Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 27, 2018


A Very Happy Lady enjoying our COOL Weather early one morning 
Hi There from WONDERFUL Tennessee.   We have had some cooler, less humid and AWESOME weather the past few days...  The picture above was taken one early morning when George and I were enjoying some special time on our deck...  The temperature that morning was about 57 degrees. That is why I was dressed in my sweats and even had a blanket, some hot tea,  and my Sweetheart to keep me warm!!!!!    Gotta Love It!!!!!!

I had been contemplating as to what to write for this week's blog post...  There were lots of possibilities  (Mammoth Cave Trip,  Pisgah Inn Trip,  and more Day Lilies)...  I just couldn't come up with one that I wanted to do...  SO---what did I do instead????????   I went outside  and 'walked-the-yard'.... WOW---we have had a burst of color and our Roses are showing off all of their beauty.   (I am sure that the Roses enjoyed the cooler weather also!!!!)

SO-------my blog post this week is all about our ROSES....   I took ALL of these pictures on 8/25/18...  Hope you enjoy the burst of colors today!!!!  Some are still in bud form;  some are partially open;  some are almost finished blooming.  But---I hope you enjoy each and every one of them.

BRIGADOON Rose 8/25/18

LOVE AND PEACE  Rose 8/25/18

SEDONA Rose 8/25/18

PERFECT MOMENT  Rose 8/25/18

SOFT WHISPER Rose  8/25/18

ROYAL WELCOME Rose 8/25/18


TIFFANY Rose 8/25/18

ALEC'S RED Rose 8/25/18

ST. PATRICK'S  Rose 8/25/18  (This yellow rose does have a GREEN tint--so the name is appropriate!)

TROPICANA Rose  8/25/18

BEWITCHED  Rose 8/25/18

DOUBLE DELIGHT  Rose 8/25/18  (always a favorite of ours)
The Day Lilies are all gone  (until they bloom again in the Fall) ---so now the ROSES are showing off,  don't you think?    Do you have a favorite from this group????

Have an awesome week, my Friends.  And remember to take time to "smell the roses"....



BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Betsy my friend, just love the picture of you all snuggled up on the porch with your hot cup and your warm blanket! The warmest part is the warm and pretty smile on your face! My favorite of the roses is the Alec Red one....because of the intricacies of the petals and how they are folded and twirled, just beautiful. But they are all so pretty! wish I could SMELL THEM!! Hope y'all had a nice weekend!

Ann said...

All the roses are gorgeous. Glad you had some cooler weather. We had a few days that were cooler and then yesterday was very hot and humid. This morning I'm listening to a thunderstorm and there's a nice breeze coming in through the window

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Beautiful roses!!!

Enjoy that lovely cool and less humid weather. That's a blessing. I stuck my head out the door earlier and it is very steamy out.

Have a wonderful week surrounded by all of that rose beauty and heavenly scents.


George said...

I'm not sure about the roses, but I definitely enjoyed the cooler weather. It's too bad summer had to return. You got some great pictures of the roses.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Soft Whisper for me! You knew it would be, didn't you? Because you know how I go on about the Peppermint, and this reminds me of it. Next is Something Special, which it IS! We had the same three or four days of cool weather, but now it is back to the nineties.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The roses are all so beautiful. I think my pick today would be the Perfect Moment rose. I'm glad you explained about the green tint in the St. Patrick's rose. ;) It's nice to have some cooler mornings and evenings to look forward to. We're experiencing very hot and humid days right now. Our glasses steam up when we go outside!

Jeevan said...

Awesome roses and gorgeous capture the same. Roses are my favourite flowers and I really enjoyed checking each one and do wish I could smell their fragrance :) Glad the weather turns cool favouring you and the roses. Cheers

Betsy said...

