Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, November 19, 2018

On the ROAD......

Highway 215, North Carolina --10/23/18
From October 22-26, 2018,  we were "on the ROAD"  with our good friends, Neal and Patti.  We met in Maggie Valley, North Carolina for a few days of fun, photography, eating (of course), and traveling the ROADS.    We packed in a lot into those few days:  seeing the Elk in Cataloochee,  traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway,  hiking and seeing several waterfalls,  traveling the Balsam Mountain Road and the Heintooga Ridge Road,  and  visiting other 'back' roads --such as Highway 215 and Highway 276.

I kept noticing while going through all of my many, many photos from that trip,  just how many pictures I had taken from the roads we had been on that week.   SO--today,   just get a cup of your favorite beverage,  sit back and take a ride with us on several of the ROADS we traveled.

Heintooga Ridge Road  (Balsam Mtn) --10/24/18   (This unpaved,  one lane, one way road took us from Balsam Mountain ALL of the way down the mountain,  coming out at Cherokee, NC)

Heintooga Ridge Rd (Balsam Mtn)--10/24/18  (I keep telling my sons Mark and Bert how much they'd love this road in Mark's shiny new RED JEEP.)

One more from Heintooga Ridge Road (Balsam Mtn)---10/24/18;  I am working on an entire post from this adventure  if and when I can get it ready for publishing!!!!  Right now,  picking up the leaves in our yard is taking most of my/our time!

Back on  Highway 215 ---10/25/18   (The Fall Colors were prettier than my first photo taken along this road on 10/23/18)

We stopped to see a waterfall along Hwy 215..  George snapped this picture of me taking a picture of the waterfall across the street.   10/25/18

Can you tell how much we all love taking pictures????? ha...   Nothing like standing IN the road to get a good shot!!!!!  -Hwy 215---10/25/18

I obviously was in the middle of the road to get this picture on Hwy 215. Ha Ha  ---10/25/18

Traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway ---10/25/18

Another from the Blue Ridge Parkway,  10/25/18

Another beautiful 'back' road in North Carolina;   We left the parkway and headed toward Brevard on Highway 276 ---10/25/18

More from Highway 276 in North Carolina---10/25/18

Highway 276---10/25/18
Hope you enjoyed our little ROAD Trip today... We were a little early for the brilliant Autumn Colors this year  (since everything was about 2+ weeks late due to such a warm October)---but as you can see from some of these pictures,  we did see some beauties here and there. You will note from the pictures that the colors got better with each day that we were there!!

We loved every minute just being with Neal and Patti.   The four of us have a lot in common  ---so traveling together is very special!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Thanks for taking us on the road trip with your all and looking at God's wonderful nature and the changing colours in autumn. Have a great week ahead Betsy and regards to George.

Ann said...

Fun trip. I love pictures of tree lined roads and even more so when it's a dirt road. They just seem to call to you to follow them

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy. Looks like a beautiful Autumn road trip.
The trees and colors are gorgeous. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Big Dude said...

Sure was a pretty drive - I like that part of the world.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

So much beauty and so much fun. I think it's neat that you four have become such friends and traveling and photography buddies.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh Betsy, these are gorgeous pictures. I love those one lane roads and if they have a few curves thrown in, that makes them even better.Love ,love, love this post and all the pictures. I'm off to Winnipeg right after my morning bus run.Some shopping and a concert tonight.Pray for safety as we travel.

George said...

You got some gorgeous photos from the road. We did a pretty good job of tracking down fall colors.

Betsy said...

Such beautiful photos of the ROADS. The fall colors are wonderful. Our leaves have been gone for weeks. It’s been very cold here but not a lot of snow yet, so that makes me happy. I have never traveled in your part of the world, but your photos show me just how beautiful it is. God‘s handiwork is amazing. He paints such stunning colors doesn’t he?
Many blessings, Betsy

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful trip, Betsy! My favorite is the fourth one, just look at that light!!

Fun60 said...

I like the photos of the others taking photos.

Arkansas Patti said...

Seeing all those cool roads makes me want to take my own road trip. Thanks for taking us along.

linda m said...

What beautiful colors.

Silver in AZ said...

Betsy, just absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Martha said...

You followed in our footsteps! Balsam Mountain and Heintooga Road are beautiful.

Connie said...

Pretty pictures, Betsy. You found some lovely color. I'm glad you had a nice trip and visit with your friends too.

The Furry Gnome said...

Love those back roads!

Judy said...

What fun! I would have been in the middle of the road with you because I like taking pictures too.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Betsy - how nice you found friends who like the same things you do.

Thanks for taking me through those roads - we don't travel much - and I just love to see the change of colors there.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

What a cool idea to post road photos when they offer such beauty due to the surrounding trees and fall colors. Have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday with your folks.

Lady Fi said...

Wow - glorious photos!

Linda said...

Beautiful colors! Love the shot of everyone taking pictures!

Rohrerbot said...

LOVELY road trek. I love all the colors!

Jeevan said...

Words can’t describe how I love such roads and it’s quite my kind of stuff to take – roads that are less travelled or riding through isolated mountain roads. Beautiful and scenic highways and back road! I see how u guys enjoy taking photos and ride through forest and woods.


Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
What beautiful photographs you've shared here.
It's so lovely to have such good friends and spend time together as you do.
I loved all of your photographs but such fun seeing you all in them taking photographs :)
I hope you've had a lovely week, and a Happy Thanksgiving.

All the best Jan

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I've been away from Facebook and your photographs and entries as well as from the blog for several weeks. I'm glad to return today and read your posting on the roads you've been traveling. One of my favorite poems by Robert Frost is the poem "The Less Traveled Road" or maybe it's "The Road Less Traveled." Can't remember which title. But always when I'm making a decision I think of the last lines of that poem, which I first read when I was in high school. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. Peace.