Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 20, 2018

DayLilies in our Yard --Part I, Summer of 2018

Day Lily Bed---6/25/18
Dear Friends,   I've talked briefly about how pretty the Day Lilies in our yard have been this Summer...  I think they have been prettier (and many more of them) than previous years...  I actually have two more blog posts besides this one ready to share sometime with you.   AND these 3  posts only feature about 42 of our 70+ varieties located throughout our yard.  I had to pick and choose which ones to share --and that was hard since they all are so pretty.

The picture above show what one of our Day Lily beds looked like on 6/25/18...   Hope you enjoy seeing all of the ones I have chosen to feature today.

Blushing Summer Valentine Day Lily --6/8/18

Paper Butterfly Day Lily ---6/11/18

Custard Candy Day Lily---6/13/18

Bahama Butterscotch  Day Lilies ---6/15/18

Dancing Shiva Day Lily---6/15/18

Strawberry Candy Day Lilies---6/16/18

Fooled Me Day Lily ---6/16/18

South Seas Day Lily --6/16/18

Persian Market Day Lily ---6/16/18

Wineberry Candy Day Lilies---6/17/18

Indian Giver  Day Lilies ---6/18/18  (one of my favorites)

Lavender Vista Day Lily---6/20/18

Frankly Scarlet Day Lilies ---6/20/18

Eye Yi Yi Day Lily---6/21/18
As you can tell,   this group represents some of our JUNE DAY LILIES.... We order our Day Lilies from Oakes Daylilies right here in TN...  AND--we only buy re-bloomers  (which bloom again in Fall).  They are all perennials --so they come back again,  year after year!   Click HERE to check out Oakes  Daylilies!

Hope you enjoyed seeing these..  I love seeing them in big groups --but I also love to feature them individually so that you can see the details...They are all different --one from another,  but so pretty... Do you have a favorite from this group?

Have a wonderful week.


diane b said...

Your garden is a riot of colour and the variety is amazing. I like the Indian Giver one best.

Ann said...

They are all beautiful. I love the variety of color in the lily bed.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your daylilies are just gorgeous. SO many beautiful colors, it would be hard to pick a favorite. I love them all. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

Marcia said...

A wonderful selection. How do you remember all the names?

George said...

I love all the different colors you've featured in this post. You got some great photos of our daylilies. I just hope they do as well in the fall.

Big Dude said...

You have quite a variety and your shots of them are very pretty.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It's a lot of work to keep a yard like yours, but it brings so much enjoyment. These are all lovely. I love some of the names, i.e., "Frankly Scarlet."

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, Betsy!! Now I am wondering how many re-blooming day lilies actually exist! You have two more posts with them? I can't wait to see what other kinds you have!! It was just too hard to pick a favorite! So here are my favoriteS! Bahama Butterscotch, Dancing Shiva, South Seas, Indian Giver. What is your favorite? I am thinking south Seas because you posted them on Facebook. How on earth do they come up with these names? I think I will Google it.

Chatty Crone said...

Pretty! I wonder who comes up with their names? I liked the Dancing Shiva Day Lily....Love, sandie

Silver in AZ said...

Betsy...just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh my these are gorgeous! I can’t imagine 79 varieties....my fav is strawberry candy 😁

linda m said...

Your garden is so pretty. I really need to put in some Day Lilies in my yard.

Liene said...

Absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing! My favorite is the Fool Me :)

Arkansas Patti said...

I would pick a favorite but then another one would take its place. How about "all of the above"?
How your remember all their names is impressive.

Betsy said...

There is absolutely no way I could ever choose a favorite among these. They are all gorgeous! How blessed you are to have such beauty to look at every day. We have smoke, smoke and more smoke. Yuck! We’re told it will probably last through the end of the summer until it snows. Oh well, not much we can do about it and it seems to get worse every year.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like the Wineberry candy! They are all so lovely!

Shug said...

they are all beautiful. what do you do when they stop blooming? Do you leave the foliage or cut it back until next year?

Ruth Hiebert said...

You must know that I love them all, but if I must pick a favourite,it would be Indian Giver.That color is different yet so pretty.

Lady Fi said...

Superb shots of your wonderful lilies.

Jeevan said...

Wow! I just love all your day lilies and the effort you put to capture them individually. Not only are the day lilies special in their unique layers and colors, but the connecting with reasonable names make feel inspiring.

Fun60 said...

Your lilies are always stunning. How I would love to see them all in bloom in your yard. That must be quite a sight.

Lady Di Tn said...


Connie said...

They are all so beautiful! I don't think I can choose a favorite because I love them all!

Linda said...

My goodness, you have so many flowers! I love the Dancing Shiva and also the purple varieties.

Sally Wessely said...

Lillies galore! I love the splashes of color.

Pat Tillett said...

Hi Betsy! Gorgeous flowers and beautiful photos of them.
You are clearly a dedicated gardener.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Betsy! I love those candy day lilies,,,,,,so so beautiful and so unique! Glad you stopped in, and you had once asked for more restaurant posts, so I'm trying to get some up for you. We like to eat out, but I don't always do posts of it, guess I will if I know you enjoy those.Yes, the pictures of me on my blog Mr. Front Porch does those for me. He has gotten lots better and and usually we get a good one or two, ha ha LOL Hope y'all are having a great weekend, what do y'all have planned?

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful flowers and such wonderful colours.

All the best Jan