Another hoiliday. I love the Sunrise photo. So beautiful

Hope you and George are having a great weekend over there