Gorgeous roses you have. I think they do like the cooler weather the best. Mine look better in Spring and beginning of September. Love that St. Patricks day rose with that green tint.
Do you still grow your roses in pots?
I to am enjoying these cooler mornings, but don't have a nice looking bandanna blanket like you have. I like that.
Good day to you

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, the green-tinted rose is my favorite. And seeing you all cuddly and happy is my ultimate best picture! Blessings Jo

Lady Fi said...

So many fabulous roses in your garden!

Betsy said...

Gorgeous roses my friend. I love that picture of you. We are finally getting a drizzle of rain today. The first rain in 2 1/2 months and it seems to have washed some of the smoke away. Probably only for today, but I’m going to enjoy breathing easier while I have it. :-) I don’t know if you saw my reply to your comment on my post but that was Larry, our neighbor modeling the hat, not Dennis. Also we’re hoping Dennis will retire in about 3 1/2 years. It’s quite some time off, but we are planners. Always have been. With all of our children moving so far away, the plans that we have always had are no longer feasible, so we are brainstorming other things now. Have a lovely day.
Blessings, Betsy

linda m said...

They are all so beautiful. If I had to pick just one I would go with Love and Peace - I love the different colors. Thanks for the roses tour.

Arkansas Patti said...

We had a taste of cooler weather also but it was just a taste. Back up in the mid 90's now.
Normally I don't care for yellow roses as much but ST. PATRICK'S jumped out at me. Maybe it is the hint of green.
Bet your place smells divine.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is impossible to pick just one favourite,these are all roses after all.Only my favourite flower. I'll just have a mixed bouquet, one of each.Thanks for sharing these beauties.

Chatty Crone said...

SEDONA Rose - I love it's special pink color! You look so comfortable there all covered up - I wish we were cooler - it is hot here! I wait for fall. Love, sandie

Shug said...

Perfect moment and Tiffany.....oh how beautiful they are. Each and every one of them are gorgeous, but these two are my favorites. I know these must have such a sweet fragrance. Please send that cooler weather my way.

Linda said...

It's hard to pick a favorite! Lovely pictures!

Linda P said...

Your blog posts are uplifting whatever you choose to share with us. I'm glad that you are finding the cooler weather more comfortable. It's cooler here too and time to put on some warmer clothes I think, although you never know with our British weather as we might get some more warm weather. Your roses are still looking beautiful. My favourite is Perfect Moment.

Marcia said...

We had some cooler weather but it didn't last for long. 100% humidity today I'm told. I'll experience it when I head out after lunch.

Fun60 said...

Your roses are such a picture of health. They must benefit from all your words of encouragement as you wander through your garden.

Bobbie said...

I am so ready for cooler weather! The roses are lovely but the picture of you with that big smile is even lovelier! Hope you are having a good week.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You roses are 'blooming' marvellous Betsy. You are loooking good as well

Beth said...

Good to be back here! It's been ages. I was fixing my blog when I chanced upon your comment. So I dropped by here. I like your picture, I wish I would look as fresh and contented when I reach your age (and it will be soon!).

I like all the flowers here. Just made me remember to water my plants :)
As for the post, I would love to read about the cave trip!

Lady Di Tn said...

I prefer the Alec Red followed by Bewitched. I bought a rose the other day to remind me of my Mother but it is a solar rose that changes colors at night and I put it out front in order to see it when I stroll up and down the hall. Peace
BTW The photo of you on the porch shows your sweet personality.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Betsy,
I love the picture of you on the porch - what a lovely smile.
Your roses are all quite beautiful and so hard to choose a favourite.
Have a good week, and take care.

All the best Jan

Connie said...

I'm glad you are having a chance to enjoy the cooler weather. It has been a long, hot summer. Your roses are so gorgeous! So many varieties to enjoy. I love all the colors.

David said...

Hi Betsy, Beautiful roses as usual! We just returned from a 3 week road trip to the New England area and our yard is out of control at the moment! It doesn't help that a new home is being built next door either...what a mess. You look really content sitting there on your porch...nice! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh my y’all were chilly alright! A taste of Fall. We got the heat back now....Tiffany may be fav but how can I chose one of those beautiful roses!